{Edit} do you guys think 'what is love?' Is a good title for this book? Or was it better as it was. My other choice was 'what if...'
Please help me out xD I don't know whether it is a good title ya know. Thank you~~
"Hey Chanyeol" Jongin said as the older walked into the kitchen. "I'm guessing your foot is okay now?"
He was right, Chanyeol had walked into the room without the bandage around his foot and his steadiness was fine, as if he never hurt his foot. Although he had no bandage, Jongin couldn't see whether the cuts had healed properly as Chanyeol had covered up his feet with socks.
"Yeah, it is" Chanyeol replied back.
He sat down at the table opposite from Jongin. "Em hey.. Do you.. Do you know where Baekhyun is?"
Clearly that was his attempt to act normal but it didn't quite work.
"Yeah, he's already gone to his class"
Chanyeol sighed slightly before getting up to make some breakfast. "Okay, well are you going in today?"
"Yeah why?"
"It's just that you seem to always be the one to leave first for some reason... How come you haven't left yet? Won't you be late?"
"They moved my session to a bit later. It's slightly annoying I have to admit" 'because I didn't get to see Kyungsoo walk into the building like I normally do' Jongin thought.
"Oh right" Chanyeol sat back down and began eating. Jongin thought about how Chanyeol seemed better than before. He was eating well again and wasn't moping around.
Jongin got up from his seat and began washing his dish. As he did so, he kept turning back to Chanyeol; he looked as though he wanted to speak but didn't know where to start. He even began tapping his finger on the table. "What is it?"
Chanyeols head shot up. "Wait what? W-what's what?"
"What is it that you want to say?"
"Erm... Why would I want to ugh...say something?"
"you're doing this weird finger tapping thing and you look like your stressing over something, so what is it?"
"O-oh" he stopped tapping. "Well... It's—you see—I—Erm... Do you think I'd be able to come with you?"
"Come with me? To the dance session? Chanyeol when have you wanted to start dancing?"
"No no, I mean—yes but no. I mean to the place—school—art school—whatever. I don't want to take up dancing, no"
"Oh" Jongin chuckled. "Right. Well I can't see why not." He smiled at Chanyeol and Chanyeol smiled back.
"wait, remind me why you want to come again?"
"Sehunnie oppa? Is everything okay?"
Sehun looked up after staring at the empty space on the bench next to him. Sehun didn't hear what EunMi had just asked, he heard her voice but clearly didn't seem to process what she had said. "Huh?"
"I said is everything okay?" She sat in the empty space and put her hand on Sehuns shoulder comfortingly.
"Oh yeah. Of course why wouldn't it be?" Sehun smiled and ruffled her hair although he was still confused about what the hell has happened. 'What was wrong with Luhan?'
Eun Mi giggled and straightened her hair. "Well, if you're fine, shall we get going? We've been through all the shops so maybe we should head home"
"Yeah, sure "
Sehun and Eun Mi took the bus back to where they met and then split off in their separate ways.
While walking the rest of the way back home, Sehun felt exhausted. Mentally and physically.
His mind continuously wandered back to the questions about Luhan.
'Why did Luhan seem so... Weird...When I told him?'
'Why did he seem so upset?'
'Did I say something wrong?'
Sehun hoped it was nothing to with what he said, and maybe Luhan was just having a bad day. He didn't want to fall out with Luhan—already he felt unnaturally close with him and it had only been a week or two since they met. He had always wanted a friend to drink bubble tea with. To talk comfortably with and even informally even if they are older. To tell each other important things and secret. Sehun knew that Luhan could be one of those people.
Sehun simply could not get his head around the fact Luhan had looked upset and rushed off when he told his plan to ask Eun Mi to be his girlfriend.
Suddenly he stopped walking, so that he was stood still in the middle of the path to his house.
'He's still coming to dance practice right?'
'Oh wait.... Aish'
Sehun remembered he also had something else today on today. But it had been moved to a later time.
He was going to be late for his Dance sessions.
Luhan woke up thinking he had slept the whole night. He looked at the time and it had only been a couple of hours since he remembered getting home. Luhan got up off his bed and wondered out of his room only to find no one here.
'Oh' Luhan thought. 'Dance'
In some way he wished the two roommates would have woke him up so he could have gone to the session with Yixing like he started doing—mainly just to show Sehun that there was nothing wrong. What Sehun saw, Luhan running off from his looking really upset, was a mistake and had nothing to do with him whatsoever. But of course he did and Luhan knew that if he did go he most likely wouldn't be able to contain him self from crying or leaving the room after seeing the slight of Sehun.
So while he was home alone he sat on the sofa and well... Did nothing. He hoped Yixing would come home and ZiTao... Wherever he was? Wait where was ZiTao??
"What do you want?"
"To say hello... And hang out?" ZiTao smiled in hope that Yifan who was standing at the door would let him in.
"Suho isn't here, he's out. Come again later if you want to chat" Yifan closed the door on his face.
So ZiTao breathe in and knocked again. After a few second the door flung open.
"Go away"
"I didn't want to talk to suho Hyung. I mean I don't mind, but that isn't the reason I came. "
"Okay." Yifan said flatly and began closing the door again but ZiTao managed to block it with his foot.
"Ohmygod are you serious?"
"Didn't you hear what I just said?" ZiTao pouted.
"Yes I did and I don't want to talk to you, so go away. Can't you talk with someone else?"
"Please? Please let me in? I can try and cook something? I can't guarantee it'll be amazing. Lay-ge has gone to his dance thingy and Luhan-ge is asleep. Pretty please?"
"Wake Him up them."
"No! That's rude!"
"Well you'll have to sit and wait until he wakes up"
"Ge-ge! Please! I said I'd make you food!"
"Oh for heavens sake! Fine, you can come in. I'm only doing this for the food okay? Nothing else? After that you can leave, okay? Got it?" Zitao nodded eagerly with a big grin and then after hesitating, Yifan walked away from the door and disappeared into the living room. Zitao followed him in and closed the door.
"So..." Zitao said as he stood he awkwardly stood behind Yifan who was already sat down on the sofa. "What do you want me to make?" He watched the older shrug without turning round to face him or even speak. Rude.
Zitao decided to Make his own way into the kitchen and since Yifan clearly wasn't going to help, he searched through the draws and cupboards to see what he could use. It didn't take him long to find a recipe of something simple for both him and Yifan. Yifan didn't move from the sofa the whole time he was cooking which Zitao didn't like. He had come here to hang out with him not make his dinner. But then again what did Zitao expect from the older? For him to say 'Awh hello Tao! Yes come in come in! I'd love to have a chat with you'?
No. It certainly didn't work like that—not with Yifan.
Once Zitao finished his meal, he hoped to god it actually tasted nice, otherwise he really would be kicked out as this was the only reason he was let in. The younger called Yifan from the kitchen and minutes later in he came. He sat down silently at their dinner table and waited for Zitao to bring the food.
When Zitao sat with him as he placed down their dishes, Yifan looked at him with one raised eyebrow. "What are you doing?"
"Sitting down?" Zitao said unsure what to answer with. "We can eat together" he smiled and handed a pair of chopsticks to Yifan who then replied by rolling his eyes.
After tucking in to the homemade meal, Zitao decided to start a conversation. " so... Do you like it? Is it nice?"
"Yeah, it's nice."
"Are you sure? Are you lying to me?"
"Yes I am and no"
"I can't believe you like it!"
"Tao can you be quiet for like—1 minute?"
Zitao shut his mouth, feeling slightly hurt but he looked on the bright side. 'At least he didn't say shut up straight to my face..'
Sehun ran into the practise room late, everyone had already started without him. The first thing he noticed was that Luhan was not there. And he instantly knew something was off.
"Hey uh... Lay" Sehun tapped on the orders shoulder. "Do you know where Luhan is?" He said, thinking maybe Luhan could still be here, just at the toilet or somewhere else, even though he saw none of Luhan's bags.
"Yeah, he's at home alseep" Yixing smiled.
"O-oh. Do you know, maybe, if he's okay? B-because he uh kinda ran off earlier and he didn't look too good—"
"Actually I was sorta hoping you knew" Yixing chuckled as he scratched his nape.
"Oh.." Sehun didn't know what else to say, so he stood still and thought as hard as he possibly could.
The singing sessions were over and everyone was packing up as Junmyeon told the three of them "well done today. You were all great".
Baekhyun was ready first and decided to wait for his friends and as soon as they were all packed away the group of four made their way out of the class room and began walking down the hall. They normally walked the the way down the hall where you passed the dance class, if they were all together. This meant they could sneak a peak at what the other guys had been practising and comment on their choreography. They knew most of the people in there and knew they were also very good dancers.
Before they reached the dance session door, or even moved an inch down the hallway, a voice called out from behind them.
"Baekhyun" it said and they all turned round, only to see that it was no one unfamiliar.
"Chanyeol?" Baekhyun replied back with slight confusion. Chanyeol held two cups of coffee in both his hands and stood with a goofy smile that didn't fade even when everyone was staring at him. His eyes didn't move from the one he called out too. "I-I don't understand, wha—what are you doing here?"
"I thought that I'd meet you here before you left.." Chanyeol moved a step closer "and then we could walk home together.."
Baekhyun couldn't hide the slight blush that appeared on his cheeks. 'Why did he have to come the only time I wait for my friends?'
Baekhyun heard Jongdae giggle behind him. "We'll going then I guess" the boy said. "See you later Baekhyun. And chanyeol"
Baekhyun spun round to tell them to not to leave but ended up just waving goodbye. Once they were out of sight, Baekhyun turned around yet again to face Chanyeol however he had moved closer. Chanyeol was stood right in front of him holding out a coffee cup. Baekhyun nearly jumped back after seeing him so close compared to these last couple of days where they had kept their distance.
"Here" was all Chanyeol said and Bakehyun took the cup, not being able to stop a smile from tugging on his lips.
"Thank you"
"You're welcome" Baekhyun looked up to Chanyeol and saw a nervous smile. "Do you—uh—want to sit here and drink it and then go home, or drink it while walking? "
"Sit here? in the hallway?" Baekhyun joked.
"Aigoo, no Pabo. I mean in the cafeteria"
"Nah I kinda just want to get home."
"Okay, well drink it on the way then. It's getting chilly out there so the coffee should keep us kind of warm.." With that the two of them began walking down the hallway towards the Main entrance.
When they got outside it took them a while to get back into talking like they used too. But after that, it seemed as though nothing had happened before that.
They were nearly home when Baekhyun decided to change the topic.
"So you do actually forgive me right?" He asked. "Because you played the cd right? Or was I just imagining things?"
"Yes Baekhyun, you did nothing wrong anyway." Chanyeol smiled but looked away.
It went silent between them after that conversation.
"I-is —uh— what Kai said..."
Chanyeol saw what was coming, but he couldn't exactly run away.
"Is it... Ah... True?" Baekhyun wasn't looking at Chanyeol when he said this, instead he was looking at the ground playing with the coffee cup he finished a while back but had still not seen a bin. He had cooled down again and it was becoming colder and colder, maybe even more than it did when they started walking.
"Uh... I—o-oh look w-we're home now.." Chanyeol pointed in front of him and rushed towards the house. He opened the door quickly before Baekhyun was even standing behind him and hurried inside.
Baekhyun, in a way felt disappointed that his best friend didn't answer the question, and he honestly didn't understand why. However He also felt slightly relieved aswell. Baekhyun was confused with how to react and how to feel.
He followed Chanyeol inside and shut the door behind him.
"Uwaa~Daebak!" Jongdae said as Junmyeon, Kyungsoo and him stood at the door gazing at the dancers. Kyungsoo tried to shush Jongdae from making such loud noises just invade they hear them and get distracted. And that would just be embarrassing.
"They are so good" Junmyeon was the second to speak.
Then Kyungsoo "They are but I think we shouldn't stand here any longer".
He began to worry that maybe the people inside would also think they were some creepy perverts or stalkers.
"Oops I think one saw us" Jongdae started laughing. 'How is this funny?' Kyungsoo thought. 'We just look like idiots now'. "Oh hey it was that cute tanned guy that came into our room! I had totally forgot he said he was only down the hall!" 'Cute? Tanned? Jongin?'
"Keep it down Chen! They might hear us." Junmyeon said and exuded to take on board what Kyungsoo had said only minutes ago. "Come one let's leave before we get in trouble."
They began walking and as they did, Kyungsoo had a quick-last-look. He saw that it was the guy who came in that was looking. Kyungsoo saw Jongin staring at the window in the door as he stood with another tall slim guy and a slightly smaller guy who actually had really plump lips. But then again they weren't as thick as Jongins lips. Who was still staring out the door straight at Kyungsoo.
Who happened to be staring at his... Lips?
'Aish!' Kyungsoo jumped out of sight and hushed the other two door the hall, eager to get out of the building. Now he really would look creepy.
"They are so good" Junmyeons eyes were wondering around the dance room and fell on the small sweet male better known as Yixing.
Luckily, Yixing didn't see anything that was happening at the door, it was only that 'kai' who saw. Junmyeon couldn't believe he was that good at Dancing. In a way, he felt like he could watch them for hours.
After staring at the boy a little longer as he carried on dancing, Junmyeon felt strange and weird in his stomach. He didn't know whether it was because he was hungry or maybe he had gotten sick. Junmyeon suddenly felt like they should leave.
Maybe that feeling was something else.
"Come on let's go before we get in trouble."
Wow I didn't expect this chapter to be this long.
But hey ho I hope you like it.
Sorry had too...
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