**just to let you know this chapter only really has Hunhan, Sulay, and Taoris parts in it (mostly Hunhan). But put your seat belts on kids were going for a bumpy ride ㅠㅠ**
"So Eun Mi," Sehun started when they took their seats in the bus. "What are we doing today?"
"I'm sorry I didn't really plan something special.. But i was thinking we could just go into town?" She played with the end of her skirt that was covered in a flower pattern. He blouse matched he her skirt and it looked even more pretty on her. To Sehun she was one of the prettiest girls he had ever met.
He hair was like a fudge colour and it waved down over her shoulders.
'She looks amazing' Sehun had thought.
Sehun smiled at her. "That sounds great"
'He still hasn't told me when he wanted to meet up again' Luhan thought while looking at Sehuns contact. 'Or did he just mean in general'
'Or is he lying completely and he's only saying that to make me think he enjoyed spending time with me?'
'Oh god please not that one'
Luhan wondered whether it was acceptable for him to message Sehun asking when they would meet again but.. Was that to clingy?
He over thought about the idea and ended up ignoring it.
Luhan needed a break from thinking about him. Seriously. Maybe a day off would be better.
"Layyyyy!" Luhan shouted from inside his bedroom. "Oh and Tao!! Both of you!"
A second after, without a verbal reply, Yixing opened the door and entered along with a following ZiTao.
"Right, how would you two like to go out shopping with me?" Luhan asked
Yixing looked at Luhan and hesitated before saying "why?"
"What? Does there have to be a reason?" Luhan scrunched up his face.
"Fine okay okay I'll go since I have nothing else to do"
"Erm yeah sure. As long as I get to invite someone"
"Done. " Luhan clapped and stood up. "It's Kris isn't it?"
Junmyeon opened the door three boys standing at their doorstep. 'Again?' He thought.
"Hey Hyung! I was wondering whether you'd like to join us in going shopping?" Luhan smiled.
"Err..." Junmyeon's eyes travelled across the three and landed on Yixing, he was smiling too and you could see his dimples. "Yeah sure"
'Wait what' Junmyeon thought 'did I just... Just agree because of Y-Yixing?'
"Great!" Junmyeon was about to turn around to fetch his bag, keys and wallet until Luhan spoke again. "Oh and could you ask if Kris wants to come? This one here wants him to join too" he said with his hand on ZiTao who was blushing slightly.
Junmyeon chuckled slightly before nodding 'yes'. He disappeared back inside and the three boys waited outside. Junmyeon soon came back with his backpack and another tall boy,Yifan.
Everyone was surprised that Yifan had agreed or at least on the first attempt to get him to come.
When they all began walking to the bus stop, after locking up, Yixing slowed down to walk with Junmyeon.
"How did you get him to come?"
"I just asked. And he said yes." He laughed. "But he also said he wasn't coming because he wanted to come with us, he's going because he needs to buy a few things for something."
Yixing laughed with him.
Then surprisingly to Junmyeon, Yixing linked his arm with him with the cutest smile he had seen. He couldn't say no or push him off because of that. Junmyeon was unsure how to react at first so he did nothing but walk next to the boy who clang onto him, even going slightly stiff.
When they got on the bus, you could see ZiTao was eager to sit next to Yifan but Yifan nearly dragged Junmyeon down so he would sit next to him. LuHan sat next to Tao and Yixing sat in the front of them alone—but he sat sideways with his legs dangling over the side so he could join in with the rest of the conversations.
It didn't take long before they reached the shopping centre and they all piled out the bus. Luhan hadn't been here in a while and it already looked like they have re-done a few things up, or maybe added in a new extra shop.
'I could probably buy a new top, new jeans, oh oh! Maybe even a whole new outfit and then I can wear it to go out with Sehun!' Luhan thought excitedly. (Hehehehe you got me so excited... Sorry)
He pulled everyone into the first shop he saw and by the time they came out, Luhan had already bought a new pair of shoes. Everything he looked at, Luhan asked himself 'would Sehun like this'? This didn't make anything that easy as Luahn didn't know him much yet but he convinced himself that next time he would see him, luhan will ask him all the important questions—and even unimportant!
Of course he let his friends chose which shops they would go in too because he didn't want to come across rude, especially to his newer friends. Like all the times they've met so far, Yifan still didn't talk much. Zitao looked like he was following him like a lost puppy... Or panda...? Luahn could see that he wanted for Yifan to at least acknowledge him once, but Yifan seemed to be arrogant enough to ignore him.
Luhan spent most of the time walking in front of my friends, as if He was leading them, but it was just because he was happy and excited to be where he was. Occasionally, he would turn round to see Yixing and Junmyeon chatting away with smiles on their face. Or maybe even Yixing with his arm linked in Junmyeons, pulling to Windows of shops to see the small trinkets on display. After a while Luhan thought junmyeon had finally gotten used to Yixing clinging onto him as his facial expression had eased and was smiling just the same.
By time we had our lunch in the food court, Luhan had bought a pair of shoes, a jacket and a tshirt, even some more makeup (just incase of those special days with Sehun), a pair of sunglasses and a phone case. He knew he had bought the most out of the rest of them but he didn't care, he knew he had spent his money well. Yixing had brought a bracelet and, aswell as Luhan, a phone case and a candle. Junmyeon was the only one who didn't buy anything, however Yixing had bought another bracelet for him to wear, which happened to be matching with his own. Zitao bought two new tops and a pair of shoes . And finally Yifan had brought a new SnapBack and a new bag.
In total, they had a good day of spending and it was only lunch time.
After their small meal, the five of them finished looking around the last few shops that were left. From then on was when things went down hill for LuHan.
One of the last shops they went into was a music shop; Zitao had previously said he wanted to find a certain album. The group went in together and began to help the younger search for his album.
"Yixing and I are going to wait outside the shop" Luhan had said to the rest of them after no use of the cd. They decided to leave it up to Zitao, Junmyeon
And Yifan to find it.
When Luhan and Yixing stepped out the automatic doors he spotted a familiar boy he met not long ago.
'Sehun?' as if he had said it out loud, The boy standing at the edge looking down to the floor beneath, shifted and turned right. Enough for Luhan to know for sure it was him.
"Sehun!" Luhan made his way through the passing crowd to the younger. Yes maybe he forgot about telling Yixing where he was going but he knew he would just follow. Sehun didn't turn around when he had called him, so Luhan tried once more as he reached him. "Sehun" that time he didn't need to shout as he tapped the youngers shoulders and he spun round.
Sehun smiled when he saw the face of who tapped him and this made Luhan's heart flutter, as if he was waiting there especially for him.
"Hey Hyung" he replied back.
Suddenly Luahn didn't know what to say. "Erm w-what are you doing here?"
"Shopping the same as you I'm guessing, with how many bags you've got" Sehun laughed.
"Oh haha yeah.. I forgot we were in a shopping centre for a second.. Oops"
Yixing joined Luhan's side and Sehun greeted him. "Oh hey lay, You've come along with Luhan then?"
"Yeah. Aswell as three others inside there" he pointed towards the music store. "Have you just came here alone?"
"Ah well n—" Sehun was cut off by this short brown haired girl wrapping her arms round his arm. Luahn didn't know who she was but he definitely thought she was rude to come up to a stranger, who was still talking, and ruin their conversation. It wasn't until Sehun said "hey EunMi" that Luhan realised she wasn't a stranger. Luhan was confused and he sure hoped this girl was a relative.
"Hey" she said staring into his eyes lovingly. Luhan felt sick.
"Guys this is EunMi, EunMi this is Luhan and Lay"
As Yixing and 'EunMi' greeted each other, Luhan kept quiet. He had nothing else to say, especially to her. 'Wait no. Calm yourself Luhan, he hasn't said anything yet. Who says they are a thing? They could be relatives... Of some sort.'
"So are you guys like... Together?" Yixing asked.
They both laughed. 'Good. That's was a good sign. Right?'
"No" they said in unison. Luhan felt a bit more relieved but still couldn't control the jealously within his heart.
EunMi excused herself to go to the toilet and that left the three boys alone. Until Yixing left, too, and re-entered the music shop. Which meant: a jealous Luhan and a clueless Sehun.
Luhan faced Sehun after blanking out over what happened. "Yeah"
"Can I tell you something?" Luhan looked into sehuns eyes and he was staring straight back into his.
"Y-yeah. Anything" Luhan braced himself for this question, he prayed to God that it was not about—
"I'm going to ask EunMi to be my girlfriend." Sehun was smiling. Sehun was smiling.
"I said I'm going to—"
"I know I heard."
"Then why'd you—"
"Doesn't matter"
"Oh... Ok" there was a pause before he asked "so what do you think?"
'What do I think? What do I think!?! I think you're killing me! I think you must be kidding. Seriously. I goddamn hope you are.' Luhan felt a aching pain in his chest and his head throbbed as he felt more and more sick. Luhan didn't understand. He had so many questions. More than before. Luhan felt weaker and sad— he hasn't feel like this is a while and he didn't understand why is had to be now. He panicked even more when he realised he was taking longer and longer to reply each time.
"Uh—" gulp. "How long have you known her?"
"Not that long to be honest" Sehun chuckled nervously. "I started talking to her a couple of Days before you began coming to dance practise and we've met up only a couple more times than I've met up with you. But I can feel something. I'm unsure what it is but I know. She's gotta be the one right?"
"Right.." Luhan mumbled back looked down towards the floor.
Luhan could have probably cried right then and there. But he held back the tears. 'Are you sure she's the one?' Luhan didn't like the girl. Didn't like EunMi, didn't even like the name anyone. Luhan knew he shouldn't take it out on her; she was probably kind, innocent, cute, loving, basically everything that anyone would want in a partner for all Luhan knew. He sensed Sehun wasn't stupid to find a girl who was disrespectful or rude to him or anyone else but... He couldn't help it. He could help but despise the fact she was his first choice.
'You've only met her a few times...'
'What happens if she's completely different after they date?'
'You at least need to see her a month or so right?'
'No scrap that. Scrap her. Meet me more often. I can show you love. I can make you fall in love with me.. Please..'
"Are you okay Hyung?"
Luhan needed to leave. We wanted to be at home. In his bed. With his favourite movies and CDs and food that cheer him up when he's sad. He didn't think he could bare this any longer.
Luhan stood up before he created a river " y-yes, I gotta go and uh h-help my friends" and before He could hear him reply Luhan shot into the music shop and ran up to Yixing. He turned to see me with a confused face.
"Oh my god, Luhan are you crying?"
"N-no. Just—" Luhan hide behind a shelf with Yixing so Sehun Couldn't see them "I-i need to go h-home."
"Okay, Luhan, calm down okay. it's okay—I'll take you home. Hold on let me just get the others. I'm sure they've found the damn cd by now surely."
"O-okay" Luhan's sniffling and hiccuping began. He really wished he was home. He should have never came out. 'Stupid stupid stupid' he thought to himself.
Yixing had told the rest rest they were going home and they joined. They had collected Zitaos cd but he ended up buying another one along with it. None of them questioned why Luhan was crying throughout the whole journey, they just kept quiet instead. Yixing was comforting him while in the bus and Junmyeon helped by even offering if he made dinner for them all. As much as the offer seemed nice, Luhan turned it down as he just wanted to be in his own bed alone right now. He already felt worn out from all their tears.
Yixing and Zitao left Luhan like he wanted alone in his room and from outside you could hear Luhan cry. But gradually, all the sniffles and hiccups and crying in general seem to die down after a while. This was becuase Luhan had fell asleep.
Fell asleep thinking about what oh Sehun had done to him. Oh Sehun had made him a mess.
'Why did it have to be her, and not me?'
'Why couldn't you have gave me a chance?'
'A chance to show you I can love you just as much and more'
Those were A few of Luhan's last thoughts before he drifted to sleep after dehydrating himself with tears.
I saw those picture on Pinterest when I was searching Korean fashion so I'm guessing it's Ulzzang stuff xD if you get me but I sort of based what Eun mi was wearing on here! (If you didn't already know Eun Mi is a made up character -there's probably idols called Eun Mi but I literally just made this character up so yeah xD
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