<[oh thank god I thought you wasn't going to answer me]
[why wouldn't I?]>
<[just that I thought you have been avoiding me because of what happened. But I could be wrong—you could have been busy]
[i mean uh what did you have to tell me then?]>
<[right. Well it's sort of because of that... I was wondering whether you were annoyed from what I did and I also just wanted to say I'm sorry]
Before I could reply back, minseok sent me another message.
<[ can we maybe meet tomorrow? Meet me at the café were I work tomorrow , if that's okay. ]
[wait xiumin]>
Minseok must have left purposely just so Jongdae would have no choice but to meet him there. 'Damn you' he thought.
That is exactly what Jongdae did. He was standing outside the café where minseok now worked. Jongdae thought about turning around and going back home—basically avoiding the whole situation again. But as he looked through the glass doors of the café he could see Minseok smiling at him.
'Damnit. Too late.'
Jongdae made his way inside, warmth welcoming him as soon as he stepped through the door. He sat down on a table, nervously , without ordering a drink like he usually does.
After minseok finished ordering the customer he was doing he told someone to take over and asked for a break. They luckily let him off again.
He sat down in the seat opposite Jongdae with his bottle of water.
"Hey" he said as he sat. "You aren't going to have a drink?"
"Um n-no. I'm not really thirsty today" Jongdae replied diverting any eye contact with the boy.
"Oh okay.." Silence took over and filled the air around them. "Well I'm glad you came" minseok started hoping Jongdae would join in and make it easier for him. "I thought you weren't going to turn up"
Jongdae laughed nervously and awkwardly as he had that idea in his head throughout the whole journey here. He suddenly felt slightly guilty for The idea.
"But anyway... I am sorry."
"For what?"
'Oh now he's joins in'. Minseok thought.
"For trying but to get you to.. You know .. Like stop over at mine. I don't normally do this to people I swear. Honestly. I'm not a creep" minseok looked at Jongdae with pleading eyes "I hope that you forgive me and we can carry on being friends"
Jongdae chuckles "I know you aren't a creep don't worry , I understand. And i have already forgiven you"
"Yeah, I just got a bit freaked out with you being a stranger and all but I'm over it. "
"Stranger?" Minseok said slightly hurt.
"Well you kinda are, well were. Not so much now " Jongdae chuckled.
"I don't like the word stranger..." Minseok pouted. " I shall just have to get to know you more and then we can be friends, right?"
Jongdae looked at the adorable face in front of him. Minseok was smiling excitedly , waiting for jongdaes answer.
"R-right" deep down Jongdae wanted this, but at the same time, he was unsure what would happen if they did become closer friends.
"Yay!" Minseok wiggled in his seat before standing up. "Now, I have the best idea!"
'Oh god' Jongdae thought.
Minseok came round the table and took Jongdaes wrist, pulling him up. He pulled Jongdae to the counter where he told the staff covering for him: 'I'm going to take the rest of the day off!' Also asking them to tell the manager.
"X-xiumin... W-what are you doing?"
"We are going to get to know each other!" He said excitedly
"W-what?" Minseok dragged him out before his staff could stop him. "But you have work! You can just leave!"
"Watch me" Minseok said with a devilish smirk and all of a sudden: they were running.
Jongin ended up trying his own breakfast and God. They were right. It tasted disgusting. How did he even manage to make something that bad?
After chucking it away, he adventured into the living room where he saw Baekhyun and Chanyeol standing facing each other. Within a few seconds of Jongin walking in, Chanyeol mumbled 'excuse me' , grabbed the sheets and ran into his bedroom.
"Chanyeol?" Baekhyun said with confusion in his eyes and the taller ran past him.
Chanyeol shut the door behind him before any one else could slip in. "chanyeol! " baekhyun was now tapping on the door. "Chanyeol what's wrong? What did I do?"
Jongin ran to the door after witnessing it. "Are you guys okay?"
"Does it look like we are okay?" Baekhyun snapped. "Sorry"
"It's okay" Jongin replied. "Chanyeol? What's the matter?"
There was still no answer from inside the bedroom. So Jongin asked baekhyun what happened.
"Erm well I—I was apologising and then asked him if he forgives me. But he didn't answer he just said excuse me and ran here... I think he was crying... Or at least it looked like he was going to .." Baekhyun sighed "I don't know what I did wrong, I thought he would forgive me after that?"
"I don't know, just come away from the door for now and I'll talk to him later, okay? " Baekhyun nodded and sat on the sofa where they had previously been folding the blankets.
Inside the room however Chanyeol lay on his bed, stomach first with his face stuffed into the the blankets he had brought in. He felt the sheets become wet underneath his face and lifted up his head to see that he was actually crying. He put his head down again not wanting to let the others hear any sign of his sadness. Even though he was pretty sure they knew something was wrong.
'Do you really not know?' Chanyeol thought as he heard the smaller tell Jongin what happened and finished it with 'I don't know what i did wrong'.
The things is Chanyeol had already forgiven him. Actually, he had never blamed Baekhyun in the first place so there was nothing to forgive. However he was going to say that he did anyway just to clear it up. He was also going to ask for his forgiveness too because of the many things he had also done wrong. But before he could speak Baekhyun said 'Chanyeol you are my best friend, please'.
Chanyeol should be happy, and even he knows that; Baekhyun had tried to bring it back to normal and he had confirmed that he was still his best friend! But Chanyeol couldn't help the sadness in his heart all because of those two words 'best friend'.
It hurt to know that Baekhyun didn't think of him as anything else but Chanyeol should have expected it really.
Chanyeol was unsure whether he wanted someone's company right now or that he wanted to be alone. He didn't really want to leave the room but he new he had to someday or Baekhyun had to sleep aswell. He thought about when he'll see Baekhyun from now on and if he'll burst out in tear whenever he sees the beautiful Byun Baekhyun. 'Is everything back to normal?'
Of course not.
Chanyeol sat up and wiped all the wetness off his face and neck and looked around the room for a mirror to see how much his face was a mess.
There was one on baekhyun bed side cabinet so he walked over and picked it up, examining his face.
His eyes were slightly red But other than that he looked normal-ish. He was lucky he could go back to his normal looking face after crying.
"Chanyeol?" Chanyeol dropped the mirror unexpectedly as he jumped when he heard the knock on the door. It was Jongin— it's okay. "Chanyeol what was that? Ohmygod are you okay? Let me in Chanyeol" he looked down to see the mirror had smashed and shattered into tiny pieces. Chanyeol mentally cursed and lifted up his trousers to see a few pieces of glass imbedded in his foot. He tried to stay calm.
"Okay Chanyeol I'm coming in" 'damnit no don't come in'
Jongin opened the door, paused as he eyed Chanyeol from top to bottom, then rushed over. "OH MY GOD Chanyeol!! What happened??"
Chanyeol stood still, unsure what to do. After that comment he heard small footsteps run to the doorway. He glanced over and saw Baekhyun with a worried expression.
"N-nothing. Nothing happened I'm okay" Chanyeol said trying not to move his foot with the glass stuck in it.
"What do you mean you're okay?! You have glass in your foot!"
"What!?" Baekhyun said and hurried over to help. "You're such an idiot, why did you do this?!"
Chanyeol looked down at the two as they carefully picking up all the glass around him first. "I-I didn't mean to.." He replied slightly hurt. "I dropped it by accident. Sorry about the mirror Baekhyun..."
"I don't care about the mirror you idiot!"
"Carefully sit on the bed Chanyeol. Carefully. " he nodded and obeyed the orders. Chanyeol managed to hop over to the bed.
'The glass hardly even hurts...'
"Stay there. Baekhyun go get the aid kit. "
While Baekhyun ran off to find The kit, Chanyeol stared down at his foot being held up by Jongin. Trickling down was a trail of blood from each shard of glass. It wasn't much. Chanyeol thought it could have been worse.
Somehow, Chanyeol wished the injury was worse— maybe it could have taken his mind off those words.
Baekhyun returned with a medical kit and opened it to find cotton balls, cotton rolls , bandages, plasters, etc. Jongin waited for Baekhyun to hold a few cotton balls and the bandages at the ready before steadily removing the glass from chanyeols foot.
Chanyeol winced a bit each time a shard was removed but one it was done he looked down to see Jongin had wrapped a bandage round his foot over the cotton balls which were placed over each cut to try and soak up the blood. For a while it stung.
"now just rest okay?" Jongin ordered.
"Okay" Chanyeol tried to stand but before he got anywhere he nearly fell and both Baekhyun and Jongin set him back down on baekhyun a bed.
"What are you doing?!" Baekhyun said firmly.
"I-I was going back to my bed to rest?" Chanyeol replied more as a question because he was confused. 'I thought they wanted me to rest?'
"You don't have to move, just stay there okay, I don't mind."
"Oh o-okay "
Chanyeol lay carefully on his roommates bed and looked over to the other side of the room so he didn't have to look at anyone face. The other two made their way out quietly and shut the door behind them.
Chanyeol sighed and tried to focus on getting some rest.
1 new message: from Sehunnie~
<[Hyung!! Have you got anything planned today??!]
;-; again must not cry ...
Are you guys enjoying this? C: the different parts are getting longer because it's not like the start any more where you see about 5 different couples in one chapter xD but oh well
(Did that make sense.?... Probably not)
Plus I haven't wrote about Kyungsoo for a while have I?? Damnit I'll try and add him in the next chapter!!
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