**i have finally fixed my italics YIAY**
'W-why?' Baekhyun thought. 'Why did I say that? I'm such and idiot, I'm sorry Chanyeol I didn't mean to say that. O-of c-course I care...'
He quickly wiped the tears a way, hoping nobody could see, and approached Jongin, who was still sat motionless on the sofa.
Baekhyun swallowed his nerves and began. "Kai, I—"
"No need " Jongin said flatly. "I already remember"
"W-what? You do?"
"Yes Hyung. And I'm sorry" he looked up at Baekhyun.
"You don't need to be sorry, I—"
" no Baekhyun. I do. I didn't mean to be that— horrible. I didn't mean to get that angry, it just happened. Do you forgive me Hyung?"
"Of course I do Kai, but I'm also sorry! I just like to tease, do you forgive me too?"
Jongin nodded with a smile " yes" Baekhyun leaped onto Jongin and hugged him tightly. He was so thankful. "But what about Chanyeol?"
Baekhyun got off him suddenly and asked. "What about Chanyeol?"
"Where is he? I want to talk to him. I bet he hates me."
"Why would he hate you! He is the one that punched you!" Baekhyun said quite coldly, and even surprised himself.
"I made him punch me remember? Basically anyway. I didnt mean... To say those things." Baekhyun remembered. ' I'm not fricken surprised if you are in love with him.' "I shouldn't have. " 'Did you not realise that I see all your little— little looks and all that crap. Oh and I did see you two sleeping together so I know there's something going on so don't tell me otherwise.'
A tall figure lingered over them. Chanyeol looked like he was going to faint. Jongin arose as he saw him.
"You don't need to apologise. I'm fine" 'you clearly aren't you idiot' Baekhyun thought. "Though... I'm sorry ... For hurting you "
Jongin laughed a little. " this? " he pointed to his cheek " it's just a scratch, I'll recover and get over with it. But I hurt you too. And that pain won't go away soon. So I'm sorry too"
Chanyeol forced a smile. Baekhyun could tell he was forcing it.
' You look at him like he's the only goddamn star in the sky. I can see it you know. All the time. '
"Sehun! No I can't! I have to get home!" He groaned but laughed at the same time.
"Come on hyung! Please? Just one drink?" Sehun said as he dragged Luhan towards the café
"Aish fine! Only quick though? Promise?" Sehun nodded enthusiastically in response.
The two walked in and was immediately greeted by the warmth. Luhan sat down and Sehun bought their drinks—he came back with two bubble teas. He seated him self next to Luhan with an excited look in his eyes.
"If I knew they sold Bubble Teas earlier, I would come here every day!" He pushed one towards Luhan." I didn't know what you like so I got you the same. Here try it"
Luhan nodded and stuck the straw into the plastic cup. He took a sip. To say he had never tried this' it sure tasted nice!
"Ah daebak! It's delicious "
"Omo! You like it?"
"Yes"Luhan nodded.
"Finally someone who likes bubble tea!"
"yah , I like bubble tea" A new voice appeared out of nowhere they both looked to see who it was—it was Jongdae. They should have known, he practically lives here he comes to the cafe so much.
"Aigoo, go away Chen." Sehun rolled his eyes.
"You know Chen?" Luhan asked Sehun.
"Of course he does" Jongdae spoke for him. "The singing and dancing sessions are rivals" also with a smirk on his face.
"Luhan Hyung, don't listen to him. He's lying. He likes to make a game out of everything"
Jongdae sat down next to the two of them.
"Yah! Can't you see I'm having a nice chat with Luhan? Well I was until you came" Sehun mumbled the last bit under his breathe but he was pretty sure Jongdae heard him. He didn't care anyway. Luhan chuckled at the two of them. such kids
Jongdae rolled his eyes
"Well, I'm leaving, if I'm not wanted. See ya later Luhan." Luhan smiled happily and waved as they he younger left. Once again it was just Sehun and Luhan, alone. Well not exactly alone, since other people were still somehow Enjoying their drinks aswell as they were.
There was a bit of an awkward silence. Luhan felt he had to say something, anything! 'Say something, say something, say something! Think'
"Um.. Sehun.. I—"
Sehun clearly knew what he was about to say. As his intense smiling, decreased more that he was expecting. He then nodded and spoke before Luhan could finish." Yeah.. You need to go. That's fine".
"Okay, well... Bye" Luhan rose from his seat retrying not to look awkward and bowed slightly before leaving the Café.
Sehun still sat in the Café wondering what to do now. He sighed and stood up aswell, taking his bubble tea with him. Sehun was shattered; Today had been a long. Although he would have enjoyed staying with Luhan for longer, Sehun couldn't wait to jump in his bed , once he gets home, and snuggle up with his blankets.
It was cold out. He should have brought a coat really. 'Oh well'.
Sehun plugged in his headphones to his phone and began his journey home.
After that stressful day, Baekhyun went to bed. It was just Jongin and Chanyeol in The living room. Chanyeol was tired too. But he didn't want to sleep in his own bed. He didn't want to step into the room. Just incase Baekhyun would turn over not wanting to even hear him breathe.
Jongin stood up from his seat, about to go to bed. When —
" do you think he hates me?"
"Do you think he doesn't want to look at me anymore?"
"Chan— no " Jongin sat back down but closer to Chanyeol. " no of course not."
"How do know?" Chanyeol lowered his head and shut his eyes— tightly, so he would stop any tears from falling. "How do you know he doesn't hate me?"
"Because I can see it"
"What?" Chanyeol looks up into Jongins eyes.
"I can see it. I can see that he doesn't hate you. I can see it in his eyes. "
Minseok asked to leave earlier that day. He didn't really feel like staying there for the whole day ; he just wanted to get home and have a rest. It annoyed him that everyday since he met Jongdae, all he's ever done is look out for that cute dark haired boy. It became hard for him to focus on the customers because he is too busy searching each corner of the room.
What was it? What was it about Jongdae that Minseok liked? What was it about him that made Minseok worried enough. Or stressed enough. What was it that made him want to see him everyday. And smile with those amazing lips—when they curl up at the ends.
What was it?
'Woah' Minseok thought ' A-amazing L-lips? Did I —'
'Yes' his brain mentally replied to him 'yes you did'
"Y-you can see it in his eyes?" Chanyeol almost choke. What was that supposed to mean?
Jongin nodded.
"I —I don't understand."
Jongin shook his head gently and laughed a little. " it doesn't matter. just know that Baekhyun is easier to read than most people. I can tell when he looks at thing with hatred in his eyes. Or happiness. Or love." He stood up from his seat and looked down at Chanyeol "but at the moment, I thinks he's confused. " Jongin began to walk away, heading for his room, but Chanyeol darted towards him, grabbing his wrist. Jongin faced Chanyeol once more for what he had to say.
" confused about what? Kai you have to help me; what do I do?" Chanyeols eyes were continuously moving, examining Jongins while face as if he would find an answer there.
"Ah Hyung.. I'm not good at this stuff..." He paused as he saw chanyeols pleading face , basically begging for Jongin to help him out. "Maybe you can talk to him? " he carried on with an unsure tone, in his voice.
As soon as he said this, Chanyeol let go of jongins wrist, stood up straight, and narrowed his eyebrows. " talk to him? Talk to him!?" Chanyeol said in disbelief "is that all you've got? You were doing well until then. "
"Yah! I said I wasn't good at that stuff! But it's the only thing I can think of? Maybe you'll come up with a better idea but at least it's straight forward."
"Hmm. True." There was a pause before Jongin smiled and said:
"Goodnight Chanyeol" and disappeared into his bedroom, closing the door behind him.
"Night Kai" Chanyeol replied almost as a whisper.
Baekhyun couldn't really sleep. He kept tossing and turning underneath his covers, constantly trying to fist spot. But no luck. No position helped at all; Baekhyun simply couldn't get to sleep.
He had been lying with his head facing up, on his back, for a while when he heard the conversation start in the living room. Baekhyun could only make out some of the words, Chanyeol and Jongin had obviously been saying. For example: "...hate me?.." , "...I can see ...eyes..."
'What? who can see eyes?'
"... I don't understand..." 'Me neither '
"...that Baekhyun is...most people..." 'They mentioned me?' Baekhyun thought as hard as he could. 'I'm most people?'
"...Can tell...looks...hatred...eyes..." 'Again with the eyes?'
"...or love" Baekhyun gulped. He wanted to know what they're were talking abut, but part of him feared what they were saying.
"...At the moment....confused " 'join the club'
'Right this is it! I need to know.' Baekhyun flung off the bed sheets and, as silent as he could, he tiptoed to the door. There was a slit between the door frame and the door— he closed one eye and squinted the other to see what was happening on the other side. Although he could see , ever so slight, Chanyeol talking to Jongjn, he still could not hear them properly.
Baekhyun was determined to know. To know what they were on about.
He screwed looking through the slit and pressed his ear carefully against the wooden door. And he was just in time to catch a fully sentence!
"Confused about what? Kai you have to help me; What do I do?" That was Chanyeol. Who's confused? Why does Kai need to help him? What will he do? Wha—?
"Ah Hyung.. I'm not good at this stuff..." 'WHAT STUFF!?' Baekhyun felt like he was going to scream. This was killing him. "Maybe you can talk to him? "
'Talk to who? Me?'
" talk to him? Talk to him!? Is that all you've got? You were doing well until then. "
"Yah! I said I wasn't good at that stuff! But it's the only thing I can think of? Maybe you'll come up with a better idea but at least it's straight forward." 'Straight forward??'
Chanyeol had basiclaly ending the conversation there when he replied with " hmm true".
Baekhyun carried on listening, though, while Jongin said his good nights and closed the door for his room. He was unsure whether he heard this right, but it sounded like Chanyeol whispered a 'goodnight' after Jongin had left. Baekhyun wanted to get up and go and talk to him, or maybe even acknowledge his existence would make him feel happier. Or maybe comfort him. Anything would have been nice. He would have done that without a thought before this mess happened. But now..
Baekhyun jumped up and shot into his bed thinking Chanyeol would soon come in to go to bed his self. He was pretending as if he didn't hear a thing.
Waiting,for hour, and Chanyeol still hadn't came in.
Another hour — no sign of Chanyeol.
Two more hours— how was Baekhyun even still awake!
'Why is he not coming in?'
'Maybe he's just watching something? '
'He'll come in soon.'
'Should I check on him?'
'God why am I worrying I should be annoyed with him.'
Baekhyun got out of bed, yet again and silently moved across the floor towards the door. He knew exactly which floor boards were creaky and which were not from years of pranking both his roommates.
He creeped up to the door when it opened before his, as if by magic.
Nope. Just Chanyeol.
He straightened his posture and Looked another direction. "Ah— I— I was just—" luckily, his mind thought quick and he pointed behind Chanyeol Into the kitchen. "Getting a drink" Baekhyun lied. Why couldn't he just say that he was checking to see if he was okay? If he was coming to bed? ' God that sounds like we sleep in the same bed. Never say that ' Baekhyun spoke mentally to himself.
"Oh—okay, I'm just getting a pillow" 'was he lying too? Of course not, why would he want to come and check on me? He genuinely means he's getting a pillow! wait...pillow?' They awkwardly passed each other with their heads to the ground. Did they really need to explain where they were going?
As Baekhyun entered the living room, he hit realisation ; now he knew why he was getting a pillow. Baekhyun stared at the blankets set up as a quilt on the sofa.
Why did he feel so sad?
Baek couldn't get over why Chanyeol would want to sleep on the sofa when he has is own bed! Was it because of him? After what Jongin had said, there's no really way to cover that up— and surely, this made it more obvious?
After what Jongin had said...
Once Chanyeol gathered his pillow, he came back out the room only to see Bakehyun standing just outside the doorway facing his 'bed-for-tonight'. Chanyeol couldn't see his face but he didn't know if he wanted to.
He was unsure whether to explain....
Before he could think Baekhyun swirled round on his heels. "You're sleeping on the sofa?!"
"Y-yes "
"Umm.. " Chanyeol couldn't spit the words out. 'Because I didn't think you'd want me near you'
"Chanyeol, you—you don't have to sleep here." Chanyeol now looked to his shoes; he honestly now didn't know what to say. Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol hoping he would rethink and come back into their bedroom together. Their.
"I-I have — I have a cold and I don— " before Chanyeol could finish his excuse , Baekhyun flung his hands up in the air and groaned.
"URGH! Why— ?! Chanyeol! Why are you being like this?! At least if you love me, it wouldn't hurt you to try and act goddamn natural!"
Jongin should be awake by now, if he wasn't already.
Chanyeol felt himself go dizzy as tears threatened him to fall. For a second he thought Baekhyun didn't hate him. But it seems that was wrong.
He couldn't think. He couldn't stay in the same room. He couldn't.
Baekhyun had shouted this almost drowning the house. Within a few seconds Chanyeol could see his expression changed, like he knew what he had done. But it didn't change anything for Chanyeol.
Not a thing.
He wanted to cry.
"I-I'm sorry—I didn't—I didn't mean to... Omg I'm so —I'm —" Baekhyun shoved pass Chanyeol and closed the door, pushing him forward into the living room. He slammed the door shut and, from outside, Chanyeol could hear Baekhyun slump against it.
Chanyeol knelt on the wooden tiled floor, where he guess Baekhyun was leaning, and whispered. The words were loud enough for Baekhyun to hear. Well he must have heard it because chanyeol listened to baek immediately get up, Rush and jump into his bed.
He whispered. "I'll try my best"
**sorry this wasn't as long! But y'all okay? This stuff is feely. I might cry while writing it xD**
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