Jongin sat up as straight as he could; for some reason his back hurt. And his face. why his face? Jongin touched his cheek where the pain came from and winced. It stung.
"Oh—K—Kai" he heard a voice move quickly before him." You're awake, thank god" Chanyeol was now kneeling in front of him. He looked worried... Why?
"Yeah, I am?" Jongin propped himself up, leaning against the arm of the sofa. "Hyung, are you okay? Oh and why does my face hurt? And back? "
He could see chanyeols eyes drift off Jongin and on to the floor and gulp. When he looked back u into jongins eyes, they were full with tears.
"Ah— Chanyeol, wha— why are you crying?"
"D–do you not remember?" Chanyeol blinked and tears strolled down his cheek.
"No." Jongin took chanyeols shoulder and stared at him in the eyes." Hyung what happened?"
"Thank you, for teaching me some of your moves" Luhan says as they were leaving the dance room.
"You're welcome, and thank you for trying."
"Trying? Does that mean I was awful?!" Sehun watched as Luhan pouted but then couldn't hold it so he burst out into a chuckle. He was adorable.
"Yes you was terrible." Sehun joked back. "Kidding. You did amazing to say you said that you can't dance. I mean that I'm glad that you gave the whole thing a go. I enjoyed it Hyung, we should do it again sometime." Sehun smiled at him while resting his arm on Luhan s shoulder.
He could see Luhan blush, but he turned to the side to hide it.
"I enjoyed it too" he said facing the other direction.
"Good. Now what do you wanna do?"
"Huh? What do you mean? It's probably really late and— Aish! Lay! I need to get back to lay!"
"Awh.. Can't you stay a while longer.." Now Sehun was the one who was pouting. He tilted his head to the side and gave Luhan his best puppy eyes. He really did, for some reason, want him to be with he for as much as he can.
"Aiigoooo! Why are you so cute! Walk me home that's all I can offer"
"Not even a quick drink on the way back?" Luhan rolled his eyes and pulled Sehun along. "And daebak, Hyung, 'walk me home' that's—" Sehun smirked as he is being dragged down the hallways.
"Shut up Sehun" he says trying to keep a straight face but again after looking at Sehun he seems to just smile. Sehun likes that. In facts he loves it.
On the way out Kyungsoo rushed up to Baekhyun, and as he did so, he became nervous. Kyungsoo didn't say anything for a while, he just walked down the corridor with him, ever so often passing glances. Baekhyun, for a moment, thought it would stay like that. But of course he was wrong.
"Baekhyun" Baekhyun took a moment before answering.
"Why did you send that message?"
"Ah, no reason"
"Byun Baekhyun I know when you are lying to me" Kyungsoo said "and why to a complete stranger? Unless you know that person?"
"Aigoo, Soo not now"
"Come on tell me Baekhyun, it was weird! And now I feel like a fool! What will tha—" he was cut off by Baekhyun as he stopped to a halt and turned so he was facing Kyungsoo.
"Please Kyungsoo." He looked him in the eye hoping he would get the gist that he doesn't want to speak about it. " not now"
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Aish! For god sake Yes! " after realising he shouted in kyungsoos face he blinked and repeated himself in a lower tone. "I-I mean Yes.. Thank you soo. If you'll excuse me"
Baekhyun put his head down and carried on walking leaving Kyungsoo standing on his own, in the middle of a hallway.
"Tell me then, chanyeol" Jongin pushed.
He was still stuttering on his words. Did he want to tell Jongin? Did he want him to remember? Surely he didn't have to tell him? It s a memory that I'm sure anyone would want to forget. Maybe he could wait until Baekhyun came back— then he could ask him whether they should tell him or not. But would Baekhyun want to even talk to him? 'Aiissshhhh why is this so— so —'
His thought was cut off by the sound of the door opening.
Baekhyun. For a minute Chanyeol became happy. Hopeful. More hopeful. But it soon vanished, realising that everything was still not right.
"Baekhyun?" Chanyeol called. There was no answer however Baekhyun heard it and walked into the room placing his stuff onto the floor. He dashed over after seeing Jongin sat up on the chair.
"Kai? Are you okay?" Chanyeol, despite that Jongin was the one hit by him, felt slightly jealous towards him and even... Annoyance. 'What about me?'
"I'm fine, I think." 'I'm okay too thanks for asking. ' Chanyeol thought ' actually I'm not, you think I'm okay baekhyun? I'm not! I'm definitely not okay'
"Ah—thank god, I'm so sorry. "
"Baek" he tried to get baekhyuns attention. But he just carried on. Stubborn child
"Chanyeol is too. Kyu—"
"Baekhyun." Chanyeol said more firm this time. The two of them looked to Chanyeol in confusion. Instead of speaking it out loud he nodded towards their bedroom, gulped, and got up headed away from both of them. Since Baekhyun didn't move straight away, Chanyeol had a moment in the bedroom to process what he's gonna say, and how. He wanted to say things the way he normally says them. Look how he's always looked. Do what he's always done. But maybe it would all seem different to Baekhyun now he knows the truth.
As Baekhyun walked in he closed the door behind him and awkwardly looked at Chanyeol as if he was being forced too. A little bit of Chanyeol died. ' I knew it' he thought. 'He doesn't even wanna look at me let alone talk to me'
" what is it?"
"He doesn't know anything. "
"Wait what?"
"Kai doesn't remember what happened, Baekhyun. " another piece died; he swore he saw Baekhyun flinch when he said his name.
"O-oh.. We're you planning on telling him? Surely we should still tell him right? Isn't that the right thing to do?"
Chanyeol looked to his feet." I-I don't know whether I want to tell him or not.. "
"What! Why not?"
" I-I don't know... It's just that—it just maybe it's better if he didn't know! If we keep it to oursleve then he doesn't have to go through that pain too and maybe it will just get better? Or we just forget about it altogether. If we telł him again... He might—he might remember and get angry. He will just hate me for what I did."
"Oh is this about you? Is that the only thing your concerned about? Whether he hates you or not? "
"Wh—bae— no! You—that's not what I'm saying!"
"Well it's seems like it. I'm going to tell him. I don't care—"
Baekhyun paused asif he was going to stop what he was about to say. But no. He carried on. And it killed Chanyeol inside.
"I-I don't care if he hates you, y-you—you deserve it!" Chanyeol as tears in his eyes and Baekhyun stomped out the room, slamming the door behind him. Chanyeol, stumbling to the wall, slumped to the floor.
It felt like a part of Chanyeol was ripped out of him.
This was worse. It got worse.
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