Jongdae shoved his shopping items into his plastic bag, hardly paying attention to anything. Not even the cashier. Why was he never feeling right anymore? The past few days he's been out of focus, hardly concentrating, getting headaches and feeling unwell. Maybe he really was coming down will an illness!
Jongdae weakly handed the woman behind the counter the money and waited for his change. As he did so, he picked up his bag of shopping; getting ready to leave.
He took the change and left the bright lite supermarket. Outside it was just getting dark—he better hurry.
Jongdae was in his way to his house when his mouth became dry. He had been craving for a drink for a while now and he couldn't help but think about treating himself to another beverage from the café he usually visits.
'Oh wait , maybe minseok will still be working?' He shoots his head. ' why am I so bothered, plus he would have probably changed shifts by now.'
Jongdae still needed a drink so it was either that of drink a cold drink in a cold house.
He reached the café and saw only a handful of people inside. Yet no minseok.
After ordering his coffee, he sat at the table he usually sits on and cupped his hands around the mug. Jongdae was going to ask for a coffee to take away but it was just too warm in here, so he decided to drink in. Then suddenly a familiar figure stepped out the staff doors.
Without an apron, he skipped over to the lonely Jongdae and sat down across from him.
" hey" minseok smiled brightly.
"Oh hey" he said looking up forcing a smile aswell.
Minseok saw through it and knew something was wrong.
"Are you okay?" He said looking concerned.
"Ah yeah, yeah " looking at his coffee cup. "You?" Then returned his gaze back to Minseok.
The honey haired boy ignored his question and didn't move on from the topic. "You don't look well" He squinted his eyes asif he was trying to read Jongdae face and even thoughts.
"I'm fine honestly just a few headaches that all " Jongdae chuckled
"Knew there was something! " minseok looked proud with himself " and a few headaches could turn into something worse, wait I think I have something that might make it better. " he reached into his pocket, shuffled around a bit then pulled out a packet of paracetamols. "Here" he said and handed them across the table.
Jongdae had already brought a pack or two juts incase from the supermarket but took them and decided not to mention that; another pack won't harm. Plus it was very thoughtful for minseok to hand his over.
"Woah you just have these lying around in your coat pockets?" Jongdae laughed.
"Not really, well yeah I used to its because I, for some reason, used to get headaches too a lot so I'd always keep a pack handy!"
They both laughed, in unison, and it felt nice. Really nice. In a way Jongdae couldn't describe; he felt like minseok connected with him, feeling comfortable around each other like they had known each other for decades. Maybe not as long as that but definitely longer than just a week! They gradually stopped laughing and smiled directly at each other.
" my shift had just ended and I was just about to leave, but if you want I could accompany you for a while longer... It's just that you look a bit lonely" he insisted "that's all."
"Ah—Erm—no no! It's fine, I'm sure you want to get out of here and rest, it's fine." Jongdae would definitely love for his company but knew it wouldn't be fair, Minseok deserved some rest too.
"Are you sure? I mean I'm happy to stay with you if you wish "
"No—I mean yes, yes I'm sure" minseok laughed.
"Okay, goodbye! See you again" and stood up, smiled then pushed his chair in and walked out the café.
Jongdae waited until he had to breathe out and let his cheeks go slightly pink. It was because of that smile, and the laughs and cute giggles, and— what no—what was he thinking?! Suddenly his heat sank when he remembered. He remembered that he never asked for his number. Aigoo.
But then a tiny bit of hope came to his rescue; maybe if he ran to catch up with him he could ask for it. But then again... He would look way too desperate. The other option would be just to wait next time they met, but Jongdae didn't know whether that would be tomorrow or 2 weeks from now. And he didn't feel like waiting.
Jongdae shot up from his seat and flung his coat and bag on, while gulping down the last bit of coffee . He ran out the café after picking up his shopping — the sky was now dark. 'Aish it's harder to find him now'. He took a guess and went in the right direction hoping for the best , his backpack shaking about with all the junk that was inside jumping up and down and from side to side all at once.
He didn't want to attract attention by shouting Minseoks name so he just squinted his eyes to focus on where the honey haired boy was. Then, after a few minutes of running down a hill, Jongdae saw a small figure, which, as he could faintly see, had the hair colour he wanted to see.
"Xiumin!" Jongdae called from behind, but there was no answer. Was he ignoring him? Or could he just not hear? He called again. "Xiumin!" Still nothing. What is wrong with him?
Jongdae ran quickly until he was on minseoks heels. As soon as he reached the boy he grabbed his arm and twisted him round. The was now face to face; minseok look genuinely surprise. Even slightly scared asif he didn't know Jongdae had never called his name. Or maybe he just didn't expect him to turn him round? God knows.
"Xiumin" he panted.
Minseok, with his other, free, arm, yanked out the cables that lead to plugs his ears. 'Oh.' Jongdae thought. 'I didn't see them'.
"H-huh?" Jongdae saw minseoks Adam's apple Bob up and down—he looked immensely confused.
" I-I'm sorry—I didn't mean to startle you " he said after catching his breath. " it's just.... Err.."Jongdae didn't now how to say this now he was in the situation. He thought it would be easy, but it's not. It's really not. " would you—CanIHaveYourPhoneNumber??"
"Sorry what?"
"C-can I have your Phone Number?" Jongdae said a bit more slowly.
Minseok had an expressionless face to begin with which made Jongdae worry, but it soon changed when he burst out laughing.
"Yah! " he cried "I don't laugh! Why are you laughing!?"
"Because you made me worry about you! I thought it was going to be something serious, but all you wanted was my number" minseok chuckled and ruffled Jondaes hair. "Hand me your phone then Pabo"
Jongdae pouted but still pulled out his phone to hand it to him. Minseok took it and began to tap the screen. A few seconds later he pushed it back into Jongdaes hands and ,smiling sweetly , cocked his head to the side. Jongdae couldn't help but smile in return and looked down to hide the fact he was blushing ever so slightly.
"Which way?" Minseok said suddenly.
"Which way do you walk?"
"Err, that way." He pointed to the direction Minseok was heading before he stopped him.
"Come on then, I'll walk with you "
Zitao wasn't sure at first whether he wanted to go round and see that scary dude. He had seen many cruel looking people in this world, but him... He just glares at everything! Especially Zitao! Only because he bumped into him once and then saw him later on it that day. What a jerk.
But he put those thoughts aside and agreed to come. The other one— Junmyeon— seemed really sweet, polite and friendly. Maybe if they both got to know each other, Zitao and Junmyeon could be friends. Well Zitao could only hope.
Whereas 'Kris', he was unsure where he wanted to befriend him or not.
The two of them walked round to their neighbours and knocked upon their door. After waiting awkwardly for a few minutes Junmyeon appeared in the doorway. He blinked in confusion before saying hello.
"Hiii" Zitao replied, before Yixing could open his mouth, smiling brightly with a little wave.
Yixing finishes off his sentence that he was about to say, until he butted in. "we brought a few treats" he said, also with a angelic smile.
Junmyeon still stared at them, confused, but manages to speak. "Ah—thank you" then me must have thought he was being rude because he face clicked in to sudden realisation. "I'm sorry, come in, come in!" Junmyeon gestured for the two of them to step inside, and so they do.
Both Yixing and Zitao bow and say thank you as they step inside his house. As they ambled into the living room, Zitao noticed Yifan slouched on the sofa with the TV on low, but also engaged in his phone.
"Kris we have guests"
They all watched Yifan turn around in his seat and examined the row of people. His facial expression didn't change at all— he just blinked as if he wasn't impressed. His gazed hovered over Zitao. He became slightly worried he had already done something wrong. And he had only just stepped through the door. Zitao gulped.
"Hey" he said without any meaning. Yixing looked at Zitao and then, seeing his expression, answered for him.
"Hey!" Yixing echoed, but just with a lighter tone.
After this, and Yifans long stare at Zitao, he twisted back forums on the chair and carried on what he was previously doing. Zitao didn't know what the hell that was about. But he knew it slightly scared him. yifan probably really hated him. Zitao didn't like that.
His thoughts were cut off when Junmyeon began. "Sorry, Erm, he's just — he's not a people person... Erm anyway sit down where ever "
Yixing moved first and sat gracefully on to a comfy chair across the room. Junmyeon followed and sat in his own space, again another chair which was aligned with yixings. Zitao clearly hadn't moved quick enough since the only seat left was the space on the sofa next to Yifan. 'Curse you Yixing' he thought 'couldn't you see that he scares me'" Zitao gulped and sat carefully next to him. He pretended not to see his face, or let alone to be affected by his stares, but Zitao could feel Yifans eyes watch him.
'Maybe' thought Zitao 'I might get him to like me'.
He sneaked a glance at Yifan as the other two in the room begin with their conversation. He wasn't looking. Good. Zitao focused back on Yixing and Junmyeon for a second. Suddenly, he felt jealous of how easily they could start and even carry on a conversation. And with that he looked, again, over at Yifan. Now he was staring back. Asif he knew Zitao was gonna turn around at that exact point. At that moment he forgot the words he was about to say.
"Am I good looking?" Yifan says flatly.
"I said am I good looking? " he repeats "I must be since you keep staring at me"
Zitao panicked and went red.
"A-ah wha—"
"Never mind, no need to answer that question. I already know I'm handsome"
Zitao still didn't know how to reacted instead he just heated up more as Yifan kept talking.
"Hmm you don't talk very much do you?" Yifan placed his phone down on his lap. Zitao shook his head without a sound.
"That's good then" he smirked. Which made Zitao frown—yeah he's a jerk.
"Why do you hate me?" Zitao suddenly spoke up. It shocked yifan at first, he could tell, but then he relaxed again.
"I hate everyone don't take it personally"
" why? What did I do? Is there even a reason?"
"Did you even listen to what I just said? I said don't take it personally. I hate everyone. You probably didn't— I just dislike" he paused. " people" yifan glared at him before picking up his phone again. God he was so ignorant.
Zitao tried to listen to what Yixing and Junmyeon and to say but he couldn't concentrate. He breathed in and out before turning back to Yifan. "Can't we restart?"
"God you sound so pathetic," yifan replied, rolling his eyes." And why would I want to so that? "
"Yah! Because then we both won't be constantly battling! I want to be friends. I'm actually really a nice person. "
He laughed sarcastically. " battling? This isn't battling. You are making it sound as if this is the worst you've got. You are not at all frightening, did you know that? And you probably are but unfortunately I'm not, so... No."
"You're so mean! Wait— I don't look scary to you?" Zitao questioned. Most people, at first, think he is scary looking until they get to know him. He always knew it was because of his bags underneath his eyes. Where he came from, some children even teased him about it at school. Zitao really didn't like it. But now...
"Pfft, nope. you are like The least scariest person I've e v e r seen. You look as harmless as a panda." Okay there it was... The resemblance to a panda.. The eye bags.. He knew it.
"Pandas can be harmful and scary " Zitao says without any expression, just like he's heard it all before.
"Well they certainly don't look it. "
"This didn't even answer my question!"
" I said no. I don't want to restart."
"Wae?!" Zitao said voice was rising.
" because it won't matter if we start from the beginning, I'll still dislike you. Especially if you ask like this all the time"
"I promise I won't! Pleassseeeee?"
"Tao" Zitao looked back at the other two; Yixing called his name and they were staring. He could see yifan sniggering in the corner of his eyes. Yixing just gave him a confused look which also meant 'speak quieter please' "calm down Tao" he nodded and carried on with yifan.
"Please, Kris! Please, I will make you like me I promise. You won't find me annoying at all and then We can be friends? Come on, please?" He said, quieter
"Aigoo, okay okay, fine! Just shut up. " again. He rolled his eyes.
Zitao finally did it though: he was finally going to restart with Yifan!
A big grin appeared on his face—he was even unsure why; he was happy but he didn't know he was this happy. Zitao looked at yifan in srtaight in the eyes for the first time and somehow, just somehow, he was smiling too. More of a smirk. But it counted! Now, the only question that is left was:
When did the new beginning start?
Chanyeol was getting closer and closer to falling asleep.
Jongin could tell; his mouth was hanging open slightly and his eyes closing every 5 seconds. Jongin leant forward to look at Baekhyun. He was the same. The film they had been watching clearly bored the two of them. God why did he even bother.
Jongin got up before Chanyeol slid to the side and fell on the empty space instead. He jolted back up and stared at Jongin.
" where are you going? "
Jongin turned the TV Off. "Bed. You should do the same. Both of you by the looks of it" he nodded at Baekhyun. Chanyeol looks to side and sees a sleeping baek.
He then walked out the room but he knew Chanyeol was probably smiling to himself.
Jongin closed the door behind him, as he entered his bedroom. He went straight to his side draws where his phone lay on the top plugged in to the nearest charger. Sitting down, he picked it up, while still connected, and turned it on.
<[ 1 new message: Unknown number]
Curious, Jongin clicked it.
<[hey sexy]
Oh crap.
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