Luhan's roommate was the best dancer he had ever known. Yixing knew that he was great as well as often he liked to show off and brag about himself. But when he suggested for luhan to go to his dance classes he got nervous. He liked dancing— no love it— but he didn't think he was at the same level as yixing... He could never be that good. He surely wouldn't be able to keep up. Luhan has tried learning separately on his own when no one is home to improve his skills but it doesn't seem like he is getting any better. Maybe those dance classes wouldn't be so bad after all? He would learn from it wouldn't he? But then again he didn't want to embarrass himself. Jongin goes to the same classes as yixing and everybody knows him just like they know yixing. They are both stars when it comes to dancing. Luhan would never stand a chance.
"Seriously luhan, you will be fine! You're pretty good at dancing anyway it doesn't matter" yixing was lying on the couch while watching TV at the same time as trying to convince luhan-hyung.
"I don't know. I just— I won't fit in!" Since there was no room on the sofa,Luhan sat on the floor cradling his legs.
"Jeez Hyung, yes you will." He sat up and looked at Luhan instead of the screen. " come with me for my next session and if you want you can just sit at the side to see what happens. If you want to join in you can, if you want to sit there and sulk then fine. Just come and see. Please Hyung! I know you will be good" yixing winked and gave him a thumbs up.
"Urgh.... Fine. But—" before he could reply Yixing let out a little 'yay' then wiggled back into his position.
Chanyeol woke from his sleep as he heard the front door shut. He tried to open his eyes the best he could but he was still half asleep. He sat up and looked across the room to see an empty bed. Where was baekhyun? Was he alone? Had he left him? Was Jongin still here aswell? Or had they both ditched him? There were too many questions for an early morning.
"Bacon?" He croaked. No one answered. Maybe he wasn't loud enough? "Bacon! Baekhyun-Hyung!" He heard the tapping of small feet rush into the room. Chanyeol turned his head to see baekhyun at the doorway.
"Why are you shouting me! Stop shouting me! It's too early" baekhyun looked just as drowsy as chanyeol did. He must have got up only a few minutes before.
"I thought you left me. Don't blame me. I heard something— did someone come in?" Chanyeol rubbed his eyes.
"No Jongin just left."
"Eo? Why does he leave so early! How can he get up so early! I don't know how he does it. Wait did he leave for dance practice?"
" think so"
"Does he even have a session today?" Chanyeol stared at his 'bacon' for a reply. Eventually, after staring at the ceiling, he looked at him, blinked twice and then shrugged. Baekhyun disappeared into the kitchen; he was probably about to make himself breakfast. And again without even asking chanyeol if he wanted any!
"Yah! Make me breakfast!" He heard a loud frustrated sigh in the background which made him giggle. Chanyeol lay back down and covered him self up again with his duvet, and soon drifted off to sleep.
Jongin knew he didn't have practice today. He knew that he was even earlier than the staff of the whole arts school. (Half the building wasn't open yet.) He knew that it might make his roommates a little suspicious of where he was going. He knew that he could be probably classed as a pervert for this by baekhyun- Hyung and chanyeol -Hyung. However he still came. All because of this one person.
All because of this one person called Do kyungsoo.
"Can I help you?"
Jongdae stepped up to the counter with his eyes still on the board above that listed the different beverages.
"Um... May I have... A hot chocolate please?" Once looking down he can't help but stare at the boy who stands in front of him. Jongdae hadn't seen him before. Who was he? He had light fluffy brownish hair, almost looking honey coloured, with those—
"Would you like anything else sir?" The boy gave a pleasant little smile getting ready to make the hot mug of chocolate.
"Oh err no thank you" the honey haired kid began to make his chocolate like it was effortless. I know you may think it doesn't take much to be a barista but to move around the small space that he while being that smooth... Jongdae hadn't seen someone do it so professionally. The boy really looked like he was enjoying it aswell; his smile still hadn't faded.
After a few minutes of waiting, the boy behind the counter placed the drink down and pressed buttons into the cash machine. He told Jongdae how much he needed to pay which he pulled out the correct amount of money. Wrapping his hand carefully around the handle of the cup, to make sure he had a tight grip, he steadily walked over to a free table and sat down.
As he turned away he heard the soft sound of the boy talking to his next customer.
Jongdae sat lonely on his usual table and thought about the new kid behind the counter (well he guessed he was new since he hadn't seen him once after coming here every day). Luckily for him, Jongdae was sat facing his way so there was no suspicious and awkward turning around business. If the boy saw him he would definitely think he was a creep. He slowly tilted his head upwards trying to make it less obvious. He stared at the honey haired kids eyes as best as he could from his distance— they were just so... So.. Pretty? Was that even a thing?
Jongdae realised what he was thinking and tried to shake the thought off his mind but he couldn't. Then he realised that the boy was looking over at his direction. Jongdae moved his gaze in embarrassment before glancing up again to see the boy smiling at him almost like his giggling to himself. Was he laughing at him? Jeez.
Junmyeon walked down the path, with his puffy coat and his backpack, that lead to the arts school. He held his folder that had all his sheet music safely inside. Once he reached the doors, junmyeon saw a boy across the street from him. He was siting on the bench and from what he could see he was shivering. Serves him right for not wearing a coat.
After squinting to see his face, he recognised the young man. He didn't exactly know his name, but he was outside the arts school the other day.
What was he doing anyway? Strange kid.
Junmyeon carried on and opened the door to the arts school. He followed the hallway and strolled up the stairs. Once he reached the door that Was labelled, on a piece of paper stuck to the door, saying 'singing sessions'. This idea of having singing sessions was new s that was why it was moved to a spare room. The dance sessions have been going on for a while however.
He opened the door and took his coat and his bag off and placed his folder neatly on a desk around the edge of the room. Junmyeon began to sort the sheets out he was going to teach everybody with today while he waited for them to arrive.
Jongin was absolutely freeIng his fingers off but he still waited for kyungsoo to come. He would say kyungsoo should be happy but jongin doubted that he even knew who he was let alone that he waits for him to appear around the corner.
As usual, Kyungsoo was dead on time; he always got to the arts school at the same time every day he has a session— which was every other day When Jongin didn't have dance practice. Except for one day which they crossover...
He watched Kyungsoo stroll to the doors in his coat that looks way to big for him and his long, thick scarf. He noticed he was holding the straps of his backpack as he plodded along. 'How cute' Jongin thought.
Jongin sat up, before he froze to the bench, and headed in the direction kyungsoo went.
He followed him right to his room. Jongin looked carefully through the window in the door and saw that there was only kyungsoo and another boy in there. So far anyway. A few minutes later he heard the other boy ask kyungsoo to fetch him a coffee. 'Aish' Jongin thought 'what to do?'.
Just as Jongin made the decision to go to the cafeteria before Kyungsoo unsoo came in the door opened and the clashed together.
It was only then that Jongin realised just how small he really was. Kyungsoos head came just over his chest. Luckily Kyungsoo steadied himself enough to fall over, by gripping on to jongins arm. But after realising what he was doing he let go.
kyunsoo looked up at Jongin with his big wide eyes and his mouth slightly open. The caught each other's gaze and it was wonderful.
Jongin felt lost in his big brown eyes. Until kyungsoo broke it and looked to the ground. He gave a small bow and said 'sorry' in almost a whisper.
The small boy the quickly shuffled away and disappeared down the hall.
Jongin watched him go and felt something flutter in his heart.
He wanted to go after kyungsoo but he felt like that wouldn't be the best idea.
"Yeollie! Chanyeol! Wake up damnit! Don't fall back to sleep on me your breakfast is going cold!" Baekhyun shook chanyeol until he was forced to open his eyes but chanyeol just groaned.
"Yah! Okay okay! I'm getting up" he pushed baekhyun off him and yet again forced himself up.
As he stood on his feet, he gained his balance then set off into the kitchen. He sat down with his breakfast at the table and began to eat. Baekhyun was right it had gone slightly cold but he was still thankful that he had made him some.
Thinking of baekhyun, chanyeol looked up to see what he was doing however something didn't look good. Whatever else he was cooking was smoking.
"Baekhyun, I'm pretty sure that smoke isn't a good thing.." No answer.
"Baek" no answer. "Jeez baek, you better not be playing me again or I'll swear to—" before he could finish his Hyung dropped to the floor.
Chanyeol dropped his chopsticks and rushed over to him. He switched what he was cooking off but then focused again on his Hyung. He cupped baekhyuns face in his hand and turned him to face chanyeol. 'God he's so pale' chanyeol thought.
"Yes Hyung"
"I don't feel well"
"You idiot." Chanyeol had to get him to bed."here lets get up and into bed. You're the one who gets the day in bed now. How about that?" He placed baekhyuns around his neck and began to lift him.
"Chanyeollll...." He moaned. " pick me up!"
"You're kidding me" Chanyeol knew that was his first idea anyway... But he didn't want to sound like he was too eager. He looked at baekhyun in the eyes to see whether he was actually joking. And.... He wasn't. "Fine"
He grabbed underneath his knees and lifted the rest of his body up. He was smaller than chanyeol which mean he was a perfect fit in his arms. He could see baekhyun slowly closing his eyes as he carries him into the bedroom. His head bobbed up and down along with the rhythm of chanyeol a steps.
Chanyeol felt his head drop against his shoulder and for a moment he nearly tripped over his own feet.
He was so warm— he definitely had a fever. And by the way his breathing was it seemed like he had fallen asleep already. ' God he's and idiot' chanyeol thought. 'An adorable idiot'.
Carefully, chanyeol lay baekhyun on his bed then pulled his duvet over the top of him. He sat on the side with him and gazed at his Hyung. He got up and went to the bathroom and brought back a damp flannel to keep baekhyun cool. He sat back down and gently touched his forehead. Baekhyun was still burning. Chanyeol steadily, and slowly, moved his brunette hair out the way. 'He's beautiful'
After realising what he just said in his head he shook his head and placed the flannel on his forehead.
He was about to leave when his Hyung faintly opened his eyes and mumbled "yeollie"
"yes bacon?"
"Can I have some lemon tea?" Chanyeol just smiled and nodded.
"Luhan-Hyung! I'm going out to meet Chen! Do you wanna join? It's just at the café where he lives!" Yixing was shouting even though he was only in the other room.
"Erm okay... I'll come. Hold on let me get my jacket."
As kyunsoo walked back in with two coffees in his hand junmyeon raised his eyebrows." Who was that kid earlier? You looked like you know him"
"Know him? Ha i have no clue who he is, he was just there... In the way" he looked down to the floor as he passed the other cup to junmyeon— who appeared to be smirking. He wanted to get rid of that conservation topic so he quickly though if something to say instead. " Erm, what are we doing today?"
"Well I have a few sheets of music, and I'm going to let you all pick, instead of me choosing." Kyunsoo suddenly felt excited and ready to start. But like always he was the first one here (apart from Junmyeon) so he had the pain of waiting for the rest of the group.
All he could do now is sit and wait.
Jongdae had to seriously stop staring now, if he doesn't then the honey haired boy would think he was a pervert. Although suddenly he is talking to two people that he knows — luhan and Yixing. He felt jealous that they seem to be laughing happily and jokingly with him. He had no reason to be jealous but it was something that just happened...Wait did they know him?
The two of them sat down with Jongdae and the first to speak was Luhan.
"I can't believe xiumin finally got a licence and a job here as a barista! I'm proud of him." Jongdae choked on his drink. Which was a shock to luhan and Yixing.
"Are you okay?"Yixing said worriedly.
"Wait who?"
Luhan and Yixing gave each other a confused look until luhan repeated himself but when his thumb pointing behind him.
"Xiumin, well his real names minseok, Kim minseok, but he likes to be called xiumin" there was a pause as luhan watched Jongdae pull his hand back down then he carried on " Erm... He's always wanted to get a licence as a barista and maybe work as one one day. And well look at him now! " he smiled.
Jongdae gulped, as he was trying not to sound too interested in who he was. "And... Err how do you know him?"
"I've been friends with him for ages Chen! and I introduced lay to him a while ago."
"Huh?? How come you've never mentioned him to me?" Jongdae added another sentence into the end but in almost a whisper." And you never introduced me to him either?" Gladly, They probably didn't catch the end of it though.
" oh... I didn't know you were so keen to meet someone else. I didn't think you would be bothered. Sorry Chen."
'well if someone's that cute of course I'd want to meet him' Jongdae thought.
Then Yixing spoke up with an idea. An idea Jongdae wasn't sure whether it would be a good one or not. "If you are so bothered about not meeting him, you can always meet him now!" He winked. What is it with Yixing and his winking?
Jongdae gave a little awkward laugh before speaking." I'm not sure he would appreciate that— I mean look, he's still working! "
"Of course silly, but did you forget the they have shifts?"
After hearing a scream coming from the bedroom, chanyeol rushed up yet again to attend his Hyung. Baekhyun was sat up on his bed with the flannel peeling off his forehead. With a worried look on his face, He held his phone in both hands, until looking up at chanyeol.
"Ahh! I'm late! I'm late I'm late I'm late! Why didn't you wake me!" He threw one of his pillows at his roommate but it didn't reach chanyeol. You could still see baekhyun was tired and needed rest but he was already up trying to get ready.
" because your sick Hyung . You can't go in this state so get back into bed" he grabbed baekhyuns arms and sat him back down on the bed. Baekhyun frowned ,and crossed his arms, with his bottom lip sticking out.
Within a few seconds he felt the still damp flannel slap his face and to say it was the softest flannel they had, it still damn hurt. Chanyeol felt his cheek go red as he cupped it.
"Yah!" He had raised his voice in an angry tone. However he couldn't stay mad at his 'bacon' for long. Somehow they both were laughing even though his cheek still hurt. "You idiot that hurt"
Chanyeol poked his forehead so that he fell back on to his bed. "Now go to sleep, Hyung, for heavens sake"
"Can you stay with me, yeollie? It's boring on my own..." Baekhyun flashed his eyelashes then pulled his legs up on to the bed so that he was lying the correct way. But he had left a space for chanyeol on the other side of him.
He felt himself heat up inside. What should he chose? Chanyeol gulped then nodded and climbed onto the bed with him. He felt baekhyuns gaze on him so he turned his head and they made eye contact. He saw baekhyuns eyes shine in the light, he saw part of his forehead from where chanyeol had moved his hair out the way, he saw his dampened messy hair and he saw his mouth part ever so slightly.
'Aish' chanyeol thought.
"Hyung." He said once facing straight forward again.
"Yes yeollie?" Baekhyuns eyes were still on him
"I think you should get some sleep"
Baekhyun simply said"Okay" and rested his head on chanyeols shoulder. Chanyeol let out a sigh and closed his eyes and surprisingly, he couldn't stop smiling.
The time saved Jongdae; he was supposed to be at singing sessions in only a few minutes. It was good that it wasn't a far walk either.
"I can't stay— I mean I'd love to stay and talk but I have to go" he really did to go now otherwise he might not be on time.
"Hmm yeah sure, go on then" Yixing rolled his eyes.
"No really I do have to go! I'll see you later yeah? Bye!" He grabbed what was left of his hot chocolate and rushed for out the doors. On the way out, he glanced over to see the honey haired boy— no, he knew his name now.. 'But do I Call him minseok or xiumin?'— watching him as he exited the building. And somehow minseok still wore a smile.
Once he reached his destination he slowed his pace as he walked up the stairs. There was no need to rush;he was there and he was on time.
Jongdae opened the door and saw kyungsoo and Junmyeon sitting down with multiple sheets of paper in their hands. He never got how kyungsoo was always in first along with Junmyeon.
Since the singing sessions were new there was only four people who came to it so far. It sounds bad, yeah but Junmyeon kept saying he was determined to get more people interested it in. The fourth person who attends is Byun Baekhyun. Jongdae wasn't overly fond of him but he had a good voice along with Kyungsoo. Junmyeon is the one who help set this up so he is basically like the 'head' of this group. They all learn mostly off since he claims he is experienced. He is talented at quite a lot of things once you think about it.
"Has baekhyun not came yet?" Jongdae took his coat and bag off and found his seat. "I though he normally gets here before me"
"Apparently not today, we haven't seen him yet" said Junmyeon.
"Are we going to start without him?"
"I think so, we shouldn't waste time. If he comes in late he can catch up; he's a fast learner" he pushed the papers closer to Jongdae and asked him which one he wanted to learn. He explained what he was doing and what Kyungsoo had picked. As soon as Jongdae picked a song they all agreed on it and began with their session.
Jongin sat in the cafeteria and thought about what he should do next. He really wanted to get to know kyungsoo but all he could manage is follow him around. He didn't want to seem like a stalker. Maybe he should just go home. Or should he wait for kyungsoo to finish? However that might not be for another hour or so. 'Yep I might as well just go home' Jongin thought. Even if he were to wait for him to finish, what would he do after that? Follow him home? There was probably no way he could speak to him.
Jongin thought about how kyungsoo clang on to his arm to steady himself and how they made beautiful eye contact and how he actually spoke to him. But what he hated the most was that Jongin couldn't even manage to speak a word back. But he shook that off the best he could and thought about the good things. He felt his breath on his— PING.
He shuffled his phone out of his pocket and saw that chanyeol had texted him, it read:
<[ baekhyun— Hyung has a fever I need you to pick up more lemon tea!>.<]
As he stood up getting ready to go He typed in :
<[ okay, anything else you want me to pick up while I'm at the store?]
<[erm yes! Something for a simple meal tonight, I can't be bothered to make anything special, unless you want to make something for your dear hyungs;) and oh by the way are you at your dance practise?]
<[no I don't either, I'll find something. And yes why?]
Technically it wasn't mostly a lie... He was in the arts school building where his dance practise was held but he was actually in his session ...
<thank you Kai! You're the best ! And please tell whoever said in baekhyuns group that he won't be able to make it. ]
Jongin froze. He didn't mean the one with kyunsoo did he? 'Oh lord he does ...' He sat back down and stared at his phone until he finally replied.
<[ um yeah sure]
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