I think I'm in Love
I sent her to 'observe' people in the park. She had a lot of.....interesting questions. To be honest I wanted a lot if people to be there to distract me from my thoughts but no such luck. We ended up sitting there in all our awkward glory. After the last people left her hand brushed mine which made me pull back swiftly. Her touch sent a chill down my spine, not the one that makes you scared but the one that is immediately followed by butterflies. Ugh I sound like some philosopher or something its disgusting. But it was all true. Why am I getting feelings for an android it will only end in lots of pain for me. Yet knowing that does not stop my heart rate from quickening when she looks at me. She was built to impress, most androids were made to be extremely attractive making it easy for them to spy on people in terms of infiltrating facilities. She especially looks like whoever made her was powerful and rich. Her red eyes always caught my eye. Yep definetly made to impress. She had even asked me if I was in love if only she knew my feelings. To be honest at first I was only interested in her in a purely sexual level but its extending and I don't like it.
We had gotten home and Tracy was in her room, I knew because her shoes were on the couch she probably kicked them off. From the muffled sounds coming from the room she was not alone. "Uh Rena", I said as she was about entering the room, I had told her she could recharge in there, "Maybe it'll be better if you recharged in my room instead". She cocked her head to one side, ugh why must she look soo cute, "Why". "Tracy's back", I answered, "She likes to keep her room to herself". "Oh", she nodded and turned towards my room and opened the door. I followed her in. "Your room is very messy", she said blatantly. "Yeah so what", I retorted blushing. "You blush a lot", she said inspecting my face, "Is it a defect or something". "No", I answered, "Now would you please excuse me and let me change". She moved a little away from me. "I meant go out", I said sighing. "Oh", she uttered before going out of the room. I had just removed my top when the door opened. Luckily I had not removed my bra yet. "Sorry its just", she started, "Your friend came out and she's........". I finished her sentence, "Naked", I said sighing. I sighed then grabbed my towel, "Its ok I'll just change in the bathroom might as well take a shower anyway". I fumbled with the clapse of the bra as I walked towards the door of the shower. Before I knew it she had gotten up and freed the clapse. "T-Thanks", I managed to stutter as I blushed like I'd never blushed before.
The hot water ony body felt nice and the steam was relaxing. I put on my pj's which was basically just a tank top and some short shorts. I walked out and put my dirty clothes on a pile near the door. I could feel her eyes boring into my back but I tried to ignore it. "Is there a problem", she asked finally. "No", I answered avoiding her eyes. "But you're avoiding my eyes", she stated, "There's obviously something wrong". "Its just don't open the clapse of any clothing on me again", I said blushing. "You were having trouble opening it", she pointed out. "Yes but...just don't", I said heading for the bed. She blocked my path, "Why". "I don't have to answer to you", I said irritated. "Why are humans soo complicated", she asked staring at me her face inches from mine. "Maybe its because they don't like their boundaries being crossed", I retorted, "Now please move out of my way". "No", she said moving closer, "I want an answer". Even angry she looks beautiful it would be soo easy just to lean towards her and kiss her right then but I knew if I did I would want more far far more. "I'll answer you in the morning", I said. "Fine", but she lingered like she was thinking about something but she finally stepped away.
"Where can I lay down", she asked. "You don't need to", I replied. "Yes I do", she said, "I damaged some thing's when I smashed the panel". "I guess you can sleep on the bed then", I said lying down. She layed down beside me. Her skin was soo close to mine, it was hard holding back the urge to kiss her, to show her exactly what love is, to fondle her, to caress her but I held myself back. Was love supposed to hurt like this? I asked myself
Are you supposed to long for someone like this? I then drifted off to sleep.
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