chapter 7
an: yay already a chapter 7 wow i am fast sry about not update the 6th chapter for so long lot of busy stuff going on but im ready to start chapter 7 and a thx to marshmellowchan for the dedication read "MEET THE THOMSONS" it has kazuma a character i made up for my friend irl marshmellowchan XD
previously on chapter 6 after everyone let and i was in the kitchen with madoka i notice kyoya and ayano alone on the couch i then realize what everyone was doing......
asami's pov
they were trying to get ayano & kyoya to make up.will it work?i thought t myself countinuing to pop popcorn in the microwave and cook food with madoka
ayano's pov
hmm everyone left thats weird and me and kyoya are the only ones left me and him........alone,i though to myself blushing.
"hey ayano" i heard in a quiet deep voice it was kyoyas!
"yea" i replied in a quiet voice too.
"im sorry for not telling you i though you'd hate me if i did tell you" he said frowning while looking at the ground
"why would i be mad at you telling me that you knew who i was if anything i would have been jumping with happiness to find out that i have been reunited with you." i said looking up at him giving him a soft smile.
"again i'm sorry ayano i should have told you" he repeated still looking to the ground.
"quit apologizing!" i yelled while a few tears trickled down my face.
"ayano.... your crying and its because of me" he frowned.
"no it not,its because i finally have found you again,and quit apologizing your a lion you dont show emotion so act like it" i wispered with a broken smile.
"now let call back the others and continue watching the movie" i added.
"hey, madoka,nile,asami, everyone you can come back now we made up" we yelled laugh while looking at one another.
"were not coming back till you two kiss"everyone yelled.
"oh u-uh b-but w-why?"i as questioningly while studdering.
"because you two know you want to" madoka added.
"um ok.... ayano looks like we have to but if you ask me it not a bad thing in my opinion i kinda like the idea," kyoya confessed while blushing a hot pink this time not barly but totally noticable.
i blushed at the confession of him liking the fact that we had to kiss, he then leaned in a pulled me by my chin to his face and kissed me his soft entrancing lips made my mind blank making me yurn for the taste of his lips agenst mine.
an: sry it was so short just couldnt think of anything T_T again im sry and decicated chapter to marshmellowchan for the dedication. XD - your banana king len oh and decicaton to anyone who review chapter in comments XD
me: *yawn* ryuga can you do the disclamer im to tired?
ryuga: *pretend to sleep* ah shu ah shu
me: grrr ryuga quit snoring
nile: welp *yawn* kagamineXlen does not own beyblade just ayano and the story.
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