chapter 5
An: hey heres chapter 5 sry it took so long to update my editer was taking a while to edit plus i was having thanksgiving dinner with my grandparents XD got fifty dollars from them!!! so heres chapter 5!
chapter 5
ayano's pov
hmm i dare madoka ,madoka truth or dare? She looked at me a bit puzzled" dare" she said proudly "i dare you to kiss ginga... its a dare you have to do it" i said teasingly she glared at me then looked to ginga blushing a deep pink ginga looked back at her also blushing "well go on then"i rushed "ok ok were going" ginga barked then him an madoka leaned in and slowly touched lips shaky at first then pashanent after. i smiled at my success of match making then cleared my through " ahem you can quit kissing now" they suddenly pulled apart and blushed deeply looking away from each other every now and then making eye contact then quickly looking away again."madoka it your turn" i informed her "ok " she then grinned evilly " ayano....truth or dare?" i shivered at her smirk but then shook it off. " dare " i said smirking."i dare YOU to kiss kyoya as pay back for my dare...not that i didnt like my dare i loved my dare...... oops did i say that out loud" she blushed emarressed ginga then blushed also " i know you loved my dare" i then looked at kyoya and blushed " well lets get this dare over with so we can continue the game" i said to kyoya he then looked at me i could see a faint blush spread across his face he then grabbed my chin and pull me into a kiss i was shocked at first by his sudden movement but i knew it was coming i then kissed him back but we suddenly pulled apart and countinued the game i was a little shaky still thinking about the kiss but kyoya seemed perfectly normal but i could tell he was thinking about it to because i could still see the faint blush spread across his cheeks."my turn again i see masamune i dare you to go to the neighbor's house dressed like a banana and dance infront of the window of his house".masamune then looked at me scared but then answered" how will i do that no one has a banana costume" i then inturupted i do because i love havint fruit costumes" i said smirking once again.he frowned at my statment and hung his head over leaning forward feeling glum."aww you poor thing to bad you got to do it,its a dare." i cood teasingly.he then got up and draged his fee behind him heading to the living room were i laid out all my costumes at and jumped into his suit and slowly walked out the door until i yelled after him to hurry or i'd boil him in a pot of hot water he then sccuried to do the dare we all laughed when masamune got chased my the neighbor,the neighbor was a cranky old man who loved to yell and scold naughty children (hint hint masamune)."masamune your turn" said madoka who was staring at ginga blushing."he then looked at the all so innocent little yuu" yuu i dare you to put on blue mascara and put on a skirt and act like a girl infront of the neighbors window and talk girly"masamune anounced chuckling under his breath. i looked at yuu to see him fake crying "aww masamune you made him cry" masamune busted out laughing " he's not a baby and its a dare he has to do it" yuu the stood up dragged me and madoka by our wrist to he restroom and sat on the counter" put mascara on me i dont know how to put it on i got the blue mascara and put it on yuu while madoka got a little white skirt for yuu after i finished with the mascara we left the room and the forced himself into the little skirt which he fit perfectly he then ran out the door to the neighbor and began doing what he was told we all watched laughing from our window yuu also got chased by the neighbor this time the neighbor had a newspaper balled up in his hands trying to hit yuu upside the head. yuu cam running into the house and up the stair crying because of the scary old man chasing him. yuu still crying spoke" truth or dare tsubasa?" he asked questioningly. "um dare i guess tsubasa replied" oh yea and i realized the passed round no one asked true or dare it was just i dare you when did truth or dare turn into i dare you?"he asked."since me" i said smiling dorkishly."i see that"said kyoya " whats that saposed to mean" i barked agitated."i means your annoying' kyoya replied smirking at me" kyoya you meanie am i really annoying?" a chorus of no's were heard from the crowd execpt one individual who said yes i wonder who that was ok it was kyoya trying to mess with me.i playfully punched kyoya then remembered what ginga had told me about kyoya and decided i use dares to get the answers out of him."ayano truth or dare?" i heard tsubasa anounce inturupting my thoughts."dares again " i said."i dare you to run over a person walking with a roadroller" i smirked "ok, this will be fun" i then ran to the back yard got on my road roller and started running over people who were walking. i then rushed home parked the road roller and ran inside before any cops came.i plopped in my spot still laughing under my breath."well you looked like you enjoyed that" kyoya remarked."i did i did"i stated."ok nile truth or dare?"he looked at me and shrugged " i guess dare since no one likes truth"he remarked " i dare you to dance infront of the neighbor's window with only a tutu on.he then got up and began to walk slowly dragging his feet behind him." hurry up you slow poke we want to watch the dare" i called after him.He then dashed out the door and put on a tutu then ran to do the dare. we laughed at him getting chased by the old man with a cain. he was running now up the stair and back into the room he plopped down in his seat panting like a dog who just ran 10 miles."nile its your go" kyoya informed this time instead of me." ok demure no ones done you truth or dare?" demure hide cowardly but he knew his fate." truth i scared of dare" he anounced openly." ok is it true you can see really far?" he nodded "yes it true, now kenta truth or dare"? just when he ask the question the door bell rang and i ran to see who it was it was my friend, Asami Yamauchi she has silver hair with some bangs, shorter at the front and a little past her shoulders in the back, and some random forest green streaks in a couple spots, she is about hikharu's height, with ocean blue eyes, her shoes are white ankle boots, dark blue denim shorts with a chain belt that kinda hangs off one one side, like kyoya's does, a white tank top that has one inch straps and a blue jeans jacket, white gloves, like the bladers have and her skin tone is pretty fair but it has a light tan." omg, asami it's you what brings you here to japan?" i said excited to see her " well, i wanted to move here close to my best friend" she said smiling at me " hey forget moving near me move in with me this is my friend madoka's place my house is across the street come in and set your thinks down we'll take it over when we leave " she nodded and set her stuff by the door "come up stairs and play truth or dare with us asami" i anounced jumping like an idiot "ok" she replied we then ran up stairs and into the room " everyone meet my friend asami she my bestest friends we've known each other since we were younger she came to move to japan and she moving in with me!" i shouted jumping again "ok calm down kitty " kyoya anounced that was his mistake he just gave away that he remembered who she was " kitty that what you used to call me when we were kids you remembeedr but you didnt even tell me? your so mean kyoya" i pouted now with a sad expresstion but then asami jumped on my back smiling brightly that lightened my mood i the smiled back at her and introduced her to everyone " asami this is kyoya thats ginga,kenta,nile,benkei,demure,madoka,tsubasa,yuu,hyoma,and hakaru" she smiled at everyone but she stared at tsubasa i knew then that she liked a certain silver headed individual...... tsubasa!
An: i wanted to add 1 of my favorite authors charaters for herself in my story slytherin_princess13! out of respect for her being a good author!
me: ryuga do the disclamer!!!
ryuga: nien (it means no in german)
madoka: since when did you know german!
ryuga : seit ewig! (means since forever)
madoka: qué ( means what in spanish)
ginga: madoka when did you learn spanish!
madoka: para siempre!(Spanish for forever)
ginga: what?!
ryuga and madoka: we both said since forever!
ginga: ok, gosh no need to yell!
me: ahem, asami would you like to do the disclamer?
asami: um ok sure XD
asami: kagamineXlen does not own beyblade or me im owned by slytherin_princess13 but kagamineXlen does own ayano and this story XD
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