chapter 13
AN: i decided to use a different pov this time :P
Chapter 13
yuu's pov
The day after that awesome concert put on by ayano, ayano decided to take me out for breakfast of course kyoya had to come ( yuu: -.- ) which i didnt like. I didnt want kyoya tagging along, i wanted to hang with ayano just me and her. Ayano's like my big sister and yoyo just ruins all the fun with his grumpiness. At the moment we're at McCafe my favorite restrant place.
" so why'd you tag along yoyo?" i asked curiously. leaning back in my booth seat, i was sitting alone and ayano and kyoya shared a booth don't tell them but they look like a couple.
"kyoya why do you always wear that trench coat?" ayano questioned.
"because i want to" kyoya answered planly.
" why not wear something else" ayano asked.
" because i dont want to" kyoya replied.
" well you should" ayano stated.
" why should i?" kyoya growled.
" cause its dirty." she answered.
" what dont like dirt?" kyoya teased with a grin on his face.
" no i dont so wash it." ayano demanded.
" no" kyoya replied simply.
" yes" ayano countered.
" no" kyoya repeated.
" kyoya wash it" ayano urged.
" no way! besides if i washed it you wouldn't take me to go shopping for new clothes" kyoya confessed, a blush on his face.
"kyoya you need to wash it!" ayano wined.
"heehee" i snickered quietly.
" what!?" kyoya yelled, i guess he heard me snickering.
"oh uh noth- heehee." i replied trying to maintain my composer but was failing terribly.
" what is it already!?" kyoya snapped agitation in his voice.
" we-well you too heehee look like a married couple arguing like that" i teased.
" we are not a married couple and we dont look like one either!" ayano and kyoya yelled turning there back to each other with there arms crossed. I could see a faint blush covering kyoya and ayanos faces.
" ooh i wish i had a boyfriend that let me shop for him and make excuses to be with me" several girls at the table next to us said.
" yea, i wish we were as cute a couple as them" another one of the girls at the table said. At this there blush deepen. kyoya and ayano's faces turned a darker shade of red that put tomatos to shame.
"are they talking about us?" ayano thought, trying not to let kyoya see her red face.
" do they mean me and ayano?" kyoya thought. still blushing red.
p.o.v ayano's
After we finished eatting we decided to head home. Since the night of the concerts kyoya lets me drive him around on my motorcycle, he still gets embarressed when people look at us on the motorcycle and see him holding onto me. Once we got home i ran and crashed onto the couch along with everyone else my leg was in kyoya's lap and my other leg was out infront of me meaning my legs where spread i know it isn't " lady like" as people say but who cares I'm bored.
p.o.v kyoya's
When we got home and crashed on the couch ayano ended up putting her leg in my lap which didnt really bother me i was bored along with everyone else. I noticed that it was still early in the day and the sun was still shining bright and it seemed to be a beautiful day so i then suggested maybe go to the beach.
" hey, how about we go to the beach it seems like the perfect weather for it not to mention it would give us something to do instead of being bored" i suggested, everyone seemed to agree because there was a series of nods. Everyone then ran into there rooms to change leaving me in the living room. I ran outside and down the street to an old friends house i then knocked on the door of the house to find him quickly answer the door his green split pine green hair and blue eyes peircing down at me with a big annoying grin, yes this boy was kakeru.. my brother.
" kyoya!!!! big brother!!!" a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my neck and pulled me into a hug, i noticed it was kakeru i then wrapped my arms around his waist and returned the hug. I hadn't seen my brother in years cause before i wanted nothing to do with him.
" hey, kakeru can i borrow mom's car?" i asked the young grinning boy. who's grin soon disapear as the thought about my question.
" you'd have to ask mom come on mom wants to see you!!" kakeru shouted, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the house. He dragged me into the kitchen where i found my mother cooking with her pine green hair pulled up in a bun. My mom turned to see me standing to her side next to kakeru and quickly ran to hug me which took me by surprise.
" kyoya my baby you've come home i've missed you so much. i was worried." my mother rambled as she countinued to hug me.
" i know, i know mom i was arrogent and stubborn back then but i'm different now." i informed, pulling out of the hug.
" mom i'm here to ask if i can borrow your car" i anounced, getting right to the reason i was there.
" ok for what?" my mother questioned with her hand on her hip.
" to take my friends to the beach." i answered, my mom then grew wide eyed and hugged me again.
" you've finally made friends i'm so happy you've changed" my mother admitted, i then hug her again and run out the door grabbing the keys as i ran and jumped into her lamborgini. i then heard my mom yell.
"me and your brother are going to i just got you back im not loosing you again. we'll take the van and meet you there" my mom said. i sighed and then drove off to the b-pit. everyone was done changing so i parked the car in the back and quickly ran inside to change, and then ran back out pulling the car to the from door everyone saw it and there jaws dropped.
" my mom let me borrow it" i informed. they then all snapped out of it and jumped in the car. ayano sat next to me, ginga behind me next to madoka, masamune next to her tsubasa and asami road ayano's motorcycle and yuu sat in ayano's lap nile simply held onto the trunk of the car next to him was rina. we then drove to the beach and saw my mothers green van and parked next to it.
A/N: this wasnt going to be the end of this chapter but ya know im confused in the order of my own story.
masamune: hey hey hey guyz!!! i know what disclaimer mean!!!!!!!
me: what does it mean?
rina: you guys are terrible your treating him like a child and he doesnt even notice. poor masamune i didnt mean to drop you on your head when you were a baby i made my own brother dum.
me: no way you dropped him on his head!!!!?
rina: yea IM SO SORRY MASAMUNE!!!! haha naw i didnt drop him on his head.
me: ooooh you scared me the- ~ was cut off my rina~
rina: my dad did
me: what!!!!
rina: yep he slipped on a banana peel.
me: maybe thats why masamune likes banana suits.
rina: naw im just pulling your leg masamune is just stupid he wasn't dropped on his head.
me: oh oh good. wait wait i mean that he wasnt dropped on his head not that he's stupid!!! ~ waves hand in front of her face and ends up flipping over the edge of the fountain she was standing infront of.
rina: aparently your not that smart either!
masamune: ~ dances around in a twisler suit with a tutu on~ kagamineXlen doesnt own beyblade just the story and her ocs. ~ hears a splash and looks to see what happened~ those 2 are idiots everyone knows you dont lean back to far when your infront of a fountain or you'll fall in and everyone knows never to help the person who fell in or you'll end up in there 2. ~ raises eyebrow at them~ they look like giant retarded birds trying to swim under super shallow water.
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