chapter 10
an: pleh sorry it didn't get o it earlier but imma work on it now i was working on my new story rayne's past its a part of on a thin line by marshmallowchan i made up rayne so she suggested i do his past XD i did his pov on her story toof :3
chapter 10
P.O.V kyoya's
i woke up with pink hair in my face it was ayano's i remember falling asleep on the roof watching the stars. love having her here with me i'm no longer alone i've lived my life with no friends no family to love me now i have ayano to fill that emptiness in my heart. i suddenly felt movment so i looked down at my chest to see ayano waking up.
"good moring beautiful" i said smiling at her.
"morning love" she said playing along with my "morning beautiful" thing.we then both laughed an stood up.
"lets go have a bey battle!!" she suddenly suggested.
"ok lets go" i replied grabbing her and beginning to run towards the bey stadium.
after running for a while we were at the entrance of the bey stadium we then entered and they seemed to have a competition going on so we joined, it was going to start in 15 minutes so we went to the rooms only for the people who were pertisipating could go and ayano ran in to the changing room for some reason.
after a while she came out in a pink tank top with a white mini shirt her hair in a ponytail and her bangs pulled back in her ponytail. she looked beautiful my face then turned a shade of pink i guess she noticed because she started laughing at me.
"what are you laughing at!!!!" i shouted.
"your blushing" she teased.
"n-noo im not!!" i denied.
"yea you are" she said again pointing at my face.
"grr whatever" i said turning my face away so she couldn't see me blushing still.
after some time passed it was time to leave so we went to the bey stadium and the battles began.
soon it was the semi finals and it was me against ayano i haven't faught her since we were kids so i don't know anything about her strength or anything.
we took our bey lanchers and attached our beys. then we heard the crowd yell 3,2,1
"let it rip" me and her said in unison as our beys went flying at each other our beys clashed over and over.
"leon, king lion crushing fang!!" i yelled to leon,leon then created a tornado and she then used her special move.
"flame tiger, wild flame claw!!" she called a thing of flames apeared and peirced through my tornado like claw in skin the impaced made me and ayano almost fall back both our beys land really close to the edge of the stadium.
"close but i won't loose that easily" i claimed.
"we'll see about that" she teased giving me a grin.
i then called another special move.
"king lion tearing blast!!" i called. right then she called a special move.
"flame tiger, burning tiger's roar!!!" she called
her bey then made a loud screech-like sound almost as if roaring and flames came shoot in at leone the impacted of the wind and flames sent me and ayano landing on our butts when the smoke and dust cleared i found that leone had be sent out the stadium and tiger was still spinning in the center of the stadium she then caught tiger as it came back to her and put it back into her bag.
P.O.V ayano
"welp that was fun wasn't it love?" i said jokingly in a british accent.
"whats with the british accent?" he questioned.
"what am i not allowed to speak with a british accent?" i asked still talking in a british accent.
"yes your not allowed" he replied.
"you butt" i said now back to my normal accent.
"im not a butt" he replied in a british accent.
"what so you allowed to speak in a british accent but not me?" i play whinned.
" yup" he answered confidently in a british accent.
" you're a turd" i told him.
" i know i am" he said still in a british accent.
" no no more british accent for you" i said poking him.
"fine" he repiled back in his normal accent.
"hey guys" i heard madoka yell comin towards up with,yuu,ginga,asami,masamune,nile,benkei,and tsubasa following close behind.
"hey whats up?" i asked the group.
" nothing much. what where you 2 doing?" madoka asked.
"oh we just had a bey battle" i answered.
"oh ok now that you mention it i've never seen you 2 battle before. who won?" she replied.
"her" kyoya said pointing at me while hanging his head down.
"aww don't be sad kyoya no one beats me" i said comforting him.
"oh that makes me feel better" he said sarcastically.
"d'aww kyoya you know i love you" i told him giving him a smile.
"oh i knew you love him" madoka said jumping in the conversation.
"i ment as a friend you dork" i said laughing at her comment.
but i do love more then a friend but don't know if he would ever feel the same way. i though to myself.
"well lets go home you guys" madoka said pulling me out of my thoughts.
"o-ok" i replied. i then grabbed kyoya's hand.
"hey cheer up kyoya" i said comforting him. we then started walking back to the b-pit hand in hand.
"d'aww there holding hands" madoka wispered to masamune.
"ayano likes kyoya!!!" masamune shouted pointing at us while walking backwards. i then blushed a deep shade of pink.
"oh whatever masamune just turn around or you'll fall on something" i replied.
"ayano and kyoya sittin in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g" he started.
"look out masamu-" i began but he hit the light pole before i could finish my sentence.
"haha masamune" we all said in unison while laughing.
"grrr dont laugh at me" he yelled while standing back up dusting off his butt.
"i told you to turn around" i informed.
"whatever" he growled.
"aww it ok masamune its only what you were doing to us what comes around goes around" i told him.
"grr" he growled.
after walking for a few minutes we were at the b-pit we entered and sat at the kitchen table.
"feed me madoka" ginga cried.
"ok ok im trying to cook as fast a possible" she replied. i then got out my iphone 5 and began texting kyoya.
"how are you doing love?" i jokingly messaged him.
"just fine honey" he messaged back playing along with my little joke.
"glad to hear" i replied.
"what about you hun?" he asked making the joke play out longer.
"just fine" i replied smiling.
"oooooooooh ayano and kyoya are textiiiiin" masamune teased.
"oh hush masamune" i called.
"i love you hun" kyoya messaged still joking.
" i.. hate you kyoya" i replied messing with him.
"aww how could you hate this" he questioned still playin around.
"dork" i replied.
after a few minutes madoka served the food and passed out plates and sat down to eat with us.
"yea food" ginga said shoving his face in his food.we all laughed at his action and got ourself some food and ate.
after eatting it was now dark outside so we all crashed on the couch and watched a movie it was frozen i love the song let it go that elsa was singing it was pretty i think her and jack frost would look cute together personally.
after the movie it was midnight so we all headed to bed but insead of kyoya heading to his bed he got in mine i blushed and went to bed with him sleeping next to me, and instead of ginga heading to his bed he slept in madoka's, and instead of tsubasa heading to his bed he slept in asami's we all slept with someone.
An: sry like wassleepy last night XD
Ryuga: i'll do it don't even have to ask"
Me: good
Kyoya,ayano,asami,tsubasa,ginga,madoka: zzzzzzzzz
Ryuga: kagamineXlen does not own beyblade or asami but she owns the story and ayano. plez star and comment.
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