Welcome to the Wedding
Sam's POV
"Wow, it's so pretty." Sam said in awe, looking at the lines of pale brown benches, only three rows, stretching across the grass. A pale gray pathway stretched down the middle of the benches, patches of blue dotting the apple green grass along it. At the end of the pathway, an alter, the same pale brown as the benches, with a blue arch overhead, wrapped in green ivy.
"Yeah, the decorators did a good job since Dean didn't want a traditional white wedding." Gabriel commented, stepping out of the car. They were in a small parking lot, a few cars already there, though otherwise it was deserted. Sam took a deep breath, his wonder showing on his face, only for him to look down as Gabriel began straightening his tie.
"You okay?" Gabriel asked as he fixed Sam's suit. The nurse had began asking him that question a lot, especially when he first woke up in the morning. Sam figured it had something to do with his memories, but he never pressed the shorter male, until now.
"You know you don't have to worry about me, right? I'm perfectly fine." Sam replied, smiling gently. Gabriel let out a sigh, hugging the boy and kissing his forehead out of habit. Sam didn't mind though. It always made him feel safe.
"I know, it's just that..." Gabriel trailed off for a minute, as if trying to find the right words. "When you wake up, you have your old personality, and... I don't know. It upsets me to hear you so sad and in so much pain."
Sam had no idea on how to reply to that. Sure, he had learned exceptionally quick, picking up things faster than even Gabriel had thought would be possible, but seeing Gabriel upset always made his brain feel as if it were shutting down. So, instead of speaking, he hugged Gabriel tightly, enveloping Gabriel into a warm hug.
Eventually, Gabriel pulled away, offering Sam a small, sad smile before motioning towards the building. "Why don't we go in and meet some of my family?" Gabriel suggested, his voice tentative and quiet.
Sam nodded and together they made their way to the building where everone will wait until the wedding was about to begin. As the doors opened, a few people glanced their way, but otherwise they weren't noticed. Sam instantly grabbed Gabriel's hand, feeling a little shy about meeting so many strangers at once. Gabriel squeezed his hand comfortingly, smiling over at him.
He lead him towards the corner, where a man with a brown hair and beard stood, leaning agains tthe wall as he stared at his drink. He looked up as Gabriel and Sam approached, a smile crossing his face.
"Well, if it isn't my son. How are you doing Gabriel?" The man asked, his eyes flicking over to Sam then back to Gabriel, who only beamed.
"Doing good, dad. My nursing job is going really well." Gabriel said, tugging Sam a little bit closer. "And this, is my friend Sam. He's the guy I was telling you about the other day." The nurse said brightly, and the man shook his head, holding out his hand for Sam to shake, who took it hastily.
"Well, it's nice to meet you Sam. My name is Chuck and I'm Gabriel's and Castiel's father." Chuck said, looking Sam over in curiosity. But, if he was going to say anything, it was cut off.
"Sam?" He heard a soft voice behind him, though it sparked a familiarity that caught him off guard. He turned, coming face-to-face with a tall, though still shorter than him, man. Sam realized where he recognized him. It was Castiel's fiancé, Dean.
"Dean." Gabriel said with a warning, and Sam furrowed his eyebrows. What was Gabriel being defensive about? But if Dean noticed, he didn't say anything. He just stared at Sam, who was starting to get a little uncomfortable.
"W-where have you been? I've been looking for you, ever since you left." Dean said, pausing to take a shuddering breath. Sam felt confused. Why would Dean be searching for him? "You didn't call to let me know you were alive. You didn't answer when I called to tell you about John's death. You left me, and now you come back on the day I'm supposed to get married? We're family Sam! Family is not supposed to disappear for a month without a word the come back like nothing is wrong!"
Dean was almost shouting by the time he finished, unshed tears shining clear in his eyes. Sam was taken aback, and felt too big for his body as people began to stare. He squirmed, and Gabriel must have noticed his obvious discomfort.
"Dean, it's not his fault." Gabriel urged, taking a step forwards to take some of the attention off of Sam, though it didn't help much. Dean's snapped to Gabriel, then to thei linked hands, his eyes glowing livid.
"He was with you? The reason he didn't call or anything, was because he's been hiding at your place?" Dean asked, his voice full of disbelief. Gabriel looked away for a second, guilt clear on his face.
"It's not Gabriel's fault." Sam retorted, his natural bitchface, as Gabriel called it, activated. It was somethig that the nurse firgured was connected to his old personality. "Besides, why would I call someone I don't even know?"
Dean seemed to freeze, his eyes going wide with the shock that littered his face. Sam instantly felt a guilt bloom in his chest, and he had to look away, his head starting to swim a bit. Meanwhile, Gabriel was at his side, his hands on his face as spoke, though the words weren't registering in his mind.
Then, a dizzyness started, and Sam felt his legs buckle. Instantly, both Gabriel and Dean were at his side, supporting him as his eyes began to roll back in his head. He could hear a high pitch whine in his ear, and groaned, though one word cut through it all, the voice full of panic.
The voice seemed to open a floodgate in his mind, a small trickle at first, just the glimpse of Dean, then the memories flooded his brain, flashes of his past darting in front of his eyes before they disappeared just as quickly. He saw Dean, though instead of seeing him as Castiel's fiancé, he saw his brother. He was standing there, arguing with both Sam and a man, no, his father, John.
Yelling insued, but the words were washed away as the memory changed, he and his brother visiting their mother's grave, the words Mary Cambell Winchester etched across it, along with her birth and death. Sam reached out with his small fingers, taking his brother's hand. Sam was only six at the time.
Sam couldn't really process what was going on as his memories continued, but he was pretty sure that he had fallen to the ground. His limbs were shaking, and his eyes rolled back into his head, his face flushing red as he struggled to breathe. He thought he heard someone screaming his name, but he couldn't really make out who.
And suddenly, he felt his mind release, and he let out a groan, his vision fading to normal. He was laying on the ground, Gabriel hovering over him, his eyes filled with concern and fear. Dean was on his other side, calling out his name with tears sliding down his face. Sam took a deep breath, furrowing his eyebrows as he struggled to sit up.
"What.....what's going on?" Sam stammered out, his eyes wide. He felt a hand touch his back, pressing against it as a support, turning to see Gabriel holding him steady. Sam took a shuddering breath before his vision swayed, and blackness swamped his mind, falling back and hearing more shouts.
Gabriel's POV
Gabriel let out a sigh as he brushed his hand through Sam's hair, looking around the empty, small room that branched off from the main building. They had moved the tall boy here after Gabriel announced that he would be okay, and currently, the wedding was going on outside as he sat with the unconscious boy.
Gabriel turned his attention back to the boy, smiling softly as Sam leaned into his touch, a soft sigh escaping the boy's lips. The nurse leaned over, kissing the top of Sam's head, only to freeze when he felt the boy shift.
"Sam?" Gabriel said softly, carefully brushing the boy's hair out of his face as his eyes slowly opened. He felt his heart flutter for just a moment when he saw the innocence Sam always had in his eyes, only for it to sink when they turned dark and sad.
"...Gabriel, I think I remember." Sam mumbled, his voice sounding not quite like his own. Gabriel swallowed thickly, feeling his chest begin to hurt. Sam had his memory back. The boy was going to leave.
"T-that's good, kiddo." Gabriel said, his hands quivering as he went to hug Sam, then paused before patting his shoulder. He bit his lip, turning away and pointing at the window that revealed the wedding going on. "You might want to hurry. They're about to be announced husband and husband."
Sam didn't answer for a few seconds, and in that time, Gabriel's mind was racing. He finally turned, seeing the curious but concerned look that the boy's eyes carried. "Are you okay, Gabe?" He asked, and the nurse had to grit his teeth so his tears wouldn't well up. He couldn't do this.
"I'm fine." Gabriel said, water forming in his eyes. He tried to smile, but his lips were quivering too much and soon, tears were sliding down his cheeks. "I'm fine, so you should go before you miss your brother's wedding." The nurse let out a shaky breath that ended in a sob as he managed to choke out his words. His Sammy was leaving him, and there was nothing he could do.
I always knew this was going to come. Gabriel thought bitterly, but the pain in his chest made him feel like he was dying. He turned away, clasping a hand over his mouth to keep in his cries. What's wrong with me? I should be happy for him. Sam could finally go to his old life...
"Why are you crying Gabe?" Sam asked, grabbing the nurse and pulling him over to the taller boy. Gabriel instantly turned around, burying his head into his chest. Sam wrapped his arms around the nurse, feeling much stronger than Gabriel last remembered.
"I'm just happy for you." Gabriel said, not looking up. His face would give up what he's feeling. "You get to go back to whatever you were going to do. You can settle down, have a family..." Gabriel had to stop talking, in fear that he might break his own mind.
"But I don't want to leave. You were right. I was so miserable in my old life. I want to start over, to stay with you." Sam said, offering Gabriel a small smile. Gabriel sniffed, his grip on the back of Sam's shirt tightened for a moment before releasing, looking up at the taller male.
"R-really?" Gabriel asked, his lip quivering again. Sam's jaw clenched and unclenched for a second, a smile starting to appear. He hugged Gabriel tightly, runnin his hand through his hair comfortingly. After a moment of crying in relief, Gabriel finally pulled away, letting out a shaky sigh.
"We better get to the wedding ceremony. They're kissing now." Gabriel observed, looking out the window to see the happiest couple in the world exchanging saliva at the moment. Sam let a grunt in agreement before taking Gabriel's hand and leading thr nurse out of the room and through the building, getting outside just in time to see Cas and Dean walking down the aisle. Gabriel watched as Sam waved at Dean, beaming as he waved back.
Gabriel chuckled and reached up, kissing Sam on the forehead. Today didn't turn out to be half bad.
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