The End
Welp, this is the end of this story. I want to thank all of you for sticking with this story, and I hope that you will continue to read the things I write. I hope you enjoyed this story and are happy with the result.
Sam never regained his memories.
For months after the boy had left, almost for an entire year, Gabriel had visited Dean and Castiel's home everyday, staying with Sam until the sky was deep and dark, and both of them where struggling to stay away. It was in this time that they relearned the ways of the world that they had lost to the incident. For Gabriel, it was to never give up on Sam, to fight the demons that continuously tried to reach his soul. For Sam, it was reconnecting with the way of life, regaining the love he had felt with Gabriel, and losing the strain that his past had graced with him with. For Sam, losing his memories was one of the best things that could have happened to him, for he could start over, begin a fresh new life.
Gabriel never knew what Sam had done in his past, except for what Sam had told him, but Dean had mentioned that they and their father had been in the militia until both he and Sam had escaped from their clutches. No more detail ever went into the story, and the nurse never pressed for answers. He didn't need, nor want, to know.
After that year passed, Sam began living with Gabriel again, deciding to get out of Dean and Castiel's home so they could have their life. Dean had protested of course, telling his brother that they didn't mind that Sam was staying there, but it had died from his lips when he saw the look that Sam had gave Gabriel. It was then Gabriel knew that it wasn't just because of the newly wed couple's privacy that Sam was leaving, and it warmed his heart to think that.
For the next two years, it was a rocky path for the both of them. IT was as if they had just gotten out of a rough surgery, and they were in recovery. There was a lot of mental anguish, a lot of despair, but, there was also a time for both of them to take care of each other, to realize that this is the life they always wanted, to be with each other.
Of course, there was things that they had to overcome. Gabriel was plagued by nightmares, forced to relive that day over and over again. Sam couldn't tell how many times he had woken up to hearing Gabriel scream and cry, begging for Sam to come back to him, to not forget him. Eventually, these dreams became ones of comfort as their love grew, but neither of them ever forgot.
Sam didn't fare much better in these times. It was during the period in which they were still trying to regain his memories. On certain occasions, Gabriel would prompt him with the past, and Sam would try to remember, he really did, but it caused stress on his brain, trying to connect the missing pieces when there was nothing to connect them wiht. It had sent the boy into seizure after seizure and both the doctors and Gabriel knew that SAm would never regain his memories. Gabriel had to admit that he didn't mind that much anymore.
It was exactly two years, five months, and thirteen days after the incident when Sam had admitted his love for Gabriel. It wasn't something terribly romantic like a candle lit dinner or a white sandy beach, it was simple, and Gabriel had loved it. When he came home from work, to see Sam making dinner, he had been suspicious. Sam had never been one to like cooking, despite being good at it, but when the boy had finished, he turned around, and said it completely out of the blue. Gabriel was caught of guard, but even his shock could not stop the tears of happiness that flooded his face. It was then that they kissed, feeling as if it was the first time all over again.
Things started to really look up for both of them after that. Gabriel's job got better, he became more sociable and even made friends. He began laughing and smillng as often as he used to when he was with Sam. Now, when Sam catches Gabriel staring at him, it isn't one of sadness like he was used to seeing, but an intense love that just the thought of it sent shivers down Sam's spine.
Sam, on the other hand, took up a job as a waiter of a restaurant in town. IT wasn't anything fancy, but it allowed Gabriel to get off earlier, to give him a break in his effort to support the both of them. It allowed them both to get home and just relax in each other arms in a pleasant state, not exhausted as Gabriel had been working all those hours in the clinic.
They got married only eight months after Sam's first declaration of love. IT had been a small wedding, nothing too spectacular. It was a rather small wedding, with only their families and the friends that they had made at work invited. Of course, Dean and Castiel were the best men while the rest of the audience sat in the pews. It was easily an amazing day for both of them, and they absolutely loved it.
The present is ten years after their marriage. The memories of what was lost no longer painful, but as an obstacle that was overcome for their love to blossom. It wasn't a perfect love, not even close, but it never wavered. They loved each other unconditionally, even now, as they held each other close, looking down at the bubbly bonde-haired three year old that was in Gabriel's arm. They had adopted her as a baby, deeming her Mary after Sam's mother. Both Sam and Gabriel were perfectly happy, and the demons were now gone.
And Sam never had to have his memories to remember his love.
So that was very cheesy, but it's one of those days where everything is beautiful and nothing could get you down, so I'm pleased with it. This chapter was a bit short, but hey, no one ever said more is better XD. Anywho, I'm sad to see this story go, as I really enjoyed it, but their story of dealing with this tragedy has come to an end, and I'm glad to see that even though it may have been a bit bittersweet, it ended perfectly happy! I hope you all enjoyed it!
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