I Don't Understand the Luck of this Boy
Sam's POV
A noise reached Sam's ears, jerking him from the nice dream he had been having in a sharp gasp; which was disappointing because he didn't have good dreams often. With a reluctant sigh, his eyes slowly opened, meeting the sight of his white ceiling as a yawn escaped his lips, slowly sitting up. He began to stretch, smiling as he felt his joints pop then relax, that is until he heard the noise again. It was short and sharp, both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.
So he got up in his curiosity, quickly dragging a t-shirt over his head and onto his torso. He had discovered the new beauty and chillness of sleeping without a shirt on, finding it was much too hot otherwise. When he was finished, he padded out of the room in soft steps and down the hallway, soon entering into the cozy living room. He froze when he saw Gabriel sitting beside a woman with brown hair and bright eyes, a strange creature panting at her feet. It was golden, and had a long narrow mouth and dark brown eyes. Gabriel must have heard Sam walk in despite him being as possible because he looked up as he walked in, a smile spreading across his face.
"G'd morning Sammy. This is Amanda Mars. She lives next door." Gabriel introduced, motioning to the brown haired girl. Sam waved a little suddenly feeling shy, moving over and sitting by Gabriel, making sure to avoid the side she was on. "I was wondering if you would go with her while I go to work? Madison is sick and she can't make it today." Gabriel said, his eyes full of hope. Sam wanted to reject it. He didn't even want to go near the girl, but he knew how much Gabriel's work meant to him.
"Yeah, I'll go with her." Sam mumbled, leaning over and hugging Gabriel's arm. He didn't know why he did, because he didn't understand the jealousy that was forming in his chest. He was showing Amanda that Gabriel was his, despite not realizing what he was doing.
"Okay" Gabriel said happily, hugging Sam gently. Sam smiled, glancing over at Amanda, who seemed unfazed by their affections. Gabriel kissed him gently on the forehead, running his hand through his shaggy hair before standing heading out the door. Sam watched him go before taking a deep breath and facing Amanda.
"Well, I was hoping that we could go run some errands in a minute. Do you mind?" She asked, her voice calm sand a bit formal, as if she was trying to get him to relax before becoming more open, which worked just fine for Sam. He nodded and she smiled, reaching down and patting her creature.
"Then I'm going to take Bones home real quick. Can you get dressed and wait for me?" Once again, her words were met with another nod, and she grabbed the strap that was attached to another strap around...Bone's neck, the creature letting out the noise that Sam had heard earlier. She led him towards the door, and Sam turned away, heading back to his room to get dressed.
Sam let out a tired sigh as they finally got back to Gabriel's house. It had been a tiring day, getting groceries, picking up Amanda's kids - who were quite fun - and now, Amanda was bringing him home since Gabriel was supposed to get home any minute.
"Well, we're here." She said, smiling over at him. He had to admit, she was nice, but this morning kept running through his head, and he just couldn't bring himself to like her. He nodded and opened the door, sliding out and heading up the porch. He heard her pull out of the driveway, but ignored it as he slipped into the door.
It was terribly boring waiting for Gabriel to get back. When the nurse was around, he was never bored, always having something to talk about, but now, he was just lonely. Sam let out a loud groan, laying on the floor of the hallway as he waited for Gabriel to get back. He really missed him.
Gabriel's POV
Gabriel gave the small girl sitting on the bed a smile as he slowly pushed the needle into her arm. She winced a little, but soon relaxed, counting to herself. Luckily, he hadn't been given any extremely hard tasks today, allowing his mind to wonder as he did the simple things. He thought of Sam, hoping that the boy was getting along with Amanda. He really wanted Sam to be happy and make new friends.
A moment later, he had the needle out and tossed into the biohazard bin, heading out the door and replaced by the doctor that walked in a moment later. He nodded his head in greeting as he passed, straightening out his scrubs that had gotten wrinkled in his morning duties. He was heading to the cafeteria, planning on grabbing something to eat before he got pulled back into work, but even then he didn't get far when he was met with the hard stare of Jessica.
"Can I talk to you?" She asked politely, though Gabriel could hear the coldness clearly in her voice. He only nodded his own eyes hardening, knowing that they were about to fight again. She continued to glare at him a minute before she pointedly turned on her heels, heading into a more deserted hallway.
Once they were alone, Jessica rounded on him, her expression in a scowl. "We've found Sam Winchester's father, so you don't have to take care of him anymore." She said, her voice remaining cautiously formal, though he could see the slight smirk of triumph forming on her face. Gabriel felt his heart sink at the words though, barely noticing her and her pissy attitude as the meaning of them sunk in. They were taking Sam away.
"What if I refuse?" Gabriel asked, his voice not feeling like his own as he spoke. He was never usually this selfish, but he didn't want to see the one thing that made his day brighter leave him. Jessica just looked at him as if he grew two heads. Her expression would have been priceless if he hadn't been caught up in his own woe.
"You can't refuse! He's not yours! You don't have the authority! Why do you always have to be so difficult?! He's just a patient!" Jessica spat, setting Gabriel's anger on fire in his chest. He opened his mouth to retort something that probably would get him fired if someone overheard them, but he was fortunately interrupted by his pager going off.
He picked it up, hearing Jessica's go off as well, and an instant, they both were racing down the hallway. It was a code blue. Luckily, it didn't take them long to get to where they were going, as the room was just down the hallway in room 465. Gabriel got in first, his eyes raking over the patient in analysis.
It was an older man, looking to be about in his fourties or fifties. He had black hair that was beginning to gray, and he wasn't breathing, his face strangely lax. Gabriel instantly got to work, pumping his chest and his heart as he waited for the other nurses to get there. Jessica began helping, doing the best they could to keep the man alive. But even with their efforts, Gabriel could feel it in his heart that it was too late to save the man, his skin had already going cold underneath his touch. After the other nurses got there, they had no choice but to call his time of death, and Gabriel stepped back, freezing when he heard the name uttered.
"John Winchester, time of death 12:56."
He looked around, meeting the eyes of Jessica. Her gaze was almost accusatory as she stalked past, pausing for only a second when she reached him. "Looks like you got your wish." She hissed under her breath before continuing on. Gabriel watched her go, feeling a little defensive and shocked. Why was she blaming him for this? What was he going to tell Sam?
Gabriel sighed as he trudged up the front porch to his house. He felt like curling up into a ball and never getting up again. He didn't know how Sam would react about his father's death. Sure, the male couldn't remember him, and maybe that's what made this worse. He wouldn't be able to miss his own father.
When he got inside, he was greeted by a happy giant, who had hugged him as soon as he walked through the door, making him yelp in surprise. Gabriel smiled sadly after a minute, unable to forget the news he would have to tell him as he rubbed his hand through Sam's hair, hugging him tightly back. He was dreading this.
"What's wrong Gabriel?" Sam asked, pulling away. Gabriel was always amazed by how Sam could pick up his emotions easier than anything he's ever seen before. He kissed Sam's forehead like he always did before letting out a sigh and bracing himself as he looked the male in the eyes.
"We found your father." Gabriel said finally, watching Sam's expression. He couldn't see any changes, except maybe he looked a little sad? Gabriel was trying to find the words to comfort him, but he didn't get to chance to say anything when he saw tears starting to form in the giant's eyes.
"Do I have to leave then?" Sam asked, trying to blink back the tears before they spilled, though it didn't work too well. Gabriel hugged him again, shushing him softly as he rubbed his back in comfort.
"No, you don't have to leave. We found your dad, but...He passed away." Gabriel said, hugging Sam tighter. He had explained his job to Sam, and when he had come home upset over a death, he explained that too, the same way he had just told Sam his father had died. He felt Sam tense, but quickly relax, as if trying to reassure Gabriel that he wasn't mad.
"I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about it. I mean, I'm sad that ny father is gone, but I don't know him." Sam replied, a little bit of bitterness and regret in his voice. Gabriel pulled away and nodded in understanding, running his over Sam's cheek and giving him a gentle smile.
"It's okay. I know it isn't your fault. " A moment of silence. "How about we get something or at then?" Gabriel , wanting just change the subject. He didn't want to linger on it any longer. Sam nodded and they both went into the kitchen, looking for something easy to fix. When Gabriel spaghetti noodles and sauce, he filled a pan with water, waiting for it to boil.
"Gabe?" Sam said hesitantly. Gabriel looked over at him, a flicker of worry crossing his mind. Why would Sam be shy?
"What was that thing with Amanda?" He asked, though it didn't seem to be the question he as wanting to ask. Gabriel press him though. The boy would ask him in his own time.
"It's an animal called a dog. You can keep one as a pet, which means they live with you and you play with it." Gabriel , turning back to his now boiling water to put the noodles in. He heard Sam shift behind him, a little grunt coming from the giant.
"Why was I mad at Amanda?" He asked after a moment of silence. Gabriel furrowed his eyebrows, turning away from the food and facing Sam once again.
"What do you mean?" Gabriel asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Sam fiddled with his arm, rubbing it as he looked at the ground as if he was ashamed.
"Well, I saw you sitting by her morning and it made me get mad at her. I didn't want her to sit by you." Sam attempted to explain, his eyes widening as Gabriel began laughing. Gabriel reassured him, however, by hugging him gently then he sat him down at the table. It was going to take a while to explain jealousy.
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