Gabriel's True Nature is Revealed
Sam's POV
Sam sat in the hospital room, fiddling with his fingers. Gabriel had called the doctor the morning after the wedding. The man had suggested that he bring the giant in the next day, so they did. Now Sam was waiting for Gabriel and the doctor to come back from their chatting.
After what seemed like hours, both of them finally came back, the doctor smiling, though wary. "So, Mr. Winchester, I hear you have your memory back." He said, pulling the stool out so he could sit on it while Gabriel took a seat on the bed beside Sam. It was comfort that the giant enjoyed feeling.
"Yeah, I did." Sam said, smiling back. His voice was formal, and that seemed to throw the doctor off a bit, because he looked at him curiously. Gabriel glanced between the two, watching as the doctor studied Sam closely.
"Okay, how did you get your memory back?" The doctor asked, placing the clipboard in his lap and relaxing out of his formal posture. Sam pondered the question for a moment, before smiling gently.
"Gabriel's brother, Castiel, was getting married. So we went to his wedding, and it turned out that his fiancee was my older brother." Sam said, as if it was a funny memory. Gabriel smiled at it as well, the doctor looking between the two of them supsiciously.
"You older brother? That seems quite coincidental." The doctor replied, his voice soft. Sam nodded, but shrugged a moment later.
"Yeah, I know, but it's true. I remember Dean talking about Castiel like he was the light of his life." Sam said, looking down at his knees. He felt Gabriel rub his back comfortingly, and looked over and saw the sympathetic, understanding smile.
"I see. So what do you plan to do now that you have your memory back? Surely you have a life you need to get back to?" The doctor said, his tone loosing the kindness that usually had. Sam tensed, recognizing that sound. He knew that the doctor didn't approve of something.
"Actually, I really don't have any plans." Sam said, his voice cold, as if he was challenging the doctor to say anything wrong. His stare made the man flinch, and even Gabriel tensed beside him, but he didn't notice as he concentrated on the man in front of him.
But the doctor had the nerve to continue pressing. "Surely you must have a job, or a girlfriend to go back to. It's not like you really have anything here to give you a reason to stay." The man said, his white coat bunching as his arm sweeped in a obvious motion.
"My job was working with my dad, but he's dead. My girlfriend died five years ago. I have no one to live with, because my mother's been dead for twenty-two years. My younger brother has been dead for a year. My grandparents are dead, my uncle is dead, my aunt and her daughter are dead. Everyone I ever cared about is dead, except for Dean and Gabriel. I can't live with a newly wed couple, so what else are my options?" Sam spat, venom in his voice as he stood. He felt Gabriel grab his hand, squeezing it as a urge to calm down, which Sam finally did as he felt the warmth spread to his body.
The doctor, however, only stared at the giant in shock, his eyes wide and confusion in his gaze. After a minute, he let out a sigh and stood, walking towards the door. "Gabriel, I need to speak with you in private." He said without looking back. Sam looked at Gabriel, who gave him a reassuring smile before letting go of his hand and walking out of the room.
Gabriel's POV
Gabriel turned as soon as the door closed, looking at the doctor darkly. The man had his arms crossed across his chest, an angry look on his face. "You know I gave you the benefit of the doubt when Jessica told me that you were getting too close to your patient, but now I know I should have listened to her. What exactly do you have to say for yourself?" The doctor growled, making Gabriel flinch.
"You wanted me to take care of him. I did exactly as you asked." Gabriel retorted, feeling himself get a bit hot headed.
"Oh really? You seemed awfully close for just a nurse and patient."
"Give me a break! I lived with this kid for a month, who by the way was the most adorable thing in the universe, and now he's my closest friend! What the hell did you think was going to happen? That I wouldn't get attached to the man?" Gabriel was beginning to get desperate now. Why was everyone so against him having a friend?
The doctor's eyes flickered to the door. "I've known you for years now, Gabriel. You were always carefree on your free time, you were the happiest person I've ever seen. But when someone needed it, you could teach them a lesson they'd never forget. Then your older brother came back and you became a recluse and dark. Now, you're willing to risk your entire career for such a thing as breaking the patient rule? What happened to the clever trickster we all knew?"
Gabriel paused. Did he really change like the doctor said he did? He knew that he was a recluse for a while after Lucifer appeared for a few months then disappeared again, but who wouldn't? "Maybe I am, but I think Sam is pulling me from the hell you believe I'm in. It's your choice whether or not my job is gone, but you won't take my only friend too."
With that, Gabriel turned and entered the room, looking at the Sam who had obviously been listening to the entire conversation. He looked away, his cheeks tinting pink as Gabriel walked over and hugged him tightly.
"I don't want you to risk your job for me." Sam whispered, eventually wrapping his arms around Gabriel, the nurse instantly relaxing into the warmth.
"You're worth it." Gabriel mumbled back before he finally pulled away and smiled at Sam. "Come on, let's go home." He offered and took Sam's hand, guiding him out of the room and down the hallway, ignoring the doctor's stare.
"What did the doctor mean by you changing?" Sam asked curiously after a while of riding in the car, his expression neutral but compassionate. Gabriel had a feeling that Sam would be an excellent actor if he ever needed to be one.
Gabriel didn't answer at first, thinking for a moment on how to word it. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "My older brother had been missing for several years after my father kicked him out of the family. We all just assumed that he was dead or wanted nothing to do with us, but one day about a year ago, he showed up on my doorstep. Now, I let him stay with me, but it was a bit of a hell. He was always mumbling about some wild plan to destroy the world. He.....did several things that I regret ever knowing and after he left, I don't know. I just felt the need to hide from the rest of the world, so until now, the only place I went was work." Gabriel shrugged as he finished, trying to pass it off as no big deal, but he could see Sam thinking about it, his eyes narrowed.
"Do you think he'll come back?" Sam asked, rubbing his hand over his thighs.
"I don't think I'll see him for a while at least." Gabriel replied, smiling over at Sam. He honestly didn't know, but didn't want to worry the boy. They both were quiet until Gabriel pulled into the driveway, Sam turning to face him with a small smirk playing on his face.
"A trickster?" Sam asked, making Gabriel smirk in return.
"Yeah, let's just say, I came up with the best pranks and the like. I even managed to trick someone into thinking they were stuck on the sam Tuesday for a week." Gabriel said, and Sam's eyes widened in surprise.
"Really? How did you manage that one?"
"I'd like to say it was magic, but really, just a bit of hard work and a convincing story."
Sam was quiet for a moment, seeming to be thinking of something. Suddenly, he grinned and looked over at Gabriel. "You might be good, but I don't think you could ever trick me so easily." Sam said casually, though the challenge was definitely there. Gabriel raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on his lips.
"Oh really?" Gabriel asked with a grin, Sam visibly shivering under the look. However, the giant kept his composure and nodded, returning the grin.
"I just think you don't have it in you. I mean, it would be almost impossible to trick me." Sam said with a dramatic wave of his hand. Gabriel chuckled, a hint of mischeif in his voice.
"Let's put that to the test then." Gabriel said, holding his hand out. Sam nodded with a smirk and took his hand, shaking it firmly.
Sam had no clue what he was getting himself into.
Sam's POV
To say Gabriel was a good pranker was an understatement. Sam was shocked when he got out of the shower that morning, only to realize his hair had turned blue. He ran his hand through his hair several times, furrowing his eyebrows when it didn't come out. He pulled on a pair of sweatpants and headed to Gabriel's bedroom.
"Gabe, why is my hair blue?" Sam asked with a raised eyebrow, looking at the nurse who was laying casually in bed, his eyes full of innocence.
"Why would you think I have anything to do with that?" Gabriel asked cheekily, sitting up and stretching. Sam was awestruck for a moment, distracted by the way Gabriel's hip bones peeked out from above his sweatpants as his t-shirt rose up. He swallowed thickly before forcing his eyes to Gabriel's face, who hadn't noticed his lasp in attention.
"Well, who else could have done this?" Sam asked, and Gabriel smirked. He walked over, patting the giant on the shoulder playfully.
"Why would I put temporary hair dye in your shampoo? That's just ridiculous." Gabriel said, only to laugh when Sam growled.
"Why did you do that?"
"You challenged me. It's not my fault you didn't expect I'd do it." Gabriel said triumphantly, only to squeal when Sam picked him up and threw him on the bed, sitting on him.
"Now, tell me how to get it out." He said with a smirk, looking at Gabriel's embarrassed face.
"No! You're being mean to me! Throwing me around and the like. It's so rude!" Gabriel said stubbornly. Sam decided to take the easy root and dug his fingers into the nurse's ribs, hearing a yelp then laughter follow.
"No! Don't tickle me!" Gabriel said, arching his back as he tried to twist away from the male, although he was trapped underneath him. After a moment, Gabriel had tears flooding down his face from laughing too hard.
"Okay! Okay, I'll tell you!"
Sam instantly stopped, though his hand hovered over Gabriel's cloth-covered skin. The nurse's laughter finally died and he wiped his tears, his breathing erratic and heavy.
"Just wash it out with my soap." Gabriel said breathlessly, tensing as Sam's hands moved closer, then pulled away. Sam shuffled off of him and Gabriel sat up, watching the giant warily for anymore sudden attacks. Sam only grinned at him triumphantly before he went to the bathroom to take another shower.
Sam shouted from the bathroom angrily when he discovered that instead of blue, his hair was now pink.
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