From the Minds of Learners
Sam's POV
Sam stirred under the light that filtered from the window, slowly opening his eyes. He yawned, rubbing his eyes slowly before looking over, feeling that something was missing. He realized the Gabriel wasn't there, a small shade of panic going through his chest, but relaxed when he saw the man pass his door.
Sam, curious on what's beyond the door, slowly sat up and placed his feet gingerly on the ground. He wasn't sure where he would go, but he knew that he couldn't stand only laying in bed all day. So as he tested his balance, he realized that his right foot couldn't touch the ground, his eyes following to something hard that was plastered over it.
He frowned, leaning down and running his fingers of the strange object. It felt rough to the touch, and almost painful to run his fingers over it. He let out a soft noise of confusion, straightening back up and moving towards the door. He noticed that the...IV was still his arms and pursed his lips, his gaze tracing the tube over to a small metal hook that held a bag of clear liquid.
He walked over to it curiously, noticing it had wheels. He grinned and grabbed it around the middle, tugging it with him and letting a small laugh of accomplishment when it went with him. He walked over to the door, his footsteps naturally silent except for the small thump the hard shell around his leg made, and opened the door, looking at the hallways in wonder.
He looked both ways before going to the right, walking slowly as he tried to take everything in, from the different colors on the walls, to the different symbols by the door that he couldn't quite read. There were so many things and it felt like an explosion of information in his mind. He was stopped from this amazing time, however, when he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder.
He turned to see a pretty girl standing behind him, her blonde hair in curls with a round face, and glimmering eyes. He tipped his head, noticing she was wearing the same clothes as Gabriel did. He glanced around, just now realizing that there were several people walking past in the same blue clothing. Did they all share? He wondered, only to be distracted when she spoke.
"You shouldn't be out here by yourself. Patients have to have supervision along with them." The blonde girl said, her voice firm which made Sam flinch. He didn't understand what she meant by supervision. Was it something you had to have? He was about to ask her where he could get a 'supervision', but she turned, taking his hand and starting to lead him back down the hallway.
"What was your room number? Do you remember it?" She asked, glancing back at him. His frown only widened and he narrowed his eyes. Room number? He wondered, glancing around again. He didn't know where he was. All the hallways looked the same to him.
"What's number?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. She stopped, looking back at him with confusion. The poor girl didn't know about Sam's situation. "And do you know where Gabe is?" He didn't give her time to answer his first question before asking another, already more concerned on where his friend was more than anything, though his question was answered when Gabriel rounded the corner.
"Oh, Jessica, thank God you found him." Gabriel said in relief, walking over to the two. The girl, who Sam was guessing was Jessica, smiled at Gabriel. Sam however, hugged him tightly, grinning from ear to ear. He had been wanting to see him again since he didn't get to this morning.
"Hi, Gabe. Is this your friend? Why is she wearing your clothes? Do you share them with everybody? What are those things beside the doors? What's a room number?" Sam asked, instantly feeling more comfortable and open. Gabriel could answer his questions. He knew he could. Gabriel only laughed, hugging Sam back before pulling away.
"This is Jessica, I work with her. We all wear the same clothes, they're called scrubs. It's to keep us for getting dirty. All the nurses wear one. Nurses are the ones that take care of people when they are at the doctors, like you. The things beside the doors are the numbers that show you what room it is, like that one says 235. Your room number is 210." Gabriel explained, making sure that it was slow and detailed so Sam could pick it up faster, which Sam did. He looked over at Jessica, not recognizing the confusion on her face, and waving at her in greeting.
"What are you doing out here anyways, Sammy? Shouldn't you be in bed resting?" Gabriel asked calmly, keeping his voice soft and kind. Sam tipped his head, thinking for a minute. Was he supposed to stay in his room? Why? Was it a rule?
"I got bored, then I saw this thing," He said, motioning to the hard shell on his leg, "then the IV wanted to come with me and I started walking and found...Jessica, who told me I couldn't be out without a supervision, whatever that is." Sam explained, waving his hands dramatically as he spoke, a little excited to tell Gabriel about his adventure. The brown-eyed boy chuckled in response, patting Sam gently on the shoulder.
"Well, the thing on your leg is called a cast. It goes on your arm or leg when you hurt it really bad." Gabriel said, motioning to the hard thing, which Sam now categorized as a cast. "Supervision is someone who watches over you while you are out of your room so you won't get hurt or in trouble."
Sam tipped his head in wonder as he listened, glancing over at Jessica, who had not said anything the entire time and was looking a little pale. He turned back to Gabriel though, finding him more interesting. "Are you my supervision?" Sam asked, silently hoping that he was. Gabriel laughed and nodded, ruffling his hair.
"Yep! I'm supposed to watch over you, kiddo. We can go and walk around on my free time, how about that?" Gabriel asked, recieving a nod as response from Sam. "Okay, why don't you let me take you back to your room, and you can watch TV, then, I'll show you the hospital?"
Sam thought for a minute, tipping his head. He smiled and nodded, loving the idea of spending more time with Gabriel. "Yeah!" He said excitedly, bouncing in place. He couldn't wait for it. Gabriel grinned and began to lead him towards his room, only to stop when Jessica said his name.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked, her voice, holding almost a hint of annoyance. Gabriel picked up on it and frowned, glancing at Sam, who just looked back with a confused expression. What did she want to talk about? Sam wondered, looking over the blonde curiously. He could tell she was angry...or upset. Maybe she was going to get Gabriel or Sam in trouble.
"Just stay here, Sam. I'll only be a minute." Gabriel said gently, smiling at the boy before walking over to Jessica. They moved a bit further down, and Sam watched as they exchanged words, both of them seeming to get more angry by the minute. Sam shifted on his feet, frowning a bit when Jessica's voice got loud enough to where he could hear them.
"You don't need to get so fucking attached to him, Gabriel! He's not going to be around for you to take care of forever!" She hissed, making Gabriel flinch. Sam's eyes widened at how mean she was being. Why would she yell at Gabriel like that? He thought, walking forwards and standing in front of Gabriel, blocking Jessica from him.
"Don't you dare yell at Gabe!" He snarled, not even aware how terrifying he was at the moment. He was too caught up in his own rant. "He's the nicest person I've ever met, so you don't get to treat him like he's dirt. Never, and I mean NEVER, yell at him again, John."
He paused, confusion flooding his brain. John? Why did I say John? Who's John? He thought, looking back at Gabriel as he placed his hand on his shoulder. The smaller boy mainly looked confused, but he looked...happy? Yeah, he looked happy, but it was quickly replaced with anger when Jessica let out a 'hmph' and walked over, shooting them glares over her shoulder as she went.
"Gabe, who's John? Sam asked, turning his attention back to Gabriel, who only sighed. He hugged Sam gently, running a hand through his fluffy hair and squeezing him gently before pulling away. Gabriel ran a hand through his own hair, looking at the ground as he tried to think of a good response.
"It might be someone from your memories that you forgot." Gabriel said cautiously. Sam tipped his head. From my memories? But, I have all my memories. He thought in confusion. What was he missing that made Gabriel seemed so anxious about.
"Forgot? I remembered everything! I haven't forgotten anything!" Sam said in an almost panicked voice. Gabriel only gave him a gentle look, making Sam's heart race with fear. Why is he saying this. I have all my memories. He backed away slowly from Gabriel, who grabbed his wrist before he could escape.
"Sam, listen to me, okay? You full name is Samuel Winchester. You got into a car accident and hit your head, losing all your memories before the hospital. I'm just the nurse that was assigned to take care of you until we found your family. I'm not special to you in anyway." Gabriel said, his voice seeming to get fainter, until it cracked at the end. He cursed under his breath, making Sam blink in surprise. To him, it sounded like Gabriel wanted Sam to stay with him.
"I have all my memories." Sam said, making Gabriel look up and growl in frustration. Sam could understand. Even he wasn't sure what he was saying. So he let Gabriel glare at him, though it made him want to curl up and hide.
"Sam, weren't you just listening to me?! You lost all your memories! Please, can't you understand this!?" Gabriel said, struggling to keep from yelling. Sam flinched everytime his voice got a little too loud, a shiver crawling through his spine, but he remained stubborn, hugging Gabriel gently and not letting him go, even when he struggled.
"You weren't listening. I have all MY memories." Sam said again. Some inner need made him say this, and even though he didn't understand it, it clicked with Gabriel, as he suddenly tensed. After a while, Sam let go, looking down at the shocked brown-eyed boy.
"When's your....lunch break, was it?" Sam asked, a small grin creeping onto his face as Gabriel laughed, feeling a sense of accomplishment at lightning the mood up. Gabriel placed his hand on his back, leading him to his room.
"I get off in an hour, okay? I'll be back before you know it." Gabriel said gently, helping him into the bed. He smiled at Sam proudly, brushing his hair from his face and kissing his forehead before walking out. "See ya, kiddo."
Sam waved, watching him go with a grin. He searched out the remote, fumbling with the buttons until he hit the right one and the TV screen switched on, a show with two male leads playing. He watched the show....Supernatural? Whatever that meant, as he waited for the time to slowly pass by.
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