Don't You, Forget about Me
Sam's POV
Only three more days until the wedding. Sam thought, feeling a sense of excitement as he looked out the window, watching as the sun began to rise. Lately, he had gotten into the habit of looking at the sunrise, finding it rather pretty to watch, especially when the birds' songs mixed with the morning.
When the sun had turned the sky a pale blue, he stood, running towards Gabriel room and sliding open the door. The nurse was sleeping, his face buried in his pillow as a soft grumble of sleep escaped from his throat.
Sam grinned and snuck over, standing beside the bed and began to mentally count. One....two....three! He thought, pouncing onto Gabriel with a happy yelp. "Get up! The sun's already rising, sleepy!" He said happily, hearing Gabriel groan under the weight of Sam as he sat on his back.
"Yeah, yeah" Gabriel groaned, raising his head. Sam grinned and slid off of the nurse, letting him flip over and sit up, watching him stretch with a mild innocence. Despite the mumbles that Gabriel was making about having to get out bed this early in the morning, a smile was still on his face as he leaned over, kissing Sam's forehead before heading to the shower.
"Why don't you go watch TV until I get done showering?" Gabriel offered, and Sam nodded, hugging the nurse once before hurrying out the door. He walked down the stairs, hearing the shower spray turn on in the distance before it slowly faded out as he reached the living room.
He grabbed the remote and hit the red power button, the TV springing to life and the sound following a second later. He watched the mindless cartoon as it played out, a bit of confusion crossing his features when one of the cartoon creatures ran off a cliff, stayed there for a second, then fell. Was that really how it worked? He wondered, debating on whether to try it or not.
Suddenly warm, slightly damp arms wrapped around him from behind, and felt the soft weight of Gabriel's head as it rested on top of his. Sam smiled, letting himself relax as the cartoon finished and commercials came on before moving his out from under Gabriel's and looking up at him.
"Hi" Sam said, a small smile playing on his lips. Gabriel looked down at him, returning the smile before he leaned down and squeezed Sam gently, letting go a minute latere. Sam got up and followed Gabriel as the male started walking to the kitchen.
"Want some breakfast?" Gabriel asked, though he already knew the answer. Sam answered excitedly with a yes, making Gabriel chuckle as he got to work making some bacon and eggs. They've yet to find Sam's favorite things to eat, but he liked most things Gabriel made, so the giant didn't mind too much.
Sam let his mind wonder as he waited on the food, staring out the window and onto the road. Leaves were strewn all over the yard, their fall color beginning to lose its brightness as it slowly became duller.
That's when he noticed the dog limping across the road. It was white with golden fur tips, the front right paw bloody and mangled. Sam felt an instant sadness swarm over him, and he glanced back at Gabriel, who had his back turned as he cook. Quietly, he slipped from the kitchen and out the door, walking towards the dog.
Sam paused when he heard a noise of a vehicle, his eyes widening as he saw the dog walk onto the right side, a car appearing at the exact moment. Not sure what he was doing, he ran straight towards the dog, reaching out and grabbing it as he heard the squeal of tires as they struggled to pull the vehicle to a stop, strange words ringing his head.
Saving People, Hunting Things, The Family Business.
Gabriel's POV
Gabriel had finished fixing breakfast rather quickly, not that it took eggs and bacon that long to make. It was when he turned around and didn't find Sam there that he paused, confusion playing on his features.So he set the plates down before calling Sam's name, furrowing his eyebrows together.
He probably wouldn't have noticed Sam in the kitchen window, except for the habit he had picked up of glancing out it everytime he passed. When he saw the boy, he let out a breath of relief, but it was cut short when he began running towards the road, a car speeding towards the same point.
Gabriel began running too, racing out of his house in a panic as he reached the porch, only to hear a screech of the tires. With wide eyes, he ran towards the car, his heart pouding in his chest. "Sam!" He shouted, a sick feeling making his face pale as he imagined the worst possible things from Sam lying there dying to him already being dead, and that almost killed him to think about.
Sam had quickly become one of the most important people in his life, like a light in his otherwise dark room. Before the boy, he had been almost depressed, never wanting to do anything other than lay in his bed. But now, he had something to live and be happy for, and it's probably just got taken away from him in a single moment.
The car was at a complete stop now, and he could hear yelling coming from the area. He braced himself, but couldn't help but freeze when he got to the right angle. Sam wasn't there.
"Gabriel" He heard Sam whimper out and ran to the front of the car, seeing Sam clutching a dog just inches from the vehicle's tires. He was crying, probably out of fear, and the dog whimpered and licked his face in comfort.
"S-Sam." Gabriel stammered out, his own tears falling from his face as he moved closer to the boy, enveloping him in a gentle hug, sending the glare to the person behind the wheel who was still yelling. Her voice faltered as she met his cold eyes, up to the point that she huffed, rolling her window up and driving off. Gabriel couldn't say that he was going to miss her. No, he was more focused on the shivering giant below him.
"What were you thinking, Sam?" Gabriel asked, though his voice wasn't rough or harsh, just upset. Sam flinched, looking up at him as the nurse pulled the giant to his feet, leading him off the road. He contiued to clutch the dog, his hands quivering against the fur.
"I'm sorry, Gabe. The dog was about to get hit and I heard this voice and I just ran." He whispered, his voice probably quivering too much to speak any louder. Gabriel let out a soft sigh after a moment, gently taking the dog from the giant's arms. He searched the dog's collar, finding a tag with an adress.
"Let's get him cleaned up and we'll take him home." Gabriel suggested, trying to keep the pain that was taking over his chest under wraps. He didn't want Sam to worry.
When they reached the house, Gabriel cleaned the dog's cut, bandaging it up. The dog let out a whimper, licking Gabriel's hand then looking at Sam before returning its gaze back to the nurse. Gabriel faltered under the dog's look. Its eyes were brown, just like Sam's.
What would have happened if Sam hadn't made it? How would Gabriel even think of living without the ball of energy that brightened his life so much? Gabriel felt a pang on his chest as he realized that he was so attached to the boy already, even though he wouldn't always be there. He would get his memory back, and he would leave. Gabriel always knew that; he just didn't expect that he would enjoy the boy's company so much.
Gabriel slowly walked from the couch and towards Sam, who was getting a drink from the kitchen. The giant's was to him, and Gabriel smiled softly, the messy hair of the back of Sam's head making his fingers twitch with the need to fix it. He walked forwards, remaining quiet as Sam turned around and looked at him with a curious looks.
"What's wrong, Gabe?" Sam asked, fiddling with his fingers nervously. Gabriel took a deep, shuddering breath, running his hand over his face to find tears staining his cheeks. When did I start crying? He thought.
"S-Sam...I want you to promise me something." Gabriel said, his voice feeling thick in his throat, like he couldn't breathe properly. Sam set his glass down on the counter, turning back to him with a worried expression.
"Of course I will." He said, his voice wary. Gabriel gritted his teeth, trying to keep the fresh tears in, but failed as they dripped down his cheeks. He pulled the boy into a tight hug, holding him as if it will be the last time.
"Please...don't forget about me." Gabriel whimpered, his voice muffled by Sam's shirt. The giant tensed, but slowly relaxed under his touch, eventually hugging him back. Sam didn't reply for a minute, and Gabriel began to worry, but it was put to rest as Sam pulled away and gave him a sincere and reassuring smile.
"I'd never forget about you." Sam said, tipping his head as he looked at Gabriel. He leaned forwards, pressing his lips gently to Gabriel's head like the nurse always did to him before pulling away, looking in the living room where the dog was laying on the couch.
"Good." Gabriel said, taking another shuddering breath as he calmed his over-nervous heart. He took Sam's hand, leading him into the living room where he crouched in front of the dog, who raised its head and yipped as if it was giving them a greeting.
"Ready to take...." Gabriel paused, checking the tag on the dog's collar. "Snowy, home?" He asked, looking over at Sam who smiled and nodded, reaching out and rubbing the back of the dog's ear. Gabriel picked up the dog, being careful of the bandages, and carried the dog to his car, Sam on his heel.
It hadn't taken them long to get to the dog's house, as it wasn't far from where they were living anyways. Gabriel pulled into the driveway of a small brick home, a small slide and swing was the only thing in the yard. Gabriel stopped behind the black car that was parked in the driveway, putting his vehicle in park and shutting off the engine. He got out, careful to pick up the dog gently before looking at Sam who had gotten out.
"Let's go" Gabriel said softly, walking up the steps to the front door. He hit the doorbell, the faint ringing coming from the house and waited, Sam standing behind him, close enough that Gabriel could feel the brush of his jacket.
The door opened and a young woman was standing there, a small child on her hips. She looked exhausted, the skin around her eyes dark and her blonde hair messy, though in soft curls. The little child let out a squeal of delight, seeing the dog.
"Oh! You found Snowy!" She said, relief filling her voice. Gabriel nodded, feeling a bit intrusive as he gently put the dog on the ground, watching as it limped into the room. "My oldest child let him outside yesterday and he disappeared. Thank you so much! I haven't slept because this one doesn't rest without her." She explained, motioning to the child on her hip that struggled to be let go so that he could get to Snowy.
"It's not a problem." Gabriel said, taking a step away from the door, though it led to him bumping into Sam. He glanced back, but Sam didn't seem to notice, staring at the woman with a look of confusion. Gabriel furrowed his eyebrows but turned back to the woman, taking their leave with a friendly goodbye before he led the dazed boy from the house.
"Are you okay?" He asked when they got off the porch, meeting the darkening eyes of Sam.
"She just reminded me of someone." He said, running his hand through his hair as he thought. "It was a woman, maybe a bit older than her. But she.....was in a picture frame. Yeah, she looked like a woman in a picture." He said, his voice catching the strangeness whenever he remembered his past. Gabriel felt his breath catch in his throat, but he quickly pushed his worries away. Sam gaining memories back was a good thing.
"Well, I'm sure you'll figure out where." Gabriel said, smiling gently at Sam, who smiled back before getting in the car. Gabriel let out a soft breath before sliding into the car and driving them home.
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