Close Mindedness
Ever heard your parents, teachers or even your friends saying that studies isn't everything. Bad grades isn't the end of the world. Not everyone is good at studies. School grades don't define your intelligence. Have you heard any of that?
What if I told you, studies are everything. But people make it seem nothing out of pity. I find it a bit offensive and pathetic to sugarcoat the reality of this cruel world we live in. The close mindedness of the people will never fails to shock me.
We have to study well in order to get into a good college, which leads to a better job, and a better life. Everything revolves around studies.
But what about the people who can't study?
What about those who have trouble learning?
Who are dyslexic and have ADHD?
What about those you aren't as privileged as we are, and live in the streets?
Are they stupid?
It is estimated that 150 million people in this world are homeless. But I can guarantee you that they are smarter. They know things about this world that we don't. They know the reality of this harsh world. The same harshness that we are sheltered from.
So what's the point?
These people can't do anything, and may always remain homeless. Something which I personally find ridiculous is the people that say studies aren't everything. But then you to have study to get admission into a good college or university. That one grade which people call useless can make or break your career.
What if I told you that change could've been made.
There could be another system. Not everyone has the privilege to study, but everyone has a set of skills or some kind of talent. What if you were judged on your talent? What if people judged you on things you were good at , and something that you love? Getting admissions, and getting somewhere in life doing something that you enjoy. Wouldn't that be amazing?
Maybe everyone in this world may get somewhere. Maybe then no one would be marginalised. Maybe then everyone would be recognised.
So don't be close minded, and believe that studies is the only way out. The only way to get anywhere. Believe in yourself, and who knows, maybe that's your ticket to success.
Source: Personal experience/My lovely Brain
Hola, this is your author.
I hope you liked this write up, and was able to relate to this. Like I mentioned before, this is not something that you should abide by. Yes, you should never give up on yourself, and never stop believing. But that doesn't mean you neglect your studies. Studies are important, but giving yourself time, and doing something you love is important too.
Many people do struggle in studies including myself. It's tough, and I personally hate it when people say it's not that big of a deal. For someone who works hard and doesn't make it, it's a big deal for them.
So try to be open minded towards people, and don't assume that they have an easy life. You never know, they might be facing the worst challenges. Challenges that you may never have to face. Be grateful for what you have, and try to help people who need it.
If you feel like it, send in your stories on my email.
Email: [email protected]
So one thing I wanted to do was start another story. Just for myself though. I don't want to do any commitments right now especially not during exams and since I already have a story working. I started writing the prologue and if you guys want I can give a sneak peak once it's done. Since I made a poll for insta if people wanted to read it and many of them said yes. So it's up to you guys.
And if you haven't checked out my story yet make sure to check it out.
This has been fun, see you in the next write up.
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