...and you are going to camping?
"P-please, wait for me!"you shouted.
Garrett left you behind, he was going so fast.
He was your best friend since high school, you were so close to each other, you knew his secrets too. He was a vampire, but it did not bother you anyway.
You spent most of your days together.
Today, you two decided to go on a trip. You didn't want to go too far so for your destination you chose the mountains nearby.
"You are slow...just like a turtle"he turned to you and sighed.
"Ahh thanks man, I love you too, really..."
He laughed, walked next to you and hit your shoulder friendly.
You gave him a fake smile for that.
You continued your way and now he went slower to not to loose you. After a few tiring minutes Garrett suddenly stopped.
"Wanna stay here?"he asked.
He was standing on a very nice place. It was full of pine trees and there were a lot of birds too. They were singing beautifully. It was perfect to put up the tents.
"Yeah, sure!"
You were exhausted so at first you just sat down into the dust and got out a bottle of water and a pocket of crisps off your backpack.
Garrett sat next to you.
"There is something especial in this place...it's so magical. Don't you think?"
"I do."you answered.
You looked around again. Now you saw butterflies and squirrels too. The Sun was going down. The grass was pretty green and it perfectly fit to the orange coloured sky.
"Uhh will you please help me with my tent? Because I don't know how to put it up"you asked worriyng.
"Of course. Let me see it"
You gave the packed tent to him. He read the instructoins, and started to laugh.
"What's your problem?"
"This is really easy...you just have to..."
He threw the pack away and the tent opened in the air automatically.
"Oh my God, I didn't think that's as easy"
"Read the manual next time, dear!"
"Fine...need some help to put up yours?"
"That'd be great, thanks"
You put your drink and snack down, got up from the grass and stood in front of him.
"How can I?"
Garrett unwrapped his tent and gave it to you.
"Just unfold it, please!"
You started to do it. Meanwhile Garrett was getting the holder sticks together and tried to build the structure.
You finished in a minute but he was just wasting his time for maybe half an hour. The sticks fall down to the ground or they got stuck into each other so it was a hard job.
You decided to sit down again, and watch him suffering.
When he finally did it, you covered the sticks with the tent you've just unfold.
"Huhh, mine was a way worse..."he chuckled.
"You are absolutely right. But the Sun is almost gone. We should make a campfire!"you offered.
"Great idea"
Then he went to collect some wood.
You put them down inside a circle made of stones and rocks, to not to allow a forest fire. You were careful about that.
You got a dry leaf in your hand and ignited it with a lighter, then threw it on the wood.
Is started to burn with really tall flames but it looked amazing.
You two sat down to the campfire, but suddenly Garrett jumped up.
"I forgot something important!"
He held his backpack and got out of it something you couldn't recognise until he dropped it into your lap.
It was a pocket of marshmallows.
"Wooow Garrett, you know, what I need!"
You opened the pack, got a stick and transfixed one piece.
You held it into the flames, Garrett did the same.
After you thought it's okay, you ate it.
The night went like this 'til the pack was empty, there was dark then, the Sun was 'sleeping', but it was an amazing time to talk about the things of life.
Suddenly, during the talking, you felt that you will sleep right now and then your eyes closed.
"Are you okay?"Garrett asked nicely, bringing you back from your sleep.
"I am soooo tired!"you moaned back.
"We can have a rest then"
"Fine...but I think I'll be afraid alone..."
"You can sleep with me, dear!"he chuckled and hugged you.
"Thanks!"you whispered and got inside the tent.
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