Superman vs Saitama
Requested by Infinity9000
DC vs One Punch Man, two overpowered caped heroes goes out in the battle of the ultimate hero
<Cue: Invader Theme>
Toomi: Heroes can come in any form, whereas you are a green shapeshifting alien or a thug who can swing a metal bat.
Megumi: But one thing that makes these two iconic is strength
Toomi: Such as Superman, the Man of Steel,
Megumi: And Saitama, the Caped Baldy. She's Sachi-san, Toomi-san and I'm Megumi-san
Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle
Superman flies into What if Battles
<Cue: Superstar by Alexandra Amor>
Toomi: In the DC Universe, there is one particular hero that brings hope and peace to the world. The most powerful hero capable of defeating almost any foe.
Megumi: And that hero is the hottest, toughest and strongest man in tights known as Superman.
Lois Lane: Why are you here? I mean there must be a reason you must be here.
Superman: Yes. I'm here to fight for Truth, Justice and the American way.
Sachi: But long before he becomes the hero he is today, Clark Kent was born as Kal-El on the distant planet called Krypton. His parents, Jor-El and Lara become aware of Krypton's impending destruction and Jor-El begins constructing a spacecraft that would carry Kal-El to Earth.
Toomi: During Krypton's last moments, Jor-El places young Kal-El in the spacecraft and launches it deep into space, sending Kal-El to the planet called Earth.
Sachi: The spacecraft lands in the rural United States, where it is found by a passing motorist. Jonathan and Martha Kent adopt Kal-El and name him Clark Kent. As Clark grows up on Earth, he and his adoptive parents discover that he has superhuman powers. The Kents teach Clark to use these powers responsibly to help others and fight crime.
Megumi: Clark keeps his powers secret in order to protect his family and friends, who might be endangered by his criminal enemies. In order to use his powers to help humanity, Clark creates an alter ego to uphold the Truth, Justice and the American way. And what name is better than Superman?
Toomi: Clark Kent takes to wearing glasses, styling his hair differently, changing his body language, significantly altering his voice, and wearing looser clothing and suits that hide his physique.
Megumi: Wait. How come nobody knows that Clark is Superman with glasses? I thought that would be pretty obvious.
Toomi: Because like I said, Superman changed his hair style and slouches a bit to hide his mucular physique.
Sachi: Anyway, Clark Kent moves to Metropolis and takes a job as a reporter at the Daily Planet, where he meets his friends and co-workers, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen and Editor Perry White.
Lois Lane: Hi, Lois Lane. Welcome to the Planet.
Clark Kent: Glad to be here Lois.
Megumi: Superman then becomes the subject of frequent headline stories written by Lois, and the two become romantically attracted to each other. Oh, then his cousin Supergirl or Power Girl comes in years later and then Superman fought Batman, met Wonder Woman and formed a powerful team of heroes known as the Justice League.
Toomi: As a Kryptonian, Superman's powers rely on his cells' ability to absorb and metabolize solar energy from yellow stars like Earth's Sun. His Kryptonian body is a living "solar battery" that absorbs solar energies and converts them to fuel for vast superhuman abilities that wouldn't otherwise be afforded under Rao, Krypton's red supergiant.
Megumi: With the Solar Energy, Superman gained Super Strength, Super Speed, Flight, Heat Vision, Artic Breath and even Invulnerability.
Sachi: And that's not all, Superman is shown, especially in recent comics, to possess remarkable recuperative powers that allow him to quickly heal from wounds and makes him immune to all forms of human or Earthly diseases, illnesses, viruses and toxins. Superman also heals faster when he is closer to the sun and absorbing more solar rays.
Toomi: And he gains more power being next to a Blue Sun which completely increases his strength, speed and healing factor.
Megumi: He also has an X-Ray vision which enables him to see through anything and anyone. In fact, I bet I can even use that to see through your clothes as well.
Toomi: Megumi! That's not funny!
Megumi: Heh heh! Worth it.
Super Strength
Super Speed
Healing Factor
Super Breath
Arctic Breath
Heat Vision
Psychic barriers
Super Brain
Perfect Photographic Memory
Technological Genius
Master Tactician
Can read & memorize DNA
Taught all remaining Kryptonian knowledge by Jor-El
Toomi: With his super strength, Superman has saved the world more times than many other heroes, even going far enough to save the Multiverse from beings as powerful as Zone-Child Lex Luthor: a god of infinite power who's 'reach extends across the universe'.
Sachi: Superman has also frequently depicted abilities to block and repelled lasers, beams and energy blasts with his hands and with his super breath, he can extinguish even the most hottest of fires on Earth to propelling stars into space.
Megumi: And contary to popular beliefs, Superman has beaten Batman more times than he can count so don't assume he's weak just because some guy in a Bat suit often times challenge because believe me, things between them does not go the same way as Captain America and Iron Man do.
Toomi: Superman has also bested the likes of Doomsday, Wonder Woman, Shazam, Lex Luthor, Emperor Joker and Darkseid in multiple occasions, even defeating the most powerful Superboy Prime and an evil version of himself in alternate universes.
Megumi: And did I mention that he even took a bullet to the eye?
<Shows footage of a man attempting to shoot Superman in the eye, only for the bullet to dent upon contact with the Man of Steel>
Megumi: Smart guy. A minigun barely grazed him and you think a handgun would've made any difference? You're lucky that Superman's a pretty chill guy.
Toomi: It's also worth to note that Superman can move and react at an Femto-second which is equal to 1,000 attoseconds, even shorter than the shortest time ever recorded by mankind. That kind of speed has also allowed Superman to fly faster than Infinity once and he arrived on Earth from Vega star which is 25-26 light years away in a matter of minutes and also heard Jimmy's signal while in the vacuum of space.
Sachi: And if you think this is impressive enough, Superman has even defeated the Anti-Monitor, a being capable of destroying a Multiverse itself.
Toomi: Not only that but Superman is also strong enough to lift planets, pulling them out of a dying galaxy and even bench press the weight of the Earth for 5 days without sun absorption which is equivalent to 200,000,000,000,000,000,000 Tons
Scientist: It seems impossible, but it isn't. You're lifting two hundred quintillion tons.
Considered one of the strongest characters in DC history;
Shattered the boundaries of spacetime (altering reality) with his Post-Crisis counterpart
Broke the world and timelines with a punch
Moved multiple planets out of their dying galaxy and has moved or destroyed other planets on multiple occasions.
Lifted a book of Infinite Pages
Lifted the Spectre alongside Shazam and Wonder Woman
Bench press the weight of the Earth for 5 days without sun absorption; breaking a sweat only once.
Lifted California from falling into the Pacific Ocean
Communist Superman punched out of infinite boxes before defeating 500 Green Lanterns.
Crushed diamonds
Can create diamonds by crushing coal
Defeated and overpowered several other kryptonians; including evil clones of himself.
Famous for his nigh indestructibility
Withstood supernovas on multiple occasions
Survived a supernova filled with 50 red suns that decrease his powers
Flew through a red sun
Survived solar radiation powerful enough to 'destroy half a galaxy'
Sends Gorilla Grodd flying with a single flick of a finger
Strong enough to resist the gravitational pull of a Black Hole on multiple occasions.
Held a miniature Black Hole that threatened to destroy the solar system.
Communist Superman survived an explosion created by 6 black holes which produced a blast radius of at least 15 million miles
Completely unharmed from getting shot into his eye by a bullet.
Survived atmospheric reentry and being slammed into moons or planets with enough force to cause significant damage to the moon/planet.
Survived attacks from hundreds of different gods of the DC universe; some of whom claim to be galactic/universal/multiversal/infinite in their power.
Resistant to Darkseid's Omega Beams
Fought and took hits from other absurdly powerful kryptonians including Superboy Prime
Survived the death of the universe: caused by the literal personification of Death
Doomsday-Rex broke his spikes by trying to punch Superman
As a boy: survived having nuclear explosions go off in his stomach
Drank a sword
As a baby: Overman (Superman from the 'Nazi-universe') survived Nazi experimentation and gunfire without any discomfort or damage.
Frequently flies faster than light (travel, reaction and combat speed)
Arrived on Earth from Vega star (25-26 light years) in a matter of minutes and also heard Jimmy's signal while in the vacuum of space
Flew faster than infinity; ACCIDENTALLY.
Can move and react at an Femto-second (equal to 1,000 attoseconds)
Can move so fast that time looks likes it slows down around him
Vibrates fast enough to phase through attacks (Intangibility)
Flew from endless space back to Earth's solar system in 60 days straight without any sunlight (New 52)
Communist Superman flew over 15 million miles within 57 seconds (950,000,000 mph)
On par with Flash's speed (who is officially faster of the two depends on the writer)
Tagged Flash and Professor Zoom
Destroyed a Solar System with a sneeze
Reacted to Flash's speed and moves while time slows down
Injustice Superman destroyed millions of Parademons (scattered across planet Earth) in a blink of an eye.
Moves fast enough to negate the effects of time manipulation
Reacting to Ruin's teleportation
Can still fight and use heat vision at super speed
Saved the universe and multiverse hundreds of times.
Defeated Zone-Child Lex Luthor: a god of infinite power who's 'reach extends across the universe'.
Took down The Prophecy, alongside all other versions of Supermans together (DC Rebirth: Multiplicity)
Went through Emperor Joker and took a hit from him
Defeated Imperiex: a god 'as powerful as the big bang'.
Earth 2 Superman finished off the Anti-Monitor; a cosmic devil that was destroying the multiverse.
Phase and punched through Soulfire Darkseid
Killed Darkseid's omnipresent form with a shriek
Defeated the Sun-Eater Solaris.
Contrary to popular belief, defeated Batman in most of their duels
Defeated the entire justice league on multiple occasions; including Batman
In Action 52; dominated both Batman and Green Lantern in their first duel.
Destroyed the Justice-Buster, which was designed to fight the entire Justice League INCLUDING Superman because of having his restraint removed by modified Joker Toxin.
Once use the power of Shazam and after turns back, he tells Shazam that there as "equals"
Frequently depicted with the ability to block and repelled lasers, beams and energy blasts with his hands
Using his Super-Breath; was able to extinguish or propel stars.
His own blood droplets are powerful enough to damage holy or magical weapons.
Sealed Tears in Time-Space with his Heat Vision
Withstood the mental trauma Batman endured from Emperor Joker
Perfectly engraved a man's name in fine print into a stone slab with his x-ray vision... from miles away
Considered one of the most iconic superheroes and fictional characters in history and the inspiration of literally thousands of other characters; including characters within DC and Marvel.
Inspired other heroes outside of comicbooks; including Sloth from The Goonies and The Iron Giant [46].
Sold 600 million comics; more than any other superhero.
Stopped and saved multiple people from committing suicide.
Blown out a sun in a single breath
Never says yes to a cigarette.
Toomi: There was even once where Superman even flew so fast he broke the time and space barrier itself which forced the Spectre to pull him out for the fear he could potentially destroy the universe itself.
Megumi: You know, that dude might be the most overpowered hero I have ever seen. I mean, I don't think any of our previous contenders would be able to defeat him.
Toomi: That's where you're wrong. While Superman is powerful, he is not completely invincible. His invulnerability is often countered by a piece of rock known as Kryptonite, which radiates Kryptonian radiation that drains Superman's powers and even weakens his bones and muscles.
Megumi: Kryptonite huh? So in other words, I just need to find those green rocks and I can defeat him?
Sachi: ...yes.
Megumi: Ha! A man who can lift Infinity can't even beat a rock? Hard to believe he's the same guy who defeated Darkseid.
Sachi: Well despite that weakness, Superman did lifted an entire island full of Kryptonite and threw it into space.
<Shows Superman lifting up an entire island full of Kryptonite.>
Megumi: Holy shit! So much for the green rock theory.
Toomi: Regardless, there are other kinds of Kryptonite that has different effects on Kryptonians, Red Kryptonite turns them evil, Gold Kryptonite removes their powers and Pink Kryptonian makes them gay.
Megumi: Wait, makes them gay?
Toomi: Indeed.
Megumi: Welp, too bad we didn't see those in our Supergirl and Power Girl episodes. Anyways, Superman isn't just weak against Kryptonite, as it was shown, magic is also another source of weakness as well.
Sachi: But just to note, while magic does weaken him, it does not affect him the same way Kryptonite does, they just simply hurt him, not weaken him.
Toomi: And Superman can still be harmed by beings like Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, Shazam, Doomsday and Darkseid, beings who processes either similar level of strength or more.
Green Kryptonite
Red Kryptonite
Pink Kryptonite
Gold Kryptonite
Red Star Radiation
Superman is vulnerable to Godly magic
Other Kryptonians or others characters of godlike or nigh infinite power are sometimes able to harm him, even when Superman is depicted at his strongest
His healing factor requires yellow sunlight radiation: otherwise his wounds won't heal quickly.
Lex Luthor and Brainiac have made weapons or robots designed to drain Superman's solar energy.
Attacks that bypass or ignore his indestructible skin can still harm him.
Evolving, adapting or copying characters like Doomsday, Parasite or Amazo can develop their powers or weapons to bypass Superman's indestructible skin.
Will eventually decrease in power if out of sunlight for too long and taking too much damage.
Lost against Batman, Doomsday, Amazo, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Martian Manhunter and Darkseid
Got beaten up by Alfred
Lost in a 1v1 battle against Muhammad Ali
Intangible characters like Livewire and Microwaveman are immune to Superman's attacks.
Cannot see through lead
Superman's super-senses are very sensitive; meaning electrical shocks and loud or high pitched noises are painful
Despite his intelligence; he can be outsmarted by Lex Luthor and Batman.
His cape can easily be snagged or grabbed. While iconic; it has no purpose in battle.
On multiple occasions has been guilty of superdickery
Killed by Doomsday
Sachi: But the biggest flaw of Superman is his soft heartedness, despite his powers, Superman will often times hold back, which ends up dragging the fight out longer than they should have
Toomi: And Superman also cannot see through lead and his attacks are ineffective against intangible beings like Livewire and Microwaveman. Not to mention, he was even killed by Doomsday, a monster capable of adapting and evolving which made him an extremely difficult opponent to beat
Megumi: But as far as we all know, Superman is the one true embodiment of peace, Justice and the American way.
Superman: Do you like living in a world of carboard, always taking constant care not to break something, or break someone? Never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment or someone could die. But you can take it can't you big man? What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut lose and just show you just how powerful I really am.
Saitama punches into What if Battles
<Cue: The Hero by JAM Project>
Toomi: In your childhood days, has there been times where you just want to be a hero? To be able to fly and save the world like Superman?
Megumi: Well, this guy is just one of them. Originally a normal human in Z City, Saitama is just a jobless guy who gets rejected in every interview he goes to.
Sachi: That is until he managed to save a kid from a Crab Monster which ended up sparking the fire within him.
Toomi: Now motivated to be a hero more than ever, Saitama began going through vigorious training, doing one hundred push ups, one hundred sit ups, one hundred squats and a ten kilometre run everyday.
Megumi: And this is the end result. You lost all your hair
<Shows Saitama with no hair>
Toomi: While Saitama did no doubt had trouble growing back his hair from his intense training regimen, he did however became a lot stronger than before, strong enough to the point when he fought Vaccine Man, he killed him with...
<Shows Saitama killing Vaccine Man with a single blow>
Toomi:...One Punch...
Megumi: Holy shit! That's it? Damn!
Sachi: Well, considering how easy and how quickly many of his battles turns out, Saitama eventually grew bored of life, that is until he met a young cyborg named Genos who immediately wanted to become his disciple after killing Mosquito Girl with a single punch.
Toomi: After going through some pretty weird adventures, both Saitama and Genos eventually participated in a Hero's Association regiment and truth to be told, Genos quickly ranked up to S Class while Saitama ended up becoming a C Class.
Megumi: But he ended up becoming a B Class after defeating the Dragon Level Sea King and then teamed up with the other S Class heroes in warding off Lord Boros invasion and things were pretty much going back to normal except he defeated Garou easily,
Toomi: After going through all that rigorious training, Saitama no doubt processes peak human condition, gaining speed and durability tougher than any ordinary human. But the one thing that makes Saitama unique is his punches which only involves defeating any opponent with a single blow.
Sachi: And Saitama also seems to have his own fighting style, which isn't really shown because he just only need one punch to finish off his enemies
Megumi: Saitama can also lift anything a lot heavier than his weight, on such example is when he lifted an entire base about the size of a city for a short period of time
Super Strength
Super Speed
A lot smarter than he looks
Strong jumper
Peak Human Durability
Insane amount of physique
Afterimage creation
Consecutive normal punches
Serious Mode
Serious Consecutive Side Hops
Toomi: Saitama can also move so fast he can create afterimages in the process as well
<Shows Saitama performing sidehops so fast he began creating afterimages.>
Megumi: Damn! That guy moves a lot faster than Speed of Sound Sonic, a Ninja that can literally move at the speed of sound.
Toomi: He was listed as a rank 10/10 in strength, endurance and speed. When re-examined he was 15+/15 in the aforementioned stats as well as in Justice, Effectiveness and Fighting Ability
Sachi: He also able to resist the powers of Tatsumaki Tornado, killed a lot of monsters with a single punch and when Garou was out on a hunt for the heroes, Saitama easily defeated him.
Megumi: Oh, did we mention that Saitama can also destroy an entire landscape just by punching air itself?
Toomi: Possessing incredible strength and little to no exploitable weaknesses, even the most adaptive of opponents don't even know what to do with him.
Listed as a rank 10/10 in strength, endurance and speed. When re-examined he was 15+/15 in the aforementioned stats as well as in Justice, Effectiveness and Fighting Ability.
Flat out punches Boro's beam that was going to destroy Earth's surface, or at least it seems. The Official Guidebook says that the beam was indeed going to destroy the entire planet. The anime also had Boros state he was going to destroy the whole planet.
Splits the Atmosphere. This is a Multi-Continent level Feat.
Punches the air. This attack destroys the surrounding landscape.
His first shown kill in the series
Tracks FTE
An adaptive opponent has no idea what to do against him
Resists Tatsumaki's powers
Full Fight against his latest enemy in the Anime adaptation so far: Lord Boros
Is unaffected by the dangers of the vacuum of Outer Space, though he has to hold his breath. He also jumps right back to Earth straight from the Moon, creating a massive crater.
Instantly backhanded Speed of Sound Sonic to the ground.
Kills practically every monster he meets with a single punch (which only tap into a tiny fraction of his true power)
Killed a giant telekinetic alien octopus by flicking a pebble into his head
Was able to maneuver his fist under Speed-o-Sound Sonic's groin
Was able to track Speed of Sound Sonic, even though he was moving far, far faster than the eye could see. Speed of Sound Sonic is able to keep up with Tatsumaki, one of the strongest S Class Heroes
Kills a Bloodlusted Deep Sea King in ONE PUNCH (Deep Sea King, a Demon level threat, easily manhandled numerous B and C class heroes, in addition to an A Class Hero (Stinger), and two S Class Heroes (Puri Puri Prisoner and Genos. A typical Demon Level threat, like Sea King, is equivalent to a City buster. However, it should be noted that Boros is far, far stronger than city busting, and he is also ranked as Dragon, albeit Dragon+). The punch was also able to disperse the rain within the vicinity, and even the rainclouds themselves.
Consecutively punches Boros, making him explode. (However, he reformed immediately after the video)
Destroys Boros' Armor with a shockwave
Reacted to an FTE Sword Swing, and bites it in half.
Even though Genos went all out on him, he took the fight like it was nothing until Genos reminded him to go "all out."
Defeated Garou easily
Beaten a more experienced Suiryu in a tournament
Sachi: Saitama is also strong enough to kill a completely bloodlust Sea King, and just to note, the Deep Sea King is strong enough to beat down a lot of heroes, ranging from C Class warriors like Mumen Rider to the S Class like Puri Puri Prisoner and Genos.
Megumi: And the fact he destroyed Boros's entire ship while defeating the alien king in a one on one fight. Damn. Now I know why they call him one punch man.
Toomi: However, Saitama isn't all that perfect. While he is no doubt extremely powerful, Saitama isn't really the most popular of heroes, being only put in B Class and often times shunned by both heroes and civilians alike.
Sachi: And while Saitama can kill his opponents with a single punch, enemies with insane healing factors can survive his one punch techniques
Boros: My species won the struggle for survival, admin in the harsh environment of our homeworld. We possess the ultimate regenerative abilities, I in particular have the Godlike traits of self-healing, physical powess and latent energy beyond your conception. A wound that would be fatal for you, heals on me in mere moments. By focusing all my energy on my destroyed armour, I can exponentially speed up the healing process.
Characters with absurd healing factors (like Boros, Evil Natural Water or Garou), can survive a punch from Saitama by regenerating or reforming.
Saitama is powerless against life annoyances
Failed to kill a tiny mosquito, even with super-speed and super-strength.
Bang/Silver Fang was able to outmaneuver and even humiliate Saitama using his speed. [1]
The Hero Association ranks both Bang and Saitama as level 10 in speed; meaning it is possible for other characters, even within One Punch Man's series, to be on par with Saitama in certain ways.
Rarely takes things seriously, since he hasn't found an opponent truly on his level yet. May let himself get tossed around before actually fighting.
Somewhat absent minded. Scoring a 4/15 in intelligence (initially this was 1/10).
Still in B-Class and is not recognized as qualified for threats near his level. Not very appreciated by both citizens or other heroes.
1/10 or 1/15 in the popularity stat.
Can't breath in space, this would understand that even with their obviously superhuman qualities, Saitama still be a human.
Not very skilled due to mainly being a simple brawler.
Toomi: And while Saitama can survive the pressure of space, he does not possess the ability to breath in the vacuum of space. I mean, he's still one hundred percent human.
Sachi: And plus, he's pretty dimwitted as well, getting a score of only four out of fifteen in an intelligience test.
Megumi: But hey, if you are a guy who can kill everyone in one punch, I don't see how any of these tests even matter to him.
Saitama: I told you...I'm busy. Plus, I'm busy, so anyone in my way...gets punched.
Toomi: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.
Sachi: Don't forget to vote, comment what you think of the fight.
Megumi: Yeah, but right now, it's time for a Death Battle!
One bright sunny afternoon in the city, everything seems to be peaceful.
However, the peaceful tranquility in the city was immediately interrupted by the sound of a loud explosion.
Outside of a bank, a couple of masked robbers dashes out of the building, heading straight for a nearby vehicle.
Robber: Quickly! The cops will be here any second.
Just as the robbers runs forward, one of them accidentally bumps into a rather short bald caped figure.
Saitama's eyes widens in shock as the impact of the blow sends his ice cream toppling down onto his shirt.
Angered, Saitama turns around and he said to the robbers.
Saitama: Hey you!
Upon hearing the voice, the robbers turn to face Saitama, questioning the Caped Baldy with a hint of anger.
Robber: What you want pal?!
Saitama: You made me drop my ice cream. So you'll have to pay for it.
The robbers points their guns at Saitama, angrily screaming out.
Robber: Back off or we'll shoot!
Without waiting, Saitama lunges forward and he throws a single punch.
The sheer impact of the blow travels across the entire city, causing every window in every building to shatter.
Standing above the bloodied mangled corpse of the two robbers, Saitama shrugs and he said to him.
Saitama: Oh well, problem solved.
Just as Saitama turns around, all of a sudden, he felt something hot scorching the back of his head.
Patting the back of his head, Saitama spun around, only to find himself facing a rather tall and muscular caped figure cladded in blue and red.
Impressed by the newcomer's outfit, Saitama complimented him.
Saitama: Oh. Nice cape. Who are you exactly?
Superman: I'm Superman and I'm here to put a stop to your madness.
Confused, Saitama questions out.
Saitama: I'm sorry, what madness?
Superman: This.
Superman points his finger, directing Saitama to the mangled corpses and the damaged vehicles and buildings nearby.
Upon realizing what he had done, Saitama said to himself.
Saitama: Whoops.
Superman steps towards Saitama, grabbing him by the arm and he said to him threateningly.
Saitama: You're coming with me.
However, Saitama's face immediately hardens and without warning, he threw his fist forward, slamming his knuckle right into Superman's chest.
The single impact of the blow rings across Superman's entire body, before going off in a massive explosion.
<Cue: Lollipop by Rage of Light>
Stunned by the blow, Superman halts in the air, his eyes widens in both shock and amazement.
Superman: Such power. Just what is he?
Standing below Superman, Saitama widens his eyes in amazement.
Saitaman: Whoa. He survived my punch. Well, this is going to get interesting.
Saitama lunges himself upwards, flying towards Superman at what seems like the speed of a freighter train.
Superman narrows his eyes and he swoops downwards, closing in onto Saitama at supernatural speed.
Both caped figures narrows their eyes, rearing back their fists before colliding right into each other.
Announcer: Fight!
A massive shockwave booms across the city just as their fists collided, causing several nearby buildings to crumble.
WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!
Both Superman and Saitama flies across the air, exchanging blows amongst themselves.
Superman grabs Saitama by the leg, lifting him up before slamming him hard onto the ground.
Before Saitama could even react, Superman threw the Caped Baldy up into the air before throwing one powerful punch, sending him flying with a single blow.
Saitama grits his teeth, feeling the impact ringing across his body just as his body smashes through a building.
Superman launches himself up into the air, giving chase to his opponent.
Up in the air, Saitama spun around before throwing one single punch right into Superman's face, sending him crashing down onto the ground.
Just as Superman pushes himself up, Saitama lands feetfirst onto the floor and he throws multiple punches upwards, striking onto Superman repeatly.
WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!
Superman grits his teeth, his body ringing just as he was sent flying up into the air.
Superman: Alright that's it!
Saitama's eyes widens in shock just as Superman lunges forward, throwing a right hook across his cheek.
Just as Saitama is sent flying through the air, Superman flies after him, throwing a single punch onto Saitama.
As Saitama is sent flying from the blow, Superman flies up and he throws another punch at him.
As Saitama is sent flying further away, Superman flies up and he throws one more punch.
Saitama grits his teeth just as he was sent screeching onto the rocky ground.
Superman lands feet first onto the ground, his arms folded as he sternly said to him.
Superman: Alright. That's far enough.
Saitama pushes himself up, realization struck onto him upon noticing the change of location.
Saitama looks around the desert, pointing out to Superman.
Saitama: Oh. You've brought me to another place.
Superman: Yeah, so that we don't hurt anyone else in our fight.
Saitama's mouth twists into a smirk and he said.
Saitama: Well, now things can get real interesting here.
Before Superman could even react, Saitama began hopping side by side at supernatural speed, his body forming a speeding blur.
Superman: What?
Superman stood back, his eyes trailing over Saitama's movements as the Caped Baldy closes in onto him.
Just as Saitama is about to throw one more punch, right at that moment...
Saitama: Hm?
Saitama halts in his tracks, realizing that Superman has caught his hand in mid punch.
Superman: This has gone on long enough.
Superman throws one powerful punch, sending Saitama flying up into the air.
Just as Saitama is sent tumbling upwards, Superman exhales a gust of wind onto him, causing Saitama's body to freeze.
Superman then grabs Saitama's frozen body and he throws him up into deep space, slamming both his knuckles down onto the Caped Baldy.
Just as Saitama is sent tumbling deep into space, Superman's eyes began glowing red just as he thrusts his body outwards, sending a crimson red heat vision down onto him.
Saitama could only watch in horror just as the heat vision, tore right through his body, causing his inards to go off in a bloody gory explosion.
Saitama: ARGHHHHHHH!!!
Saitama could only let out a loud agonizing scream just as Superman's eyes glows red.
Superman: It's over.
Superman fires another blast of heat vision onto Saitama, sending the hero down into the scorching sun.
Saitama's entire body immediately erupts into a fiery inferno, as his body slowly incinerates from the heat.
Superman slowly lowers himself next to the sun, speaking up.
Superman: There. It's done. Just how in the world is that Saitama guy so strong? Too bad I'll never know.
Superman then takes off into space, flying back to Earth just as the charred remains of Saitama's shirt drifts in the black endless void.
<Cue: New Earth by Bruce Falconer>
Megumi: Holy shit, couldn't say I didn't see that a mile away
Toomi: Saitama's strength may have been exceptional but Superman far trumps everything Saitama ever have.
Sachi: Indeed, considering how Superman is strong enough to lift planets, fight Gods and even destroy a solar system with a sneeze, all of them far outclasses many of Saitama's power feats.
Megumi: Which does brings up a question, how come Saitama cannot kill Superman with one punch, I mean isn't that what he do?
Toomi: Well to answer your question Megumi, Superman's atoms in his cells are highly compressed due to the Yellow Sun radiation, meaning his body is literally unbreakable, I mean enemies that possesses similar level of strength like Darkseid couldn't damage Superman fully due to it.
Sachi: Not only that but Superman has shown to be able to keep up with the Flash and even flew all the way back to Earth right on time to stop a meteor, which something that neither Saitama or Sonic has ever shown.
Toomi: And while Saitama has defeated the likes of Sea King and Boros, two who are demon to dragon level threats, Superman has defeated the likes of Anti-Monitors, Darkseid, Superboy Prime and Doomsday, enemies who are clearly levels beyond those two.
Megumi: And considering how Saitama is often times being made to fight weaker opponents, even though he has yet to show the full extend of his powers, it also leaves many possibilities for other heroes or villains to be stronger than he is.
Sachi: And the fact that Superman has better strategic thinking in battle along with Amazonian training and Kryptonian martial arts puts him at a skill set advantage over Saitama's straight forward punching tactics.
Toomi: By possessing the high ground is strength, speed, durabilty and power, this is what gave the Man of Steel the advantage over the Caped Baldy.
Megumi: Looks like the Caped Baldy has just gotten Brightly burned by Man of Steel
Sachi: The winner is Superman
Superman: I've got a feeling this ain't our last ride on this Merry Go Round
Toomi: Hey guys, thank you so much for checking out our battle in What if Battles 2.
Sachi: If you want more content like this, don't forget to add this in your library and comment if you have any idea for a fight.
Megumi: Until then, next time on What if Battles....
Up Next
Alien X
Sonic the Hedgehog
Alien X vs Sonic the Hedgehog
* The connections between Superman and Saitama is that both combatants are seemingly undefeatable and overpowered caped heroes who can defeat a massive range of enemies, having incredible strength, speed and durability to match their power
* The two are also dons a cape and are part of a Super Hero team
* This is the first time a DC character fights a One Punch Man character
* This is the sixth battle where a DC character wins a What if Battle, the first being Power Girl vs Cooler, Piccolo vs Martian Manhunter, Mercy vs Hawkgirl, Captain America vs Deathstroke, Ultron vs Cyborg Superman and Miss America vs Supergirl
* This is the first time a One Punch Man character loses a What if Battle
* This is the eighth battle where a DC character fought a Non-Marvel character, the first being Power Girl vs Cooler, Doomsday vs SCP-682, Piccolo vs Martian Manhunter, Mercy vs Hawkgirl, Toph vs Terra, Batman vs Sub-Zero and Catwoman vs Cassie Cage
* Saitama is by far the second character to have his own soundtrack as his theme, the first being Yang Xiao Long
* The part where Superman punches Saitama across the air is referenced from his battle against General Zod in Man of Steel
* Megumi's pun at the end of the post-fight analysis is a reference to the movie Brightburn where it featured a boy with both Superman's powers and story except unlike the Man of Steel, Brandon Breyer became a monster who used his powers for evil.
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