Solid Snake vs Snake Eyes
Requested by TrueBeginner
Metal Gear vs GI Joe, guns vs guns, soldier vs soldier, snake vs snake, when two Military operatives goes up in a fight for their country, only one will move fast enough to strike down their opponent.
<Cue: Invader Theme>
Toomi: Solid Snake, the legendary soldier of Metal Gear.
Megumi: And Snake Eyes, recon ranger of GI Joe,
Toomi: When dealing against the threat of enemy nations, these two secret operative are just all you need to sneak in and bring them down.
Megumi: And Snakes, why did it have to be snakes. She's Sachi, Toomi and I'm Megumi.
Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle
Solid Snake sneaks into What if Battles
<Cue: Runaway by Hail The Villain>
Toomi: Big Boss, this man was often called the greatest soldier in the world. But he was still just a man, and he'd undoubtedly go down in history as a legendary figure of warfare.
Megumi: But what if Big Boss' legacy could be sustained for future generations? This is what the Les Enfant Terribles project set out to do, unbeknownst to Big Boss himself.
Sachi: A prophet told Big Boss that one of his sons would bring the world to ruin, but that another would be the one to save it. However, Big Boss hadn't expected his sons would be clones of himself
Megumi: Thanks to some willing donators and participants, eight clones were on the way to being born, but six of them were aborted, which allowed the remaining two to become even better
Toomi: And as you'd expect from the clone of Big Boss, Solid Snake was practically groomed for warfare life. As a teen, he joined the Green Berets, and he'd later go on to work for the CIA, the U.S. Army and finally, the one everyone knows, FOXHOUND. It's there Snake earned his legendary codename and worked his way up to become an outstanding soldier, just like his progenitor. And even received his training under Big Boss himself. Though I can't imagine what it'd feel like being mentored by yourself.
Megumi: Can't say I'd have any problems with it, Big Boss is the guy to learn under. He trained Snake in his CQC fighting style, an epic combination of close-quarters martial arts and gunplay. He was practically ready to take on any challenge that FOXHOUND could throw at him. But things reached a new kind of level when Snake discovered the existence of Metal Gears.
Sachi: Much like Snake and his twin brother, the TX-55 Metal Gear was also foreseen in the prophet's vision told to Big Boss.
Toomi: This creation was capable of nuclear warfare, so Snake infiltrated Outer Heaven and destroyed the Metal Gear. And Big Boss was behind Metal Gear's creation. The two fought and Snake killed him with nothing but a lighter and a can of hairspray.
Sachi: But in doing so, Snake had become a legendary figure himself. And the Metal Gears persisted, becoming more and more dangerous tools of nuclear destruction. But Snake did not earn his reputation for solely being a Metal Gear destroyer.
Megumi: Can't say I'd have any problems with it, Big Boss is the guy to learn under. He trained Snake in his CQC fighting style, an epic combination of close-quarters martial arts and gunplay. He was practically ready to take on any challenge that FOXHOUND could throw at him. But things reached a new kind of level when Snake discovered the existence of Metal Gears.
Toomi: This creation was capable of nuclear warfare, so Snake infiltrated Outer Heaven and destroyed the Metal Gear. And Big Boss was behind Metal Gear's creation. The two fought and Snake killed him with nothing but a lighter and a can of hairspray.
Sachi: But in doing so, Snake had become a legendary figure himself. And the Metal Gears persisted, becoming more and more dangerous tools of nuclear destruction. But Snake did not earn his reputation for solely being a Metal Gear destroyer.
Megumi: Nah, his codename comes from his incredible stealth and infiltration skills. And although he's quite a weapon master, Snake usually carries light and goes into a mission with just the essentials. Fortunately, that's usually all he needs. First up is his Ruger Mk. II pistol with a tranquillizer. An efficient weapon for quick takedowns. But if he needs something lethal, he uses the M1911A1, it's still one of my favourite handguns ever made.
Solid Snake
Expert Martial Artist
Peak Level Strength
1911 Operator
Stun Knife
Solid Eye
SOCOM Pistol
FA-MAS Assault Rifle
Sniper Rifle
PSG-1 Sniper Rifle
Missile Launchers
Nikita Remote-Controlled Missile Launcher
Stinger Missile Launcher
Stun Grenades
Chaff Grenades
Cardboard Box
Toomi: Snake also usually wears Octo Camo, which allows him to blend in completely with his surroundings. It matches up to the color, and heat, to ensure that Snake remains completely hidden. He can also be aware of everything that's happening around him, thanks to his Solid Eye
Megumi: Then what'd he do to lose his eye? If he's such a good fucking secret age...
Toomi: No, it's more like a monocle, he still has both his eyes. Anyway, if the going ever gets tough for Snake, he busts out his preferred form of Martial Arts, CQC, a mix of his hand to hand fighting and gunplay.
Megumi: He's even got an internal radio system?! Who's he talking to?!
Sachi: That would Otacon, a master hacker.
Megumi: No! It's just Gideon Graves with bladder control and cowardice issues!
Toomi: Well, Snake's CODEC allows him to perfectly communicate with Otacon, even without speaking, so it's similar to being telepathic. This system show's no signs of being hacked into, and Otacon is constantly aware of Snake's surroundings and can help him out if things get tough.
Megumi: All in all, Snake has accomplished a lot. Every time a new Metal Gear came along, Snake jumped into the fray and destroyed them. Heck, one time he piloted Metal Gear REX, and defeated Metal Gear RAY, who was designed to destroy REX. Snake's even destroyed a tank with just a couple of grenades! And if he's anything like his clone, which he is, then he'd be able to beat guys like Volgin, whose body carried an electric charge of 10 million volts! And Big Boss just took that like a champ.
Sachi: Which when applied on a destructive level, would be over 20 tons of TNT. Snake is strong enough to lift and fire a railgun with his bare hands. He's fast enough to dodge a railgun round! Which means Snake moved at around Mach 30! And he's comparable to Raiden, who years prior also dodged a Railgun, in which he moved Mach 229! So clearly we're dealing with something more than just a man. Which is certainly a good thing when Snake has his fair share of victories against similarly superhuman enemies.
Has beaten Big Boss on two separate occasions. In Snake's Revenge, Big Boss was a cyborg
Snake, being a clone of Big Boss, should be comparable to him, Big Boss has held up Cocoon from falling on him and pushed it up.
Has destroyed four separate Metal Gears.
Has defeated marksman, ninjas, psychics, artificial-vampires and Metal Gears
Most of the time with only explosives.
Has out sniped Sniper Wolf, who can snipe perfectly fine in a blizzard, on two separate occasions.
Has destroyed military vehicles with little equipment (Like helicopters and tanks).
Has survived being fired out of a rail gun that was used by Metal Gear, though he broke most of the bones in his body (Metal Gear Acid 2).
Has survived inside a giant Microwave tunnel for 3 minutes.
Toomi: But perhaps Snake's greatest feat of all was when he survived a sealed chamber of microwaves. Normally, a human's skin would deteriorate in seconds, but not Snake, he survived it for three minutes straight and came out the other side. Even his nanomachines stayed intact throughout, and his Solid Eye lasted a couple of minutes too.
Megumi: He's like the Unbreakable Hot Pocket!
Toomi: Although Snake is in his peak physical condition, he can be taken down pretty easily with a well-placed shot, but that might be tough to pull off since Snake can dodge railgun rounds.
Sachi: And despite being one of the most well-accomplished soldiers in history, he was unable to prevent a major personal ordeal that would plague him for the rest of his life. His declining health.
Megumi: Looks like cloning and nanomachines didn't go together all that well. By the 2010s, Snake's body had begun to age at an alarming rate, he was only in his 40s, but he'd begun to look a man of his senior years. Which would just suck considering he was at the top of his game with no one else to stop him.
His accelerated aging has made him prone to heart attacks and seizures.
Box obsession.
Thinks that a cardboard box is an actually good tool in espionage.
Despite being a "supersoldier", bullets can still take him down as he wears very little armor.
His strength, endurance, and speed are only slightly superhuman.
Suffers PTSD.
Smoking Problem
Toomi: What's more, his OctoCamo was not designed for combat, so it only offers light protection, making knives and other piercing weapons effective tools against Snake.
Sachi: But he had trained a successor, Raiden, who'd continue Snake's fight for almost a whole another decade.
Megumi: But perhaps Snake simply wanted to do something that could be possible, a life of simple, peaceful days, letting the world continue without him or the risks that came with nuclear catastrophe. For a man who served until the end, Solid Snake is a hero, even if he doesn't think himself one
Solid Snake: Life isn't just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, music, literature and movies... what we've seen, heard, felt anger, joy and sorrow, these are the things I will pass on. That's what I live for. We need to pass the torch, and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light. We have the magic of the digital age to do that with. The human race will probably come to an end some time, and new species may rule over this planet. Earth may not be forever, but we still have the responsibility to leave what trace of life we can. Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing
Snake Eyes Stays Silent in What if Battles
<Cue: Light It Up by Rev Theory>
Toomi: In the 1960's President John F. Kennedy created a special military unit that reported directly to the White House. The highly decorated Vietnam vet, Lieutenant Joseph Colton, headed up this special forces unit under the name "G.I. Joe".
Megumi: Their main enemy being Cobra, the well funded and organized terrorist group which actually ran an entire American town (Springfield) as a sleeper cell.
Sachi: And among them is Snake Eyes, the commando of the group.
Toomi: Though much of his history and information, including his real name, place of birth and service number, have remained "CLASSIFIED" throughout all depictions of his origin. All that is known for certain is his rank/grade (originally U.S. Army Sergeant/E-5, eventually reaching Sergeant First Class/E-7 before it too was made "CLASSIFIED"), his primary military specialty is infantry, and his secondary military specialty is hand-to-hand combat instructor.
Megumi: Snake Eyes was trained at the MACV Recondo School (Nha Trang), and served in LRRPs in Southeast Asia with Stalker and Storm Shadow, eventually leaving the service to study martial arts with Storm Shadow's Arashikage ninja clan.
Sachi: He has undergone drill sergeant training, and is a former U.S. Army Special Forces and Delta Force operator but other that, what else he has done in his personal life is still unknown.
Toomi: Snake Eyes is a Ninja of the Arashikage Clan, and is the most effective warrior they have ever produced aside from possibly Storm Shadow. Snake Eyes is a master martial artist, elite assassin and an expert Commando warrior. He is known for conducting raids all on his own against Cobra, single-handedly taking down their strongholds.
Megumi: He is capable of flawlessly fighting blind, superb Close Quarters Combat (CQC), Lock Picking, unbelievable athletics, and possesses an uncanny awareness, and remarkable balance.
Sachi: Snake Eyes has been known to shatter rock with his bare hands, and head-butt a Cobra soldier with enough force to shatter his fully reinforced helmet, and lunging long distances with no artificial aid. He has even speed blitz's his oppositions, striking just before they can pull the trigger, even with leg injuries sustained, dodge bullet fire even from aircrafts, and has been seen running faster than a motorcycle to catch the drive
Snake Eyes
Expert Martial Artist
Expert Swordsmanship
Peak Level Agility
Qi/Ki sense
Berserker Strength
Escape Artist
Super Speed
Unarmed Combat
Weapon Master
1911 Colt 45 Caliber Pistol
M67 Hand Grenades
CUMA Tak-RI Knife
Laser Rifle
Toomi: Snake Eyes is known for accomplishing tasks regardless of his physical condition. Even finishing a mission with evidence broken bones, contusions, burns, fractures, bullet wounds, blood loss, exhaustion, and being ill all at once. He has resisted torture and has proven to be impervious to mind control.
Sachi: He's able to resist poison designed to kill him and his comrades, destroyed enemies ranging from cyborgs, androids and even giant crocodiles.
Megumi: He has even stucks his hand into molten lead for a while and it did not burn. So that's something.
Defeated Storm Shadow
Can cut down armored vehicles
Snatches a strand of hair from Jinx during a challenge
Takes out multiple ninjas while wall riding on a mountain
Evades cars while on the roof of a vehicle
Fights Storm Shadow while gripping onto the side of a vehicle.
Hand stands across the room without tripping the alarm
Quite a mountain climber
Great with Ziplines
Balances himself on two swords
Quickly thinks of a solution to take down 1/3 nukes being launched
Uses a flare to cause an avalanche to secure his escape
Shoots down multiple shurikens
Defeated 5 of the best of the Arashikage, a ninja clan of world renown.
Survived a helicopter crash and being lit of fire and was well enough to save Scarlett.
Sticks his hand into molten lead for a while and it did not burn.
Hit by a helicopter tail and was fine.
Toomi: But the best feat Snake Eyes has accomplished is defeating Storm Shadow, avenging his master and helping GI Joe defeat Cobra.
Megumi: He has even handstand through a room without tripping the alarm, balance on swords, zipline with the best of them, dodge shurikens, and just be awesome all around.
Toomi: However, despite his incredible resilence, Snake Eyes is still one hundred percent human and can still die by ordinary means.
Sachi: And his desire of vengeance is something that he seems to be obsessed with as he is willing to hunt down anyone who hurt him or his allies
Can still be caught off guard.
Has an unconventional desire for vengeance.
If someone has wronged him or his teammates, he will pursue them to the ends of the earth to get revenge.
Guns must be reloaded.
Can still be taken out by enough stun grenades.
Is still human, and can still be killed like one. Is a very stubborn one to kill though.
Was once screwed over by a lawyer.
Toomi: But still, that's more of a weakness for his enemies than himself as everytime Snake Eyes hunts down his enemies, they rarely escape alive.
Sachi: And despite saying that he can still die like a human, Snake Eyes is too stubborn to die. So it is not that easy to kill him
Megumi: But even without powers, Snake Eyes is that one character who is still badass enough to get the job done.
<Shows footages of Snake Eyes taking down multiple soldiers>
Toomi: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.
Sachi: Don't forget to vote, comment what you think of the fight.
Megumi: Yeah, but right now, it's time for a Death Battle!
GI Joe Base
<Cue: Metal Gear Solid Battle Music>
One blazing hot afternoon, all seems to be tranquil.
However, right at that moment, Solid Snake slips past a couple of guards before stopping behind a wall.
Solid Snake then listens as Otacon spoke to him.
Otacon: OK Snake, I've finished uploading the building schematics to your Solid Eye. The intel we need is inside. Should be a piece of cake, but... there's only a few heat signatures present.
Solid Snake: Few?
Solid Snake peers behind the Military jeep, watching Snake Eyes from a far.
Otacon: What is it Snake?
Solid Snake: I see one of them, I'll try to take him out now.
Otacon: Alright, be careful Snake.
Solid Snake pulls out his handgun, edging closer to the edge of the car before springing into action.
Announcer: Fight!
Solid Snake struck first by opening fire, only for Snake Eyes to suddenly spin around, deflecting the bullets with ease.
Solid Snake fires continuous rounds of bullets as Snake Eyes closes in, still deflecting bullets with ease.
Click! Click!
Solid Snake realises that he is out of bullets and he throws the gun at Snake Eyes before turning tail, running off.
Snake Eyes slices the gun into half before dashing after Solid Snake.
As Solid Snake is running, he activates his comn and he says to Octagon.
Solid Snake: Octagon. This mission is compromised, do you know where I can go to take out that ninja?
Octagon: Ninja? Is he a cyborg?
Solid Snake: I don't know.
Octagon: Alright, go to the hangar onto your left, you can lose him in there.
However right at that moment, Snake Eyes began opening fire at Solid Snake.
Solid Snake quickly ducks into the hangar, prompting Snake Eyes to go after him.
<Cue: Metal Slug 3 OST: Hidden Factory>
Inside the barely lit hangar, Snake Eyes walks along the area full of crates.
As he walks, he barely notices a cardboard box laying there on the floor as it slowly slithers away.
Solid Snake activates his comn as Octagon asks him.
Otacon: Snake. Are you alright?
Solid Snake: I'm fine Octagon. But right now, I'm hiding.
Upon hearing that, Octagon sighs out in exasperation.
Otacon: Oh my God Snake, don't tell me it's a cardboard box.
Solid Snake: Do I need to go over this again? The cardboard box is a very important tool for infiltration missions. It's ideal for fooling the enemy.
Meanwhile, Snake Eyes scans the area, listening in for any signs of Solid Snake.
He peers back, staring at the seemingly normal cardboard box
Otacon: Snake...this is insane.
Solid Snake: Otacon, I'm not exaggerating when I say the success of my mission hinges on how I use this cardboard box. But in the end, a cardboard box...
Snake Eyes kicks the box, finding nothing there only for Solid Snake to come up from behind, finishing his sentence.
Solid Snake: only made of paper.
<Cue: Dead or Alive by Jazz Cartier>
Solid Snake grabs onto Snake Eyes whom the latter throw over his shoulder.
Snake Eyes jumps on top of Solid Snake and he began punching the operative several times.
Solid Snake pulls out his stun knife, impaling Snake Eyes in the leg while electrocuting him in the process.
Snake Eyes drops back, stunned by the attack as Solid Snake pushes himself up, activating his invisibility on his suit, disappearing from sight.
However, Snake Eyes is far from vulnerable.
Tossing aside the knife, Snake Eyes stood still, sensing Solid Snake's movements before pulling out his gun. opening fire.
Solid Snake: ARGHHHHH!!!
Snake Eyes dashes forward, performing a round house kick just as Solid Snake attempts to shoot him, kicking the gun out of his hand.
Solid Snake pulls out his knife, facing off Snake Eyes as he swings it, forcing Snake Eyes to swerve back.
Snake Eyes then draws his swords and he swings them, forcing Solid Snake to block.
Otacon then asks Solid Snake from the comn.
Otacon: Snake, what's happening?
Solid Snake: I don't know Otacon. This man is much stronger than I anticipated.
Otacon: We don't have time for this. Just try to stun him, maybe blow the hangar up, it will keep him distracted long enough for you to get the information.
Solid Snake: Will do.
Solid Snake pulls out a grenade before throwing it, creating a massive explosion.
The explosion sends massive hurls of debris flying, though it does little to stop Snake Eyes as he swipes his sword across, cutting down several chunks of rocks in the process.
Solid Snake slides behind a crate, noticing a sniper rifle lying on the floor before loading it, aiming it at Snake Eyes before opening fire.
The bullet struck onto Snake Eyes in the shoulder, causing him to drop down.
Solid Snake turns around, holding onto the rifle as he prepares to run.
However, right at that moment, there was another explosion, sending him flying upwards.
Solid Snake: ARGHHHHHH!!!
Solid Snake grunts out as he drops down onto the ground.
As he pushes himself up, he notices Snake Eyes now carrying a missile launcher, pointing it at him as he prepares to fire.
Solid Snake however, found a nearby missile launcher on the floor before snatching it up, pointing it at Snake Eyes as the ninja fires it.
Solid Snake fires another missile, causing both projectiles to go off in an explosion upon collision.
Solid Snake grits his teeth as draws out his gun, weary for his opponent.
The smoke billows over Solid Snake just as the silhouette of Snake Eyes lunges forward, striking him in the chin with a knee.
Solid Snake swings his hand out, striking Snake Eyes in the head.
Both Solid Snake and Snake Eyes exchange blows as gunshots rings across the area as Otacon screams out.
Otacon: Snake?
Otacon: Snake?!
Snake Eyes swings his sword across Solid Snake, cutting into him.
Solid Snake: ARGHHHHH!!!
Dripping blood, Solid Snake looks up, glowering as he points his gun at Snake Eyes shooting at him.
The bullet struck Snake Eyes in the hand, causing the ninja to drop one of his swords.
Both Solid Snake and Snake Eyes faces off, gun and sword facing each other as the two prepares to finish off their enemy.
Solid Snake furrows his eye while Snake Eyes crouches before lunging forward.
A loud gunshot rings across the air as both Solid Snake and Snake Eyes stood afar from each other.
At that moment...
Blood pours out of Snake Eyes chest, causing the ninja to grip onto his wound.
At the same time, Solid Snake lets out a loud bloodcurling scream.
Solid Snake: AAAAHHHHHH!!!
Snake Eyes turns around, watching as Solid Snake's arms drops onto the floor, dropping blood.
Snake Eyes then swings his sword across Solid Snake's neck, slicing right into it.
Solid Snake's head is sent flying up into the air as Snake Eyes cuts into Solid Snake's body.
Solid Snake's head drops back onto his body, kneeling there as Snake Eyes swipes his sword across the air, dropping the blood onto the now dead Solid Snake before turning around.
Snake Eyes walks away from the burning hangar as Scarlett and several GI Joe soldiers rushes towards him.
<Cue: Island Song by Ashley Eriksson>
Toomi: Solid Snake and Snake Eyes are both expert in the field of stealth but combat wise, Snake Eyes far trumps Solid Snake in every category.
Sachi: While Solid Snake is no slouch in close quarter combat, he often times relies mostly on stealth and use of mechs and firearms whereas Snake Eyes though uses stealth as well, is more equipped in close combat due to his ninja training.
Megumi: And there's also speed to note, while Solid Snake has dodged bullets, Snake Eyes has dodged pretty much the same thing but also including lasers, giving him a massive speed advantage over Solid Snake.
Toomi: While Solid Snake can scale with Big Boss or even the Metal Gear Rex, do note that in most cases, Solid Snake has destroyed them with bombs while Snake Eyes on the other hand, has destroyed tanks and even large machines with just his sword alone so Snake Eyes also takes the strength advantage.
Megumi: And while you can argue that Solid Snake has taken down ninjas, do note that Snake Eyes has taken down ninjas, soldiers and cyborgs, the same kinds of enemies that Solid Snake has beaten, even more so when Snake Eyes has beaten people similar to Solid Snake.
Sachi: And while both combatants are stealthy, Snake Eyes has one advantage Solid Snake does not. The ability to sense qi. Even with Solid Snake hiding, Snake Eyes can sense him fast enough to counterattack before Solid Snake could ambush him.
Toomi: Holding every advantage in strength, speed, agility, combat skills and stealth, we can conclude that Snake Eyes holds everything he needs to claim this victory
Megumi: This is definitely not the most slithery fight Snake Eyes ever has.
Sachi: The winner is Snake Eyes
<Shows footages of Snake Eyes standing above Storm Shadow's burial before looking up at the GI Joe airship closing in>
Toomi: Hey guys, thank you so much for checking out our battle in What if Battles 2.
Sachi: If you want more content like this, don't forget to add this in your library and comment if you have any idea for a fight.
Megumi: Until then, next time on What if Battles...
Up Next
War Machine
Cyborg vs War Machine
* The connections between Solid Snake and Snake Eyes is that both combatants are military elites, master infiltrators that work for American government agencies, FOXHOUND for Solid Snake and GI Joe for Snake Eyes. The two are also armed with blades and firearms along with being incredibly stealthy, able to sneak into enemy territory and take down their enemies. The two even suffered face injuries from their missions with Solid Snake losing his one of his eyes and Snake Eyes being disfigured
* The two even have an apprentice who would succeed over them, Raiden for Solid Snake and Jinx for Snake Eyes
* The two even have snake theme in their names
* This is the first time a Metal Gear character fights a GI Joe character
* This is the first time a GI Joe character wins a What if Battle
* This is the second time a Metal Gear character loses a What if Battle, the first being Raiden vs Raiden.
* During the introduction, Megumi referencing Indiana Jones' snake quote is mostly due to the fact both combatants are Snake themed. Even making a pun at the end with the word "slithery"
* During the fight, Solid Snake's cardboard box speech that he gave Otagon was from the game Metal Gear Solid 2
* While Solid Snake and Snake Eyes were fighting, Otagon's "Snake" scream is a reference to the game over screen in the game Metal Gear Solid 2.
* Snake Eyes way of finishing off Solid Snake is based off Kung Lao's Fatality from the game Mortal Kombat X
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