Kiss Cam
This is for @CarlySalvatore1234!!! Click on the pic to the whole thing!<3
Scott's POV
We had just gotten done with our performance at the Superbowl when we were invited to stay and watch the game on the 50 yard line. Kevin and Avi freaked out and begged us to stay so, we did. Kirstie and Esther didn't care either way and Mitch and I don't really watch sports but, since my wonderful boyfriend and his best friend wanted to stay, we stayed. Avi was so excited, you'd think he'd never seen a football game before. It was ADORABLE! I still can't believe he actually said yes when I asked him to be my boyfriend. It was funny how it all started.
We where sitting on the bus having a heated discussion about clothes. Esther, Kevin and Kirstie agreed with each other and Mitch, Avi and I disagreed with them. Mitch and I were going on about what colors go with what personality and Kevin was using his big words, trying to confuse us when Avi said something I never expected.
"I like all the colors in the rainbow." He said like it wasn't the most random thing ever. What? What is that supposed to mean? Silence.
"Avi? Are you gay?" Mitch asked. Avi just shrugged.
"I don't know. Maybe, yeah, I don't don't the correct term but, it's something like bi but still a little different. I don't know, it doesn't matter." He said like it was no big deal.
"Avi, it does matter." I said, putting my hand on his arm.
"Why? I don't matter." He says, walking off to the back lounge. We all watch him go. I turn and look at the group and Esther's not necessarily shocked, faces and go find him sitting in the back, on the verge of tears. I walk over and put my arms around him. He starts crying softly and it broke my heart.
"Avi, it's okay. Shh, you're okay. Nobody's mad at you. You don't have to be scared or sad. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. We accept you for who you are. Stop crying, we still love you. I still love you." I said, hoping he'd get the message. He looked up at me with watery eyes.
"What do you mean? That you like me like that or you just love me as a friend." He asked shyly.
"I love you, Avi. Nothing has changed that for two years and I'm not going to stop now. Whether or not you feel the same, I am going to love you. I can help you find out what you are comfortable with. You don't have to like me back but, just know that I'm here, as whatever you want and need me to be." I said, starting to get choked up.
"Does that include maybe, more than friends? When I'm ready." He asked very quietly.
"Of course...Avi? Would you like to be my boyfriend. It doesn't have to be anything big just, would you be mine?" I asked hopefully.
"Maybe." He said. I gave him my best superfrown.
"Okay, yes." He said finally. I hugged him tighter and wiped his eyes.
"Are you for sure? I don't want to rush you." I said.
"I'm sure. If I'm going to trust anybody, it'll be you."
"Why are you staring at me?" Avi asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I put my arm on the back of his chair.
"Oh, just thinking about how beautiful you are." I said. He blushed like a little schoolgirl.
"Stop." He whined.
"Only if you kiss me." I smirked. He laughed and leaned even closer to me. I put my hand on his cheek and played with his earring.
"Just kiss me already." He said.
"Okay." I said and kissed him. I swear he has the softest lips ever and his beard is just a soft.
"Okay guys, we get it, you love each other. Would ya quit making out for the camera." Mitch sassed.
"What?" I asked when I pulled away. He pointed to the big screen where mine and Avi's faces were being shown. I looked at him and blushed so hard, he buried his face in my chest. I smiled and kissed the top of his head.
"Well that's one way of telling people about us." I said and he buried his head even deeper into me. I chuckled and he hit me lightly, shaking his head. Adorable.
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