what if samantha anson never escaped?
Samantha Maeve Anson escaped the cult known as The Children of The New Order at fifteen years old, alongside their older brother, Jason. While Jason met an untimely death, Samantha went on to live a somewhat normal life in Felicity Valley, Massachusetts.
At least, in your world, she did.
Samantha couldn't speak. They'd never been particularly talkative, as Lucian trained any natural human response to violence out of them as a young child, but this was something else. She'd just seen her brother get killed in front of her. As they made their escape, one of Lucian's 'guards' (a child with a gun who was told to shot anything that moved) had shot Jason in the head, going for the kill. Lucian must've been very proud of them.
Samantha was quickly dragged back inside the compound, where Lucian had quickly decided that Jason had 'corrupted her mind', but he could fix that. Disobedience was never in Samantha's nature, anyway. They just sat there, still and silent. That's how Lucian wanted her to act. Don't let anyone see you, don't let anyone hear you, kill them so quickly they can't even feel it. Be a ghost.
Samantha was eighteen years old, and had barely left Lucian's side in the last three years, since the ill-fated escape attempt. Jason's name was never spoken in the compound, not even by their parents. Samantha assumed they didn't mourn, but it was hard to know when she barely saw anyone but Lucian in the past three years.
Samantha was eighteen now, which meant they must do what all good eighteen year olds do: commit homicide. Just like Jason had done on his eighteenth birthday, just like their parents had done on theirs. It was dark outside, and quiet, but the roar of the engine of Lucian's truck. Neither Lucian or Samantha spoke on the journey.
Lucian stopped the truck in a small town, next to an apartment complex.
"Room 507," he said, handing Samantha a paperclip and a pistol. "Don't get caught."
Samantha carried out the job quickly and effectively, climbing up the fire escape until she found an open window, then entering the building, picking the lock to the room and shooting the girl in her sleep, checking her pulse to make sure she was dead and picking the lock to the window and leaving climbing out the window. It was simple. The girl looked vaguely like someone she recognised from childhood, but they ignored that. If she had to be killed, she must have disobeyed Lucian or God. She must have deserved it.
By the time Samantha was twenty-one, she had a kill count longer than both of her parents combined.
They were quiet, obedient and never asked questions. Lucian was very proud of his favourite soldier. So proud, that he got her pregnant.
Hannah Joy Lyons was born on the floor of a cult compound, just like Samantha was. She would be raised to be a killer, just like Samantha was.
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