what if masha popova hadn't been left behind?
t/w suicide, not proofread
Masha Natalia Popova, Natasha Romanoff's estranged daughter, was raised from birth as a weapon in the Red Room, her mother escaping when she was still a baby. Masha never got a chance to ever bond with her mother and by the time she actually wanted to, it was too late. Well, those are your world's events anyway.
In this world, Masha's mother went back for her.
It hadn't even been a question. Natasha didn't care if it was too dangerous, she was going back for her daughter, no question about it. They had temporarily moved Masha, they knew that, to a house with her father, Bogdan, and his wife, who had no idea what her husband did. It's like they knew Natasha would go back for her daughter and they were right.
They made an attempt to hide her, but it failed, with the help of SHIELD of course. Natasha found them and, in the dead of night, silently broke into the home. Natasha crept into the room where her one year old was sleeping, gently picked her up and then the light turned on.
Natasha turned to see Bogdan, who was wearing a solemn expression. "Go," He said. "She'll be much safer with you."
Natasha nodded. "Thank you," She whispered. And then she was gone.
It was three years after that when Natasha came home with a blonde boy, named Ilya. It was the earliest thing Masha remembered.
"Ilya," Natasha said as she scooped the little redhead into her arms. "This is my daughter, Masha."
Masha said some things about Ilya's hair being 'shiny' and 'pretty'. The blonde boy just eyed the little girl, as if distrusting of her. Like a four year old could do much damage.
Masha doesn't remember much about when Natasha became an avenger. She just remembers being sprawled across her mother's lap as she recounted the tale to her and Ilya.
She found it fun. Every time Natasha came back from a mission, be it an Avengers one or a regular one, she'd ask for every last detail. She'd ask the Barton's for every last detail as well. Well, Clint, considering he was really the only one who could provide said details.
Masha's mother was dead. Natasha Romanoff was dead. While Ilya was busy trying to kill himself, Masha had an idea.
In Brookinian mythology, one could go to Dangria, the goddess of life and death, and ask that she bring back their deceased loved one. For a price, of course.
But that didn't matter. She'd do anything to get her mother back. And, maybe if she did, the whispering she kept hearing would finally stop.
Masha made her way to Brookina, where she failed spectacularly.
"I'm sorry," Masha mumbled, staring at her bowl of shitty hospital soup. "I don't know why I thought this would work. I'm sorry."
Ilya sighed. "I forgive you, Mashenka," He said, reaching over and squeezing her hand. "And I'm sorry for shooting at you."
Masha shook her head. "You don't have to apologize," The redhead said. "Honestly, it's a good thing you did. I needed to be brought to my senses."
If it weren't for that damn goddess, none of this would have happened. She picked at her skin before Ilya hugged her.
"It's just the two of us now," He said, squeezing her. "We can make it on our own, we're both more than capable. It's gonna be fine. We're gonna be fine."
Masha hugged him back. She didn't speak, just let her brother hold her.
Three days later, Masha Romanoff jumped to her death.
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