It wasn't until 3 days after I received the letters did I make my decision. It was really tough for me to choose between the two but I had my choice. That afternoon I took Ginny on a picnic. I wanted to tell her on a date. She came down wearing a plain white shirt tied at the ends, jeans and a grey woolen jumper Mrs Weasley had made for her. Together we ate and laughed reminding ourselves of the days back then. "So Ginny, uh I've got something to tell you." I stated. "Yes?" Ginny answered. "Well uh I'm not going back to um Hogwarts" I say cautiously. Ginny smiles and hugs me. "I'm proud of you Harry" Ginny whispers "go follow your dreams but I'll always be here for you." I pull away from her and say "You're not mad?" "Of course not Harry!" She says smiling "Even though I would love to have you with me at
Hogwarts, you get to choose your choices not me!" I kiss her softly on the lips and whisper "I love you." She squeezes me tight and replies "I love you too."
*Time Skip*
Later that afternoon I told Ron and Hermione. The two of them were disagreeing with each other. Hermione was going back to Hogwarts whereas Ron wasn't. I looked for my parents and found that they were both in the living room, Sirius with them. Mum was knitting something while Dad was laughing at something Sirius said. "Hey." I say smiling. They all turn to look at me and dad yells "we gonna play quidditch now Prongslet?" I rolled my eyes. Prongslet was the new nickname Sirius and Dad gave me. "No... well we can play after I tell you something" I explain. They all stare at me wanting me to go on. "I'm not going back to Hogwarts," I say, "I'm going to Auror Training." Dad and Sirius whooped and cheered yelling things like "You'll do great!" and "Harry's gonna be an Auror!" Mum sat there staring at me. "Mum,? I ask, "Do you not want me to go?" "No I do" Mum paused. "I- It's just you've been through a lot and I don't want you to get hurt!" "I'll be fine" I reassure her. Mum sighs and hugs me. Suddenly Hermione burst into the room, tears streaming down her face. She collapses in the middle of the room and I rush to her side. "Mione what's going on?" "R-Ron and I (hiccup) had a (sniff) f-fight" she stammered. "W-We were both trying to reason (sniff) with each other but then Ron y-yelled at me and said (hiccup) I don't care for him because (wail) apparently I won't even acknowledge the fact that h-he was going to do his dream job and I-I w-wasn't going to be there for (sniff) him." Mum came over and squeezed Hermione's shoulders. "Don't worry sweetie you'll fix this problem. Ron will get over it. Just give him some alone space and time to think." Hermione nodded but just stayed there staring at the floor. From the other room we could hear Mrs Weasley (she had come over) yelling at Ron telling him it was very immature and rude to act towards Hermione that way. Ginny entered the room groaning. "Finally a room that's quiet where I can't hear Fred and George exploding things or mum yelling!" Dad and Sirius came up to me and asked "Can we ask you a question?" "Yeah sure go ahead" I answered. "So uh we heard from Hermione who heard from Ginny who heard fro-" Sirius was cut short when Mum yelled "Sirius we get it just get to the point!" Dad took over and said "We wanna know who this mystery person is that helped us defeat the Death Eaters!" "Well uh..." I hesitated wondering how the 3 would take the news. "He's known to be dead" Ginny piped, giving them a clue. They all looked at me expectantly. I sigh. "I don't know how you'll react but uh." I pause. I look around the room seeing everyone's eyes staring at me, wanting me to get to the point. I take a deep breath and say "Snape is back." As if right on time the doorbell rings and when we go to see who's at the door Snape stands there in his black cloak staring at us.
A/N Sorry for the long wait for this chapter. I'm hopefully going to write more chapters a week but school is almost starting and I don't know if I'll have enough time. But I'll keep trying to update. This Chapters Shoutouts go to:
Whew! That was a tonne! TYSM for all the support all of my readers give me! Till next time!
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