Chapter 2
Misaki's P.O.V.
It has been a few months since the great Lord Usami came and visited this horrible place. I read his new book that he signed and gave me but I was not that impressed. It is nothing like his older writings from when he was in college. I still keep it hidden so no one else can steal it because it is still really important to me since Usami-san believes I deserve it.
Right now I am out side under my favorite tree. Other kids are playing and or fighting around me but I just zone them out. "Misaki, There is someone here to see you," our "Caretaker" comes out and tells me. I look at her confused at who it could be. I do not really have friends and my only family is Niichan. He does not care enough to visit though. I stand up and head inside to see my visiter.
As I walk in I spot a woman standing there, "Uhh who are you?" I ask confused as to who this woman was and why she wanted to she me. I stand a good few feet away from her as she opens her mouth to speak.
"I'm Manami your brothers girlfriend, i'm here to get you." she explains in a excited yet calm voice.
"Why, in the last 9 years since i've been here my brother has not visited me once, no letter, no call, no nothing. So 9 years later his girlfriend comes to pick me up, but why? Please care to share?" I say calmly yet you could tell I was not happy with the situation. She bites her lip looking a little nervous.
"I-I know...that was not right of him but it is his birthday. I know he misses you alot and I think it would be a great surprise if you can come," She explains.
"I do not do parties."
"It is not a party only us and one of Takahiro's friends"
"He would not want to see me."
"I beg a differ"
"I have homework"
"You do not even know what day it is!" she shouts exasperated obviously getting tired of my excuses.
"Two weeks on Saturday. I never forgot and always send a card unlike him," I mumble. She looks at me surprised and I can tell she is trying to figure out what to say but can not seem to. "Look i'll make a deal with you, I will think about it for two weeks and on the day of his birthday I might turn up there, I might not, I will not make a promise and say I will be there. That's the best deal I can give you after everything that happened. Take it or leave it." I say calmly with a straight face.
I can tell that she is trying to think of a better deal but she eventually sighs in defeat. " is the address," she surrenders handing me a small card. I look at it and nod my head. She then turns to leave. "I hope to see you in two weeks," she says with a smile before walking out.
"Why am I doing this?" I mumble to myself as I check myself in the mirror. After a lot of thinking I decided to go. At least I can eat without having to rush because someone will steal the food right off my plate. I sigh. Now I am just stalling for time by fixing my hair. After I finished getting ready I grab my backpack and head out the door not caring to tell my "caretaker" since she doesn't care what we do. I have stayed out all night and she didn't even notice I was gone.
I've gotten into physical fights right in front of her and she doesn't care enough to try to break them up at all. I walk down the road to my "brothers" house wondering how this will play out. I hesitate before knocking on the door. I wait a second before the young women from two weeks ago answers. She looks genuinely surprised to see me.
"You came!" she cheers quietly. Before I can even say anything she takes my wrist and pulls me inside. "Takahiro! Close your eyes I have a surprise!" she shouts. Minami pulls me to the dining room where I see the great Lord Usami covering my "brother's" eyes.
"What the fu-!" I start to shout before being interrupted. "Misaki?!" Takahiro gasps shoving away Lord Usami's hands.
I tense up "I was right I shouldn't have come here!" I say and try to leave but his girlfriend grabs my arm and pulls me back.
"No you can't leave! It was so hard to find you! And even to get you to come here! Please stay,why is it so hard for you to trust people!"she says with pleading eyes.
I shake off the feeling of guilt "Why do you think?!? I have no one! No friends, no family and the only family I have hasn't talked or came to see me in the 9 years that i I've been at that awful orphanage! Every family that has adopted me brought me back within the first week! Every person that I trusted STABBED ME IN THE BACK!! My so called friends beat me up in a alley way, I have nightmares every night of what happened and I can never escape! Every year I look forward to my birthday because it means another year closer to finally being able to be free. So please tell me a reason that I should trust people, because ever since that night I haven't been able to forget the pain that I caused." I say and let out a shaky breath and as her grip loosens in surprise I take it as a chance to break away and run straight out the door.
I run down the street and head in a random direction not caring which way I went or where I was going. I was so caught up in running and trying to stop crying I did not hear someone calling my name as they ran after me until I started to run across the street. Suddenly I hear honking as light shine on me.
Then someone grabs the back of my shirt and pulls me back and away from the semi that goes by. I pant as I try to catch my breath. My eyes widen in shock as I realize I could have just been killed. "I don't think Takahiro would appreciate his little brother getting run over on his birthday," he chuckles. I clench my fist in anger and turn around.
"Did you not just here my rant a few minutes ago?!" I hiss. I can not believe the nerve of this guy. I do not care if he is the great Lord Usami.
"Does not mean he wants you dead," he says seriously.
"Does it fucking look like I care about what he wants, I regret coming here, one I missed dinner and lunch because I had to walk here and make it on time. Two it was stupid of me to come here after 9 years of not seeing or hearing from him, three I could have just sent him a birthday card like I have done for the last nine fucking years!"
"Misaki you did not even give your brother a chance. He was just suprised that is all. He really does care about you."
"Yeah...that is why he never bought me a card or talked to me...," I grumble bitterly. I hear him sigh.
"I'll make you a deal. We will go back and if he reacts bad I will take you to dinner if he reacts well then we stay and eat. Plus your brother has an announcement," he tries to bargain with me. I bite my cheek as I think. I could just leave but my stomach does like Usami's idea.
"Fine...," I give in.
We walk back to the house in silence. It is not awkward though so that is nice. When we open the door I am engulfed in a hug. "Misaki! Do not do that I was so worried about you!" Takahiro exasperates. My whole body stiffens as my arms lay at my side. I do not know what to do with them. I know they should also wrap around Takahiro but the idea makes me feel sick.
"Sorry," I mumble seeming unfazed. He pulls away after a second.
"Honestly, Misaki, I am glad to see you," he hums. "With that said. We have something to tell you both,"
"We are engaged!" Minami finishes. My eyes widen and I look at Usami. He smiles and seems happy but I can tell it is fake. I can tell because it is the same fake expression I sometimes try to use. My hands shake as a clench my fist. Before I know what is happening my fist make contact with Takahiro's face.
"How dare you?! I do not see you for 9 years and the first thing you tell me is that you can not care for me but can get a wife! What about Usagi-san! He is your best friend but you can not tell that he hates her! I mean come on he even has the fake smile because he is just that nice of a friend!" I hiss at him with a firey passion.
Everyone is look at me in shock even Usagi. "I know that you deserve happiness and I am trying not to be selfish but can you stop being an oblivious idiot for one second to see what is going on?!" I add before taking Usagi's wrist and pulling him to the exit.
After I pull him out of the house he stares at me wide eyed as tears start to flow down my cheeks. "Wow I actually punched my brother, huh I've had it happen in dreams but I never thought it would actually happen well mostly because I never thought i would see him again." I say and hiccup. Suddenly I feel someone rub my back.
"Why would you defend me like that?" Usagi asks me.
"Because I love you."
"What was that?"
"N-nothing." I say and his eyes narrow at me (Anime_Killer12 I DID IT! Lmao 😂 best change ever!!) waiting for a proper answer even though I gave him one.
I shrug my shoulders. "You ran after me and saved me when Takahiro should of been the one to chase after me not you so I owed you one. Plus, I could not stand seeing the similar fake smile on your lips," I reply with half the truth
I look up seeing his shocked expression. He gently wipes away my tears. "Come on, I did promise if it went badly I would take you to dinner and I do not break promises," he whispers and leads me to his nice cherry red sports card. I hesitate before getting in.
He takes me to a nice place that I never thought I would be able to go to. I feel so out of place in there. First off everyone is a couple. As in guy and girl. We are two dudes! Second, I am dressed like your standard orphan. I wonder why?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it took so long for it to come out! And please go check out Carrot_YaoiYuriLover she is the other author of this story and we worked super hard on it! ILL TALK TO YOU LATER BAI!
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