Chapter 1
Misaki P.O.V
All I heard was voices around me but I couldn't see anything, then it went silent I started seeing flashes of memories of the car and my parents but couldn't move or call for help. Then it went black again as I hear the car hit something and ambulance sirens in the far distance.
Then came another flash of a memory it was me and my brother crying at the hospital begging for it to be some sick twisted game then it all went black again but this time I heard nothing.
I jolt awake fast as I look around the room I am in. I try to ignore the cold sweat dripping down the side of my face. I look out the window that was right next to my bed and take a deep breath then I bury my face in my hands trying to forget everything I had just saw.
You would think after all this time l would be able to move on and rid myself of these nightmares, but they still haunt me. Reminding me of how my life changed and was never the same.
I lift my head up from my hands once again looking around the room at all the other kids from the orphanage as they sleep peacefully, I shake my head trying to shake myself of the feelings the nightmare had given me, then I slowly lay back down staring at the ceiling wondering if the nightmares would ever stop.
Everyone says that time heals all, but now after so long, I am not so sure thats true anymore. I close my eyes and hope that tomorrow would be a better day. I slowly drift to sleep wondering if the nightmares would be different this time, but then I remembered, it wasn't a nightmare, it was a memory.
As I wake up the next morning I can feel the tears dried on my cheek. Meaning that I was crying in my sleep again. I sigh as I got up from the bed and walk down stairs, then I saw the kids excited about something.
"What's going on?" I ask one of the other boys, confused as to what was happening. I don't understand what could be more important than the food around here because once it is gone that is it. No one cares if you actually got some or not.
"There is an author coming to do a signing!" One girl tells me. That is no help since I'm pretty sure half of these kids can not even read. I shake my head and walk over to the food and grab some before it was gone.
Then I go and take a seat by the window, watching everyone talk and mess around with each other as I eat with each other as I eat waiting for them to realize that they need to grab food before it was gone. I looked down at my food and continued to eat, then out of nowhere there is a high a pitched screech echoed through the house and I knew exactly who it was, it was the drama queen of the orphanage.
I groan in annoyance as I stand up and throw my food away, then walk up the stairs to change because before I walked up the stairs I saw a car pull up to the orphanage, and I think I had an idea as to who it was.
I rush to my shared room and get dressed and hope that I can get out before more chaos ensues. I run back down stairs only to be surprised by the sight of the other kids who have not killed each other, yet.
I look at everyone cautiously before backing up away to the door. However, I am stopped when I back into someone. I look up afraid of who I was going to see. But I sigh in relief as it turned out to be the owner/caretaker of the orphanage.
"Misaki, just where do you think you're going?" She asks me sounding irritated at the moment. Then I turn around to face her.
"To the library. I have an exam coming up pretty soon and I just really need to pass it." I explain while rubbing the side of my neck nervously.
"Yeah nice try, you are not to leave this house!" She says sternly while pushing me away from the door and back to where all the other kids are at. Everyone was whispering to each other in their little groups.
I knew that I didn't belong in any of them so I walk to the corner in the back of the room and wait there. As I wait there is a knock on the front door, my "caretaker" eyes light up as she goes to open the door.
I hear people gasping and whispering as they see who is at the door. I do not see who it is until they are standing in the front room. There seem to be three people. One was a women with orangeish brown hair, gray eyes, and a bright red lipstick. On the opposite of her is a man with dark brown hair, light purple eye, and was wearing a dark black suit with a purple tie.
In the middle of the two is the man that has everyone excited. It was the great Lord Usami Akihiko he had silver hair, amethyst eyes, and was wearing a navy blue suit with a yellow tie.
"Children, today the great novelist Usami is here to read to you. I hope you all are on your best behavior." Our "caregiver" informs us. I shake my head because everyone knows kids like me are not known to behave.
I look to the front of room and studied Usami's expression, Which was smile but anyone in their right mind would know that it's fake. He waves to everyone in the room "smiling", as he did that I stayed in the back of the room thinking about the books of his that I have read before.
I grab one of his older ones from my book bag that I was going to bring with me to the library. I open the book and start to reread it as he starts to talk to everyone. I let myself drift into another world with the book.
Usagi's P.O.V
I can not believe that Isaka and Aikawa dragged me down here to read my latest novel to a bunch of snot nosed brats. I sigh in relief when I finally finish reading. Kids cheer and clap but honestly I didn't expect anything less.
I look over to Isaka and Aikawa and glare at them angrily but still have a smile on my face and they look at me back and smile like nothing's wrong at all. I look back at all the kids in front of me who are being loud and obnoxious as they ask for my autograph.
I groan and turn to grab a pen when a boy catches my eye. He has dark brown hair, emerald colored eyes, and he was slightly muscular. He is obviously not in this world as he reads a book. As I look closer I notice it is one of my older novels.
I ignore everyone as I walk closer to the boy. Everyone tires to crowd me but I push them aside. My only focus is getting to him. As I take the last couple steps to approach him he looks up at me surprised. I watch him as he slowly puts his book aside. Almost like he is hoping nobody sees.
"Can I sign that for you? It has been a long time since I have seen someone read that book." I ask while pointing to it.
"I actually like my book the way it is." He tells me simply.
"But it will be more valuable if I sign it. Plus I am pretty sure you are the only ones book who is worth signing," I explain to him.
"That would make it valuable to everyone else but you see it's already valuable to me." He explains to me smiling lightly now looking me in the eyes.
" sure are different from everyone else, here." I say smiling genuinely back to him then hand him the book I just read. He opens the book and looks even more surprised.
"You signed it?" He asks kinda surprised. I just shrug my shoulders lightly.
"I thought maybe I would find someone who deserved it." I explain to him. This seems to lighten his spirit a bit.
"Usami sensei, you have to get home and finish your manuscript. It can not be late AGAIN!" Aikawa warns. I sigh exasperatedly. She is the one that made me come here in the first place.
I stand up slowly and walk out. I don't bother waiting for Aikawa or Isaka as they thank the supposed "caretaker".
As I drive back to my penthouse in my cherry red sports car I can not help but think about the mysterious boy. He wasn't like anyone I have ever met before. The more I think about him, I then realize I don't know his name.
Misaki P.O.V.
After the great Lord Usami leaves I head up to my room. I cannot believe he actually noticed me. I don't even like him, as an author sure, but as a person I'm not so sure. Sure his books are good but I never liked him.
I sit there for a moment then open the book he gave to me and run my finger over the signature. "Someone who deserved it, huh what did I do to deserve it though?" I say quietly to myself and begin to read the book he gave me. Letting myself get pulled into another one of his many tales.
Hello, everyone I would like to apologize for the wait I have been super busy with getting ready for school. Also if you didn't already know I share this book with Carrot_YaoiYuriLover who is helping me majorly with it so you should definitely go check her out. I would also like to thank Ruki-sempai for creating the cover of this book, which by the way looks absolutely amazing! So if don't know who she is go check her out her stories they are really amazing! That is it for now I will try to update as much as I can on this story and all the other ones also! Bye!!!
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