Chapter Two
The dragon could move.
Draco first noticed it when he went to shower, and the dragon slinked behind his forearm away from the water. He turned his arm over and stared in astonishment, not having read anything about moving tattoos in the book. The dragon had flicked its tongue at him in annoyance, so he turned his arm back around and continued showering.
Since it seemed to take the Dark Mark with it wherever it went, it could move all it liked.
"Potter," Draco hissed during Defence Against The Dark Arts.
Potter looked up in surprise from his seat two desks over. "Malfoy?"
"It moves," Draco muttered. "Did you know that?"
Potter suddenly smirked. "Yep. All of mine do. Don't you like it?"
The way Potter was smiling had Draco suddenly wondering where Potter's own tattoos were. He swallowed, feeling a flush rising on his cheeks. Though why that should make him strangely uncomfortable, he had no idea.
Potter was still waiting for an answer, although now one eyebrow was quirked in amusement.
"No, I like it," Draco muttered, turning back to the front.
He noticed Finnegan - who was sitting between the two of them - looking back and forth between them in astonishment, but Draco steadfastly ignored him.
Professor Mimble entered the classroom and trotted to the front, setting his books down on the desk.
"Class," he said, shoving his glasses back on his nose and blinking owlishly at them all. "Today we're going to practice Occlumency. The most important thing to note about Occlumency is that it is all down to strength of will. There is nothing to stop any of you from employing Occlumency to its full success, even in the face of - yes - He Who Must Not Be Named."
Draco heard several impressed gasps in the room, but that was all he managed to take in before he began to laugh. He sensed people turning toward him, but he barely noticed as tears of laughter began to stream down his cheeks. Occlumency? Against the Dark Lord?
Soon Draco was howling, slipping sideways off his chair at the thought of Professor Mimble attempting Occlumency against Lord Voldemort. He faintly thought he could hear someone else laughing over the sound of Professor Mimble angrily hitting his desk to get Draco's attention, but he couldn't be sure.
Then Draco felt someone pinch his ear hard and throw him outside the classroom. The door slammed behind him. He turned around in time to see it open again to emit a completely hysterical Potter, and to glimpse the shocked and confused faces of his classmates - who must think they were insane - before it slammed again.
"Can- can you-" Potter gasped between breaths, fighting for control. "Can you imagine Mimble up against Voldemort?" And then he lost it again, holding his sides as he fell back, laughing, against the wall.
And of course, now the image was back in Draco's mind, he lost control again too, and slid down the wall to land sideways on the ground.
After several long minutes where Draco thought his sides would burst, their laughter finally subsided.
"So," Potter said finally, wiping his eyes. "Is it healing alright?"
Draco pushed back his sleeve and held his arm out, unable to keep from smiling when he saw the dragon again.
"Perfect," Potter said happily, leaning closer and brushing his finger over the dragon's back.
Draco was horrified to see the dragon stretch delightedly and rub closer to Potter's fingers.
"Aw, it likes me."
Draco snatched his arm back like it was burnt. "Traitor," he muttered, rolling his sleeve down.
Potter smirked. "Would it be a fair trade if mine liked you?"
There was that smile again. Draco swallowed.
"Perhaps," Draco said, lifting his chin slightly. "What are yours anyway?"
The smirk turned into a grin. "We'll have to go somewhere quieter if you want to see."
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