Quiz Results 2
First Quiz:
HufflepuffCongrats! You have been sorted into the Hufflepuff house! Hufflepuff is the most inclusive among the four houses; valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members. Your house mascot is a badger, and your house colors are yellow and black. You are not as competitive as the other houses, and you are by far the most friendly!
Here is some more information about your house!
Head: Pomana Sprout
Ghost: The Fat Friar
Strongest Element: Earth
Second Quiz
You are Lady Irene!(WHAT??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!)
You actually are Lady Irene! Your sweet kind, beautiful, and your willing to risk your life for others. If someone needs help you won't even hesitate to help!
Third Quiz:
You got Amy!(?)
Best friend: None
Family:Garroth, Zane and Vylad.
Weapon: White sword
Story: You grew up with Zane and Garroth in O'khasis. When Garroth ran away you were devastated because he was your closet brother. A few years later you found out that both of your brothers went missing. One day you decided to leave and try to find a new village. You became a guard for Scaleswind. You found out Garroth was alive and in your world so you went looking for him. When you found him you told him that you would visit whenever you could but you had to stay loyal to Scaleswind.(?)
Forth Quiz:
Cadenza Cousin
You are shy and kind, you like Travis but you are really shy you have a dark past and you decided to live with Cadenza your cousin.You love to sing when your alone and you have nature magiks.
Fifth Quiz:
You are a werewolf! Werewolves have sparse personalities, but usually have some spunk!
Sixth Quiz:
You care a lot about your lover, and you would most likely do anything for them. You make sure they feel comfortable and happy, and that they are always feeling okay. When they are down, you're there to pick them up. You're also a little shy, but around your partner, you are always yourself and you love them a lot. You're faithful, kind, and loyal. Any person to have you is lucky. ;)
ACTIONS INCLUDE: (with partner) cuddling, watching netflix with frozen yogurt, walking hand in hand to the park, listening to your favorite bands, singers, and songs, kissing often, etc
Seventh Quiz:
You and Lucas have been best friends since you were little, you do everything together and even though your both 17 you friendship will never end, You and Lucas have had feelings for each other for years but you both kept it quite since you thought it would effect you friendship. One day Lucas messaged you and asked you to come round, you got ready wearing this outfit:
Polyvore.com/love_this/set?id=158813741 (Type in this link to see outfit)
"I have been meaning to tell you this for such a long time and I just can't not tell you anymore" Lucas said
"What is it" you replied
" I... I love you" he said and held your cheeks kissing you softly
" I love you too" you said kissing him back
Lucas said he wanted to take you out on a proper first date and you were so excited, it was a surprise but you wanted to dress up nicely to make a good impression (even though he had seen you at your worst)
you picked out your new outfit you brought a few backs back
you met Lucas by the beach and you walked beside the shore, talking and laughing, he took you for a romantic dinner and drove you home
"I wanted to ask you something" he said you smiled hopefully knowing what he was going to say
"will you be my girlfriend" he smiled "YESSS!" you screamed hugging into him and kissing him passionately
you and Lucas have been together for just over 5 years, and you have moved into your own house and have a cute little puppy called Rex, you chose a larger house since you were thinking about soon expanding your family
house--- 1184416dc0c9eb67d18f25161a79b8 (Link to house)
Rex ---- 1e5701fcc5664b71ce6fdfb7bc619c91 (Link for rex the dog)
Lucas took you away for a few days to Disneyland to celebrate you being together for five years, you were shocked by how empty the park was, it got later that evening and you went to watch the firework display and when you saw the final firework say Will you marry me? you fell to the ground shocked "YES!" you screamed picking yourself up and jumping into his arms " I love you Lucas" you said smiling "I love you too"
a year later and you had the wedding in the forest it was beautiful
Venue-- http://www.elasdress.com/be-more-romantic-with-twilight-wedding-theme-ideas/the-twilight-saga-breaking-dawn-part-1/
Dress-(No link :( )
Ring-(Also No Link :( )
a few months after your wedding you discovered you were pregnant with twin boys which arrived on the 17th of October
you names them Parker and Matt (THEY ARE UNIDENTICAL)
TWINS AS BABIES -- http://bestpickr.com/wp-content/uploads/Cutest-Twin-Babies-Photo-Prop-Lying-on-Fur-750x599.jpg
TWINS AS TODDLERS--- http://twinloveconcierge.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Twin-Boys-Holding-Hands-Wearing-TLC-Le-Twin-T-shirts.jpg
TWINS AS TEENS (Warning They are so hot so look at link)
PARKER ---- https://41.media.tumblr.com/a133799df269118db3e2980e191aaa70/tumblr_ncz1mchHRO1tcpi4lo1_500.png
MATT---- https://s-media-cacheak0.pinimg.com/236x/b3/24/37/b324374f8dcdb1e7cbf2b1a1a8d6f782.jpg
6 years after the twins are born you fall pregnant again with a girl
you named her Ava
BABY AVA--- https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/93/35/2b/93352ba3eb8143f031af35fe16e5a109.jpg
AVA AS A TODDLER --- http://www.whoa.in/20150417-Whoa/Cute-Baby-Girl-Black-Eyes-with-Face-Closeup-HD-Cute-Baby-Wallpaper.jpg
AVA AS A TEEN ---- https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/54/24/94/5424948fe4ff70203416d0ff1352b8e8.jpg
a few years after ava you try for one more child and you are successful you have another boy which you name Carter
BABY CARTER--- http://www.hdiphone6wallpaper.com/wp-content/uploads/Cute/Cute%20Little%20Baby%20Boy%20iPhone%206%20Wallpapers.jpg
TODDLER CARTER---- http://www.latina.com/sites/default/files/baby%20slide%2007.1_0.jpg
CARTER AS A TEEN--- http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6t4xubFwL1qhb0iso1_250.jpg
you have a big happy family and get two more dogs called Milo and Harper
DOGS-- http://www.oceanforestfarm.com.au/images/2dogs.jpg
a kitten called Bella
BELLA--- http://www.pets4homes.co.uk/images/classifieds/2014/01/03/520079/large/10-weeks-old-female-tabby-kitten-52c68dbc42919.jpg
You and Lucas live a long happy marriage, you stay at home and run your clothing business while Lucas works organising music events and concerts
Parker grows up to be a professional soccer player
Matt grows up to be a music and drama teacher
Ava grows up to be a professional song writer and singer
and Carter grows up to be a model
Okie question Time:
1.Which quiz answer do you think was accurate
2.Who was cuter as a baby?Toddler?Teen?(on my last quiz)'
Honestly I thought Ava was cutest as a toddler.The twins as a baby and Ava as a teen
Word Count-1008
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