Chapter Twenty Two
Monday Night RAW
Walking through the halls backstage there was a different energy in the air. It could be because it was Halloween and I absolutly love Halloween. Its hard to believe that its the end of October already. Time seemed to move so quick and yet painfully slow at the same time. I quickly reached Matf, Jeff, and Lita's locker room. When I opened the door Jeff was laughing towards the bathroom door, trying his best to cover it up. I looked at the situation infront of me with a confused smile on my face.
"This is complete and utter crap! I don't wanna wear this on tv!" Lita yelled from the bathroom.
"I'd rather you didn't wear THAT on TV either but you heard Vince. This is what he wants for tonight's show." Matt said from the doorway of the bathroom, acting as a human shield for Lita. She emerged from the bathroom a few moments later with a silky bathrobe that came to midthigh on her. She looked absolutely pissed. She turned to me with a flare that quickly softened.
"What's going on?" I asked her opening my suitcase.
"We're in a match together tonight." Lita said walking over to me.
"Oh cool, who are we facing?" I asked her pulling out my ring gear.
"Not so fast, its an eight diva battle royale." She said putting my ring gear back in my bag.
"Why did you put my ring gear away? I have to get ready." I asked her with a confused look on my face.
"Well, we don't get to wear our ring gear, we have to wear lingerie." Lita said with a disgusted look on her face. I felt the color drain from my face.
"I, uhhhhh, don't have any lingerie though." I told her quietly.
"Vince picked out everyone's set. Yours is in the bathroom." Lita said leading me into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. I opened a package with my name on it.
"How convenient and creepy." I told her holding up a set that looked to be my right size.
"Right, and its so humiliating. The way I see it is if we have to wrestle in our underwear the boys should have to do the same." Lita said as she turned around so I could put on the matching set.
"Well, I mean some of the trunks those guys wear are pretty revealing." I told her as I adjusted the bra strap. I quickly put on the matching g rope before letting Lita know she could turn around. The set that I was wearing was a light blue set with slightly darker lace. The robe was the same as Lita's only mine was blue to match the set. Lita had on a red set with black lace overlay, her robe was black.
"Well on the plus side, we do look hot." Lita said looking me up and down.
"Speak for yourself, I look fat in this. I would kill to look as good as you do." I told her pinching the skin on my hips between two of my fingers.
"You need to stop. You are not that little girl anymore. You are a strong and sexy woman. And your gonna have every guy out there gawking at you." Lita said slapping my hand away. I turned to her and gave her a hug.
"I don't know what I would do without you." I told her as I released her and readjusted my curls in the mirror before she opened the door and we walked out into the locker room. Jeff and Matt looked up at us.
"So, let's see that lingerie girls." Jeff said in a high pitched girly voice.
"Make no mistake, I may be only wearing a bra and underwear, but I can still kick your ass around this entire building. If you want to see what we're wearing under these robes then watch. The. Match." I told him jabbing my finger into his chest with a smile on my face.
"Not gonna lie, that sounds kinda hot." Jeff said with a stunned look on his face. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to Lita.
"When's our match?" I asked her.
"In about ten minutes so we should probably head to the entrance." She said giving Matt a hug and kiss before heading towards the door. As I was turning to follow her Jeff grabbed my arm.
"Hey be careful out there. No breaking anything." Jeff said to me
"I will be." I told him. Jeff gave me a kiss on the cheek before I left the locker room. I felt a blush spread across my cheeks as I followed Lita.m when we reached the entrance curtain most of the girls were there. The only one missing was Trish. I began stretching out my legs as Lita did her arms.
Each of the girls had different colors on. Maria was in white, Torrie in pink, Victoria in purple, Chyna in black, and Sable in yellow. As we were getting ready to do our entrances Trish showed up in her dark blue set. I rolled my eyes at her as I got in line behind Lita.
We all walked out single file to the ring. As we each got in we took off our robes getting pops from the men in the audience and some females. Lita had just entered the ring and I was next. I took a deep breath waiting for the crowd to boo me as I took my robe out, but to my surprise they cheered. I smiled at the road before I went to stand next to Lita. Trish was the last to get in the ring taking the longest to strip down. Once she was done, Lillian began:
"The following match is a eight diva battle royale. The match will start with all eight divas. A diva will be eliminated once she goes through the ropes and both feet touch the ground. The match will end when only one diva remains." Lillan announce before she left the ring. A ref signaled for the bell and the match began. Torrie went after Lita, Trish went after Victoria, Chyna went after Sable, so I went after Maria. We did a quick handshake before we locked up. I quickly overpowered her and backed her into the ropes. I backed up and nailed her with a kick under the chin that sent her tubling through the ropes and to the floor.
"Maria has been eliminated." Lillian announced.
"I have to say JR, Mr.McMahon is a genius. We get to see all these lovely ladies tonight and they're have naked." Jerry said from the announce table.
"You have a point there." Jim Ross replied.
I looked around the ring to see who was left. Chyna and Sable had eliminated each other when they both went over the top rope, Lita had eliminated Torrie. That left Lita, Trish, Victoria, and I in the ring. Trish went after Lita and I went after Victoria. Victoria was able to quickly take me down with clothlines. I raced to my feet and bounced against the ropes and tried to take her down with a head scissors, but she caught me on her shoulders. I panicked and started punching her head but it did nothing. She started walking towards the ropes, ready to dump me out of the ring. As soon as we were at the ropes I flung my body down towards the apron, using all my core and leg strength I flipped Victoria out of the ring and onto the apron with me. We both stood up and got nailed with a double clothline. The rec rang the bell signaling the end of the match.
"The winner of this match, Trish Stratus." Lillian announced as Trish's theme played through the arena. I glared at her as I got up and walked backstage. Once I reached the curtain a producer handed me my robe and I headed towards the locker room.
I had put my robe on but didn't tie it, there was no point everyone had already seen what I was wearing on tv. I reached the locker room and walked in. Lita looked upset but glad that the match was over. Jeff looked at me with wide eyes. He got up and walked to me.
"As good as you looked on tv, you look even better in person." He told me in a whisper. I couldn't help but blush at the compliment. I looked at him and smiled:
"I bet it would look better on you."
Here we are with the next chapter!
Hope you guys enjoyed!
Let me know what you think.
Until next time lovelies!
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