When the End meets The begining
You turned over to see a really cute cat curled up in a ball and purring next to you
The glitching thing had stopped once you had reached the end as Madam Razz said
Shadow Weaver was dead, thankfully, and turns out the only reason she had lost her powers was because Scorpia had made her connection with the runestone
And no, Light Hope got destroyed by unknown reasons so y'all are still in Despondos safe and sound
It had been over a month since the war had ended. Bright Moon was currently helping everyone from the Horde get a home and something to do, providing them with the necesary supplies
Hordak was also dead. Poor Entrapta she was really sad after they had announced it but she was doing better. Her and Bow had made it a habit to meet at least once a week and invent new tech together
You shook Catra gently as it was time to wake up. She mumbled something and brought a pillow over her head, shutting you off completely
You sighed and turned over to Adora "Grumpy cat"
"Let her sleep. If we need her to wake up we can just spray her with water"
You snored "Good enough for me"
You stood up and pulled on your clothes before exiting the room. You spotted Scorpia down the hall and you waved her over "Scorpia!"
She smiled and hugged you "Hey Y/n nice to see you again, gosh"
"Hey Scorps I brought the shirt you wanted" Perfuma walked up to Scorpia and put it in her hands "Oh hey Y/n I didn't expect to see you here. Are you adjusting ok?"
You nodded and smiled "Yes I am, thanks"
Perfuma took Scorpia by the hand and waved at you "I'm sorry but we have to leave. See you tomorrow for our daily meditation?"
"Sure. Bye you two!"
"Y/n we need to talk"
"Hey Angella what do you-"
"I know how to get them out"
(Time skip)
You looked over as Castaspella, Glimmer, Adora and Angella held hands in a circle
Angella and Glimmer held their hands out to you and you took them, immediately feeling the power of the spell. Holly-
Chanting, chanting, wind, whoosh, more chanting, sparkles and magic, whoosh, shadows gone
You watched as your kingdom appeared once the shadows lifted. Everyone stopped in their tracks to look up at what was happening
"You did it" Your mother came into view and rushed over before hugging you
"We did it. Together"
As she pulled out of the hug her eyes immediately fell onto Angella. Your mother gasped and put a hand over her mouth, silent tears streaming down her face
"Hey M/n" Angella said softly and hugged her frozen figure
She squeezed tightly and you averted your eyes to give them some privacy. This was it. Your kingdom. Finally it was back
(Time skip 3 months later)
You groaned at the almost finished paperwork. You were supposed to be taking over to be Queen today and look what you were doing. Paperwork
"Y/n! Come on you need to prepare for the ceremony darling"
You looked up, your eyes sparkling in excitement as you pushed away the paperwork, making it fall down to the floor. You quickly got up and rushed over to your mother to lead you away from the room
You walked down the hallways of your kingdom, your home and almost didn't recognize the room you were gonna go into. Your mom opened the door and a few of the maids stumbled forward to help you get ready
They put your hair down with silver silk intertwined in between your hair in a skillful matter, making it look flawless. You gasped slightly once you saw yourself in the mirror
You looked even more beautiful than you usually did. It was stunning
Then it was time for the dress. It was blue with black and silver detailing. Your crown was last for the finished touch but you kept a single sword earing on your left ear. It reminded you of everything you had gone trough and in a way, it stuck. It was comforting
But you refused to wear the seven inch high heels they gave you. Instead, you decided to give it a shot and walk barefoot. Too much drama otherwise
Plus who else can say oh yeah I was crowned barefoot it was awesome
"Oh dear Etheria..."
You grinned at the blushing blonde and went over to give her a quick kiss "Hey darling. Like it?"
"Oh that's an understatement. I doubt it can look better than that"
You laughed and kissed her again before returning back to reapply the gloss they had forced you to wear "Thanks. I know I look hot"
"Breathtaking" Catra said as she walked inside and closed the door behind her. She did a double over on your outfit and smirked "Ok I was wrong. You look so good there are no words. Litterly"
"I know I know I'm awesome" You smiled and crossed your arms. You looked over at the bottom drawer and bit your lip, an idea slowly coming to mind
"Is it only me or is Y/n biting her lip hot and a turn on?"
"Oh you will see a turn on after the ceremony alright" You grinned and bend down to open the drawer. Inside, was the silver armcuff you had wore on princess from and put it on
"Well?" You turned over to the other two and swirled, the dress flying around when you did so
"I take my words back it can look even more stunning"
Catra whistled "Damn. What an armcuff can do..." She turned to Adora and pointed at you "Can I kiss her?" Then she turned over to look at you "Can I kiss you? Actually I would like much more than that but I don't want your hair ruined" she smirked and crossed the room before putting her hands around your waist
You rolled your eyes playfully and kissed her. You pulled away and Catra whined "Oh too short"
You snored "That's all you're going to get kitten"
"I still don't like that name"
Adora sneaked in behind you to plant a kiss on your exposed shoulder "It's not fair to look so stunning"
"I know right I'm almost jealous" Catra grinned even more and kissed your jaw for a second
"Stop teasing meee. That's just pure mean"
"Hey Catra how long do you think it will take to get her out of that dress?"
"We can find out"
"That's the worst idea you have had in months but I'm tempted"
A knock sounded on the door before your mother stepped in with her now golden gown. She grinned at the three of you before saying "It's starting"
You blushed slightly before pulling away and taking her extended hand "Let's go then"
(Time skip)
You watched as the doors opened
The whole room was filled. All of the princesses were here. Bow, Casta, Sea Hawk and Swift Wind too obviously. You had requested a chair specifically for the horse which he didn't stop talking about for a week afterwards
Angella stood on the front row along with Glimmer on her right. Your mother was in front of the throne and waiting for you to walk trough to her
Adora and Catra were both dressed formally and stood beside the throne along with your mom. It was a tradition for your girlfriends to welcome you there as well. It was like a vow that they would stay by your side, a timeless tradition
You took a deep breath in to still your nerves and gripped your dagger tighter. You had made them allow you to have it during the walk in ceremony. It helped you relax in a way and it made you feel better if Shadow Weaver decided to come back from the dead and ruin the moment. It's called trauma
You walked forward, your head held high as you could feel the stares burning at the back of your neck
You climbed up the stairs and stood in front of the throne before turning around to face the crowd
You gave the dagger to Adora who put it away and smiled to encourage you and promised that you were doing amazing. Catra did too
All of your friends were. It felt great if you were honest
You kneeled and your mother took the crown which was gonna go along with your current one and held it in front of you
"Do you vow to protect your people and your kingdom at all costs?"
You swallowed and looked up at her "I do"
"Do you vow to do what's best for Etheria?"
"I do"
"Do you promise to take care of your people as if they were your own?"
You nodded "Obviously duh"
Adora snickered and Catra elbowed her in the ribs with a disapproving smirk which made Adora go silent
You released a quite laugh on your own and stood up "Then put your hands on the runestone and prove your worth"
Your mother had explained to you a while back why they did it. It was supposed to be because the runestone cold tell the true wants of people, desires and intentions. If you had proven yourself worthy it would tell so, allowing you to move on
You looked at it a bit nervously and looked back at your girlfriends. They smiled and you could feel the warmth in your heart growing just by that simple smile
You glanced over at Bow who gave you a thumbs up. Glimmer straight up shouted "You can do it!"
"Go" Angella mouthed along with that smile of hers
"Yeah!" Swift Wind did something with his hooves and you shook your head in amusement
"Kick their butt!" Mermista yelled
"YEAH" Frosta yelled before making ice around her fists and punching the air
"What does that have to do with anything?" Scorpia asked
"I don't know it was probably theoretical love" Perfuma smiled "We believe in you Y/n"
"I agree with the sea princess over there!" Netossa yelled and held a fist up which only made her wife laugh
"By my calculations there is a chance that it will accept her in more than 183048 different scenarios. Aaahh fascinatiiiing! Haha, Go Y/n!"
Sea Hawk was silent and whispering something to someone. A miracle on its own wow. They looked like they were making a deal
"What are you still doing there? Stop standing like a corpse and do it princess!"
You glared at Lonnie who just grinned and crossed her arms before sitting back down. Kyle and Rogelio nodded in agreement beside her
You sighed. Here goes nothing
You stepped forward and put your hands on the runestone. It glowed and send a shockwave of magic trough the room
You used to hate when your hair changes but now it was a welcomed sight as you felt your eyes dim until they stopped glowing and turned back to normal along with everything else
Your mother was beaming of happiness "Welcome, Queen Y/n of Amura"
You smiled as you felt the crown being placed upon your head and turned your back to the other before stepping to your throne. You turned and sat down with your head high, not able to keep the stupid smile from your face
(Time skip)
The ceremony after was being held in the Whispering Woods
You looked around at the beauty this place was. The princess alliance and the people of Bright Moon had asked if they could help with the organisation and you had gladly let them. Apperantly it was the right choice
Someone hugged you from behind "Hey Y/n"
"Hey darling" You grinned and kissed Adora on the cheek before she grabbed your chin to give you a proper kiss on the lips
"You did it" her eyes sparkled with pride and you blushed
"Well I- I guess"
"Y/n! OH YOU DID IT" Glimmer shouted and hugged you, almost sending you flying to the ground
Bow joined in the hug "We did it!"
"Y/n did it" Catra stated as she walked over to you and kissed your cheek with a slight smirk on her lips. You chuckled and the couple released you from their embrace
"I hope you know how proud everyone is" Angella appeared in front of you and looked over at everyone "In all of you"
"I mean yeah Adora did save the world a ton of times" You said with a grin and bumped her shoulder
"Last time I recall you pulled out the sword"
"And I never want to do this shit again"
Your mother went to stand beside Angella and Glimmer took your shoulder before pulling you off to the side and whispered "Do you ship? Because I do"
"When do you think it's gonna happen?"
"Honestly? Probably soon" you looked over at their smiling expressions, their eyes locked on one another which brought a smile of your own "Definitely soon"
"Hey can we steal Y/n for a second?" Catra smiled innocently and Glimmer turned to you with a raised eyebrow
"Uh sure just dont fuck where everyone can hear I have had enough"
You laughed at that statement "Sorry still don't know how to do a silent spell"
"No shit"
"Ok we are going now" Adora pulled your shoulder intendly and you chuckled at her actions. So impatient damn
You allowed her to lead you away, Catra following shortly behind. Adora looked over at you "Can I kiss you in a bit?"
The trees seemed to part as you walked by which made you smile. Apperantly the forest responded to its ruler, the queen which was you. It had before, yes, but now it's didn't even take any effort. It just did naturally like it was supposed to
Seemingly sensing the need for privacy the trees densed until you couldn't hear anything. You knew no one was gonna hear a thing even if you screamed for help
The fucking dork didn't even wait before kissing your lips, placing a hand around your neck and trying to undo the straps on the back of your dress
You smirked into the kiss "Someone is impatient"
"She's not the only one" Catra went behind you and kissed your collarbone, sucking gently with her teeth
You shivered once she moved to your back "Teasing cat"
"But you love it"
"Oh she definitely does"
Apperantly just this left you feeling like puddle and even if it was 4 months since you had gotten together it still had the same effect on you, maybe even more. You doubted this would ever get tiring
You saw Catra extending her claws, probably to rip your dress off before you stopped her "Don't rip my dress off"
"I was just about to ask but ok. Fine. Adora get her out of this thing"
"I'm trying"
You couldn't keep the laugh in any longer and you put your hand over the straps and with one tug it fell down. You smirked at Adora who had her mouth open "Thought I would let you suffer for a bit. Can't ruin the gown now can we?"
"I- damn it" She mumbled and trailed her lips down your neck "I hate you"
"No you don't. I love you too"
Catra on the other hand had her hands wrapped around your waist and she was currently trailing them down your side, her claws just barely scratching the surface
"Stop. Kissing. My back"
"Wait no- ok no don't. Do it again"
"Say please"
You groaned "Catraaa"
"What? Come on say it princess"
"I'm technically queen now"
"Say it"
"Please what?" Adora teased and trailed her fingers down your stomach
You swallowed and closed your eyes. Not a good idea yet the best you've had in a long time "Please kiss my back Catra"
She grinned and kissed your shoulder, sucking just for a second before pulling away "Good girl"
You sighed "How long are you going to fucking torture me. Come on take some pity on an old turned on women"
Adora snored "You aren't old"
"You're ancient"
"That wasn't a good joke Catra"
"I don't care dumbass"
"Damn poor Adora lmao"
Catra chuckled and got that look in her eyes like when she was about to do something stupid. You froze momentarily before she put her hands on your hips, teasing the area beneath "No pity for you queen Y/n. You're ours"
You closed your eyes and sighed, not really knowing if it was from happiness or straight up tension. This teasing was getting on your nerves "Fuck you"
"Yes fuck me"
"I- you damn well know that's not what I meant"
"Hey if she gets to then I do too"
"Yeah leave her come here Adora" You stepped away from Catra and grabbed Adora by the shirt who was grinning like an idiot. She kissed your neck before moving up to your jaw and finally your lips, tilting your chin to deepen the kiss
Catra gasped dramatically "I'm offended you actually did it"
"Sucks to be you" Adora mumbled between the kiss and looked up to stare at Catra
"Can't we just do something straight forward for once?"
"Ugh no? Do we look straight?"
"I'm I straight?"
"Wha- Adora you litterly have two girlfriends!"
"Pfft she would say that"
(Mini time skip)
You walked over to the rest of the group once you had tried to fix your hair but failed so bad it shouldn't be considered possible
Anyways in the end you just removed the silk which made you sad. It was a favourite now
At least you didn't look like you had done... whatever you had done a while ago when you joined them again
Mermista raised an eyebrow and pointed at your girlfriends "Did they fuck?"
"Mermista you don't just say that in the middle of a party!" Perfuma exclaimed and narrowed her eyes
"Yeah Mermista or I will make sure you get lost in the Whispering Woods and never appear again. I mean it"
She rolled her eyes but a slight cocky smile caressed her lips once she answered "Try it"
"Mermista dearest let's not-"
"Did someone say SWIFT WIND"
You slapped your forehead and looked over at Adora for help. She shook her head and smirked before turning her back to you
"Mean" you said and turned over to Bow who was talking with someone "Hey! Bow!"
He turned around, his eyes slightly wide before he smiled and waved at you "Hey Y/n we were just talking about you! Come here"
"No need" Glimmer teleported next to you and off you go somewhere
You found yourself somewhere at the party but having a good view of the sky. You were so glad you were used to her teleporting by now
"Why I'm I here?" You turned your head and asked
She grinned and winked "You will see" Glimmer waved "See ya"
Then she was gone. You looked around in a slight confusion before sitting down. Glimmer appeared again with Catra and Adora
"Here, enjoy" She said but just before she was about to teleport you too her hand and stopped her
"You can stay too you know? And Bow too. Come on what's the best friend squad for?"
Glimmer suddenly smiled, and it reached her eyes. She was quick to come back with Bow and bounced on her feet excitedly
"Here it is!" She pointed up at the sky
You felt it before it happened. You saw the lights being fired at the sky, every colour blending and glowing so beautifully before dissapearing
"What is this?" You asked in aw. You had never expected something to look so pretty
"Fireworks" Bow explained and nodded up towards the sky
"They are so beautiful" You mumbled and smiled slightly. They really were
"Yeah. They are" Adora said but she wasn't looking up at the sky. She was looking down at you and Catra
Catra must have felt her gaze because she looked over at her and took her hand in hers before kissing it "But you are even more beautiful"
Adora smiled when Catra leaned in and you finally recognized that something was happening around you to look at them
"How dare you not kiss me too"
"We were doing it a minute ago"
"I don't care darling my point still stands"
"Just enjoy the damn fireworks"
"Aw Sparkles you hurt my feelings"
"So no one sees the flying elepha- ...ok"
"I love you guys. All of you"
"BEst frIEnd sqUaD!"
"What are we gonna do now?"
"We live our lives. Together"
"What will you do as queen?" Adora leaned in against your shoulder and whispered it in your ear
"Rule, what else?"
"And will you- will you have someone by your side or...?"
"Oh my gosh you are jealous" You grinned and punched her shoulder
"I-Im not jealous!"
"You are princess" Catra smirked and trew her hand over her shoulders "But seriously is someone gonna rule with you?"
You chuckled "Yes"
Catra glared at no one in particular and her tail swished faster back and forth behind her "Who?"
She turned around with a shocked expression "Me?"
"And Adora obviously" you grinned at the jealous Adora and took her hand "We will rule together. If you want of course, I'm saying that you have to"
"I want to"
"Me too"
"Yay! It's girls night in!"
"What does that mean?"
"Shush child let them have the final"
"What the-"
"I said shusssshhhh"
"Im glad you will be by my side if I'm honest. I really love you I just...I can't say it enough"
"We love you too"
"Forever and always"
Holly hell this is by far the longest chapter ever good job soldiers it's almost 3711 words haha
I kind of don't want this to be over I'm I'm honest I will miss the book but at least I'm glad it's finished properly haha
I hope I did it justice. Anyways, bye everyone! For the last time A/n is signing off
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