What was it again?
You watched the moons rise up in the sky
Nothing was how it was supposed to be... Why?
Why was the world so...so...
You couldn't even phrase it. It was like nothing was working like it should be
You remembered your time in the Horde, your friends...
Catra, Adora, Lonnie, Kyle, Rogelio... Ok basically the whole squadron but who could blame them? You were awesome!
You felt something tingle on your back but when you looked back, you found nothing
Was it Shadow Weaver?
You didn't really care by this point. Everything was pointless
The whole thing that happened a few days ago...it felt hazy, like you were looking trough water to remember the memory
And you felt conflicted too. You wanted to see your friends again, but not on the battlefield. You wanted things to be like they used to. You even though about going back but...the worst part was that this was the stupidest thing you could do in this lifetime
But no matter what your emotions wouldn't listen to you. You wanted to push them away, to lock them inside since you didn't even understand what you were feeling but you had to let them out eventually
You really wanted to see your friends again...
"Hey" Glimmer said softly and you turned around to see her trying to creep in behind you
Your smile was faint, forced even when you replied "Trying to get me to talk again?"
She shook her head and sat next to you "No"
You raised an eyebrow in disbelief "No?"
"No" she crossed her arms and started swinging her legs
The minutes passed by in a comfortable silence and you allowed your thoughts to run free
Your gaze lowered down to the Whispering Woods and you examined the place. You remembered your kingdom being mostly in the woods, therefore many wanted to make alliances with it
You spotted a mountain that used to be where your home was located. The royal castle
You had two actually. One there and one in the woods. Each had a strategically made point of view in order for upmost workability. After all the woods stretched far, and the mountain was a mark of where it ended
You pointed at it to Glimmer, suddenly feeling the need to talk "This is where my home used to be"
Glimmer tilted her head "I remember staring at it all the time" she smiled at the memory "It was mesmerising at night"
You nodded and smiled "Yeah. I used to sneak out into the forest just so I could look at it from afar"
The memory brought warmth to your being but you soon sighed "I wish it was still there"
"Is this why you have been so down lately?" Glimmer asked carefully and put a hand over yours for support
You bit your lip. Should you tell her?
Finally going trough more than a million scenarios you made your decision
"Yeah I...I guess the weight of it all hit me after the battle. It made me remember the way the Horde managed to ruin my life that day" you sniffed and formed a fist with your right hand, digging your nails into your palm
The pain was comforting
"I just, I guess It never hit me before. And now I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop thinking about my family, my kingdom, my people...I can't stop thinking about the Horde a-about the people I left behind, about how I have basically betrayed my own home that took me in as a child. They kidnapped me, yeah, but they still took care of me"
You closed your eyes. You weren't gonna cry in front of the princess. You can't. Show. Weakness
But you kept going. Why did you keep going? "Then I found out I was a princess which I knew already but it's different you know? And the fact that I could have been in the castle right now, laughing at some stupid joke with my mother"
You started massaging your temples and took a deep breath in
Get your breathing under control
Emotions are weakness. Why would you need them? Just push them back down where they belonged
"It's ok to cry you know?" Glimmer scooted a bit closer to you but didn't make skin contact "I used to be like that. I never let anyone see me cry but after Bow...he helped me realize my feelings were there for a reason"
You scoffed and laughed "A reason? They are there to torture people"
"Just because you don't know how to deal with them" She rubbed her hands together and frowned "I'm just saying, they are not the weakness you think they are"
You looked at her and raised a skeptical eyebrow "They gave me something to fight for"
Did you even want to hear the answer? It's was probably gonna be something dumb
"Like what?"
You saw Glimmer pause and looked away back towards the trees "Love"
Glimmer POV:
She felt her heart speeding up at the answer
She will never tell Y/n why love exactly
Love for her mother, for her kingdom and her people, for what was right and for revenge
But also...for something else
Someone else
But she was never gonna admit it
Adora POV:
She walked trough the trees of the Whispering Woods and looked up at the bright light in front of her
She found it
Adora took a hesitant step forward and moved a tree branch out of the way. Was this really the right choice?
She couldn't stop thinking about Catra
She betrayed her, left her behind... But she couldn't take what the Horde had done to everyone on Etheria
The people she thought she was protecting, she was actually hurting without even knowing
Was she this easy to manipulate?
What else had she been manipulated about?
Adora put a hand over the sword, not knowing everything will change
Your POV:
The talk with Glimmer had helped
You never even thought she out of all people would be the wise one but surprises I guess?
You still felt bad but the sadness was replaced by one thing you wanted the most- revenge
So, next time they came you would make sure to do real demage screw the people, you were going there yourself
You felt your chest tighten with the rage, your vision becoming even clearer.
You went to your bed and lifted the pillow to take your dagger and belt. You put them on then went to take a cloak for warmth since it was colder today for some reason
You started putting your hair up but just as you passed by the window you saw a tall figure emerge from the trees
"What the fuck" you whispered and turned the lights off with a flick of your wrist. You decided to crawl near the edge of the window so not to be noticed
"Is that an 8 foot tall lady with a sword?" You asked yourself as you watched her walk further down the hill
You smirked. This was gonna be interesting
You went to take your sword
Adora POV:
Adora looked at the castle in confusion
How had she ended up here?
She saw the lights flicker off in one of the rooms and squinted her eyes, trying to get a better look
She supposed the people were already going to sleep since the moons were already high up in the sky indicating it was at least midnight
But she saw a shadowy figure appear from beneath the shadows of the window watching, waiting. Was it for her? She wasn't the enemy here
Adora went further down the hill and almost stumbled down into the pond. She yelped and managed to dig her sword into the ground before she fell
She blew out a breath "How do I always manage to do that?"
As she took a deep breath in she didn't hear the footsteps that had approached her from behind, a sword raised above their head
She turned around to block the hit just in time, her eyes widening in surprise as she stared at the person in front of her "Y/n?"
Your POV:
So one peek at having magical powers was this- levitation
So you could just levitate down but where was the fun in that?
You jumped down with full force and closed your eyes when the wind hit your hair. You opened them just in time and angled your body so you can hit the ground and not break your bones in the process
You looked at the tall sword lady and wondered how much she ate
Like, how was she so tall?!
You went near the treeline and used some magic to make your feet almost in the air, helping you keep your footsteps silent
You crept in behind her and raised your sword to attack but she turned around just in time to block your hit
The princess pushed you back with ease and you were flying back until you hit a tree
Damn she's strong strong
And she has muscles...
Wait no focus! I SAID FOCUS
You snapped out of your thoughts just as she was in front of you. You ducked her swing and rolled to the ground, using one of your feet to trip her down
And it worked
You pushed the shock away and pinned her down. You made some chains appear around her wrists to help you hold her down and grinned
Magic was AWESOME
You stared at her expression as it went from rage to shock and recognition "Y/n?"
You froze. How did she know your name?
The only people who knew were...
"You're from the Horde aren't you?" You couldn't seem to be able to raise your voice
She nodded slowly and looked up at her hands "Why did you pin me down?"
You blinked "Uh because a bloody stranger just shows up in the middle of the night at Bright Moon? Who turns out is from the Horde? What I'm I supposed to do?" You dead panned and rolled your eyes
"But it's me, Adora"
You looked over at her. I mean she did have some resemblance but... Plus she didn't have this much muscle. Why were you so close again? Maybe you should move
You laughed "I mean yeah with your golden hair and all but you aren't my Adora"
My friend Adora obviously
She frowned and tried to get up but she couldn't get her hands away from their hold "I'm not- Y/n please"
You looked at her pleading eyes. They seemed...broken
Your expression softened and you released a tired breath "I can't-"
And she broke the chains. Shit. That's when she transformed back. You could only stare at Adora who smirked goofily
"Believe me now?"
You hit your forehead and stood up "Are you fucking kidding me?!"
You gave her a hand up. She smiled and accepted it
You moved back a little. Too close
"How did you get here?" You asked and crossed your arms, not really knowing how to feel
"I...maybe later when we are alone" she mumbled and you frowned
"But we are-" you stopped in your tracks as you looked back at Glimmer, Bow, Angella and Castaspella who were talking in the back
You looked back to see Adora standing in a magic circle
You hit your head and groaned "Not again"
Adora raised an eyebrow "What not again? Are you ok?"
"No. No I'm far from being ok" you shook your head "I'm gonna be right back"
You walked out the door and into your room. Your eyes widened
No no no it's happening again
And Adora was here? And Angella?
"Look I promise I will fight for the rebellion along your side" Adora said and stood up "I will not disappoint you"
You looked at her determined expression. How could she so easily turn her back on the Horde? What had happened? She was one of the most loyal people you knew
"Then we welcome you She-Ra, princess of power"
Angella smiled at her before she left the room. But in the last moment she went to you to whisper "I trust you"
You knew it was about earlier. As the flashbacks started your eyes lit up in recognition. You were the reason they had let her out of her cell
You promised everyone she was good. That she was on their side. You made them believe her. You
You crept next to Adora and sat next to her. Almost like nothing had changed
"Do you miss the Fright Zone?" She turned to you
You shrugged "Sometimes. That's where we grew up you know?"
"And us?"
You looked back at her fragile state. This was a sore topic for her. It made your heart squeeze even more. Had you really done such a big number on her after you left?
"More than anything" you smiled and took her hand, brushing your thumb against her wrist
She always liked it, it helped her calm down
Adora returned the smile with one on her own, her eyes lighting up. It brought a strange warmth to your chest, making you want her to be like that more often
That's when you remembered something "Wait where are you supposed to sleep?"
"I...didn't think of that" she said almost to herself "I don't know. Maybe in the prison? It looked like no one was there"
"Yeah... But it's not actually a prison it's just the spare room" You chuckled and shook your head
You really needed an actual prison here
Adora laughed "I thought so too. You really need a better prison"
You snored "Right?! When I first got there I thought they were making fun of me"
Adora leaned against the cushions with a slight grimace, making you snore "Don't kill the bed"
She looked at you, mocking disbelief crossing over her face "What makes you think I will kill the bed?"
You smirked and leaned a bit closer to her, your arms crossed when you asked "What makes you think you won't?"
She leaned forward, mirroring you and narrowed her eyes which made you a bit worried for a moment. Had you offended her somehow? But when she punched your shoulder not too harshly, her goofy smile out and back in place it allowed you to relax a bit more once again
You scanned over her body, just now remembering that she might be wounded and frowned "What is this?"
You pointed at a single deep cut on her side that made you fill with worry. You had to bandage that up
"I Uh- a branch cut it..."
You went to retreat a first aid kit you had stored underneath your bed and took out some of the supplies until you found something you could clean the wound up with "Really? Wow" you smirked and while gently patting the cotton on top of it "That's just...wow"
"I know I know don't remind me"
You looked up at her and were met with her gorgeous blue eyes. They always seemed to sparkle for some reason, it was cute
Even more when a slight blush crept over her face which only made you smile wider. Adora is the cutest being possible hands down on that
You didn't even realize when you stopped tending to her wound and instead just stood there, staring at her. Its been so long since you saw each other properly it made you feel calmer even happier now that she's here at least
But what you failed to notice was the way she looked back at your lips, oblivious to the fact Adora was actually doing it
And the rest of the night went peacefully, with you still unaware of anything
What a surprise
Oh wow this chapter was long haha soooorrryyy
Anyhow we need more action so beware for the next ones
Plus Adora is just cute, like a puppy
She's a golden retriever in human form
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