Settling in
You walked over the main path to the throne room and you struggled to keep your calm facade up
Many would be sceptical about how you just so randomly happen to lose your loyalty to the Horde. And truth be told, you haven't done so completely
But the memories, the knowledge about what they had done to your kingdom, your people, remained in place. It burned a hole in your chest like poison, slowly eating away everything else as only one goal remained in mind
It echoed around your brain like a song, a dangerous, deadly one
You bowed down to the Queen who stood up with a shock written across her face. She rushed down the stairs and lifted you up "Y/n?"
You smiled "Hey Angella"
Her eyes began to tear up and she hugged you tightly. You returned the hug and closed your eyes. She was the closest thing to your mother you realized the longer the hug went on
The guards exchanged a look but stood silent. Glimmer on the other hand widened her eyes "So it really is her, right? Right?"
Angella nodded and pulled away "Yes Glimmah, it's her"
This time she looked over your body like it was the first time she was actually seeing you. She stopped "You're with the Horde"
"It's a long story" you mumbled and looked at the throne behind her "I can explain it now if you want"
She nodded "Yes but first, come with me"
You saw her whisper something to one of the guards and you sat down on the couch. The spare room was more than you had ever expected. It was such a contrast to your normal settings it looked like a whole other planet
"I see..." She put a hand over her chin "Everything you said seems to be true. I will let you stay at the castle for as long as you want Y/n. And if you ever decide to join the alliance, tell me"
You nodded and smiled gratefully "Thank you Queen Angella"
She smiled just a bit, almost unnoticeably as she said "Please call me Angella, we are long past the formalities"
You chuckled and looked back at her "True"
"Good. Rest now I will see you in the morning for breakfast" She stood up "Do you remember where Glimmer is at?"
You nodded solemnly and her shoulders relaxed just slightly before she closed the door "Good night"
"Night" you responded and watched as the door closed
You found yourself in some weird clothes. Ooh was that what they called pajamas?
When did you even put them on anyways?
You decided that you were just tired and went to sleep
Too bad you couldn't
The bed was too fucking soft! How could anyone sleep in here?!
Was this a device for torture of something?
As it kept acting like storm waves in a sea you could barely get out from beneath the cushions. You gasped as fresh air hit your lungs
"Air. My friend" you rasped out "Help"
You were swallowed by the bed once more. You swam your way out and hit the floor happily
"Finally" you blew a strand of hair away from your face "Fucking Kyle it's all your fault"
You got up and looked around. Maybe you could sleep on the floor?
It was weird having no one around. No noises, nothing. Just silence
You groaned and got up. This wasn't going to work
You went over to look out the window. Maybe if you tired yourself enough everything would be fine
Then you began thinking about your friends. Were they ok? What had happened with them? Had they gotten caught? Did they miss you as much as you missed them?
Your eyes traced over the clouds in thought. Maybe you could still go back...only for them
But knew you couldn't. You sighed and placed your head in your hands. Fucking life
(Time skip)
It was 7 am when you woke up. Your eyes widened once you saw the time and you quickly shot up. You were gonna be late for training! Oh no Shadow Weaver was gonna have your head for that nononononononono
You trew the door open and stopped "Oh"
You looked around at the castle grounds "Right. Forgot" you grimaced and closed the door
That did not go as planned. Ok next try
You put your boots on and went to the closet. So, how will you look? (You can look however you want this is just what I will put)
You chose a black button up shirt with low wasted pants. That should do. You put on a golden neckband and two over your hips
You grinned at your reflection "I look hot damn" you muttered "And scary. And badass. I love this"
Your grin widened. How they had these clothes here was beyond you but you knew Angella was behind this. She always knew you preferred black
Maybe Catra would have liked them... And Adora would take the gold. She always had a kink for golden things
You felt your mood go down slightly so you pushed the thoughts away and refocused on what you were supposed to be doing
You took a step forward and walked into the training room. The guard who had helped you get there nodded and left you alone
When did you- nevermind
You started kicking and punching, hitting and running and more. You stayed there for good three hours before you were called down for breakfast
Wow breakfast at 10 am?
You walked into the room and looked over the décor. The table had so many foods it froze you in your tracks
Were they poisonous? Why were they like this?
"Uh Y/n? You good?" Glimmer called out with concern filling her voice
You slowly sat down, not taking your eyes away from the food "What is this?" You poked something that looked like green leaves "Is it poisonous?"
Glimmer blinked "What do you mean? Don't you have that in the Horde?"
You shook your head and received a look of sympathy from the others
"It's a salad" Angella spoke up softly
"Salad?" Your forehead creased over "Are you sure this is not poisonous? It looks poisonous"
Angella shook her head "I can assure you it's not. Try it"
You poked it with your fork slowly before taking a bite. Your eyes widened in disgust. This was the worst thing you had eaten in your life
It tasted horrible!
How can anyone eat this?
You choked and were forced to swallow it down in your struggle to breath. Bow got up to hit you on the back "Thanks Bow"
He smiled "No problem"
"So, do you like it?" Glimmer smiled
You shook your head "This just proved my point that it's poisonous"
"It's not poisonous!"
Adora POV:
She froze when Shadow Weaver called her team over to discuss something important
Turns out, she hadn't found out that her and Catra had helped Y/n escape
She could see the panic beneath the mask Catra had put on in front of Shadow Weaver so she hesitantly took her hand and squeezed to try and comfort her while the sorceress wasn't looking
"You will resume normal training as it is and if anyone sees or hears anything about our escaped cadet report to me immediately" She clasped her hands behind her back and turned around to face them
Adora quickly let go of Catra's hand and tried to act normal. Her heart was beating faster than she would have liked
Shadow Weaver waved a hand and everyone quickly stepped away. The friends were the last ones in the line but they heard a voice booming behind them just a few steps away from safety
"Catra, Adora stay. I have something to discuss with you two"
They both froze and Adora exchanged a worried look with Lonnie as she passed through the door
Shadow Weaver started circling around them, her hands held behind her back "I know you helped Y/n escape"
Adora swallowed in a shaky breath and lowered her eyes to the ground "I can't believe Catra dragged you down with her again. She will face rightful punishment"
Catra looked away, her expression still remaining calm. How she did it, Adora didn't know
"No! It's my fault. I convinced Catra to help me she's not responsible for this!" Adora tried to defend her, her vision getting just a bit blurry
"Oh Adora" Shadow Weaver put a hand on her cheek "Stop trying to play the hero, we both know that's not true" she turned around to face Catra "Leave, Adora"
"No! Please you don't understand she-"
Adora flinched and lowered her head. She wasn't gonna give up just yet
"But-" She tried to reason but was thrown out of the room, her hands bound with shadows to the wall as the door slammed shut
For the first time in so long, Adora couldn't hold the tears from spilling out if her eyes
"I'm sorry..."
Ok so I had to make this hehe I'm evil I know
I hope y'all like this one because I'm sceptical for more than half of these
I mean I feel like I'm about to pass out but I also really want to write more so here I am
7 chapters in one day. Don't ask
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