Returned from the Shadows
Before we start I have something to share
I mean that's just....THE ART
Yeah that's it you can go now
You looked over at Adora and sighed
You visited her far too often to the point where the guards had to stop you since not to disturb her just in case
What bullshit
You held her hand tightly. You didn't even realize how tight exactly until you saw her reddening skin, only then did you let go of her
You paced around the room until the healer came in, saying that he had to do the regular tests and all, forcing you to leave no matter how much you protested
You slammed the door shut and tapped your foot on the ground. You had to do something. Your gaze landed on the halfly opened window and you grinned
"Glimmer!" The teleport thing was coming in handy sometimes
"What?" She looked at you with an annoyed glare. She was writing in her diary again and you went to take a look
Bow was beneath the bed, folding something on her couch "Hey Y/n!"
"Hey crop top" you smiled at him before returning your attention to Glimmer
"Hey what are you writing?" You pointed at the diary
You caught the first sentence
Dear Diary...
Today I was thinking about my friends and I found that I-
She blushed and closed it shut before you could take a closer look. You frowned since she had always allowed you to do it without exception and you felt just a tiny bit hurt
Didn't she trust you?
"She won't let me look either" Bow said and looked hurt by that
"I'm sorry I didn't know it was that private" You talked to Glimmer
"No, it's my fault" she put it under her covers before looking back at you "Why are you here anyways?"
"Oh right. So yesterday when I talked with your mother she mentioned something about my mom. Apperantly she had been sneaking supplies in this place..."
Glimmer widened her eyes once she heard the whole story and Bow had a giant grin on his face, looking like a six year old
He took his bow and arrow then practically levitated over the stairs and jumped onto the bed " You know what that means...Adventure!" He grew his hand up and you and Glimmer chuckled
"He's spending too much time with Sea Hawk" you mumbled and Glimmer nodded
"Whatever Bow let's just get going since I dont-" you looked around at the dark path in the forest "want to be here any longer"
Glimmer groaned "We've been looking for hours!"
You sighed "Yeah and it seems pointless"
Bow tilted his head a bit, the gears in his head turning as he stared straight ahead "Can't you ask the forest?"
You stopped and trew your hands in the air, ready to snap at him "If I could do you think we would be stuck here?"
"Well maybe if someone did a better job at navigating this place we wouldn't be lost" Glimmer gave you a side glare and you gasped in offence
"Excuse me?! I didn't force you to come along with me!" You raised your voice and took a step closer towards the princess, your fists already ready to punch her pretty little face off
"No, but you could have done a better job at asking and navigating this damn place!" She yelled and took a step towards you too
"Guys" Bow said along and put his hands up between the two of you, trying to calm the situation down but failing miserably
"Maybe if you weren't such a brat we would be there already!" Another step
"Guys" he raised his voice but no one listened
"And maybe if you did a better job at saving your kingdom we wouldn't be here at all!" She was right up in your face, your noses barely touching while you could feel her breath on your skin
"GUYS!" Bow screamed and pushed both of you away from one another. He took Glimmer by the arm and dragged her away at the far end of the clearing "You, here" he ordered and went back for you, dragging you in the other corner "You here"
Both you and Glimmer crossed your arms and looked away from one another, turning your backs against eachother while Bow just sighed
"Look I know this might sound weird, but I feel like it's because of this place that you are acting so angry. We were fine just a second ago before we stepped a foot in here" Bow motioned around the little clearing and you frowned
"How do you know?"
He shrugged "Just a feeling I have"
(A/n here because I said so)
You considered this for a moment but your thoughts were cut off short by Bow trying to be his best friend self
"Glimmer, apologize to Y/n" Bow sounded tired as hell when he said that, only to receive a scoff from Glimmer
"Hell no"
Bow turned to you but you couldn't really see him since your back was to them "Y/n, apologize to Glimmer"
Like hell you would, you weren't the one who started it! And how dare she even... You shook your head as you felt really fucking angry towards your friend
You laughed dryly and clenched your fists as blue mist started emerging from your fingertips, trying to push it away "She started it"
"Oh I started it?"
"Yes you started it or did you hit your head from your stupidity?"
Glimmer growled and formed a fist with her sparkles "I swear if you keep doing this I-"
"Glimmer! Y/n! Look!" Bow yelled and pointed at the trees
You looked at where he had pointed at and saw some weird glowing white specks beneath the shadows. The darkness seemed to surround the trees like a blanket, it wasn't possible to see the trees beneath the shadows
You frowned and took a step closer to it, only for Glimmer to grab your arm and stop you "Do you want to die or something?!"
"Duh obviously" you said sarcastically and pulled your hand away sharply, turning back to face the shadows
"Fine, it's your death wish"
You ignored her voice and scanned the darkness beneath. Now that you looked closer you could see the slight outline of the trees, so the darkness wasn't that thick
You put your hand trough it and it moved along you, just like your magic would but the difference was that it was shadows this time
"Y/n what are you doing?" Bow sounded concerned and took a step closer to you but you moved away from his grip, not moving your eyes away from the trees
You don't know what came over you. Maybe it was the weird way it called out to you, or maybe the slight buzz that came off of it, making your veins buzz with slight electricity
You stepped inside the shadows, letting the darkness envelop you completely
Adora POV:
She was having the strangest dreams of her life
Her, Y/n and Catra were holding hands all together while the growd cheered
Adora frowned, a smile evident on her lips as she looked at the two people she loved next to her "Why are they cheering?"
Catra chuckled and wrapped her tail around Adora, making her heart beat faster and her cheeks flush. Adora was flustered and Catra took notice of that, making her smirk widely
"Aww is someone flustered?" She said in her teasing voice and bumped her shoulder with hers
"Come on, you know she's cute when she gets all nervous and stuff" Y/n laughed and stepped over to Adora, kissing her cheek lightly
Adora blushed even more, confused at the whole situation but it made her warm on the inside somehow, making her feel all lightheaded and stuff. She just wanted to kiss them both
Hold up what?
"Hey since when do you show affection?" Catra said teasingly which made Y/n gasp dramatically, hitting her with a ball of magic as her grin spread even wider
"Why are we here again?" Adora frowned despite her smile and looked over at the two girls
"We finally stopped the war darling" Y/n smiled and took her hand
"Why are you even asking? Is she brain damaged? Please tell me you aren't brain damaged" Catra started mumbling and put her hand under Adora's chin while tilting her head to get a better look
"I'm fine Catra" Adora chuckled and pushed her hand away lightly, her chess full on happiness
"Oh look, the party is starting! I hope they have cake" Y/n exclaimed and took both of their hands, her eyes sparkling as she looked at the people who had started gathering around
Adora felt her heart flutter at the sight only for Catra to teasingly bump her shoulder again
"Oh shut it Catra"
Glimmer POV:
Glimmer screamed when she saw Y/n go into the shadows
She ran forward as she felt her heart suddenly stop, tears running down her face as Bow held her still, his expression grave
"No! Wait Y/n I didn't mean it! Come back!" She yelled as loudly as she could only to be pulled back by Bow
"Glimmer, Glimmer calm-"
"Don't tell me to calm down Bow! What if she's dead? She will die because of me! Let me go!" Her voice broke as she struggled against his grip, just now remembering that she could teleport and went away from his embrace
She instantly missed the warmth but pushed the feeling away and ran towards the trees
"Glimmer! No!"
Your POV:
You were apperantly knocked out because when you woke up you were laying on the ground with a really bad bruise on your chin
You winced when you touched it and regretted it immediately. It just made it hurt that much more
You got up shakily and let your eyes glow slightly, giving you a little nudge and helping you chase away the bone tired feeling you were suddenly having
You walked further down the small path there was, pulling the leaves and branches away from your face
What you weren't expecting tho was for a village to lay there hidden beneath the trees with people running around and children laughing in the distance
The whole place felt warm and ancient somehow. Silver with golden details layed around each building, giving it an almost magical look that made you want to stare at it all day
It looked like a normal village at first you though and stepped trough the trees
You found some clothes abandoned in the corner and took them, placing them on over your own. It was mainly a black cloak which you appreciated with your whole being
At least you wouldn't stand out that much
You walked between the people, noticing their bright smiles as if they didn't have a care in the world. And maybe they didn't. How could you know after all?
Some people were practicing doing circles while some other in the distance were tending to the wounded, their hands glowing as they touched the bark of a tree
It made you stare in aw as you watched them work but you quickly snapped out of it
You felt like you recognized this place, maybe some of the shops. You looked at one that particularly stood out, it's red emblem staring back at you
You had a memory flash in front of your eyes when you stole these pencils as a child. The place looked almost the same except for a few changes here and there
It was so bright and colourful, yet peaceful and serene as you walked down the streets, the place seemingly one with nature as the trees, vines and flowers were seemingly everywhere
But one thing stood out. The building was larger than the others, with more golden and silver carvings on the walls
You gasped but it wasn't because if how magnificent it was, or because of the way it reflected the light. No, it was from the person that stood in front of the double doors
Ok this took a turn don't you think?
Haha I'm so glad I was finally able to write this hooollyyy
Lmao I hope it was good
Anyways bye
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