Princess Prom
Adora was currently trying to give her sword to that guy but failing miserably
When they finally pulled her sword out of her hands with a ton of protests coming their way, it was your turn
You gave them your sword and started unclipping everything you had placed alongside your body because someone forgot to tell you about the no-weapon rule
The man just stared at you in shock, his mouth slightly open as you continued to remove everything. You had a total of 26 or so weapons hidden on every inch of your body
You placed the last one on the wooden surface, not even going to mention the one stripped on your ankle
"Ok that's all" he just looked at you, his expression seemingly frozen. You raised an eyebrow "What?"
He just took the weapons away and stashed them somewhere in a box, not saying a word. You shrugged and followed the other princesses
"You didn't need to bring that many weapons" Glimmer pointed out
You rolled your eyes "Of course I had to"
She just sighed and shook her head
"Be prepared, stay alive right?" Adora smiled and you laughed
You were now in front of the giant doors. Taking a deep breath, you opened them and walked inside of your death sentence
You were already late so quite a few people turned around to see what was happening. You didn't feel comfortable with all the eyes on you. Adora, seemingly sensing your discomfort stepped closer to you and squeezed your hand
You were in front of Queen Frosta now. Doing the weird bowing thing you got up
"That's her? But she's like-" you clapped a hand over her mouth and narrowed your eyes
You knew when she was about to say something dumb
You stepped back and Glimmer and Frosta exchanged a few words of hospitality until you were free to go and attack the buffet. Finally
You stashed most of the stuff on your plate and took a cherry, popping it in your mouth.
"Nice to see you here Y/n" you jumped slightly at the voice behind you
"What do you want Catra?" You turned around, glaring at her
"Oh, did I hurt your feelings? Too bad" she stepped around you, her tail lightly brushing your hand "Nice outfit by the way"
You watched her reach for a cherry herself, using her point finger to throw the handle away "Have fun at the party"
You grabbed her shoulder "I know you are planning something" you looked past her, spotting Adora looking at you. You locked eyes for a moment and she nodded before you looked back at Catra "And we will make sure you will not succeed"
She chuckled "I'm not planning anything Y/n. As I said, have fun at the party"
Your hand fell as she went towards the crowd and dissapeared between the people. You massaged your temples and took your plate out of frustration, walking away from the scene
As you walked towards Adora you saw her talking to Catra. Great. Your cue to leave. These two needed to get together already you thought with a slight smile
You walked up some stairs and found Entrapta leaning on a railing, talking to her device
You leaned next to her "Hey Entrapta" you smiled
"Hey Y/n!"
"What you doing?" You gestured around her
"Oh I'm doing a social experiment! Different groups, forced to mingle together! Isn't it fascinating?"
You bit at some sort of a sweet cookie off your plate and hummed in agreement
"It sure is"
She was explaining something about the experiment to you when something caught your eye
You turned around and leaned down the railing, looking at Adora digging into a... trash can?
You frowned. "What the-" you spotted Catra laughing a few meters back and that's when it clicked. You slapped your forehead "Oh god get me out of here" a soft laugh echoed from your lips
You looked at the growd a bit more. You saw people parting and someone with a black dress and red pincers for hands was attempting to talk with people
You noticed the red diamonds she had for her earrings and a belt on her dress. You inspected them for a while, wondering why they looked so familiar
"Best. Social. Experiment. Ever!" Entrapta basically had stars in her eyes by this point
You sat on the floor, one leg down while the other was up to your chest so you could place your hand on top of it. It should be illegal for this to be this comfortable
You were eating in peace before you felt someone coming up the stairs. You got up, your back to them
You needed to play the pray this time
"Hey Y/n-" you didn't give them a chance to finish before sharply turning around and hitting them in the face
Your shoulders relaxed "Catra really??" Good thing Frosta didn't see that
She got up and dusted her suit "Why are you here?"
"Why are you here?"
"Don't dodge the question Catra I asked you something. Answer me"
"Fine, god damn" she crossed her arms "I came to get a breath of fresh air"
You snored, trying not to laugh but failing miserably "You? Really? Here?"
You looked down to see Adora running around "Lmao no chance" you clenched your stomach with one hand and laughed "It's Adora isn't it?"
She looked away "Maybe"
"Awww" you smirked "Just get together already gosh"
"What?! Pfft why would we- I mean-"
"Catra" you cut her off "Admit it. You like her"
"No, I dont" she was avoiding your gaze
"Do you really want me to bring body language into this or just the plain sexual tension between you two?"
It was a long story but basically when you were in the Horde you studied body language, something you stole a book on so every time you wanted to make a point you brought it up, and always won
She didn't answer. Instead, she left
After a while you went down after you said bye to Entrapta, walking next to Adora "Hey. How's it going with Catra?"
"Don't even mention it" she said between a groan and a sigh
You chuckled "Come on, you know you like her"
"No I don't"
You massaged your temples and breathed in deeply. Oh my god "Now I see why you two like each other so much"
"Come on, I don't like her"
"Whatever. You will admit it sooner or later" you handed her your plate "Want this?"
She shook her head "Nah"
You decided to leave her alone and walked trough the growd. You spotted Mermista and walked up to her
"Hey Mermista" You waved at her and crossed your arms "How's it hanging?"
She groaned "I hate it"
You chuckled "Same"
She did a double over on you and pointed in your direction "I like it"
You smirked "Did the great Mermista just-"
"If you tell this to anyone I will drown you"
You nodded and held your hands up, still smirking "Ok ok"
"Hey guys!" Perfuma waved and came up next to Mermista. She had her arm linked with Bow and was smiling widely
"It's amazing to be finally here"
"Yeah, totally" Mermista said sarcastically
"OooOoH Mermistaaaaaa"
Mermista groaned and put a hand over her face in embarrasment
"My dearest Mermista I-"
"Seahawk. Shut. Up"
You felt like someone was trying to burn a hole in your back so you turned your head around to see what the hell was happening
Catra had her eyes narrowed on you and you turned back to the others "I'm out"
You walked slowly in her direction. Well not really but it felt like it was in slow motion to you. You were nervous to see your friend after everything that had happened
"Hey Catra" You said and leaned against the column and put your hands in your pockets
What else were you supposed to do? Tango?
Catra smirked and uncrossed her arms as she walked to stand closer to you "Came to enjoy the show?"
You snored "No I came to see why you were burning holes on my back" you pointed with your thumb and she scoffed
"That doesn't concern you"
"Hell yeah it does"
You looked up as the lights started to dim "It's starting" you said mainly to yourself and looked back to her mismatched eyes
She gave you a weird smirk and extended her hand "Care to dance?"
You looked around for an escape but everyone already had a partner so you didn't really have much of a choice
"Fucking hell..." You mumbled
"What? Cat got your tongue?" She smirked and pressed her back against you, leaning her head on your shoulder
"Aww. I'm hurt" you placed a hand on your chest dramatically, a slight smirk appearing on your lips "Too bad it won't be for long"
It was strangely calming but this feeling in your stomach wouldn't go away for some reason so you decided it was easier to just ignore it and move on
Catra pushed you closer and wrapped her tail around your waist. It felt like you were having a staring competition as none of you looked away, no one wanted to be the first to break the contact
You didn't say a word. Catra didn't say a word either
You were just inches away by now and you were relieved when you switched partners
Perfuma smiled at you as you took her hand
"So Y/n how do you like the ball?" Her smile never seemed to slip
You shrugged "It's fun I guess"
Then Glimmer came
"Y/n! What do I do" She was crying and you looked around uncomfortable
How do you deal with emotions again?
"Bow won't hang out with me. I feel like we are loosing our friendship..."
"I'm sure after this is all over everything will be back to normal Glim. He's allowed to have friends beside you, ya know?"
She nodded solemnly before you looked at your next partner. Adora
"I don't know what she's planning but I feel like it's something bad" she said the second your hands clasped together
"When had it been something good?" You raised an eyebrow
"...Good point"
You smiled "You know me, always making the good points"
She laughed softly "True"
She spun around and you caught her hand, pulling her in front of you again. Your breath hitched and cleared your throat at the sudden feeling "Remember the escape route?"
She nodded and you sighed in relief "Thank Etheria"
You took both of her hands and parted before you clasped them again. She was smiling as you stared at one another and you almost jumped when she placed a hand on your back, your eyes glowing slightly but you pushed the feeling away
Gosh it's hot in here...
You spun around and looked over at your next partner. You were expecting Glimmer again but instead you got Bow "Bow!" You exclaimed
"Hey y/n" his mood wasn't right
"Hey, what's wrong? Is it because of Sparkles over there?"
"No...Ok maybe" he sighed "I just don't know what to do. I'm allowed to have friends you know?"
You nodded "Yeah. Maybe you can, I don't know, talk it out and see what the problem is for the both of you. Hear each others stories out without questioning them for once"
He smiled gratefully "Thank you Y/n"
"Anytime Bow"
You looked behind your shoulder to see Catra holding Adora. You grinned
You were expecting something to happen but apperantly... wait a bloody minute
"Bow! You were supposed to be following Scorpia!"
"I know but I lost her" he frowned
You groaned and took the hands of however was next to you
"Hey to you again"
You groaned more loudly this time "Where is the lightning strike when you need it?"
"Lost beneath your stupidity I'm afraid" she grinned "Not quite what you were expecting huh?"
"No, not really"
You looked away. Was it hot in here or... It definitely was. Definitely yes
Your eyes turned blue, seemingly removing the appearing blush on your face. You had to force it to go away and you prayed she didn't see it. You were gonna use this a lot more from now on with its functions
"Nice eyes" she smirked "Trying to be She-ra already?"
You rolled yours "Just because they glow blue doesn't mean a thing"
"Sure sure"
Catra grabbed your waist, bringing you closer. Your body itched to get away but for some reason, you stayed "You're cute when you are flustered"
You narrowed your eyes, gritting your teeth tightly "Tell me, where is that bow guy?"
You momentarily froze. You looked to where he had been just a moment ago. You gasped but it was so low nobody was able to hear
"What about your friend Sparkles?"
You growled "Catra whatever-"
"Oh but Adora knows, don't worry. That's why she's with us now"
You eyes widened "No" you whispered
"Yes" she bend closer and you froze "But thanks for helping me with the distraction"
That's when it clicked. The diamonds...that's why they looked so familiar
Without thinking you jumped at Catra, hands around her neck as you crashed to the floor "Where are they?! What did you do to them?" You spat out trough your teeth, noticing a growd had started to gather around you two
"Nothing permanent" she smiled evily, the hidden malice evident
You were suddenly thrown away from her before you could smash her face off, walls of ice appearing around your body
You slammed at one of the walls with your fists "Revired hostess she's-"
"The princess ball is a ceremony of unity. Violence is strictly forbidden"
"You don't understand-"
You hated to be cut off like that. Not only were you terrified for your friends but also you didn't have Adora as She-ra anymore, your greatest ally in the war
What would Shadow Weaver do to her once she gets there?
And you were angry. Angry at Frosta for cutting you off, angry at Catra for doing this, angry at the world for not giving you a choice in all of this and angry that nobody was listening to you yet again
"I understand perfectly. As-"
"GAH will you let me finish?" You yelled and blew the walls of ice off, making everyone take a step back as you let your feet go just a bit above the ground
"Princess Scorpia and her friend from the Horde had placed heat bombs all around the castle for fucks sake get everyone out of here before-"
You were cut off again by the sudden crash, hearing as the bombs had been set off "-This happens"
Everyone screamed as things started to fall down. Frosta had her mouth open and took a few steps back as she looked at the destruction that was now happening. You locked eyes and you practically said told you
The roof of the building fell down and you reacted on instinct, putting your hands up and trying to hold it off as much as you could
Perfuma stopped running and looked up then at you before joining forces with you. Frosta did the same, making walls of ice to hold it up and all of you managed to stabilize it for a bit
You looked around and smiled "Thank you"
Your eyes caught Catra trying to run away and you followed after her. Taking one last look back you saw Frosta and her guards running somewhere deeper within the castle before you faced the other way again
Catra was climbing up a wall using her claws. You stopped when the ice started to flow upwards, seeing as the cat took the opportunity to jump on one and dissapeared to the roof
You ran and flew up to the ceiling. But instead of stopping you made a hole in it. Pieces of ice flew around you as you gently landed on the roof
"Always putting up a show, aren't we?" Catra's smirk faltered "Just like Adora"
You walked forward slowly, inspecting your surroundings. You took out the dagger that had been strapped on your ankle and pointed it at Catra
"It's over Catra. Give me my friends back" you said slowly in low tone, your eyes burning with something that made even Catra take a step back, het smirk disappearing for a second before coming back
"Not a chance princess"
You took a step towards her. She took another one back, only for a chunk of ice to fall beneath her foot, making her stop in her tracks
You glared "It's over for you. You can still come with us, but you need to give me my friends back first"
"Oh Y/n" she chuckled and shook her head "Tsk. What don't you get? I'm never gonna join you"
Then she fell
Your eyes widened "CATRA" You stared in shock as she dissapeared
You took a step back, your knees suddenly weak. You looked down, trying to process everything
You heard a sound and it made you look up. A ship had suddenly appeared with Catra inside of it, grinning as she held Adora, Bow and Glimmer next to her
"No! Catra!" You yelled, the last thing before they dissapeared
You tried to reach them but they were already gone. You screamed, hitting the ground with your fist
A few tears beamed at the corner of your eyes as you finally fell to the floor. Your hair was in your face as you looked back where they had been
You had to save them
I love this so much you have no idea
Catradora x reader anyone?
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