Ouch my heart
Catra POV:
She stirred when she heard someone jumping down from their bunk
She peeked open one of her eyes only to find you looking around frankly before getting out of the room
Catra looked at Adora who got up and they both exchanged a look of concern and seemingly had a mental conversation
Catra frowned 'She's not fine'
Adora nodded and looked at the door then back at her 'Lets follow her'
Catra just nodded and they both went to look after their Y/n
Catra was slightly in front of Adora, her steps got faster in time with her heartbeat. She had a bad feeling about this and it just made her worry more
She will never admit it, but she was about to lose her mind if it kept going a mile per second
Was that how Adora always felt?
Adora didn't look much better either but it was covered under a lair of sleep. She kept rubbing her eyes while they walked further down the hallways
When the footsteps stopped so did Catra and she put a hand up. Both of them tensed up and Catra just about peeked trough the corner when she heard Shadow Weaver
She spoke so faintly even Catra couldn't hear her. She watched as Y/n nodded without saying a word and just walked after her
Catra exchanged a look with Adora
Your POV:
You expected her to lash out at you but instead she sat down, strangely calm
"Tell me Y/n, had you experienced anything unusual lately?"
You got confused. What did she mean by that?
Anything could be unusual in the right circumstances so she had to be more specific
"Can you be a little more specific?"
You swore she rolled her eyes "Like a feeling. Isn't that specific enough for you, Y/n?" Her tone always held hidden malice and you flinched
You hated this dark room. You hated the shadows. You never liked them
You were always afraid of the darkness
"Answer me" She got up and you refrained yourself from taking a step back, your heart pounding even faster
"No Shadow Weaver" you said quietly and looked down at the ground
"Very well. Report to me immediately if anything like this happens or else..." She held a finger under your chin and you grimaced
It felt like a death sentence. Like she was was the cat and you were the one who was always one step closer to death when you were with her. Like she was manipulating your mind, twisting it with her mind games even when she wasn't around to do so
Her touches made you uncomfortable too. They felt wrong
"Dismissed" she muttered and removed her hand sharply
You quickly opened the door and with one last look behind you you welcomed the light of the dim halls
"Hey!" Adora whisper-shouted and hugged you "What happened in there?"
"Why did you leave?" Catra said next to your other side and you smiled weakly
"She just stopped to say hi"
Catra snored as you were getting further and further away from the door. Thank Etheria "Don't play dumb. What really happened in there?"
"Well uh-" you cleared your throat, a small attempt to chase away the sudden panic twisting in your chest. The other two seemed to notice because one of them gripped your hand while the other wrapped her tail around your waist "She asked if I had felt unusual lately"
"Maybe she's just concerned about you" Adora shrugged, her brow creasing over
Catra elbowed her in the stomach with a grin "Ha! You mean to tell me she's concerned about her? This is Shadow Weaver we are talking about Adora! There's something much bigger"
She hummed "You have a point"
"Yeah but what is it?"
"We will find out eventually, right?"Adora yawned "Until then, lets get some sleep"
(Time skip)
You groaned once you hit the ground
The stupid bot!
Adora was already running towards it with her staff
Catra on the other hand was on the side with her arms crossed and looked like she was questioning the meaning of life
You got up just as the bot fell into a hole and Adora turned around with a victorious grin on her face
You rolled your eyes at the X on your vest and went towards the exit just as they announced that the training was over
You felt your hands tingle and suddenly like you were gonna pass out. Black dots played at the edges of your vision, everything seemingly further away
"Y/n?" You heard a muffled voice call out but you couldn't look up
"Y/n!" They placed a hand on your shoulder and it felt like a wake up call. You looked up to see Adora, her face full with worry
"Oh..hey. Sorry I was just uh...thinking" You smiled and looked back to see that you had already removed your armour
What the-
"Ok? Are you sure you are ok tho? Was it something that happened during training? Was it because I beat the bot?"
"What? No! Why would you think that?"
"Don't worry Adora nobody is gonna worry about something that happens every time" Catra smirked and leaned against the lockers
She rolled her eyes but smiled. You looked between the two "Gay!"
"Shut up!"
You laughed and closed the locker before you remembered you had to change "Why so I have to be such an idiot sometimes" you mumbled under your breath and tried to get the combination correct
"You do know I can hear you right?" Catra pointed at her head "Cat ears"
You struggled to open it up. Ugh stupid thing "No, no I did not"
You tucked it harder and bend your knees for support. The thing you weren't expecting tho was for the door to snap off its hinges
Your eyes widened and you tried to place it back and laughed nervously "Hahaha sorry I should probably...place it back"
You struggled with it so you finally decided to just leave it be "Sooo" you began
"How the hell did you do that?!"
"You're not helping!"
"Sorry not sorry"
You groaned and took out your shirt, suddenly feeling angry at the world for being like this "Screw this shit"
You quickly changed into your other clothes only to notice your headband had dissapeared
You took a deep breath, otherwise the whole room would be dead by now. Don't ask me how, it will
You noticed these two forks were just staring at you so you clapped your hands "Will someone please help? I'm getting a bit lost here"
They shared a look before coming next to you to look for it "Here" Adora handed it to you
You smiled "Thanks"
"Is it only me or have I never seen you with your hair down?" Catra asked and tilted her head
You shrugged "I just haven't had a good reason to do it"
She smirked "Well maybe-"
Adora put a hand over her mouth "Don't"
"Stop licking my hand!"
Catra laughed and you just chuckled at these two "You guys are gonna be the death of me"
"But you like it"
You noticed some blue light in your peripheral vision but when you turned to get a closer look it was gone
You were pulled out of your thoughts by someone saying "So who's in the mood for some sneaking around?"
(Time skip)
You were in the training room, one you weren't using so often anymore
This is where you had learned all the combat and all
"Hey I remember that" Adora grinned and took some used boxing gloves off the floor "They were so mad we were required to use them to hit wood instead of our bare fists"
Catra laughed "And remember the look on her face? Oh no I can't do what I want anymore!"
You snored "And then she made fun of us"
"But Catra eventually hit her" Adora snickered
"Hey it wasn't my fault she was an absolute bitch for no reason" she crossed her arms
You raised an eyebrow "Yeah but what happened after that?"
Catra looked away "I don't want to talk about it" she mumbled and grabbed something "Hey this is my old staff"
You looked down and frowned
You picked up the piece of paper and opened it "Amura" was written neatly on it
You went to the others "Hey what's that?"
Adora took the paper while Catra looked at it over her shoulder. They both shrugged "I don't know"
"Maybe someone left it here on accident?"
She handed it back to you and you put it in your pocket just in case
"Anyone wanna try and beat me?" Catra smirked and swirled the stick around "I bet I can beat you all"
You laughed before becoming serious, a determined smirk on your face "Try me, Catra"
Adora took hers but didn't say anything, just looked at us expectedly
Nobody moved for a while, just looked at one another. You watched Catra's tail as it moved slowly, like she was waiting
Adora on the other hand had leaned slightly forward, her knuckles white. You smiled before she attacked
She and Catra fought first "Hey Catra" was all she said before she hit
Catra dodged and smirked "Nice one"
You leaned against the wood and watched as they rolled on the ground before Adora kicked Catra off
Then to your surprise she switched and went over for you. Your eyes widened slightly and quickly blocked her attack
Your eyes stayed on hers as she tried to push you away but you held still. This was new, she would usually just push you right off
Catra whistled "Nice"
But it was you this time. You grinned and went for her ankle. She blocked but you used it to swing around and kick her in the back
She stumbled and fell on the floor. You quickly bend over and pinned her to the ground, smirking slightly at her face "Bravo cadet but it looks like I win"
She grinned "Don't think so"
Then you were the one on the ground with her hands pinning your above your head. Thank the adrenalin from preventing you to blush "Oh come on that was dirty"
She laughed "Sorry"
"You did put up a fight tho" Catra smirked and gave you a hand up
Adora nodded "Yeah you almost beat me" she punched your shoulder
You sighed "Almost"
Catra leaned closer with a smirk "What do you say we go for a round two, this time with me?"
You grinned "My pleasure"
Ok so what can I say these chaps are long but like who cares? I read them in like 5 mins usually idk about you people
Hehe anyways on to the next one!
And yes, you do have powers
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