Field Trip
You bent over your knees once you finally stopped running
You had made it all the way into the Whispering Woods after you had stolen a skiff in the heat of the moment
How it got working you had no idea but you weren't gonna question reality just yet
You sat down and collapsed on the grass. Heaven on earth
"Horde soldier!" A sparkly princess yelled
"AAA!" She started screaming and then crop top boy next to her joined in before they both jumped at you
Your eyes widened in surprise before you rolled to the ground and got up, kicking the one behind you in the stomach
Turns out that was the princess
Bah princesses. You hate them. Ew
I mean you are one but...that's a new discovery so it doesn't count yet right? Right
You punched her before she could even blink. She stumbled back and just as you went to give her a second hit she teleported away and an arrow flew towards your face
You grabbed it mid air just a few centimeters away from your face and snapped it in half
Crop top widened his eyes before taking another arrow. You saw a cloud of glitter coming your way seconds before the princess was on your back
You screamed and grabbed her hair, using it to trow her on the ground in front of you. An arrow made itself known in your shoulder and you turned around to see the boy running towards you
His eyes stayed on the princess tho. She hit you with a cloud of sparkles and you stumbled back, your vision blurry. You could just hear the faint whistle of the wind, the only indication where she was
You turned around just as she had teleported behind you and knocked her out. It all happened so fast the crop top was barely here
You blinked a couple of times to get the glitter away from your eyes and tripped him over
But he did something you weren't expecting. He had a net arrow
He fired it quicker than you could react and you fell, motionless as you struggled against its grip
He blew out a shaky breath and went to help his friend. She was just starting to wake up, blinking her eyes open in confusion at first until she recovered
Your hands prickled with something you couldn't place as you watched them bend over your body
"Why are you here Horde soldier?" The sparkly one asked and narrowed her eyes
Well she was pretty...
You blinked and shook your head, physically trying to chase the thoughts away "I ran away" you bit your lip and looked away just when the pain hit
Having to leave your home behind...having to leave them behind... It was probably the hardest shit you have done and that's saying a lot
She frowned, just a split second reaction before her face hardened once more "Don't bullshit me, answer me!"
"Glimmer" The boy put a hand on her shoulder "Calm down, she might actually be saying the truth"
"The truth? The TRUTH?! Horde soldiers always lie Bow! How are we supposed to trust her?!"
"Then why are you asking me these bloody questions if you won't even believe me huh?" You raised an eyebrow, slightly smirking "Very smart princess"
She rolled her eyes "Don't call me that" she spat and huffed
"Wow so much venom" You paused for effect "Then what I'm I supposed to call you?"
It took her a few seconds before she responded "Glimmer"
"Oooh right I heard crop top over there saying it but I thought it was just because you are "glittery"" You shrugged "Guess not. And you are Bow right?"
He smiled "Yeah. And you?"
"Bow! We don't just talk with the enemy like that!"
You smiled up at him to return the gesture "I'm-"
He kneeled down next to you and sat on the grass "Sorry about that, will you tell us why you are here?"
You nodded slowly, weighting your options
What did you have to loose anyways?
"Well basically I knocked out our second in command after she was supposed to torture me and erase my memories of my childhood for the second time since they started coming back and she had apperantly known all this time so I didn't really have much of a choice"
You spoke faster than your brain even registered "And then I had to run trough the entire armada just to get out of there with the help of my friends" your voice broke slightly and you cleared your throat, swallowing tightly
"Then I ran here into the Whispering Woods and found you guys. The end"
The others just blinked, trying to process everything you have said
"Torture?" Bow asked, his eyes widening
"Uh yeah obviously. Don't you do that here?" You frowned, your voice almost becoming a whisper and looked at them both, your eyes scanning their shocked faces
That's when you noticed the princess. Glimmer...Glimmer...her name sounded familiar
Wait wasn't it in a dream you had?
You searched your memory for any sign of it, until you remembered. OoooH right in Bright Moon when Angella had taken you in as a child
"No...?" Bow shared a look with Glimmer "Does it happen often?"
Even the princess looked speechless for once. You looked away and didn't say anything
You nodded your head at Glimmer "You look familiar"
She blinked "I do?...?"
You nodded "Yeah, don't you remember me? We saw each other when we were kids after your mother took me in because I had gotten lost in the woods"
Her eyes sparked with recognition and her venomous stare slowly subdued "Y/n?"
You nodded and grinned "The one and only"
Glimmer tilted her head and examined you "Hey Sparkles"
She smiled "It really is you then" she then also sat next to Bow on the grass
"But... why did she erase your memories? And how?"
You told them everything and they just listened. No questions, no interruptions, just listening
Glimmer nodded her head slowly, her mind deep in though. Bow was looking at the ground, motionless
"I'm sorry" he spoke up but you shrugged
"Nah don't worry. It's in the past right?" You chuckled weakly "It's not like I'm not used to it"
Glimmer sighed sadly "I'm sorry you had to go trough this" she looked at the ground "You know when we heard that the Horde had attacked your kingdom we rushed as fast as we could to get to you, but you were already gone" she whispered and looked back up "We will get you to Bright Moon and do a truth spell on you so we know you are saying the truth ok?"
You nodded "Ok"
You felt hope rise up in your chest but you were quick to push it down. Hope only lead to disappointment
You tried to get out of this trap once again but it was of no use. "I can-" You felt your hands prickled again and suddenly the net snapped open
"" Bow put his hand down "But you seem to have it under control"
You shrugged it off and stood up "Finally"
Glimmer was looking at your hands and went to stand a bit closer "You still have your powers" she pointed out and gestured at your hands that were glowing once again
You didn't even notice the smile that had crept on your face "Yeah" you rubbed your left arm and stared at the beautiful blue mist "I do"
"What do you say we get to Bright Moon?" Bow stood next to Glimmer and she nodded
"Yeah my mother is gonna kill me because I snuck out again"
You stopped "Don't tell me we are going to be using the back entrance" you groaned
"Yeeeah mayyyyybeee"
"Great" you whispered "Just great"
The scene glitched and you were now walking down some random path
You looked over and stumbled forward a bit at the sudden change. What the hell was happening?
"Uh Bow, I think we got lost" Glimmer whispered, putting her hand over his ear like that would do anything
The thought quickly flew out of your mind. What were you confused about again?
"I think I know this place" you mumbled thoughtfully and looked around until you saw a pierced stone "Here" you pointed at the mark that had been carved into the stone. A line with a circle in the middle "That was mine" you looked somewhere in the distance "This way"
The two people just exchanged a look and decided they didn't have anything to loose so they followed after you
You moved deeper into the forest, the light here was almost gone completely. Your skin prickled like you were being watched, making you shiver. The place seemed colder somehow, but more alive too
You suddenly remembered the piece of paper you had stashed in your pocket and went to get it. You looked at the now blank piece of paper with a frown
Didn't it have something written on it before?
You looked around. Something was wrong. That's when you noticed the pair of eyes that had been hidden beneath the shadows
"What?" Glimmer whispered
"Someone's watching" you said just before an animal jumped over you and down the small forest path
It looked like a giant fox but it was red and it was at least double your size. The other two screamed while you just narrowed your eyes, ready to fight
You looked around while you ran away from the monster who had decided to chase you and took a couple of rocks that you picked up from the dirt
You trew them at the thing but they did nothing
"GlIMmEr!" Bow shrieked and you covered your ears from the voice crack
"I don't have any more teleports left Bow!" She looked at you "Y/n do something!"
"I don't know what!" You yelled back
Oh god the thing was catching up. You couldn't go anywhere because the trees were so densely packed. Why did mother nature have to do this?! To have a bloody party or something?!
Your foot caught on a rock and you rolled to the ground. You groaned and looked up only to see the fox giant getting ready to step on you
"Y/n! No!"
You yelled and held your hand up on pure instinct
A shield rose around you and you slowly opened your eyes to see the creature had lowered it's head to the shield, looking at it curiously
You got up slowly but didn't break the eye contact as you lowered down the shield, letting it dissapeared completely
"What is she doing?" Someone whispered behind you
You put your hand up slowly, carefully as the creature lowered it's head even more to smell your hand. You didn't dare move but you weren't paralyzed by fear like usual. Instead, you felt calm. Calmer than you have in years. The feeling had taken over your mind completely
It bowed suddenly and put its nose against your palm before standing up and looking somewhere behind it. The creature slowly started walking and dissapeared in the trees
"Ok so...that just happened" Bow mumbled and rubbed the back of his head
"Yeah..." Glimmer blinked the shock away "What was that?!"
"I don't know! How I'm I supposed to know??"
The complete calmness was gone, once again replaced by panic
"Maybe we should go and figure it out later" Bow said softly and placed a hand over Glimmer "It's late"
Sparkles nodded and you followed behind them once again
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