You looked around the room
Your ration bar was staring back at you, placed neatly on the bed in front of you
Catra and Adora were next to you. Adora was on the bed while Catra was on the floor leaning against the metallic frame
"Hey what happened with the fight?" You mumbled thoughtfully as a piece of your memory was apperantly missing
"What do you mean?" Catra tilted her head while Adora gave you a confused smile
"You won?" Adora leaned a bit forward "Don't you remember?"
"I-" you shook your head as a sudden flashback came to mind "Oooh right. I forgot"
The other two laughed "It happens to the best of us"
You nodded and looked back down at your food only to find you had already ate it
"Alright let's head to the showers and sleep already, I'm tired jeez" Catra groaned and lazily got up
(Time skip)
You were always thankful the bloody walls weren't transparent
You turned off the shower and put on a towel. The bloody time limit was almost over and you still wanted to wash your hair again, it just felt bad
But no, you couldn't otherwise you were gonna have a pointless argument and probable punishment with Shadow Weaver
You just exited and found the other two already ready to go
You sighed "And here I am thinking I was gonna be first"
"Hmm nope"
"Definitely not"
Before you knew it you were back in your bed but you couldn't sleep
You tossed and turned but nothing seemed to help. Finally, you passed out from exhaustion
You walked trough the woods, a crystal in hand
You were confused as to why your mother had send you here but you obeyed nonetheless
How can a five year old child be send alone in the woods without a good reason right?
You stared at your hands as they began to glow with light blue energy and you watched it swirl around your fingers and up your wrist and arm, seemingly in a playful mood today
You gave out a toothy grin with a few teeth missing but it was fine. Your mother said they will grow back soon
You looked around suddenly, not recognizing the area you were at. You got lost
You looked over at the castle in front of you. You could see the runestone displayed proudly at the top with golden frames around it. You walked over what looked like the main path until you saw two guards approaching
"Excuse me miss?" One of them asked "Why are you here?"
"Rogert she's a child, she probably got lost" the other one spoke up and smiled at you "Follow me" she took your hand and tugged you forward further down into the castle grounds
You looked around, mesmerized by the beauty of this place. Then a figure appeared, sitting on a golden throne above
She sat up straighter and leaned forward "Who is this?"
"Our Queen, we found her on the bridge to the castle we suspect she had gotten lost"
The woman smiled "Not to worry I will take care of it" She stood up and went to stand in front of you "What's your name?"
"I'm Y/n"
"Y/n" she repeated and looked thoughtfully at you "Why won't you stay at the castle until your mother comes by? I can introduce you to my daughter Glimmer if you want"
Your eyes sparkled as you nodded excitedly "Yes please!"
"Then come this way"
You were woken up by someone shaking you violently "Y/n!" They whisper shouted "Y/n get up!" Once you didn't you felt a slap on your cheek
"Ow what was that for?" You finally opened your eyes and massaged your cheek
"Did you really have to do that Catra?" Adora raised her eyebrows
"Well what was I supposed to do? She wasn't waking up!"
"We were worried about you" Adora started
"Yeah we heard mumbling and all that" Catra jumped down from your bunk and you climbed down too to stand next to the others on the bed as you got under the covers
"Yeah, mumbling. Did she become death or something?" Catra pointed at you while looking at Adora
Adora hit her in the ribs
"Ok ok" she rolled her eyes "What happened there?"
You shrugged "I was having a dream that's all"
"Really?" Adora looked at you "But we saw some blue light coming from up there"
"You're kidding right?" You scoffed "You probably didn't see correctly, we all know how light can play tricks on us here"
"Yeah" Adora frowned "I guess"
"Mhm" you replied as you ate your ration bar then stood up from the table "Let's get to training or we're gonna be late"
"We have combat today right?" Catra asked as you walked away from the dining hall
"Yup" Adora smiled and you nodded your head
You took a step into the locker rooms before you were thrown on the ground. You bared your teeth at Lonnie who was smirking victoriously
"I never though you would be the one to cheat"
"I wasn't cheating, I just took an opportunity" she grinned and threw you aside
You got up shakily from the pain at your side and blocked a hit from Adora
"Why is everyone teaming up on me?!" You yelled in frustration as you continued dodging and blocking hits from everyone
You managed to take out Kyle and Rogelio, leaving you only with Lonnie, Catra and Adora in a circle around you
"Shadow Weavers orders" Catra smirked and raised her stick
"Oh wow I never knew you could beat all of us at once" Adora was grinning from ear to ear and bumped your shoulder "Good job Y/n!"
You smiled wide but suddenly frowned "Wait weren't we in the training room a second ago?"
"What?" Catra turned around "No, that was a couple of hours ago"
"Huh" you shrugged "Ok"
"Anyways, what do you say we stay up here a bit more?" Adora smiled and cuddled up closer to you
Catra had wrapped her tail around you two and was on your other side when she nodded. You felt like your heart was gonna explode from happiness
You watched as nighttime began to fall upon the Fright Zone
These were the moments you cherished the most out here. It was only peace and quiet, something you wished could last forever
You felt your head getting lighter and stopped suddenly. You tried to stand up only to fall back down on your knees
You felt two pair of arms around you but your vision was almost gone. The distant voice only got so much further away before you blacked out
You walked down the stairs and into a gorgeous throne room
People stared at you as you walked but they all seemed to blend together
The benches were made to look like they were made from the roots of the trees themselves, with moss and bright flowers on top
There were also trees in some of the corners of the room, petite silver chains hanging all over from the ceiling like a downfall
It was bright from the big windows and it looked so bright and magical you wanted to stay here forever
In the center of the room stood a blue crystal that seemed to shine even brighter as you walked towards it
Your mother sat on her throne embodied with silver and black details, some even had gold on top. She stood up and took your hand, taking you the rest of the way so you could stand next to the stone with her on your left
"Come on y/n it's your time to forge a connection with your runestone" she smiled gently and took your hand, guiding it to its place and keeping her hand lightly on top of yours
Blue mist (just imagine it) danced across your fingertips and up your arm making you giggle. You were suddenly floating a few centimeters above the ground, your eyes glowing the same blue colour while your hair had the same but darker tint to it
You giggled as your stomach felt weird. You liked being like this, it was funny
It was all gone soon as the flow suddenly stopped making you drop to the ground. Your mother clapped and side hugged you "Good job y/n, I'm so proud of you darling"
"Thanks mom" you replied with a toothy grin, altho you were a bit disappointed because you wanted to float a bit more
Your mom took a crown and walked up to you. You gasped and touched the stone that shined just faintly before it stopped
Turning towards the others with a beaming smile she said "Today we had gathered here to place the crown on top of my daughter, who will now officially become a princess of the kingdom Amura"
"Y/n L/n I give you-"
She was cut off by a big explosion coming on your left, pieces of the wall falling over the crowd. People screamed as they tried to get out of the room and you clung to your mother as she took out her sword
"RUN" she said panickly. She crouched down beside you and kissed your forehead "I love you y/n" she smiled softly, lovingly, letting her hand caress your face as you had tears in your eyes "Promise me to never give up ok?"
You nodded, a muffled sob escaping you. "GUARDS!" You knew this would be the last time you see her
You cried as you watched shadows consume your vision and soon enough, everything was gone
You gasped and stood up only to find Catra and Adora on top of you
You blushed and cleared your throat "Uhh will you-"
You were cut off when Adora hugged you so tightly you felt like you were gonna pass out again "Adora..." You rasped out
She chuckled nervously before putting you down "Sorry I was just scared"
"Yeah you scared the shit out of us!" Catra yelled and removed her hand from your shoulders to cross her arms
"I'm sorry but I can't prevent myself from fainting. That's not how fainting works!"
"Then make it work!"
"Guys!" Adora shouted "Can we all just calm down?"
You fell silent
"Thank you" she turned to you "Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" She started patting you up and down and you had to remove her hands away from you
"I..." You cleared your throat "I'm fine. Not hurt"
She blew out a breath "Thank Etheria"
"Do you need water or something?" Catra pointed down "I can get you some from the sink"
You chuckled "No, I'm fine thanks"
You took a deep breath in. Oh wow your heart was beating fast, that's weird
Did you eat something?
(Time skip because I said so)
You stared at the ceiling in the locker room. You were gonna start your last training session today but you couldn't seem to get your mind to stop working
It was like these... memories...were getting thrown around in your head
You were starting to remember stuff from your childhood, something you had always wondered why you couldn't remember anything before you were 5
One thing stood clear, a memory
You looked down at the chains around your hands and ankles as a woman emerged from the shadows
You could feel the tears on your face that just wouldn't stop coming. You had lost everything
Shadow Weaver stood in front of you and gently caressed your face with her finger "Don't worry Y/n, you will soon forget everything. The pain will be gone"
You closed your eyes. It was getting too overwhelming. The whole thing was getting too overwhelming
You suddenly got up. You were gonna have a talk with Shadow Weaver
Oook so this was long sorry but next chap we gonna have action!
Stay tuned yall
Bye from me!
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