Captain Who?
Ok but like damn Catra ^
Anyways here's your story
She grinned "Hey! We came to get you"
You blinked a couple of times "Did you just forget-"
"No no my memory is not that bad" She went to stand next to you "Are you with the rebellion now?"
You nodded and crossed your arms, not saying a word. Her expression fell and she gently grabbed your hand, almost hesitant. Your arms fell
"Shadow Weaver will send her shadows after you so be ready"
After a couple beats of silence Adora released her grip and ran somewhere off in the distance "Wait!"
You used your powers to stop her in her tracks and ran to stand in front of her "This is an innocent town you know? How can you be ok with this?"
"What? No, they kidnapped a Horde Officer. They said it was heavily guarded-"
"Adora, look around! Does this look like a heavily guarded town to you?!"
"They are innocent people living their lives only for their homes to get ruined, their innocent lives to be lost and for what? For what Adora? Give me one good reason"
You stared into each others eyes for a moment. You didn't know where this rage had came from. Maybe it was because it reminded you so much of the fate your own kingdom
"I..." She looked away "I don't...I don't know"
You nodded "Finally seeing the truth huh?"
She looked down at where your hands were still interwined and she slipped hers away
Catra POV:
Catra couldn't see Adora anywhere and most of their armada was doomed and by who?
There were three tanks left before they were ordered to retreat
She couldn't go without Adora
Not now. Not ever
She jumped out of the tank and looked around the place. Only the front was destroyed thanks to whoever had enough power to stop them
But how?! Who possibly could-
Oh. There she was. The blondy appeared like she was talking to someone but Catra couldn't really see her so she slowly crept closer
Her dark eyes snapped up to look at Catra like she had seen her a mile away
Catra couldn't recognize her
Her hair had a slight blue tint as it reflected in the light, it was so pretty... Wait, snap out of it. Her eyes had glowing specks of blue in them, blending with the dark colour of her eyes
But her body was what got to her. She wasn't as skinny as she was before she looked...healthier. More relaxed even depending on the circumstances, like she didn't have to keep her guard up 24/7
Her hands had started glowing and Catra admired the way the magic swirled around her arm
She snapped her fingers "Are you just gonna stare all day or what?"
Catra blinked "No obviously"
She looked between the two and pointed at Adora "Why do you look like you had just heard the world was ending?"
Adora rubbed her arms "It's nothing"
"Oh hell no it's something alright" Y/n said and crossed her arms, a slight smirk on her face "Apperantly Adora had been so brainwashed by the Horde she just now began questioning their decisions"
Adora glared "Hey!"
Catra raised an eyebrow "Really?"
"Yeah I thought the hairpoof would help but I guess not" There was no hidden malice or anything in her voice, it was just an attempt at a really bad joke
Even with it they laughed. Half of it because the joke was so bad and the other half because it was true
Catra punched both of their arms and grinned "Dorks"
"Shut up" Y/n mumbled but Catra trew a hand over her shoulder
"Hey it's true"
"Its not"
"It is"
"Is not"
"Guys" Adora snapped but chuckled. Bipolar who? "Stop it"
"How did we even get here?" Catra heard Y/n question and could practically see the gears in her head turning
"I don't know" Adora sighed "Weird life"
"What were we talking about again?"
Your POV:
Adora went to punch your arm again as you suddenly stumbled on the bench in the locker room
"We really need to remove that bench" Catra said and leaned against the lockers
"How-what" you looked around in a panic "What happened to Thaymor? Why I'm I here?"
"What?" Adora frowned and helped you stand up
"Your badge, where is it?" You pointed at her shirt
She looked down at where you had pointed "Oh, I left it in my room why?"
You released a breath. So you haven't gone completely insane after all
"What's Thaymor?" Catra raised and eyebrow as her gaze pounced between you two
"It's where we fought just a fucking second ago!" You trew your hands up, your heart speeding up. What was happening? Why was nobody remembering anything?!
"Why I'm I here?!" You yelled and and took a step back
"Because you're with the Horde? Why would you be anywhere else?" Catra frowned and walked in front of you, Adora following behind her
You took a step back, then another. For every step back they took one forward, an unreadable expression on their faces
"Everything is perfect here. Why would you want to leave?" Catra smiled
It looked fake, robotic even. You gasped as your back hit the walls. You watched as the scene glitched and you were in the hallway, alone
What the-
You saw Catra run around the corner and trow her arms around you. The force made you stumble back and hit the wall
"Hey what happened?"
"We finally got rid of Shadow Weaver! Isn't it amazing?"
You grinned "Yeah but" you frowned "Why are we here again?"
Why were you worried a second ago? It was like the memories got mashed up every time you tried to remember
"Uh to celebrate, duh" She smirked and leaned closer "If you want of course"
Your eyes darted back from her mismatched ones to her lips, then back and you grinned "Do you?"
She looked at your lips, her smirk growing. She suddenly moved her hands from behind your back to your shoulders and pinned you down against the wall
"Maybe. But this is not because I like you"
You raised an eyebrow playfully "Sure sure"
She chuckled "Come on just shut up and kiss me"
You smiled when you felt her warm lips press against yours. You leaned in while a hand had tangled itself in your hair and you stroked her ear, making her purr
Catra bit your lip, requesting for entrance and you allowed her to it
She grabbed your chin and tilted your head to the side, deepening the kiss even more only for you to feel yourself start falling backwards
You screamed as you hit water and looked around in sheer panic
This was not how things were supposed to go!
A wave crashed into you, sending you under the water. You scrambled for the surface only to shoot up in your bed with a scream
Glimmer opened the door and rushed in "Y/n!" She put her hand on your shoulder. She looked so worried...
"What?" You blinked your eyes open "What happened?"
"We fought in Thaymor remember? We found you unconcious on the ground with no big injuries apart from a couple of scratches" she smiled faintly "Are you feeling ok?"
You nodded "Yeah, I think"
"Why are your cheeks red?" She pointed at them, her forehead creased over
You blinked a couple of times before your cheeks reddened even more at the memory "I uh nothing! Nothing at all"
(Time skip)
You were training again and everyone was getting worried
You hadn't gone out of the room for hours a day, not even to eat
People asked you countless times if you were ok or if you needed anything but they always got the same response "I'm fine"
You weren't but you weren't gonna let it show
Hitting things was how you were thought to deal with emotions after all
Never show weakness
You heard a soft knock on the door but decided to ignore it.
You didn't even notice the drops of sweat that rolled down your face, every punch and kick feeling harder than the last. You were practically playing with exhaustion by this point
Another knock came trough. Your punch faltered but resumed back to normal
You couldn't seem to get your mind to stop. Nothing made sense anymore
You were cut off short from another knock, angrier than the last
Finally, someone teleported next to you "Y/n!"
You stopped hitting the punching back and turned back to face her, wiping the sweat off your forehead "What?!"
You glared which only made Glimmer more concerned "You have been here for the past. Four. Hours"
You shrugged and turned back around, readjusting your ponytail "So?"
"What's happening to you? We can help you know-"
"No Glimmer if you could, you would have. I don't need your help I can deal with this on my own" your voice was cold and stern, but glimmer knew better
"Please just let us-"
"I said no Glimmer!" You raised your voice which caused the window on your right to break. You jumped slightly before turning back to the princess
"Can you leave?"
She looked down to the floor before teleporting away. You groaned and hit your head against the bag, trying not to let the tears slip away
If you haven't cried for the past 10 years, you could do it again
Ok Shadow bitch weaver is doing WHAT?!
oh right also you are finally having an emotional trauma! Congrats!
Anywho bye
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