Burried Feelings
You glanced at the shadows in front of you and took a deep breath in. This is it
After everyone had hugged you and said a goodbye like you were never to return again you stepped inside and made your way straight for the castle
The people parted to let you trough and some of them even gasped. You thought it was probably because your eyes were glowing, they could be intimidating when you were glaring at no one in particular
You opened the doors and stepped inside the castle, your magic swirling around your fingertips as you closed the door behind you with a flick of the wrist
Your mother stood up in her throne and leaned forward "Darling, what are you doing here?"
"I need your help"
Catra POV:
She groaned and punched a tree in frustration. What the hell was wrong with everyone?
"You do realize there's a chance she will never return again right?"
Adora frowned and stepped closer, putting a hand over Catra's and squeezing tightly "Catra she will return"
She has to was left to linger in the air but the magicat didn't pick up on it in her state of frustration
"And what if she doesn't Adora?!"
Adora sighed and looked back at where their friend had dissapeared. She glanced back at Catra then at the others, all of them looking like Y/n had just died
"She has to return" Glimmer said firmly and looked over at Bow who nodded and smiled at his...friend? And brought her closer to himself
"And she will"
Mermista sighed "I guess"
"Oh come on Mermista dearest, you know you care about her"
"I...I don't! Shut up before I drown you"
"She does have a dagger" Adora pointed out
Catra just looked over the chaos that was currently happening and shook her head before slipping away beneath the trees, not really knowing where she was going
Adora POV:
Adora looked over as Catra slipped away. She had felt the first second Catra had thought about getting out of here. She could see it by the way her tail twitched and her ear flattened against her head just slightly in unsaid irritation
Adora started to go after her but felt someone grab her hand. She looked back at Bow "Maybe you should let her be alone"
"She doesn't need to be alone Bow. She needs me" I need her
In times like these Adora couldn't help but think about what she had seen in her dreams while she was unconscious
She kept wondering if that would ever happen. She didn't want to leave for a bit, this was everything she had wanted after all
To just be with them. Y/n and Catra and her, together. But some things were too good to be true she supposed
"Maybe I should follow her" Glimmer mumbled. She had been hugging herself, don't ask Adora she didn't know why, and uncrossed them as she said it, a now determined expression on her face
Without even waiting for an answer Glimmer teleported away, leaving the rest of the group to figure out what the hell they were supposed to do next
Your POV:
It had proved quite helpful to have your mother teach you things
Apperantly, the whole healing thing wasn't too hard after all. You couldn't do miracles or anything but closing up a wound enough so it could heal was enough on its own
You have never really wondered how powerful your magic could be until today
She showed you your runestone
And it responded even more than the first time. It buzzed and glowed ever so brightly the closer you went to it which only caused a grin from your mother
"It likes you"
"I hope" You mumbled and put a hand over the cold surface
It was really nice to the touch, you had to admit. It wasn't as intense compared to the first time you had ever reconnected with it but it still was pretty hard to not be overwhelmed
It felt like power, of magic in your case, had been pumped into your body. But it still felt like it was always there, just unreached. You grinned and looked over at your hands that just wouldn't stop glowing even if you tried to make them
Your eyes and hair didn't too
"Why can't I turn back? I mean I like the look but I feel like a glow stick"
Your mother smiled and laughed a bit at that before replying "It will be like that for a bit, probably until tomorrow. It really depends on just how much you had currently unlocked"
"So we can start training again?"
She smiled "Yes, yes we can"
Adora POV:
Catra was refusing to tell her what Glimmer had told her in the woods
Which was weird considering Adora thought she had gained her trust enough so they wouldn't keep secrets from one another but guess not, not anymore at least
Y/n was still absent and even tho it had only been 10 hours since she left Adora felt like it had been 10 years give or take any. She looked over her room and mainly towards her battle armour
Tomorrow when Y/n returns they were going to attack the Horde, that was the plan that Angella had come up with as well as the rest of the rebellion. Adora was still questioning what would happen if she didn't return
Y/n had quite a big role at the whole plan and if she didn't come back...
Not only would Adora basically destroy these shadows just so she could get her out of there she would have to figure out how to execute the plan without her
Even the queen hadn't wanted to think about the possibility but they still made a plan
Adora stared at the ceiling above and sighed, too tired to actually move. Not that she had been physically exhausted, it was mental. She just wanted this war done and over with once and for all
And hopefully with Catra and Y/n by her side
Your POV:
You smiled awkwardly at your mom for breaking the wall for...what the third time in the last 10 minutes? Woops
"Sorry. Again"
She sighed "No worries just try again. It happens it's ok"
You nodded and refocused on your breathing. Apperantly having control over your mind and emotions was important. A ball of magic appeared in your hands and as per your orders you allowed it to grow bigger until it was bigger than you
"Ok now spread it across the room" Your mother said, never leaving your side and gave you an encouraging smile
You smiled back and the whole room had a shade of blue in it. Your mother's laughed and hugged you from the side "Good job Y/n. I'm proud of you"
"Thanks mom"
After the sudden pause you looked at her "So how do I use it?"
"Oh, right" She smiled and stepped in front of you, reaching for the vase on the table. She trew it in the air only for it to stop mid swing
Your mouth was hanging open slightly and you had to force it to close shut "Wow"
"It works on everything. People, objects and sometimes even magic but it requires more energy. The whole thing in itself can be extremely draining as the seconds tick by"
As if on cue you felt the slight sweat crease your forehead but otherwise, you felt good "Nah I'm fine. I feel great actually, better even if I'm honest"
She raised an eyebrow "Really?"
You nodded which only caused her smile to spread "What?"
She shook her head and looked back at the room "Nothing. You can drop it now"
You did as she asked and watched the dark room fall back into its previous state once the magic was completely gone. Your mother formed a ball of light in her hand and guided you trough the darkness until you reached the exit
One thing was budging you tho, twisting your insides with the unsaid questions
"Why don't I have to recharge?"
Your mother paused and turned back to you with a confused expression on her face. She looked almost shell shocked "Huh? Why would you need to recharge?"
"Well you remember Glimmer right? And her mother Angella. They allowed me to stay with them when I got lost in the woods"
The woman made an 'oh' with her mouth and looked down at her hands and wiggling her fingers a bit, her eyes glazed over as the silence seemed to stretch further
"Yeah I remember Angella...and Glimmer" she smiled sadly at the memories and your heart squeezed a little at the sight "As to your question you don't have to because our magic works differently in a way but that's a discussion for another time"
Putting a convincing smile that didn't reach her eyes your mother gestured for you to continue with the walk "Come on we have more things to do"
Catra POV:
Catra looked over at Adora who was staring at the table and not responding in any way
She felt worries for her l- uh friend and nudged her shoulder "Hey dumbass Etheria back to Adora hello"
Those beautiful blue eyes looked up to meet Catra's and she swore her heart stopped beating "You ok?" She said lowly so no one could hear her except the blonde
She nodded, a really unconvincing look on her face "I'm fine kitty"
Catra narrowed her eyes. She hated that stupid nickname "Stop calling me that"
"You didn't seem to mind with Y/n"
Glimmer groaned from the distance and put a hand over her face "I swear can you not talk about fucking sex in the middle of the meeting?"
"Glimmah language"
"We weren't- we-"
Adora got all flustered, her face turning bright red which only caused Catra to laugh. What an absolute dork. She had to admit that had startled her too but she wasn't about to admit it
The fun part was that technically both of them had made out with Y/n. Catra just hoped she didn't remember the weird glitching thing that had happened probably about a month ago
Or was it more? Catra wasn't entirely sure if she was honest
Which only made things even more complicated. She was never going to admit her feelings the thought of lo- liking someone was scaring the shit out of her
Frosta was basically asleep as she had her head put on the table, her body almost completely limp as she was struggling to stay awake
"Do we really need to discuss this at 6 in the morning?"
Your POV:
The food here was exceptional, better than the one even in Bright Moon
You glanced over at the throne that sat alone on top of the stairs and sighed. You wished Catra and Adora were here, that they would stay
Maybe you can give them a throne each. Three would be an even number for everyone right? At least they would help
"What are you thinking of?"
You looked up from your meal to the concerned expression of your mother's face. She was leaning slightly forward with her hands pressed down on the table meanwhile her back was perfectly straight. How it didn't hurt was a mystery to the world
"I'm thinking about my...friends" You frowned when the word left a bitter taste in your mouth. It felt...strange saying it for some reason
"Is it about Catra and Adora?"
You blinked "How did you-"
"I know everything darling, plus it's a trick I learned with our magic but I will teach you another time. So, will you tell me?"
You sighed and pushed your chair away from the table before leaning against it, the hard wooden surface feeling comforting for some reason "I just don't know how I feel"
"You mean if you love them?"
You blushed "W-what nooo no I dont- I don't love them. Who said anything about love? I didn't. No no I didn't I just uh yeah"
She held a hand up to save you from your misery and smiled gently before standing up and pulling a chair to sit beside you on the table "So you do love them but you aren't ready to admit it yet huh?"
"No. How can I they...they will never like you know love me back or whatever. Not that I love them, or like them or anything they are just...friends"
The other woman chuckled and shook her head at you, a bright smile on her face before she put a hand on top of your shoulder and squeezed tightly "I will not force you to talk about your feelings but you do have to understand them Y/n. How do you feel around them?"
You stopped, the protests you were gonna say dying in your mouth as you thought about it, about all the times you spend time together
"They make me feel... warm and fuzzy, happy"
"Excited? Nervous?"
You nodded "And grateful in a way. I'm just happy to spend time with them no matter what. You know the funny thing is when I heard that Adora had lost her memories of me and Catra I felt like- like the world had stopped. Paralyzed even. Fearful. Panicked. And angry. I had to stop myself from killing that excuse of a bitch"
"And Catra?"
"When I left the Horde I couldn't really stop thinking about leaving her. When Adora came I felt even worse because before at least she still had someone but this...she was alone. I had to stop myself from going back for her if I'm being honest"
"Can you imagine not living without them? Can you imagine one of them being killed? And will you sacrifice your life for them?"
"In a heart beat" You answered, not even blinking before responding "As for the others hell no. If anyone killed them I would kill them ten times over and then back, make them suffer until they beg"
Just at the thought you gripped your fist, nails digging into the skin of your palm which only made your mother smirk knowingly
"Then there is your answer Y/n"
You thought over it for a bit. Was it really?
As your mind spiraled out to all the possibilities one thing remained clear- you couldn't imagine ever having to live without them. Yet here you were, thinking about doing the exact same thing
"Fuck maybe I really am in love"
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