Back to normal?
You stared at Adora, watching her calm breathing as she slept
She had been like that since you got back and Glimmer tried to put her in her charging pot to see if it would help
(A/n here Glimmer is already fine Shadow Weavers magic lasted only a week don't question the time differences it's 3am and I'm tired lmao)
It didn't
Bow had tried to make you eat something but you refused. You weren't hungry anyways, you just needed to figure out how to wake her up
You looked over at her sword. The runestone had gone a shade of dark red and no matter how much you tried to get it back to normal it wouldn't budge
Stubborn little...
You held your tongue. Maybe you could force it out?
Like hello princess of magic that was supposed to be your whole thing right?
You closed your eyes and felt the energy prickle under your fingertips. It was so messed up it started to make your hand burn
You grimaced at the sudden jolt of pain but didn't remove your hand. You started putting some of your own magic in it, chasing away whatever Shadow Weaver had done to Adora
After what felt like hours or maybe seconds, someone shifted next to you. Your eyes snapped open to see Adora had shifted slightly
"Adora?" You called out but she didn't respond
You began to get anxious "Adora?" You asked again and shook her gently at first, then with full force "Adoraaaa"
You sighed when nothing happened and got up. What were you supposed to do now? Oh, right. You can punch things
(Time skip)
Three days since Adora had been in this state. Three days of no sleep and three days of working yourself out in the training room
This time tho it was Bow who finally pulled you away "Y/n! Come on you need sleep"
You pushed his arm away and walked back to grab your dagger. You were practicing on your targets, the little hay sticks they had placed in here after you begged Angella for two days straight
"Fuck you Bow" you mumbled before you threw the dagger to the one on the left, hitting the center perfectly
Your eyes wouldn't stop glowing for the past day of so and you could feel the magic in your veins more than usual. It was probably the only thing that was keeping you up by this point
"I'm just saying-"
Another hit
"-that you need-"
And again, hitting the center perfectly
You rolled your eyes and went to pick up all of them before getting back to your starting point
You were gonna try and throw all three of the daggers at once to see if they would hit their marks
"How aren't you unconscious yet? Y/n you have been working non stop since Adora...uh... I'm just saying, go get some sleep. It will help"
You growled at Bow for him to shut up and trew the daggers at once. Each of them hit their mark, the one in the middle slightly off the red circle
You angrily picked it up then slammed it in the middle, almost breaking the little hay person apart
Bow grabbed your shoulder "Y/n"
You stomped on his feet and didn't look back at his noises of misery
"How do you hit so hard?!"
"Practice" you walked away from him
"I know you are upset about Adora and Entrapta, we all are, but you can't help Adora if you exhaust yourself completely" He said in the most gentle tone possible, probably not to make you even angrier
"I'm perfectly fine Bow" You said and your eyes flickered
Bow shook his head "You can't keep operating on magic Y/n. It will run out eventually"
"Do I look like I care?" You pointed at yourself only for his expression to fall even more
"Get out" You cut him off and pointed at the door
"Out Bow, don't make me repeat myself" You gave him one last glare for him to finally get moving
You sighed and swirled the dagger in your hands. You could barely make a ball of energy by now, but you were still functioning so that didn't really matter
Your gaze lingered on the door for a bit. Were you a bit too harsh on him? Probably
They should know by this point to leave you alone in these moments
You picked up your other two daggers and started again
(Time skip)
The only thing you were grateful for was that the weird time glitching thingy hadn't happened in the past couple of days
That was good right?
You put your eyes up from the book you were currently reading only to find yourself in a forest, your book nowhere to be found
You groaned and kicked the tree, quickly regretting it as you almost broke your foot
"Stupid tree, stupid universe" You mumbled and winched "Omph that hurts dear-" your voice trailed off as you looked up at the familiar hut "...Etheria" you finished almost mindlessly and took a step forward
"Hey! Razz are you there!" You yelled and put your hands next to your mouth "You here?"
"Hello dearie" you jumped when you heard her voice coming from behind and turned around "Why don't you come in for some tea?"
Was all she said before she walked inside. You looked around, wondering if this was even worth it. You shrugged and followed in after the old lady
Razz was pouring you some tea and handed you the little white cup "Sit"
You obeyed for once, not really feeling like arguing and drank a bit from it
"I presume this is because of Adora, isn't it dear?"
You almost spilled out the tea and you coughed, trying to get yourself back to normal "I will take that as a yes"
She drank her tea slowly and didn't break eye contact with you once you had calmed down. You narrowed your eyes, it was like a reflex by this point, and stared at her
"Oh but where are my manners, we don't have anything to eat!" She dusted her hands and stood up "I will be back in a bit dearie"
"What- and she's gone. Great" you mumbled and groaned. This day...this day is just the worst
"I'm back!" Razz exclaimed happily and put a full basket of blueberries on the table "Here, Swift Wind helped me pick them up yesterday just for you"
You raised an eyebrow "Swift Wind? Really?"
Razz laughed "You have so much yet to learn Y/n"
You rolled your eyes yet again and looked at her irritatedly. She was almost done drinking her tea when she replied "You must go to the begining, that's what I told Adora too"
You blinked "Huh? How do you know that?"
"Oh dearie, time is a complicated thing. Everything exists correspondingly with one another, including time itself. The present is just an illusion"
"You are almost done by the way, you just have a bit more to go" She smiled and was finally ready with her tea. She stood up to place it somewhere before turning back to you "Good luck"
Then you were teleported away. Again
"Oh come on!"
You looked around. This place was really unfamiliar. Where were you?
The encouragement with Madam Razz had left your brain almost none-functional but you pushed trough it and forced it to work
You were gonna think about her words later
This was in ruins. The buildings, everything was ruined
The Horde symbol was staring back at you and you picked it up before smashing it into the ground. But the breaking sound didn't give you satisfaction
You looked around. There was a banner beneath the ruins and you carefully went to pick it up. After some struggling you were able to pull the bottom half up
"Amura" you mumbled and gripped the banner tightly
Your vision seemed to narrow as you could only focus on one thing. Rage
You got up on your feet and rushed past the ruins until you found the castle. Your home. Or at least it used to be, now it was mainly in ruins too
You used the little remains of your magic to move aside one of the fallen walls to reveal a staircase underneath. You went up the stairs and looked past the windows, what was once a breathtaking view was now a scene of death and destruction
The hallway had just a few rooms in tact and one of them was the throne room. You grabbed the handle and pushed the doors opened, taking a hesitant step inside
You clenched your fist, refusing to cry just yet. You ran your fingers on the surface of the silver throne that was supposed to be yours by now
Your crown was staring back at you, laying on the seat like nothing had happened for the past 17 years
You were gonna be 18 soon you realized. You were gonna be officially crowned Queen
Not anymore
You put the silver crown on your head and smiled at the little blue jem in the middle. It was a part of your runestone, one that your mother had carefully carved out to put it on top
Speaking of, where is your runestone anyways?
You looked around the room. It was supposed to be here. Had the Horde taken it? But no, it would have been with Shadow Weaver otherwise
With great deal of will you finally stepped outside the room, but part of you didn't want to leave. Not yet. Not ever. A part of you wanted everything to be like it used to be before the war
The other two rooms were your bedroom and a guest room. You decided to go in yours first
Everything was surprisingly well in place. A couple of things had fallen on the floor but otherwise it was all good. You looked at all the books you had and smiled softly at the memories
You found your brushes and paint you had stolen from one of the shops as a kid. Your mother never managed to know about it and it always made you want to laugh
Your eyes burned but you ignored it and cleared your now stiff throat. Not now emotions!
You even had a dagger under your bed. You kneeled and took it out, noticing the piece of blue stone on the handle once more. Had your mom put a piece of the runestone in it too?
Once your fingers made contact with the hilt blue mist gathered around the dagger before spreading up your palm and disappearing. Both pieces started to glow softly and it made you shake your head to stop the stupid smile from spreading
Was it bad that you felt a bit like yourself again?
Your mother had only ever done this twice, putting a piece of the runestone on things. You guessed that's why she did it. Had she known this would happen? Is that why she had done all of this?
You gripped the weapon tighter and ran out of the castle before your emotions could get the best out of you and you ran away from the place
You didn't stop running until you were back in the Whispering Woods
Not a time skip NO ONE'S POV:
"Y/n! How could you run off like that? You have been missing for days!" Angella spread her wings and you gulped
She had been worried sick after Y/n had dissapeared. I should call off the search party Angella made a mental note to herself
Meanwhile Glimmer and Bow had heard the yelling so Glimmer teleported them on the roof so they could spy in on the conversation, their curiousity beaming
"I had to see it for myself" Y/n answered and crossed her arms, looking away from the angry parent
She didn't feel like being scolded right now. She just saw her home in ruins for Etheria sake! She knew it was but seeing it firsthand was...hard to say the least
"But you could have gotten badly hurt or even worse, captured. You should have though before putting yourself in such dangerous-"
"Ok ok I get it!"
In her anger Y/n had thrown a few of the guards away but she couldn't seem to care right now "If I wanted your opinion I would have asked! You are not my mother!"
Glimmer and Bow shared a look, their eyes wide. Their friend was scary most of the times but this
Glimmer tho wasn't aware just how much these words would hurt her mother. Angella could only stare at Y/n, not expecting the outburst
Y/n's voice kept raising up and she saw the shocked expression on Angella's face slowly turning into hurt
"As your Queen I-"
"You forget that you are not my Queen. I wasn't born here. The queen that actually has power over me is dead" Her voice lowered down in almost a whisper as she tried to keep her feelings at bay "So I would appreciate it if you stopped acting like it did"
Then she left, her hands formed tightly into fists, her steps sharp and calculated as she left the room. The queen couldn't stop staring at her glowing eyes. Y/n mother never had hers glow
Bow and Glimmer shared another look before teleporting away to aid their friend
Angella stared at her back, speechless as she replayed the conversation over in her head. She sat down in the throne and put her chin over her hands
"If anyone disturbs me tell them I'm in my room" The queen mumbled and got up from her throne
She wanted to be alone. She doubted Y/n even knew how much her words had hurt. She remembered her last promise, the one she made to her mother
"I have a feeling that I won't be here for long and if something happens, promise me you will look after Y/n. Please Angella" M/n looked at Angella in desperation, her face pleading as she said it
Angella put her hands over her shoulders and brought her in for a hug, mumbling softly "I promise I will always protect her"
The other woman burried her face in her shoulder and squeezed her hand "Thank you"
Ok ok sorry don't kill me
Anyways I don't really have much to say here but thanks for reading this far!
Ok imma leave you to read now bye ❤️
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