Small Steps For Legend
Legend wasn't sure if Moses would follow him but he didn't. Legend was grateful for the space. He fell asleep in his tears and when he woke up, the sun was out.
He sighed and had a slight headache from crying. He laid there on his bed, looking at the ceiling. He inhaled. He was gay? He was gay.
"I'm gay." He wiped a hand down his face. "I'm gay." He stated it just to hear what it sounded like. He wasn't sure it sounded terrible.
He thought about the label. It was so stupid that gay was such a horrible label. He didn't know anyone that was gay and never gave it a thought. He didn't hate people that were gay or lesbian. No. He hoped people were happy, mostly.
He actually never put any thought into his love life like this. Was he gay? What was he doing? "I'm gay? Do I like men? I like one man." He sighed as he talked to himself. He liked Moses. He knew he had to be honest about one thing. He liked Moses more than any woman.
"I'm not into women."
He got up and showered and put on some shorts and a shirt. Nothing special. He avoided the mirror for now. He couldn't look at himself yet. He felt that last night was a huge stepping stone that he wasn't quite ready for.
He walked to the kitchen for food. He wasn't ready for what was down there.
Legend walked in and the band was there, minus Derek and Legend was a little annoyed. Two weeks, they were gone for two weeks when he wanted to talk to them and now when he wanted to be alone, here they were.
They were talking. Moses was going to find someone to be their keyboard player and they were going to try to ask Derek back. Moses knew he wouldn't.
Dom and Dave looked a lot alike of course they were twins but nevertheless... blonde with blue eyes. They were the same height too.
Legend grabbed a cup of coffee and sat. He held the cup and stared at the steam drifting from it. He just wanted to be alone, so he ignored the guys.
Dave liked Legend, they had talked for a minute before.
"Good morning, Legend. Been a long time, how are you? You look like shit." He smiled. His eyes moved to Legend's body and back up. Where did he get hickies? Their reporter got some last night.
Moses cleared his throat. "Nice, Dave. Can you guys just...give us a minute." He looked down.
Dom glared. "What in the fuck did you do?" He had a very accusing tone. Moses wasn't right this morning either.
Moses sighed. "Please."
Dave and Dom exchanged glances.
"It's just about tonight. Please." Moses glared back at Dom.
Dom nodded. "It better be." He crossed his arms. Moses was getting too careless these days. He couldn't let a reporter know. Would he? He had a sneaking suspicion that Moses was the one that left hickeys on the reporter's neck... but would Moses be that careless? Nah!
Moses just nodded. "I have a couple things to say and apologize for...just..." He sighed. "Go."
Dave nodded and pulled his brother from the room.
"I'm leaving in the morning." Legend stated. He sipped his coffee.
Moses stood there. "But you have a few more weeks!"
Legend shook his head. "I'm scraping the interview and the article. I already okayed it with the boss. I'm heading to New York, where I live. I have another band to interview and I have to set that up. I just got my plane tickets. Sorry that this was a failure and..."
"Are you still helping me out tonight?" Moses sighed.
"No. Sorry. I 'm packing and I think I may go surfing before I leave. There are supposed to be some good waves." Legend stood. He lied a little but he needed an excuse to say no. It would be the first no he said to Moses. He was always already packed.
"It was really nice meeting you, Moses and I hope you get things figured out. I loved hanging out yesterday. It was probably the best day I've had in a long time. Thanks for that." He cleared his throat. "I am sorry. I've never backed out of anything but..."
Moses sighed. "I get it. I'm so sorry for...everything. I pushed too hard. I really like you."
Legend nodded. He liked Moses. "Maybe in another life. I liked you too. I..." He turned and walked out.
He rushed to his room and cried. Again. He couldn't remember the last time he cried and he never cried over a woman. He would miss Moses badly and that made no sense.
Moses wiped his face and let his hands cover his face and his tears. He leaned on the counter and began to cry. He felt like Legend just took his heart from his chest. He began to sob.
Arms were touching him, wrapped around him. Two people were there. Dave and Dom. They hugged him and neither said a word. They didn't know what was happening either but they knew their brother was hurting.
It took Moses a while to get some control. He cleared his throat and wiped his face as he stood. His body was shaking.
"Moses?" Dave was worried.
"I don't want to talk about it." Moses sighed. "I'll be out by the pool." He walked out. He stopped. "Thanks, guys."
Dave smiled. "Of course. You're our brother."
Dom finished Dave's thought. "We're here, if you want to talk." Dave nodded.
Moses just nodded and walked to the pool. He found a chair and just laid down.
He heard a splash. Someone was in the pool and the sun was lower. He must have fallen asleep. He saw dark hair surface. His Legend. "Thought you were surfing?"
"Rip tide warning. So, I have to settle for this. I didn't see you there." Legend sighed. He wouldn't have been here.
"Or you would have stayed away." Moses asked or stated. He knew it was true.
Legend nodded. "Can we talk?"
Moses was off his chair and slid into the water. "Sure." Anything for Legend.
Legend smiled. It felt great being this close to Moses. "Uh, about last night...You didn't do anything I didn't want you to do. I just... I never... This isn't what I came to do! I wasn't looking into being gay! I came just to get interviews! This wasn't supposed to be life changing! It was just another job."
Moses nodded. "I'm sorry. I don't know what happened either. I missed talking to you today."
Legend sighed. "You don't do relationships! Hell, I don't either! Not with men! I'm not good with them when it's a woman. Moses, I work a lot and I travel. I...lose everyone. They walk out. All of them."
"And? You think I will?" Moses lifted an eyebrow. "Come to dinner and say goodbye to my parents. They like you. My dad told me to keep you."
"I'm not a keeper, Moses. My own mother...." Legend stopped. "I don't want to talk. I just want to relax. I really have to go but if you ever want a real interview, strictly work, we can revisit it. Okay? Maybe not a sleepover thing but an interview. Readers and fans would love that."
Moses nodded.
"Sweetie, are you in the pool?" Miriam was walking out. "Oh! Swimming?" She was expecting them to be having sex in the pool based on the kisses from yesterday. "You're not ready for dinner."
Moses wiped his face. "What time is it?"
"Dinner time?" Miriam smiled. "You boys okay?"
"Well, we will discuss that in a minute. Meet you in the dining room." Moses walked out of the pool and Legend followed.
Scott chuckled. "How are things, boys?" He had a weird look.
Moses looked around. "Fine?"
"I can see that." Scott motioned to Legend. That was when Moses saw them. Hickeys. He left marks on Legend's chest.
Legend stared. "What?"
"Look down, Sweetie." Miriam laughed.
Legend looked at his chest and saw them. Three hickeys. He put his hand over them. "Oh!"
Moses sighed. "Give us ten minutes!" He took Legend's hand and pulled him up the stairs. "Sorry about that."
"It's fine. Let's get through dinner." Legend sighed. He was going to miss Moses, who gave him three hickeys as they made out in the hallway. His mind couldn't even process that information.
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