Mom? Dad?
"Mom? Dad?" Moses stared at his parents who were making breakfast. The bacon smell was intoxicating.
Legend almost hid behind Moses like a child.
Moses almost backed up like he had done something wrong. "Good morning?"
Miriam smiled from the stove. "We heard about Derek and decided to make sure you were okay!" She turned and saw Legend. They were both in sweats. She just started laughing. "Good to see you again, Legend."
"Miriam, hello." He cleared his throat.
"I thought you guys broke up or fake broke up? What's this?" Scott stared. It was eight in the morning and they both walked down together, in sweatpants. Legend's hair was untamed. They just woke up.
Moses laughed. "We decided to fall in love instead! Is there coffee?" He sounded casual about it.
Scott laughed. "I may have had a stroke! Did you say in love?"
Miriam smiled. "I knew it and I told you! You owe me twenty dollars!" Scott actually pulled out his wallet and handed his wife twenty bucks.
"You bet on whether I was in love or not?" Moses glared at his parents then turned to Legend. "Coffee?" He asked Legend.
"Please." Legend sat as Moses moved to the cupboard for mugs.
Scott watched his son pour someone coffee. This was a first. Moses handed the mug to Legend. It was somehow intimate. It was very sweet. Legend sipped his as Moses sat beside him. "So, how was the sex?"
Legend turned red and Moses laughed. "Oh, Dad! It was the best! I am so in love with Legend, it's crazy!"
Legend was still red.
Scott laughed. "In love?" He saw it with the coffee. That was what that was, love. He saw it between them in something so simple as handing the other a cup of coffee. Love was simple, just like that. "Oh, thank all of the dead musicians! Finally!"
Moses glared. "Hey!"
Scott just smirked and Legend saw it. It was Moses' smirk. Man, they looked a lot alike.
"I'm so happy for you, Sweetheart!" Miriam smiled. "Legend, what do your parents say about this?"
Legend looked down. "I..uh...Not used to talking about me!"
Moses wrapped around him. "Mom, his parents aren't really there for him. So, they don't care." He kissed Legend's hair.
Legend sighed and looked up. "It's just the usual. They have better things to do and I'm an"
"Oh, sweetie! You have us! We care." Miriam smiled at Legend.
"She will love you enough for ten parents, Legend." Scott winked. "So, this is serious?"
Moses nodded. "Yes. I'm his boyfriend!" He looked at Legend. "I've never been a boyfriend."
"Me either!" Legend smiled.
"Right. He's not gay." Moses rolled his eyes.
Legend laughed and thought about last night. "I might be a little gay!" He chuckled.
Moses nibbled his ear. "You are a lot gay, Lover!" He kissed Legend and sighed. Legend's mouth melted onto Moses.
"Well, we lost them." Scott stood and helped make breakfast.
Scott finally got the boys to separate and they sat for food. They both ate three helpings. Miriam laughed. "Easy. You will get a stomach ache!"
Moses finally came up for air. "Sorry! We were starving."
"May I ask, how long was the sex?" Scott was blunt.
Moses smiled. "A record! Dad, Legend is amazing. I did things last night that I never did before and we made love! It was amazing!" He turned to Legend. "Sorry."
Legend nodded. "Sure. What did you do last night that you never did..." He stopped. "Oh!" Moses laughed. Legend remembered. Moses let him be the top. "You never?"
"No! I never trusted someone that much and they never stayed. Derek did stay. Once. That morning but we stayed up all night arguing. It wasn't romantic. Sorry to bring him up!" Moses didn't know what to do with Derek.
"If you weren't such a whore we wouldn't be dealing with him!" Legend teased.
Moses nodded.
Legend saw guilt there. "Babe, I was kidding. Shit! I didn't mean anything by that. That was in bad taste, I apologize!" Legend was in a panic.
It was way too soon to joke. Derek was still in the psych unit. He was a mess. It had been two days since he was awake and Legend made a joke. He was horrible.
"It's true." Moses had a lot of guilt when it came to Derek.
"No! It's not. Those were his choices, Love. Okay?" Legend touched Moses' face and looked into his pretty crystal blue eyes. "His choices. After he walked out, what he did was on him. Okay? He is where he needs to be to get help and he will be fine. Okay? Not your fault."
Miriam sighed. "Oh, Moses. You had better keep that man!" She loved Legend.
Scott nodded. "You fuck this up and you are out of the family and we keep Legend in the break up!"
Moses smiled and nodded. "I know. He's a good man." He turned to Legend. "I know what you said is true but there's still guilt."
"I get that." Legend sighed. "I feel bad too. I snagged you before the door closed!"
Moses just laughed. "True." He belonged to Legend as he turned and they locked eyes. It was the first time he laid eyes on Legend and he felt love for him. It was deep and binding. He put his hands on Legend's face. "Just so you know, you will never be rid of me."
Legend smiled. "Good." He leaned in and kissed Moses.
Scott chuckled. "Oh man, those two are useless!"
Miriam nodded. "I am planning a huge wedding!" She wiped a tear.
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