Little Bit Of Italy
Legend gave the men a small tour of his neighborhood. Moses was shocked that most people shouted to Legend and said hello. He smiled and waved back. Some asked where he was this time and some knew and asked how Spain was. They didn't have this in LA.
"People are nice here!" Dom smiled.
"They are. I've lived here most of my adult life, so I know a few of the people here." Legend smiled as they approached the restaurant he was looking for. "Oh! Who's hungry?"
All of the men were starving. They walked into a very Italian restaurant.
"Legend, Mio Figlio!" A woman, a very Italian woman waltzed out and kissed Legend's cheeks.
"How was Spain?" She hugged him tight while she talked to him. "I hope you feel better! You looked just awful the last time I saw you! You look well. Eating, I hope!" She glared accusingly at Legend.
"Sada! Good to see you. Things are much better, Grazie. I'm sorry for the last time I was here and thanks for the good food. I needed it."
"Sada, this is...friends of mine. Dave, Dom and Moses. This is my almost mother, Sada. She takes care of me." He finally felt her release him.
Sada smiled. "Like the son I never had!" She hugged him again. She shook the guys hands. "Good to meet you all. Maybe you can tell me who Legend fell in love with? I know it's not that terrible Valerie!" She shivered. "Terrible match!"
Legend blushed. "Easy. We're here because we are hungry."
Sada smiled like it was her birthday. "Legend never brings friends. He always comes here alone. I met that terrible Valerie on accident, I saw them walking on the street."
"Honestly, he never brings anyone around to see me..." She stopped and turned. She studied the men and looked at Legend. "Are you in love with them?" Three men?
Legend choked on nothing. Moses blushed and looked down. Sada smiled as she studied the men and saw Moses blush. "I see. You are in love with him. Moses? You are gay?" She looked at Legend.
Legend looked panicked. "Please! Don't be mad! I'm just trying to figure things out..."
"This was what had you so upset?" Sada pulled him close again. "Provera Bambino! I don't care about that! As long as you are happy!" She pushed him to arm's length and glared. "Are you happy?"
Legend couldn't stop the smile. "Miserable!"
Sada chuckled and Moses just laughed. "Good. Now, food."
She released Legend and rushed around and before Moses knew what was happening they were at a table with a ton of food. Authentic Italian and there was desert. This was amazing. Sada left the men to their meal.
"So, what about your parents?" Moses watched Legend stare at him as they finished dessert. "What? I know nothing about you!"
Legend nodded. Moses was right. They never talked.
Dom and Dave shared a look and both headed to the bathroom. They never returned. They knew their brother needed to get to know Legend without them.
"I know. I hate talking about them." He watched Dom and Dave leave the restaurant. "They just left?"
Moses laughed. "I'm killing them later!" He sighed. "So?"
Legend sighed heavily. "Uh, my dad is a businessman. I don't know him at all. He was never around...still isn't. I haven't really seen him since I was nine when they got divorced."
He saw Moses's face and knew he was going to ask. "So, I went to a boarding school...all boys. I was tutored when I was older and lived in my mom's house. My mother's a lawyer. Highly successful. They work long hours and I just wasn't a priority." He shrugged.
"Seriously?" Moses stared. "You grew up alone?"
Legend nodded. "Mostly. I mean at home, yes, I was alone. I had friends from school and I have Amy. She makes sure I'm okay and Sada always checks on me. And you want to know how we met?"
Moses nodded and smiled. "I like her!"
"She's amazing. So, she moved here with her husband when they were young. He died a year later. She got insurance and bought this place. She never remarried or had kids that I know of." Legend always respected her and figured he would live happily like her.
"I was new in town and walked around. I came in to ask directions. She sat me down and fed me." Legend smiled.
"This place is always packed but she always takes time to talk to me." Legend smiled and looked around. It was late afternoon and the place was filling up. Servers were working, this was a fast paced job.
Moses smiled. "She just took you in?"
Legend smiled. "Yes. She asked about my family. Italians are big on family. I became hers when I told her about my parents."
"So, your mom?" Moses loved listening to his man.
"I haven't seen or heard from my mother in...since I was fifteen, I think. At eighteen, I got a letter from a lawyer buddy of hers. It said I had a trust fund. I never touched it. I worked and went to college, free ride because I'm smart."
Moses nodded. "Right. So..."
"No guys?"
"No!" Legend glared at Moses. "I dated a lot. Girls. I was just never interested. I got into journalism by accident. I dated a girl and took a class for her. She wanted to see me more. I fell more in love with it than her. We broke up but Journalism and I have had a long affair!" Legend smiled.
"I see." Moses smiled. "You know about me, I guess."
Legend shrugged. "So. I want to hear you talk."
"Yes. I don't know what this is but I love your voice and your face. I missed you so much and I never miss anyone. Never. I barely noticed when a girl left me! But you..." Legend sighed and played with a noodle.
"What about me?" Moses smiled. "I want to hear you talk too!"
Legend sighed. "I thought I would die when I came back here. I was miserable. Really. I never understood why people were so mopy when they broke up until ...with you! And we weren't together!"
Moses agreed. "I know! I was in bad shape, Legend. I dreamed about you, I slept by the piano. Dom found me there. I couldn't think or stop crying. I love you!"
Legend laughed. "Fuck, I love you too. We have to get to know each other, Moses. Things like this don't happen to me! I spent a couple of weeks in Spain checking guys out...and they weren't you!"
"Good." Moses smirked at Legend. "I wasn't interested in any guys, just you. I feel like I'm infected with you! Like a bunch of little Legend cells are taking my body hostage!" He sighed. "I was in pre med before the music."
"Something I didn't know!" Legend smiled. "I'm glad you picked music."
"Me too." Moses was staring at Legend.
"You have the most beautiful blue eyes." Legend just said that to say it. "You look like your dad!"
"Thanks. You are just gorgeous." Moses stared at Legend as Legend stared back. "Great smile, phenomenal kisser! Your lips are made for kissing, Legend."
Legend blushed. "I love kissing you. No one ever kissed me like that. Or I never felt like that when I kissed anyone."
"Oh...Amy and I dated, well, we went on one date. There was no romance or anything. It was nothing, I just felt that I should tell you..." Legend trailed off.
Moses smiled. Legend looked so upset. "Legend. You dated your boss?"
"No! She wasn't my boss when we went out and it was one date. One! Not dated. No dated! She worked on the third floor at the time and like a year later she was my boss! She's sweet and never made it awkward and she's happily She wasn't married then!" Legend never had to explain himself before.
Moses just chuckled. "Whore."
Legend shook his head. "Fuck you!" They both laughed and talked while they ate and got very full.
They said goodbye to Sada and promised to return. They made it out of the restaurant after a thousand hugs from Sada and a promise to come back soon. She knew Legend would bring him back.
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