Family Only
A/N: Warning: This is a chapter that deals with Suicide.
Legend moaned and stretched as he woke up. Jetlag was kicking in because Legend didn't feel rested. He was still so tired. Moses was wrapped around him as the door opened and Dom was there. "Moses!"
Moses moaned. "Not yet!"
"No! It's Derek! We have to go. He's in the hospital. They are saying he tried to kill himself. We have to go!" Dom was shaking.
Moses was up. "Okay. We're coming. Tell them." He was dressed in a blink of an eye. Legend was awake, sort of and dressed. "Legend, I want you to come. Please."
Legend just nodded. He followed the guys with his already packed bag. They got a commercial flight and no one talked. Legend reached over and took Moses's hand in his. "It's okay. He's gonna be okay." He rubbed his thumb over Moses's hand.
Moses just nodded. "Thanks for being here."
"It's what boyfriends do." Legend shrugged. "It's also what friends do, Moses."
Moses smiled a small smile. "Thanks."
He was impatient on the plane but Legend's presence was helpful and kept him calm. He could feel the guilt weighing him down.
He did this to Derek. He caused the suicide attempt. How could he be so mean and cruel? What did he do?
They got a ride to the hospital and got to the trauma wing. Derek was hooked up to IVs and wires. Machines were beeping and dripping. He was sleeping as they sat.
A nurse walked up. "You must be his brothers?" The woman winked. She glanced at a sign on the door.
Family Only.
Moses nodded. "Yes. thanks. How is he?"
"Well, I will go get the doctor. Hold on." She rushed off.
A woman came back. Dr. Holms. "Hello. I'm Dr. Holms. I have been monitoring Derek since he got here. Right now, he's sleeping due to the medication we gave him. We had to detox his system. He was highly intoxicated, had taken a bottle of antidepressants and tried to cut his wrists." She waited.
Legend was shocked. Moses was in tears. "Did he say why?" He had done this!
"No. Sorry. I plan on moving him to a private room in a couple of hours. If you want to come back." Dr. Holms smiled a sad smile.
Moses wiped tears. "This was my fault! I treat people like shit!" He turned to Legend and Legend just held him.
Legend held his man. "Let's go and come back in a while. Okay? Take a break?"
Moses shook his head. "I'm staying. You guys go, eat, shower. Legend, take my bag to my house. Please."
"Okay." Legend hugged Moses. "Okay. I'll see you in a little bit. Okay?"
Moses nodded. He sat in a chair beside the bed as the three men left.
Legend wasn't sure he should come back. Moses and Derek had things to discuss. Legend got to Moses's house and showered. He changed to clean clothes and started a load of laundry for Moses and folded some that finished and he put them away. His phone rang.
"Yes." Legend answered.
"Hey. It's me." Moses sighed. "He's awake and I need you to come here. Dave and Dom are coming. Okay?"
"I'm there." Legend hung up. He took Moses's car and drove to the hospital with the help of his phone.
He walked in and found the room that Derek was in but he waited outside in the hall. He wasn't sure he should be there. He inhaled as a nurse walked up. Damn.
"Oh, you can go on in." The nurse smiled.
Legend wanted to strangle her. "Thanks." He inhaled and walked in. He stood by the wall feeling like he shouldn't be there. Derek looked bad but he was awake.
"Guys, I am so sorry!" Derek was a mess. "I know this was so stupid!" He was in tears.
"You should have just talked to us, Derek!" Dave reassured him.
"I wanted to but Moses...I didn't feel that I could talk to you guys! I never figured you would be here either!" Derek was really hurt.
"Man, I'm a douche!" Moses admitted out loud to Derek. "You shouldn't try to hurt yourself, Derek! I'm nothing to get that excited about!" He smiled trying to lighten the mood. "We're here for you. Okay?" Moses sighed.
Derek wiped tears. "Really?"
Moses hated that Derek looked sick, pale and too thin. Normally, he was dashingly handsome with a nice muscular build but not right now. He was not himself and Moses had a lot of guilt.
"Yes but we're not together. That hasn't changed. Only if you can handle that." Moses hated even talking about relationship stuff right now but he had to be clear.
He couldn't tell Derek he was in love with Legend and he knew he wasn't in love with Derek. He wasn't trying to be harsh and now wasn't the time.
"I can try. Look, I'm sorry I pushed so hard. I don't know why I even did that. This wasn't so much that we're not together. I just...lost everything. My job that I love, my guys, I had a big fight with my dad. I came out to him and it was bad. I knew we wouldn't last, Moses!"
Derek covered his face. "All for some stupid mistake! I never figured you would want to see me again after how I acted." He dropped his hands. "I'm so sorry!" Derek saw Legend. "Is that the reporter dude?"
Legend gave a small wave.
"That is Legend. Yes, He's going to revisit writing our article." Moses nodded but looked at the floor. This wasn't the time.
Derek nodded. "Good." He gasped. "Am I...please don't put this in the article!"
"No!" Legend shook his head. "I'm only writing things that you guys approve of. Okay? You get the last draft and all."
"Why are you here?" Derek stared.
Legend didn't know what to say. "They asked me to come. I can go."
Moses stood. "No!" He needed Legend. He stood and walked to Legend as Legend stood straighter.
"Moses. I think I should. Look, I started your laundry and should switch it anyway. Oh, I borrowed your car." Legend smiled a small smile at his man.
"Thanks for that and you are welcome to anything I have." Moses smiled at the loaded statement.
Legend blushed as they forgot where they were.
Derek saw it. "Are you guys together?" He glared. Moses was standing in Legend's personal space and Legend was leaned into Moses. They were almost holding hands and looking into each other's eyes.
"No!" Legend lied this time. "Sorry. I'm heading out. Derek, I'm glad you're okay." He rushed from the room. He shouldn't be there right now. They needed time and space. Moses had things to work through with Derek and Derek was very fragile right now.
Suicide is talked about and dealt with throughout the rest of this book, if that's a problem for someone, don't read this book. I never mean to hurt someone or trigger them.
I hope everyone is enjoying this story and please vote and comment. Thanks for reading!
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