Accepting That Challenge In LA
Legend enjoyed the flight and the limo ride. Damn it, he loved Limos! He watched out the window.
California. Nice.
He was ready for some beach time too. He loved to surf. He had picked it up somewhere in Mexico, years ago.
The limo stopped at a very modest... mansion. It was just three stories of stone. It was small for a mansion and Legend was interested in that. It wasn't very showy. Maybe they just rented this place? It was possible. He would ask that question too.
He was led to the front doors and walked inside as the butler took over. "Sir, I'll show you to your room." He walked up some stairs. He was in the first hall on the first floor which was still up a flight of stairs.
Convenient and considerate.
Maybe this guy wasn't so bad? It wasn't the first time he stayed at a singer's house. He did this a lot. It made it easier to get a proper interview. A day in the life of... kind of interview.
"Will you let Mr. Hardy know I'm here and I want a word?" Legend asked the butler. "Uh, what's your name?"
"Guy. Hello." Guy smiled. He was in his mid forties and very quiet.
No English accent which Legend was sad about. For some reason, all butlers should have that accent but Guy didn't have an accent.
"Guy. Hello. I'm Legend. Can you let him know I'm..." Legend began but was interrupted.
"He knows and will see you when he is ready." Guy smiled. "Don't hold your breath, Sir." He turned and walked off.
"What in the fuck does that mean?" Legend sighed. He didn't ever unpacked. He lived out of his suitcase everywhere.
He called his boss and informed her that he was getting settled and the welcoming that he got. Amy laughed. Legend would have to work for this interview. He sighed.
He walked around the mansion and got used to it. He found the sound room and probably where they recorded. He ate dinner alone. He never saw anyone.
It was silent in this house. He walked past a room with a piano in it. Just a piano. A baby grand. Legend smiled and looked around. No one was here. No one would care.
Legend sat at the gorgeous piano and touched the white keys. He cooed at it. He touched middle C and pushed it. The sound was pure and in tune. He started with a Bach piece and switched to Beethoven. His music always sounded a little sad.
Then Legend switched to a song that he wrote in high school, it was untitled and unknown but he knew it by heart. It was a little jazzy. That was enough for one night and he went to his room, amazed that he didn't get lost.
Legend spent the next day at the beach since it appeared that the guys in the band weren't home. He wanted some surf time.
He caught some good waves and met a few full time surfers. It was a very good day for surfing and a bad day for interviews. He had a feeling that wasn't happening. He had done these a lot and if one member didn't want the interview, they usually didn't happen. He sensed that this one was a waste of time but... surfing.
Legend walked into the kitchen on day five...he hadn't seen a band member yet, Dave was making a sandwich. He smiled. "Legend, right?"
Legend nodded. "Dave. Right?"
"Very good! How are you doing?" Dave added mayo and took a bite.
"Uh, fine. Not getting anywhere with interviews but...I went surfing earlier in the week, makes me wish I lived here!" Legend smiled.
"Yes. The surfing is great. Look, Moses isn't thrilled that you're here. Dom and I are thrilled. It's an honor to be on the cover. Will we be on the cover?" Dave smiled, hopefully.
"It's what I wanted but...I have to get interviews for the article. No article, no cover." Legend shrugged. He gathered the meat to make a sandwich. "I'm not out to hurt people."
"I know. Moses is very private." Dave smiled. "I'll try to talk to him." He walked away with his sandwich. Legend finished making his and went to the pool to eat. It was a very pretty be alone again. Still.
His jobs were pretty normal. Usually by day five he was part of the group. They would laugh, have fun, maybe party and get drunk and bond. He wanted people to feel comfortable so he could interview them and he would write about his time with them, on a personal level so that fans could get a feel of what these people were really like.
He still hadn't seen anyone on day five. He was ready to call it.
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