Secrets Come to Light
There was no time to get over the fact that Blue kept this secret from him. Not when he was being tugged by his brother's kid. "COME ON! YOU CAN HAVE DINNER WITH US AND DAD AND ME CAN EXPLAIN EVERYTHING TO YOU BOTH!!!" Dust turned to look at Sprinkle, quickly shaking his head. If Sprinkle saw it, though, he didn't care. Fury reached out to take Stretch's free hand. "mom didn't tell you, huh? can't exactly say i blame him, given how you were murdering my dad with your eyelights." Stretch looked to his youngest, trying to sputter out excuses, but Fury waved them off. "don't. don't worry, i don't really care. i don't like my dad either. he's an asshole." Stretch looked at Fury in slight surprise as he was dragged off. "what about your mom?" Stretch asked. "i don't remember him very well, but sprinkle does. they keep saying that blueberror is our mom now... i don't wanna believe it." He didn't want it to be. "yeah..." Stretch replied as he looked back at his brother and Dust. "change can be pretty hard, kiddo." He admitted. "yeah... no kidding." Fury replied as they brought Stretch home.
Dust rubbed Blueberror's cheeks. "your bro is pretty pissed... you didn't want him to know about... us." He mumbled to his glitchy husband. Blueberror gave him a confused look. ("Why Not?") "W-Wh-y No-ot?" He asked. Dust tried to think about how to explain it in one go. "well... our teams were enemies. i used to... do bad things for a living. but then we met, and you believed i could do better. we had 'goodness lessons' every day until we fell in love, and i really did believe i could be better..." Blueberror leaned into Dust, wrapping an arm around him as to follow the boys. ("Did They Work? Why Didn't We Tell Stretch About The Lessons?") "D-id Th-ey Wo-ork? W-hy D-Di-idn-t W-e Te-ll Str-ret-tch A-Abo-out Th-e Le-sso-ns?" Dust grumbled, trying to find the words to explain. "we didn't think he'd understand... and frankly, i didn't want him to know. he already hated me, i didn't wanna give him another reason to. and yes, i broke away from my boss and made a better life for myself... and our sons. just the way you always dreamed of... but..." Blueberror frowned. ("I Disappeared...") "I-I Dis-sap-pear-ed..."
They all gathered at the kitchen table. Fury sat near Stretch and Sprinkle, while the other side was occupied by Blueberror, leaving Dust to sit near Stretch. Blueberror offered to trade, but Dust shook his head. "it's fine... sprinkle likes sitting next to you, i can't take that away from him..." Blueberror nodded in understanding, taking Sprinkle's hand in his before turning to his brother. ("I Believe I've Been Caught Up On What Is Happening. Dust And I... Are In A Forbidden Relationship?") "I Be-eli-ive I-ve B-ee-n Ca-Cau-ght U-Up O-On Wh-Wha-t I-s Ha-app-en-ing. Du-ust A-And-d I... A-Are I-n A For-rbid-den Relat-tion-ship?" Stretch nodded. "more or less- he's a killer, blue. he could turn on you, your kids - did he tell you he killed his own brother? you would all would be better off far away -"
"no? blue, i don't think you're hearing me-" Stretch tried, but Blueberror took Dust's hand too. ("He Changed... For Me. I Can't Leave Him. He Is My Bunny.") "H-e Ch-ang-ed... F-For Me. I-I Can-an-t Le-ave Hi-m. H-e Is M-My Bun-nny." Dust blushed so hard, sockets wide as he stared at Blueberror. That had... always been Blue's nickname for him. Dust kissed Blueberror's hand. "all yours, smiles..."
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