Good Morning
Sprinkle woke up to his little brother hugging him close. As much as Sprinkle loved and appreciated attention from Fury, this wasn't like him at all. He was a lot more willing to eat a whole jar of ghost peppers than to risk looking like a scared little kid sleeping with his brother. So what could have happened last night after he went to bed? Sprinkle supposed it was his turn to find out. He pried Fury's hands from him and tucked him in. Before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast... only he wasn't the only one out there. And it wasn't his dad, either. He looked like Error, with the black bones and glitched errors around his body, but his vibe didn't match. He didn't feel hostile or standoffish like Error. He didn't have intent to kill. Rather, Sprinkle sensed curiosity and determination. A friendly aire of warmness unlike any he felt before, and yet... it was familiar. "Mom..?" Sprinkle asked hesitantly, and yet the being perked and turned to look at him, a happy smile on his face as he spotted Sprinkle. ("WELL GOOD MORNING!") "W-E-EL-L GO-OOD MOR-OR-ORN-ING!" He chirped enthusiastically.
Blueberror didn't know his name, but he recognized this child as his oldest. Unlike Fury, he seemed a lot more open to Blueberror. Thus, he decided to give an introduction a shot, first turning off the stove so as not to burn the hash. ("I Am Not Quite Your Mother... Well, I Used To Be, But As You Can See, I Was Changed. I Am Blueberror Now.") "I A-Am No-ot Q-Qu-ite Yo-ur Mo-th-er... W-ell, I Us-ed To B-e, Bu-t-ut As Y-You Ca-an S-e-e, I-I W-as Cha-nge-d. I A-m Blu-eber-ror No-ow." He started to explain as he reached down to reassure the child. ("I May Not Remember Much From My Old Life, But I Remember You And Your Nrother... I Remember How Much You Meant To Me And I'm Sorry I Wasn't Here For You-") "I M-May-y N-ot Rem-ember Mu-ch F-ro-m My Ol-d L-ife, I Re-m-emb-er Yo-u An-d Y-o-ur Br-oth-er... I Re-mem-ber H-ow Mu-ch Y-You-u Me-ant To M-e A-An-d I-m Sor-ry I Wa-sn-t He-re F-or Yo-u-" Blueberror was cut off as Sprinkle slammed into him. It caught Blueberror off guard, but he was quick to hug back. He seemed to have made some progress with his oldest, at least. ("Please... Remind Me Of Your Name..?") "Pl-ea-eas-e... Rem-in-ind Me O-Of You-r Na-ame..?" Sprinkle didn't seem to be offended. "Sprinkle... you had named me Sprinkle..." He happily reminded Blueberror.
Dust went into the kitchen to find Blueberror and Sprinkle, talking and getting along. They were cooking together in a way that Dust had always wished he could see. If Blueberror couldn't quite remember something, Sprinkle was happy to remind him. There were sausages in a pan with eggs and hash on plates lined on the counter. Dust didn't blame Blueberror for not wanting to sleep with him last night. This was all still so new to him, and he wanted to connect with his offspring first, it seemed. That was fine, though. Dust could wait for his lovers attention, maybe. "look at you, getting along... breakfast looks great!" The two turned to smile at at Dust. ("THANK YOU!") "TH-A-AN-K Y-OU!" Blueberror smiled wide and proud, and if he'd still been Blueberry, he and Sprinkle would have been spitting images of each other. "I hope you enjoy it, dad!" Sprinkle commented as he added the sausages to the plates, and he and Blueberror took them to the table. Dust went over to help. "i'm sure i will." Dust reassured. Everything felt normal again, at least for now.
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