After Effect
Blueberror whimpered as his consciousness was restored. He didn't try to move. His limbs hurt. Everything ached deeply, and he was confused as to why. Where was he? Everything was so fuzzy. "you up?" That voice. Who is that? Blueberror tried to sit up, whining in pain as it increased. "don't do that! you'll worry, sprinkle more!" The voice demanded, and Blueberror let himself fall back into position to hurt less. "he'll be back soon with something for you to drink... so just... stay." Blueberror tried to find a person to the voice and ended up making eye contact with a young hooded skeleton with his bandana drawn up his face... he was familiar. Those eyelights... they reminded him of someone. Someone important... ("Thank You...") "Th-Tha-an-k Y-0u..." Blueberror rasped as he tried to relax. The child gave Blueberror a strange look but seemed to brush it off. "whatever..." The boy seemed at a loss for words. It seemed to Blueberror that he was no worse off than himself then. Everything felt so hazy to him, the last few days a mess in his glitched mind. He was pretty sure he'd found someone important, though...
"I BROUGHT HOT CHOCOLATE!" The second child was no better off than the first. He was trying to put on a brave face, but he seemed more stressed and uncomfortable than the one who'd been talking to him. Was this the Sprinkle the first boy had been talking about? ("Sounds Good...") "$-0u-nd$ 9-00-d..." Sprinkle gasped softly and crossed the room, setting the cup beside him while he checked on Blueberror. "You're Awake! How Are You Feeling? Need Me To Get Dad?" Blueberror felt him softly touch his shoulder, which felt nice... the pain seemed to fade a little, and Blueberror sighed in relief. ("Hurts Less... Did I Crash?") "H-ur-+s L€-ss... Di-id I Cr-r@sh..?" Sprinkle nodded and offered the coco to him, holding I for him just in case. Blueberror hummed as he drank the liquid comfort, feeling his pain further dull, the remaining glitches starting to settle to their normal. "I'll Be Right Back, Ok?" Sprinkle stood up and started for the front door. ("Thank You, Sprinkle. It's Really Good...") "Th-Than-nk Y-ou, Spr-ink-kle. It-s Re-all-y G-oo-d..." Sprinkle smiled and went out to get his dad and uncle. "... you seemed confused. when you woke up."
"that's cause he is." Stretch replied as he came in with Dust and Sprinkle. "whenever error crashes, he has issues with his memory. no doubt blueberror is doing any better right now." Blueberror blinked in confusion. ("You Know Error..?") "Y-ou Kn-o-ow E-rr-or..?" Blueberror asked, rubbing his skull in confusion. Dust nodded as he sat beside Blueberror. "yeah... i used to work with him. i'm, uh-"
("Dust... Right?") "Du-ust... Ri-gh-t?" Blueberror looked over at him. ("My Husband... Father To My Boys... I Think....") "My Hus-ba-and... Fa-ath-er To M-y B-oy-s... I Th-in-k...." Dust's smile widened. "yeah... that's exactly it... did sprinkle and fury help you remember that?" Blueberror nodded. ("Such Sweet Kids... You Did An Amazing Job With Them...") "Su-ch Sw-eet Ki-ids... Y-ou D-id An Am-az-ing J-ob Wi-ith The-m..." Dust was careful, rubbing Blueberror's cheek- he didn't want him to crash again. Blueberror leaned into the touch. "hey, bro... wanna go home? get some rest? we can talk about what to do with the kids when your feeling a bit better?" Blueberror shook his head. ("They Need Their Parents...") "Th-ey N-eed Thei-r Par-ent-s..." Dust sighed. "like your bro said... we can all discuss it later. let's get you to bed first, yeah?" Blueberror nodded in agreement, letting Dust help him up.
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